Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

..............Projected Number Trump Electoral Votes __70__

Projected Number of Women assaulted by Trump __270__
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Statute of limitations my ass. They don't need jail for revenge, the just embarrassed him in front of the world and ruined his chance at the presidency... charmas a bitch
. I hope Trump sue's everyone of them, and if President I hope that he also goes after Anderson Cooper for trying to set him up like that. Asking about something is one thing, and then to move on, but trying to set someone up like Anderson did because he knew he had these women waiting in the wings ready to pounce for the Demon-crats is another. It is as disgusting as it gets. The Syrian refugee's aren't vetted as bad as Trump an American citizen is, so where is this nations priorities???? The only priority this nation has now, is to overthrow it's own while the libs turn this nation into the weakest most ridiculous hell hole of a nation in the civilized world.
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. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Statute of limitations my ass. They don't need jail for revenge, the just embarrassed him in front of the world and ruined his chance at the presidency... charmas a bitch
. The liberals have used this card to much, and it will backfire on them... Libs don't care about this nation, all they care about are themselves, and this has been proven over and over again.
Yeah those selfish liberals willing to pay more in taxes to help their community and fight for equal opportunity and rights for those who have the odds stacked against them. Those bastards!
. Like Trump said, he as well as millions don't like the way the taxes are being spent, and he is 1,000% right on that note, because much of that needs to be changed also.
No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Statute of limitations my ass. They don't need jail for revenge, the just embarrassed him in front of the world and ruined his chance at the presidency... charmas a bitch
. I hope Trump sue's everyone of them, and if President I hope that he also goes after Anderson Cooper for trying to set him up like that. Asking about something is one thing, and then to move on, but trying to set someone up like Anderson did because he knew he had these women in the waiting wings ready to pounce for the Demon-crats is as disgusting as it gets. The Syrian refugee's aren't vetted as bad as Trump an American citizen is, so where is this nations priorities???? The only priority this nation has now, is to overthrow it's own while the libs turn this nation into the weakest most ridiculous nation in the world.
Dude Trump is a joke, I don't know how you can't see that... without his money and team of lawyers he's got nothing. He's done
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Statute of limitations my ass. They don't need jail for revenge, the just embarrassed him in front of the world and ruined his chance at the presidency... charmas a bitch
. The liberals have used this card to much, and it will backfire on them... Libs don't care about this nation, all they care about are themselves, and this has been proven over and over again.
Yeah those selfish liberals willing to pay more in taxes to help their community and fight for equal opportunity and rights for those who have the odds stacked against them. Those bastards!
. Like Trump said, he as well as millions don't like the way the taxes are being spent, and he is 1,000% right on that note, because much of that needs to be changed also.
I agree with that, would love to see tax reform.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Statute of limitations my ass. They don't need jail for revenge, the just embarrassed him in front of the world and ruined his chance at the presidency... charmas a bitch
. I hope Trump sue's everyone of them, and if President I hope that he also goes after Anderson Cooper for trying to set him up like that. Asking about something is one thing, and then to move on, but trying to set someone up like Anderson did because he knew he had these women in the waiting wings ready to pounce for the Demon-crats is as disgusting as it gets. The Syrian refugee's aren't vetted as bad as Trump an American citizen is, so where is this nations priorities???? The only priority this nation has now, is to overthrow it's own while the libs turn this nation into the weakest most ridiculous nation in the world.
Dude Trump is a joke, I don't know how you can't see that... without his money and team of lawyers he's got nothing. He's done
. The Demon-crats are a bigger joke, and they are hypocrites from hell, but the establishment wins because of corrupt power & politics. The people lose, and they will find out in their everyday lives as they know them, so welcome to hell all you crazies.
Not necessarily a video, but some kind of evidence
and his enabler Hillary.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Statute of limitations my ass. They don't need jail for revenge, the just embarrassed him in front of the world and ruined his chance at the presidency... charmas a bitch
. I hope Trump sue's everyone of them, and if President I hope that he also goes after Anderson Cooper for trying to set him up like that. Asking about something is one thing, and then to move on, but trying to set someone up like Anderson did because he knew he had these women in the waiting wings ready to pounce for the Demon-crats is as disgusting as it gets. The Syrian refugee's aren't vetted as bad as Trump an American citizen is, so where is this nations priorities???? The only priority this nation has now, is to overthrow it's own while the libs turn this nation into the weakest most ridiculous nation in the world.
Dude Trump is a joke, I don't know how you can't see that... without his money and team of lawyers he's got nothing. He's done
. The Demon-crats are a bigger joke, and they are hypocrites from hell, but the establishment wins because of corrupt power & politics. The people lose, and they will find out in their everyday lives as they know them, so welcome to hell all you crazies.
Haha, scorched earth huh? Yawn
The liberal women are fakes, because they are willing to give slick Willie power over his victims again, as if these women haven't been abused enough as it is. The war on women is being conducted by the Demon-crats, but the demons stand up there and try to accuse the conservatives of waging a war on women ?? Wow.
Transgendered girls eh ?? You mean boy's who turned themselves into what they think is a girl, and then going into the girls restroom even though mentally their still boy's ? What the adults are doing to these children today, are far worse than this nation could ever imagine a Donald Trump could ever do. Trump is a saint compared to a liberal.

You think kids that young "choose' to be girls? Here's the thing, we really don't understand what causes transgenderism. I'm reasonably sure that there isn't a straight boy out there whose going to put on a dress on day so he can watch the girls pee.
The liberal women are fakes, because they are willing to give slick Willie power over his victims again, as if these women haven't been abused enough as it is. The war on women is being conducted by the Demon-crats, but the demons stand up there and try to accuse the conservatives of waging a war on women ?? Wow.

Uh, dude, Bill Clinton is 70 years old with a heart condition. I'm really not worried he's going to be chasing interns like he did 20 years ago.
Transgendered girls eh ?? You mean boy's who turned themselves into what they think is a girl, and then going into the girls restroom even though mentally their still boy's ? What the adults are doing to these children today, are far worse than this nation could ever imagine a Donald Trump could ever do. Trump is a saint compared to a liberal.

You think kids that young "choose' to be girls? Here's the thing, we really don't understand what causes transgenderism. I'm reasonably sure that there isn't a straight boy out there whose going to put on a dress on day so he can watch the girls pee.
. Kids how young ?? I don't recall anyone saying what age, but I will say this... The same as what Kappernick pulled on the NFL, otherwise by using it's huge fan base for political reasons that turned the stomachs of millions when he done it, the gay's are doing the same thing with the talent shows like America's Got Talent, The Voice, etc. The one me and the wife saw on AGT stood up there and said he realized he was gay @ 7 years old.... We thought to ourselves Bull crap he did... What kid is thinking about being gay or straight as pertaining to sex at 7 years old ??? None.. He was pushing an agenda, and he was using the platform he had gained to do it.
The liberal women are fakes, because they are willing to give slick Willie power over his victims again, as if these women haven't been abused enough as it is. The war on women is being conducted by the Demon-crats, but the demons stand up there and try to accuse the conservatives of waging a war on women ?? Wow.

Uh, dude, Bill Clinton is 70 years old with a heart condition. I'm really not worried he's going to be chasing interns like he did 20 years ago.
. You didn't know my grandfather then... Wasn't interns, but gals over 70 look out.
. Kids how young ?? I don't recall anyone saying what age, but I will say this... The same as what Kappernick pulled on the NFL, otherwise by using it's huge fan base for political reasons that turned the stomachs of millions when he done it, the gay's are doing the same thing with the talent shows like America's Got Talent, The Voice, etc. The one me and the wife saw on AGT stood up there and said he realized he was gay @ 7 years old.... We thought to ourselves Bull crap he did... What kid is thinking about being gay or straight as pertaining to sex at 7 years old ???

A liberal. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
. I hope Trump sue's everyone of them, and if President I hope that he also goes after Anderson Cooper for trying to set him up like that. Asking about something is one thing, and then to move on, but trying to set someone up like Anderson did because he knew he had these women waiting in the wings ready to pounce for the Demon-crats is another. It is as disgusting as it gets.

I couldn't agree more.

The reason we have women like this is because of the practices by men just paying them off to go away. We've seen it all over, from sports figures to entertainers, to politicians, to anybody famous that would bring more harm to themselves fighting these scammers than just giving them what they want.

If there were more people like Trump willing to make their lives a living hell, then this nonsense would stop.

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