Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Bill Clinton is a rapist, Hillary knows about it, and attacks publicly the women who accuse him of rape. For people like this to attack Trump on anything he says in a lockerroom around other men is laughable in the extreme.
I doubt you have ever been in a locker room or wore a jock strap
if you dont believe guys talk like this then i suspect you never have either....
I suspect he never has.

H.L. Mencken said the following about women.

"If a woman says she won't, it's a good sign that she will. And if she say she will, it's an even better sign."
Maybe with some more Evangelicals and some more women....all the men around here that support him are saying donald is "the man" and just doing and talking the way men talk when their wives are not around.... :rolleyes:
and in many cases you would be right....
Conservatives love sexual deviants. Every single one of them is a hypocritical scumbag. They're defending sexual assault while lecturing about "family values." They're defending adultery while whining about having to bake cakes for gay couples. They are absolute scum.
When did this "sexual assault" we're defending occur? On the other hand, Slick Will committed sexual assault multiple times, and Hillary covered it up for him.
54 pages and 5 or 6 threads. Y'all keep this up and the whole political process and any respect for elections will be gone before November.

It's all in flames -- while O-care goes bust and the world disintegrates.
I'm afraid that respect disappeared when the Republicans nominated Trump. Republicans had a good chance of winning. It was their turn to take the White House. Hillary, as we all know had lots of baggage with her 45 years in politics. All Republicans had to do was nominate someone who was respected, had the experience, and was stable. There are at least a dozen Republicans that could beat Hillary, but no you had to pick someone who had no control of their mouth or their temper who was sure to offend half the voters by November.

So you're blaming Repubs for not presenting a reasonable ballot choice? Interesting. I blame BOTH parties for stoking the fear and loathing. And for disrespecting the importance of Presidential elections. Diggin up old Miss Universes to be used as worthless pawns to start fights and sitting back watching her get creamed for her past history. That's just sick. As is this "issue".

When everyone of the party animals starts voting out of fear because the parties end up with SERIOUSLY flawed candidates -- we're looking at very short future to put BOTH parties out of the "dynasty building" business. Or we are seriously doomed.

Hillary is the one who is dragging this election down into the gutter. Her campaign does nothing but spew mud by the truckload, and then her apologists cry like babies when the opposition returns fire. What a gang of colossal hypocrites.

That's the cross-blaming that's taking this country apart. Bit by bit. They did it first -- or They did it worse is the excuse that PARDONS THE BEHAVIOR. Don't you partisans see that? That's why there's NOTHING you can do that is held accountable anymore. And that's why thread is going 10pages/hour.

Because the name-brand parties WANT YOU to ignore the serious flaws in both candidates...
Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!

Funny. Yeah, he sort of apologized by saying he's heard Bill Clinton say worse on the golf course. If there's no tape - it ain't true. But, but, but Bill...
Yeah, ole Bill the rapist wouldn't say anything worse about women. Lol, what universe you live in?
What was it Bill said?

Virgin, I hate to tell you, but Bill is not running for President and your boy in now officially TOAST. Take a drink and go to bed. It will help you sleep.....cause the game is over.
Trump apologized, but until he commits suicide, that won't be enough for the distracted from importance, Leftists!
Well, he sort of apologized. However, he had to justify his actions by saying Bill Clinton would say worse things.

Sorry, Donald that won't do it. Bill's not running for president. He's not the one that's going to be talking to mothers and daughters while his words about groping a girl's pussy is in their head.
You voted for him twice, douche bag.
54 pages and 5 or 6 threads. Y'all keep this up and the whole political process and any respect for elections will be gone before November.

It's all in flames -- while O-care goes bust and the world disintegrates.
I'm afraid that respect disappeared when the Republicans nominated Trump. Republicans had a good chance of winning. It was their turn to take the White House. Hillary, as we all know had lots of baggage with her 45 years in politics. All Republicans had to do was nominate someone who was respected, had the experience, and was stable. There are at least a dozen Republicans that could beat Hillary, but no you had to pick someone who had no control of their mouth or their temper who was sure to offend half the voters by November.

So you're blaming Repubs for not presenting a reasonable ballot choice? Interesting. I blame BOTH parties for stoking the fear and loathing. And for disrespecting the importance of Presidential elections. Diggin up old Miss Universes to be used as worthless pawns to start fights and sitting back watching her get creamed for her past history. That's just sick. As is this "issue".

When everyone of the party animals starts voting out of fear because the parties end up with SERIOUSLY flawed candidates -- we're looking at very short future to put BOTH parties out of the "dynasty building" business. Or we are seriously doomed.

Hillary is the one who is dragging this election down into the gutter. Her campaign does nothing but spew mud by the truckload, and then her apologists cry like babies when the opposition returns fire. What a gang of colossal hypocrites.

That's the cross-blaming that's taking this country apart. Bit by bit. They did it first -- or They did it worse is the excuse that PARDONS THE BEHAVIOR. Don't you partisans see that? That's why there's NOTHING you can do that is held accountable anymore. And that's why thread is going 10pages/hour.

Because the name-brand parties WANT YOU to ignore the serious flaws in both candidates...
The Dims excused all this when Slick was president. Blaming Trump for it is the ultimate hypocrisy.
54 pages and 5 or 6 threads. Y'all keep this up and the whole political process and any respect for elections will be gone before November.

It's all in flames -- while O-care goes bust and the world disintegrates.
I'm afraid that respect disappeared when the Republicans nominated Trump. Republicans had a good chance of winning. It was their turn to take the White House. Hillary, as we all know had lots of baggage with her 45 years in politics. All Republicans had to do was nominate someone who was respected, had the experience, and was stable. There are at least a dozen Republicans that could beat Hillary, but no you had to pick someone who had no control of their mouth or their temper who was sure to offend half the voters by November.

So you're blaming Repubs for not presenting a reasonable ballot choice? Interesting. I blame BOTH parties for stoking the fear and loathing. And for disrespecting the importance of Presidential elections. Diggin up old Miss Universes to be used as worthless pawns to start fights and sitting back watching her get creamed for her past history. That's just sick. As is this "issue".

When everyone of the party animals starts voting out of fear because the parties end up with SERIOUSLY flawed candidates -- we're looking at very short future to put BOTH parties out of the "dynasty building" business. Or we are seriously doomed.

We now know that the DemocRAT primary was a fixed deal, even having DWS resign is disgrace once caught with those emails...BUT the Republican party members VOTED TRUMP, and they could have voted any of those 16 people over him. Apparently the members are sick and tired of the same old shit, and even though there were people there with more experience and time running the government, the dissatisfaction with those running was, and the fact that Trump was a TRUE OUTSIDER was enough to get him the win. Because many don't care for his REAL attitude, and lack of political and social suave, they weren't enough to dissuade others to not vote for him. The many FLAWS of Trump, his remarks, and his attitude, are simply not enough to make people vote for a confirmed liar, felon, and corrupt public figure, that is UNDENIABLE!
The level of GOP morals, it always boils down to "But, but, but they did it".

Republicans spent enough time dragging the Clinton family through the mud. Vilifying them again and again. And then, when Republicans are caught doing or saying something ten times worse, their answer is ALWAYS, "but, but, but they did it".

Well, I got news for you. Bill Clinton did not hang out at pageants and kiss 18 year olds on the lips or grab women like bowling balls. And the endless speculation and all you really have is a single BEE JAI from a 24 year old woman who said she instigated it compared to a man who went after married women in front of her husband and said he could grab women by the p#$$y because he was rich and famous, and apparently did.

No wonder uneducated white men LUV Trump. He does what they dream of doing. Living by the five "F's". Find her, feed her, feel her up, fuck her and forget her. Trump is beloved by these men, the fundagelicals, the moral right wingers, and the Alt Right.

Not only do they want America to follow Trump examples, they want Trump as a role model for their children. That's just who they are.
they can always use you as a role model can show them how to make fun of fat people....
Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
The tape obtained by the Post includes audio of Bush and Trump’s conversation inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap opera set.

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Wow, is all I will say!

boys will be boys

And we really don't want a boy for President.
54 pages and 5 or 6 threads. Y'all keep this up and the whole political process and any respect for elections will be gone before November.

It's all in flames -- while O-care goes bust and the world disintegrates.
I'm afraid that respect disappeared when the Republicans nominated Trump. Republicans had a good chance of winning. It was their turn to take the White House. Hillary, as we all know had lots of baggage with her 45 years in politics. All Republicans had to do was nominate someone who was respected, had the experience, and was stable. There are at least a dozen Republicans that could beat Hillary, but no you had to pick someone who had no control of their mouth or their temper who was sure to offend half the voters by November.

So you're blaming Repubs for not presenting a reasonable ballot choice? Interesting. I blame BOTH parties for stoking the fear and loathing. And for disrespecting the importance of Presidential elections. Diggin up old Miss Universes to be used as worthless pawns to start fights and sitting back watching her get creamed for her past history. That's just sick. As is this "issue".

When everyone of the party animals starts voting out of fear because the parties end up with SERIOUSLY flawed candidates -- we're looking at very short future to put BOTH parties out of the "dynasty building" business. Or we are seriously doomed.

Hillary is the one who is dragging this election down into the gutter. Her campaign does nothing but spew mud by the truckload, and then her apologists cry like babies when the opposition returns fire. What a gang of colossal hypocrites.

That's the cross-blaming that's taking this country apart. Bit by bit. They did it first -- or They did it worse is the excuse that PARDONS THE BEHAVIOR. Don't you partisans see that? That's why there's NOTHING you can do that is held accountable anymore. And that's why thread is going 10pages/hour.

Because the name-brand parties WANT YOU to ignore the serious flaws in both candidates...

After this year, anyone that runs will have lead an extremely boring life, or so obviously power hungry.......,

We'd do better to just throw a dart at a page from a random phone book and have a better leader.
Yet puritanical is precisely the tone of the Trump haters on the left. (We Trump haters on the right are another story.) But why? Consider Trump himself. Here's a man who's famous for his wide-ranging sex life, his disdain for conventional marriage, his eager embrace of divorce, his public use of profanity, his non-judgmental attitude toward unconventional sexual minorities—a man whose way of life seems unrestrained by religious impulses of any kind—a man who, in short, is a walking summation of our present-day cultural principles. Yet on each of these scores, from his many marriages to his cursing in public, he is vilified by journalists, politicos, TV starlets, right thinkers of every kind. After years of egging on potty-mouthed rappers and scolding religious believers, our cultural guardians suddenly sound like the General Conference of Methodist Bishops circa 1922. Sniffing At Trump
54 pages and 5 or 6 threads. Y'all keep this up and the whole political process and any respect for elections will be gone before November.

It's all in flames -- while O-care goes bust and the world disintegrates.

Anyone who has respect for elections is terminally gullible. This kind of shit has been standard operating procedure for Democrats for decades. Just look how Obama became a Senator. He got a judge to make his opponent's divorce records public. Sleaze is what Democrats specialize in. They can't win on issues, so this is their principle weapon.
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.

I just posted this and its a 3 min video. How about you actually watch BEFORE you defend it?
All I needed to see was "grab em by the pussy". If that's what the big deal is about, grow the fuck up.

How many previous presidential candidates have allowed themselves to be audio taped saying things like this? Don't give me some bullshit answer just give me names.

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