Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Yeah he read a half ass apology off a TelePrompTer then when asked if he ever acted on what he said in the tape by cooper at the debate he said no, after trying to dodge the question twice.

No, he issued an apology right after it hit the airwaves. Pay attention.
Yes, he issued an apology and had he shut up or tried to connect with the audience by expressing just how badly he felt about it, we would probably be discussing the wikileak emails now instead of his attacks on these women. But no, he had to make excuses, it was locker room talk. Then he tried to excuse the whole incident by dragging out 25 year old accusations about Bill Clinton's sex life. This was really bad political judgement by Trump because it kept the story in the headlines and was an invitation for women to step forward. It made it impossible for him to move on so now two weeks after the tape, Trump is still trying to defend himself by attacking these women which is hurting him.

Trump had a decision, fight or move on and he chose to fight which delights his base but will cost him the election. I believe Trump's bad judgement is far more an issue than his sexual molestation and foul mouth. To Trump, winning the fight is far more important than winning the war and that is not the kind of leadership this country needs.
Yeah he read a half ass apology off a TelePrompTer then when asked if he ever acted on what he said in the tape by cooper at the debate he said no, after trying to dodge the question twice.

No, he issued an apology right after it hit the airwaves. Pay attention.
Yes, he issued an apology and had he shut up or tried to connect with the audience by expressing just how badly he felt about it, we would probably be discussing the wikileak emails now instead of his attacks on these women. But no, he had to make excuses, it was locker room talk. Then he tried to excuse the whole incident by dragging out 25 year old accusations about Bill Clinton's sex life. This was really bad political judgement by Trump because it kept the story in the headlines and was an invitation for women to step forward. It made it impossible for him to move on so now two weeks after the tape, Trump is still trying to defend himself by attacking these women which is hurting him.

Trump had a decision, fight or move on and he chose to fight which delights his base but will cost him the election. I believe Trump's bad judgement is far more an issue than his sexual molestation and foul mouth. To Trump, winning the fight is far more important than winning the war and that is not the kind of leadership this country needs.

Obviously you don't understand who is running this election. It's called the MSM.

Do you really think they were going to let this go no matter what Trump did? It's one of the first things they brought up at the last debate. Again, he apologized and wanted to move on, but the moderators made sure they held on to the subject as long as they could.

Hillary is in no position to judge anybody given her marriage and history. If she would have dropped it, Trump would have dropped it. But every time Trump responds to an attack, you on the left blame Trump instead of the attacker.
What would I have wanted Trump to do? That's easy, give a sincere apology and take ownership, say he was an entertainer and a playboy that has said and done things that he isn't proud of in the past but he is focused now on making America great again, this is how... show some class, act like a grown up, display an ability to be an aspirational leader.

Not give a pouty have ass apology that basically diverted blame to Bill Clinton, the. Parade bills accusers out at the debate, then lie about his past actions, then focus the entire following week on attacking the women that accused him.

He has no discipline and an inability to follow a strategy that surly would have won him the White House. We are all dodging a bullet because who knows what kind of damage a reactionary egomaniac could do if given The keys to the whitehouse

Don't worry about Trump, at least he has common sense. You better worry about putting that witch in the White House. The woman imagines she gets shot at while leaving airplanes. She has regular conversations with dead people. She thinks she was named after somebody nobody knew about until after she was born. The woman said "I don't know" 39 times to the FBI. She doesn't understand that "C" means classified. That's who you better worry about.
Yeah he read a half ass apology off a TelePrompTer then when asked if he ever acted on what he said in the tape by cooper at the debate he said no, after trying to dodge the question twice.

No, he issued an apology right after it hit the airwaves. Pay attention.
Yes, he issued an apology and had he shut up or tried to connect with the audience by expressing just how badly he felt about it, we would probably be discussing the wikileak emails now instead of his attacks on these women. But no, he had to make excuses, it was locker room talk. Then he tried to excuse the whole incident by dragging out 25 year old accusations about Bill Clinton's sex life. This was really bad political judgement by Trump because it kept the story in the headlines and was an invitation for women to step forward. It made it impossible for him to move on so now two weeks after the tape, Trump is still trying to defend himself by attacking these women which is hurting him.

Trump had a decision, fight or move on and he chose to fight which delights his base but will cost him the election. I believe Trump's bad judgement is far more an issue than his sexual molestation and foul mouth. To Trump, winning the fight is far more important than winning the war and that is not the kind of leadership this country needs.

Obviously you don't understand who is running this election. It's called the MSM.

Do you really think they were going to let this go no matter what Trump did? It's one of the first things they brought up at the last debate. Again, he apologized and wanted to move on, but the moderators made sure they held on to the subject as long as they could.

Hillary is in no position to judge anybody given her marriage and history. If she would have dropped it, Trump would have dropped it. But every time Trump responds to an attack, you on the left blame Trump instead of the attacker.
Stop with the excuses... nobody is running the election. Each campaign runs their side of things, the media does what the media does, and the people decide who to vote for. Guaranteed if the GOP put up a respectible nominee that had class, character and the political discipline to stick to ther message, that person would be coasting to the finish line, and Clinton would be getting chewed up. But we got Dipshit Trump so is it really a big surprise how this thing is playing out?
Obviously you don't understand who is running this election. It's called the MSM.

Do you really think they were going to let this go no matter what Trump did? It's one of the first things they brought up at the last debate. Again, he apologized and wanted to move on, but the moderators made sure they held on to the subject as long as they could.

Hillary is in no position to judge anybody given her marriage and history. If she would have dropped it, Trump would have dropped it. But every time Trump responds to an attack, you on the left blame Trump instead of the attacker.

Wait a minute, Hillary being cheated on by her spouse in mostly consensual relationships (you said in another thread that you didn't find Clinton's accusers credible) somehow excuses Trump's groping of women?

Look, quit blaming the media for the grotesque freak show that is Donald Trump. You guys had a dozen perfectly qualified, fully vetted candidates you could have picked from, and you picked this guy despite the history of misogyny and racism.
So WTF did you want him to do, put out a video of him on the ground crying for forgiveness? You liberals really love when people put on an act for you.
What would I have wanted Trump to do? That's easy, give a sincere apology and take ownership, say he was an entertainer and a playboy that has said and done things that he isn't proud of in the past but he is focused now on making America great again, this is how... show some class, act like a grown up, display an ability to be an aspirational leader.

Not give a pouty have ass apology that basically diverted blame to Bill Clinton, the. Parade bills accusers out at the debate, then lie about his past actions, then focus the entire following week on attacking the women that accused him.

He has no discipline and an inability to follow a strategy that surly would have won him the White House. We are all dodging a bullet because who knows what kind of damage a reactionary egomaniac could do if given The keys to the whitehouse
. Listen, Trump did exactly what you wanted and gave a sincere apology, but that wasn't good enough for that no good piece of dirt bag Anderson Cooper . He kept stirring the pot, and forced Trump to stay on the issue, and then Clinton piled on in hopes to take him down with it, until Trump took all three of them on after becoming frustrated at the attempt by them to railroad him. They figured the situation was so volital outside of the debate or the lead up to it, that they were just going to try and deflect everything Clinton is in trouble for with it.
Stop whining... it was a totally legit question about one of the biggest headlines of the election. Trump fumbled the ball and started an avalanch that ended up killing his chances, he loses, you lose, take it like a man and stop the crying
. You wish we would stop talking, but as long as liberals are around, then there will be plenty to talk about, be amazed about, be shocked about, and be horrified about.
There are plenty of conservatives that know how to work together to support the cause. Challenge ideas in a productive way while adding to the conversation. Then there are partisans like you that bitch, whine, and focus in discrediting and distorting your opposition. In other words, you are the peanut gallery and all you do is make noise that slow progress of the grown ups. I'm hoping our futuer holds a depleated peanut gallery and more unified operators
. Unified operators eh??? Sounds ominous enough to me, but what do I know I'm just a deplorable peanut & dam proud of it. This nation is so terrified of having a CEO in charge again, where as he would be one who listens, and if it makes sense for America, then he gives it an approval. If a Christian falls under attack, he will be there for them, but also recognizing what is legit, and what is the Westboro Baptist church crowd. He will stop this country from falling under attack by those here & abroad who want to kill us. He will restore government to it's rightful place, while getting it out of our pockets so bad. He has great support by those who will work with him, and not against him once he is elected. Right now the Dems have successfully scared them off. I think he will run things in a way that suits most Americans, and also for the ones with doubt. He ran his companies, and you never heard much about them, and the country would like to be the same as that again, where as you don't hear much about us, because we would be all living the dream again.
Obviously you don't understand who is running this election. It's called the MSM.

Do you really think they were going to let this go no matter what Trump did? It's one of the first things they brought up at the last debate. Again, he apologized and wanted to move on, but the moderators made sure they held on to the subject as long as they could.

Hillary is in no position to judge anybody given her marriage and history. If she would have dropped it, Trump would have dropped it. But every time Trump responds to an attack, you on the left blame Trump instead of the attacker.

Wait a minute, Hillary being cheated on by her spouse in mostly consensual relationships (you said in another thread that you didn't find Clinton's accusers credible) somehow excuses Trump's groping of women?

Look, quit blaming the media for the grotesque freak show that is Donald Trump. You guys had a dozen perfectly qualified, fully vetted candidates you could have picked from, and you picked this guy despite the history of misogyny and racism.
. We picked this guy because he has common sense, and he is the one who talks safety for America while terrorist were killing Americans left and right... The other candidates punted on the safety issue, while Trump threw touch downs every time he got the ball handed to him.
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Yeah he read a half ass apology off a TelePrompTer then when asked if he ever acted on what he said in the tape by cooper at the debate he said no, after trying to dodge the question twice.

No, he issued an apology right after it hit the airwaves. Pay attention.
Yes, he issued an apology and had he shut up or tried to connect with the audience by expressing just how badly he felt about it, we would probably be discussing the wikileak emails now instead of his attacks on these women. But no, he had to make excuses, it was locker room talk. Then he tried to excuse the whole incident by dragging out 25 year old accusations about Bill Clinton's sex life. This was really bad political judgement by Trump because it kept the story in the headlines and was an invitation for women to step forward. It made it impossible for him to move on so now two weeks after the tape, Trump is still trying to defend himself by attacking these women which is hurting him.

Trump had a decision, fight or move on and he chose to fight which delights his base but will cost him the election. I believe Trump's bad judgement is far more an issue than his sexual molestation and foul mouth. To Trump, winning the fight is far more important than winning the war and that is not the kind of leadership this country needs.
. Good grief... If your opponent set you up like he was, then of course your going to fight... You think he should have just distracted somehow and moved on ?? There was no way he could have done that, because it would have been a danged if you do and danged if you don't scenario. Anything he could say or move he would make was gonna be seen as another gotcha moment for those who figure that Trump would ultimately put an end to their bull crap in this nation finally.
What would I have wanted Trump to do? That's easy, give a sincere apology and take ownership, say he was an entertainer and a playboy that has said and done things that he isn't proud of in the past but he is focused now on making America great again, this is how... show some class, act like a grown up, display an ability to be an aspirational leader.

Not give a pouty have ass apology that basically diverted blame to Bill Clinton, the. Parade bills accusers out at the debate, then lie about his past actions, then focus the entire following week on attacking the women that accused him.

He has no discipline and an inability to follow a strategy that surly would have won him the White House. We are all dodging a bullet because who knows what kind of damage a reactionary egomaniac could do if given The keys to the whitehouse
. Listen, Trump did exactly what you wanted and gave a sincere apology, but that wasn't good enough for that no good piece of dirt bag Anderson Cooper . He kept stirring the pot, and forced Trump to stay on the issue, and then Clinton piled on in hopes to take him down with it, until Trump took all three of them on after becoming frustrated at the attempt by them to railroad him. They figured the situation was so volital outside of the debate or the lead up to it, that they were just going to try and deflect everything Clinton is in trouble for with it.
Stop whining... it was a totally legit question about one of the biggest headlines of the election. Trump fumbled the ball and started an avalanch that ended up killing his chances, he loses, you lose, take it like a man and stop the crying
. You wish we would stop talking, but as long as liberals are around, then there will be plenty to talk about, be amazed about, be shocked about, and be horrified about.
There are plenty of conservatives that know how to work together to support the cause. Challenge ideas in a productive way while adding to the conversation. Then there are partisans like you that bitch, whine, and focus in discrediting and distorting your opposition. In other words, you are the peanut gallery and all you do is make noise that slow progress of the grown ups. I'm hoping our futuer holds a depleated peanut gallery and more unified operators
. Unified operators eh??? Sounds ominous enough to me, but what do I know I'm just a deplorable peanut & dam proud of it. This nation is so terrified of having a CEO in charge again, where as he would be one who listens, and if it makes sense for America, then he gives it an approval. If a Christian falls under attack, he will be there for them, but also recognizing what is legit, and what is the Westboro Baptist church crowd. He will stop this country from falling under attack by those here & abroad who want to kill us. He will restore government to it's rightful place, while getting it out of our pockets so bad. He has great support by those who will work with him, and not against him once he is elected. Right now the Dems have successfully scared them off. I think he will run things in a way that suits most Americans, and also for the ones with doubt. He ran his companies, and you never heard much about them, and the country would like to be the same as that again, where as you don't hear much about us, because we would be all living the dream again.
I think you are correct I'm convept of what America wants but Trump does not fit the bill for the picture you are painting. His is a complete joke so we unfortunately have to settle for a so so option.
Obviously you don't understand who is running this election. It's called the MSM.

Do you really think they were going to let this go no matter what Trump did? It's one of the first things they brought up at the last debate. Again, he apologized and wanted to move on, but the moderators made sure they held on to the subject as long as they could.

Hillary is in no position to judge anybody given her marriage and history. If she would have dropped it, Trump would have dropped it. But every time Trump responds to an attack, you on the left blame Trump instead of the attacker.

Wait a minute, Hillary being cheated on by her spouse in mostly consensual relationships (you said in another thread that you didn't find Clinton's accusers credible) somehow excuses Trump's groping of women?

Look, quit blaming the media for the grotesque freak show that is Donald Trump. You guys had a dozen perfectly qualified, fully vetted candidates you could have picked from, and you picked this guy despite the history of misogyny and racism.
. We picked this guy because he has common sense, and he is the one who talks safety for America while terrorist were killing Americans left and right... The other candidates punted on the safety issue, while Trump threw touch downs every time he got the ball handed to him.
Trump has fumbled over and over again and has proven unable to shift to a gear that convinces people that he knows what he is talking about. He is all headlines but has no in depth knowledge about anything, even his own plans.
Obviously you don't understand who is running this election. It's called the MSM.

Do you really think they were going to let this go no matter what Trump did? It's one of the first things they brought up at the last debate. Again, he apologized and wanted to move on, but the moderators made sure they held on to the subject as long as they could.

Hillary is in no position to judge anybody given her marriage and history. If she would have dropped it, Trump would have dropped it. But every time Trump responds to an attack, you on the left blame Trump instead of the attacker.

Wait a minute, Hillary being cheated on by her spouse in mostly consensual relationships (you said in another thread that you didn't find Clinton's accusers credible) somehow excuses Trump's groping of women?

Look, quit blaming the media for the grotesque freak show that is Donald Trump. You guys had a dozen perfectly qualified, fully vetted candidates you could have picked from, and you picked this guy despite the history of misogyny and racism.
. We picked this guy because he has common sense, and he is the one who talks safety for America while terrorist were killing Americans left and right... The other candidates punted on the safety issue, while Trump threw touch downs every time he got the ball handed to him.
Trump has fumbled over and over again and has proven unable to shift to a gear that convinces people that he knows what he is talking about. He is all headlines but has no in depth knowledge about anything, even his own plans.
. A CEO of major corporations don't know what he's doing eh ??? The only thing he might be fumbling on, is trying to give a crap for the nation that he grew up in, and had made him a great life over the years.
All Trump has to do is get right to telling Americans what he is going to do for them, and how he is going to bring back American economic power & military power once again. Tell the Americans that he will fight for them to have security, safety, jobs that will come back, but in the form of modern day jobs, and teens will want to learn again, get a summer job, go to a trade school, get married, have children who can depend on them again, clean up the streets, help the poor with a hand up instead of a hand out, bring back safety in the communities, get Rudy Juliani to be on board with that, secure the borders with a wall consisting of not only barriers where needed, but job entry enforcement, stopping the illegal draw of immigrants that have no vetting, and somehow end up in this nation without our knowledge of, stop the exploitation of people for greed purposes, and then somehow they end up being subsidized with our tax dollars, bring back many traditions that every American really loved and were united by. On and on it could all go, and it could be talked about where we all could think of a million things that could make this nation great again. "Empowering Americans Again" should be the new slogan.
Obviously you don't understand who is running this election. It's called the MSM.

Do you really think they were going to let this go no matter what Trump did? It's one of the first things they brought up at the last debate. Again, he apologized and wanted to move on, but the moderators made sure they held on to the subject as long as they could.

Hillary is in no position to judge anybody given her marriage and history. If she would have dropped it, Trump would have dropped it. But every time Trump responds to an attack, you on the left blame Trump instead of the attacker.

Wait a minute, Hillary being cheated on by her spouse in mostly consensual relationships (you said in another thread that you didn't find Clinton's accusers credible) somehow excuses Trump's groping of women?

Look, quit blaming the media for the grotesque freak show that is Donald Trump. You guys had a dozen perfectly qualified, fully vetted candidates you could have picked from, and you picked this guy despite the history of misogyny and racism.
. We picked this guy because he has common sense, and he is the one who talks safety for America while terrorist were killing Americans left and right... The other candidates punted on the safety issue, while Trump threw touch downs every time he got the ball handed to him.
Trump has fumbled over and over again and has proven unable to shift to a gear that convinces people that he knows what he is talking about. He is all headlines but has no in depth knowledge about anything, even his own plans.
. A CEO of major corporations don't know what he's doing eh ??? The only thing he might be fumbling on, is trying to give a crap for the nation that he grew up in, and had made him a great life over the years.
Yes he has no fucking clue what he is doing In This election, he is way over his head and it is very obvious.
Wait a minute, Hillary being cheated on by her spouse in mostly consensual relationships (you said in another thread that you didn't find Clinton's accusers credible) somehow excuses Trump's groping of women?

Look, quit blaming the media for the grotesque freak show that is Donald Trump. You guys had a dozen perfectly qualified, fully vetted candidates you could have picked from, and you picked this guy despite the history of misogyny and racism.

Monica is different than the others because there was empirical evidence of Clinton screwing around with that child. He finally had to admit it himself.

Yes I do blame the media. They are so focused on Trump and these liars that they are not reporting on anything but that. Donald also understands that they are pushing for Hil-Liar to win the election. They don't bring up Benghazi, they never mentioned the phrase "basket of deplorables" they didn't say anything about Hilary's comment of people in their basements, the emails, nothing. When was the last time you heard the MSM comment about anything negative Clinton said??????

So I don't know how anybody can say the MSM isn't in the hole for Hillary.
All Trump has to do is get right to telling Americans what he is going to do for them, and how he is going to bring back American economic power & military power once again. Tell the Americans that he will fight for them to have security, safety, jobs that will come back, but in the form of modern day jobs, and teens will want to learn again, get a summer job, go to a trade school, get married, have children who can depend on them again, clean up the streets, help the poor with a hand up instead of a hand out, bring back safety in the communities, get Rudy Juliani to be on board with that, secure the borders with a wall consisting of not only barriers where needed, but job entry enforcement, stopping the illegal draw of immigrants that have no vetting, and somehow end up in this nation without our knowledge of, stop the exploitation of people for greed purposes, and then somehow they end up being subsidized with our tax dollars, bring back many traditions that every American really loved and were united by. On and on it could all go, and it could be talked about where we all could think of a million things that could make this nation great again. "Empowering Americans Again" should be the new slogan.
Trump is done. Period. All he is doing now is blaming everybody for rigging the game so he can start Trump News Corp following the election. I'll give him one thing... he is going to make millions/billions off this disasterous run. Makes me think it was his intentions all along
Wait a minute, Hillary being cheated on by her spouse in mostly consensual relationships (you said in another thread that you didn't find Clinton's accusers credible) somehow excuses Trump's groping of women?

Look, quit blaming the media for the grotesque freak show that is Donald Trump. You guys had a dozen perfectly qualified, fully vetted candidates you could have picked from, and you picked this guy despite the history of misogyny and racism.

Monica is different than the others because there was empirical evidence of Clinton screwing around with that child. He finally had to admit it himself.

Yes I do blame the media. They are so focused on Trump and these liars that they are not reporting on anything but that. Donald also understands that they are pushing for Hil-Liar to win the election. They don't bring up Benghazi, they never mentioned the phrase "basket of deplorables" they didn't say anything about Hilary's comment of people in their basements, the emails, nothing. When was the last time you heard the MSM comment about anything negative Clinton said??????

So I don't know how anybody can say the MSM isn't in the hole for Hillary.
Are you high, They've talk about all of those things... the people have heard... there is nothing new so they moved on... that's how it works
Are you high, They've talk about all of those things... the people have heard... there is nothing new so they moved on... that's how it works

Oh yes, that is correct, they move on, and they do so very quickly. This trump comment came out how long ago????
Are you high, They've talk about all of those things... the people have heard... there is nothing new so they moved on... that's how it works

Oh yes, that is correct, they move on, and they do so very quickly. This trump comment came out how long ago????
I Haven't heard the video in a week. All I've heard is accuser after accuser coming out and then Coverage of Trump on camera in his rally's choking in his own foot... then the commentators laughing at him with the rest of America. Trump the Chump
Are you high, They've talk about all of those things... the people have heard... there is nothing new so they moved on... that's how it works

Oh yes, that is correct, they move on, and they do so very quickly. This trump comment came out how long ago????
I Haven't heard the video in a week. All I've heard is accuser after accuser coming out and then Coverage of Trump on camera in his rally's choking in his own foot... then the commentators laughing at him with the rest of America. Trump the Chump
. Again Trump is different because he can't be bought. The nation is so scared of real great change that as long as it is an establishment corrupt candidate, then they feel comfortable with it because that seems so normal now. But when the terrorist killing Americans continues, then they act as if they are surprised or shocked... Give me a break.
I Haven't heard the video in a week. All I've heard is accuser after accuser coming out and then Coverage of Trump on camera in his rally's choking in his own foot... then the commentators laughing at him with the rest of America. Trump the Chump

Yes, they do have that timed pretty good to keep the story alive, don't they?
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