Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Speak Truth to Trump

Enthusiasm for a candidate like Trump gives our neighbors ample reason to doubt that we believe Jesus is Lord.
They see that some of us are so self-interested, and so self-protective, that we will ally ourselves with someone who violates all that is sacred to us—in hope, almost certainly a vain hope given his mendacity and record of betrayal, that his rule will save us.

The US political system has never been free of idolatry, and politics always requires compromise. Our country is flawed, but it is also resilient. And God is not only just, but also merciful, as he judges the nations. In these closing weeks before the election, all American Christians should repent, fast, and pray—no matter how we vote. And we should hold on to hope—not in a candidate, but in our Lord Jesus. We do not serve idols. We serve the living God. Even now he is ready to have mercy, on us and on all who are afraid. May his name be hallowed, his kingdom come, and his will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Andy Crouch is executive editor of Christianity Today.
Speak Truth to Trump
We picked this guy because he has common sense, and he is the one who talks safety for America while terrorist were killing Americans left and right... The other candidates punted on the safety issue, while Trump threw touch downs every time he got the ball handed to him.

You mean he appealed to your racism and fear? That's not a good commentary on you, bud.
Monica is different than the others because there was empirical evidence of Clinton screwing around with that child. He finally had to admit it himself.

Except she wasn't a child. She was a 23 year old woman.

Yes I do blame the media. They are so focused on Trump and these liars that they are not reporting on anything but that. Donald also understands that they are pushing for Hil-Liar to win the election. They don't bring up Benghazi, they never mentioned the phrase "basket of deplorables" they didn't say anything about Hilary's comment of people in their basements, the emails, nothing. When was the last time you heard the MSM comment about anything negative Clinton said??????

They had stories about Wikileaks today. It's just nothing in Wikileaks really compares to "Grab her pussy".
Are you high, They've talk about all of those things... the people have heard... there is nothing new so they moved on... that's how it works

Oh yes, that is correct, they move on, and they do so very quickly. This trump comment came out how long ago????
I Haven't heard the video in a week. All I've heard is accuser after accuser coming out and then Coverage of Trump on camera in his rally's choking in his own foot... then the commentators laughing at him with the rest of America. Trump the Chump
. Again Trump is different because he can't be bought. The nation is so scared of real great change that as long as it is an establishment corrupt candidate, then they feel comfortable with it because that seems so normal now. But when the terrorist killing Americans continues, then they act as if they are surprised or shocked... Give me a break.
What makes you think that he can't be bought? Money and wealth seems to be the defining characteristic of his life and identity. Also what makes you think he really cares about the poor and middle class. The best compliment that he gives them is the fact that he hires them to work for him
I Haven't heard the video in a week. All I've heard is accuser after accuser coming out and then Coverage of Trump on camera in his rally's choking in his own foot... then the commentators laughing at him with the rest of America. Trump the Chump

Yes, the do have that timed pretty good to keep the story alive, don't they?
Yes they do, and it's working like a charm, just because there is strategy behind it doesn't make it untrue
Yeah he read a half ass apology off a TelePrompTer then when asked if he ever acted on what he said in the tape by cooper at the debate he said no, after trying to dodge the question twice.

No, he issued an apology right after it hit the airwaves. Pay attention.
Yes, he issued an apology and had he shut up or tried to connect with the audience by expressing just how badly he felt about it, we would probably be discussing the wikileak emails now instead of his attacks on these women. But no, he had to make excuses, it was locker room talk. Then he tried to excuse the whole incident by dragging out 25 year old accusations about Bill Clinton's sex life. This was really bad political judgement by Trump because it kept the story in the headlines and was an invitation for women to step forward. It made it impossible for him to move on so now two weeks after the tape, Trump is still trying to defend himself by attacking these women which is hurting him.

Trump had a decision, fight or move on and he chose to fight which delights his base but will cost him the election. I believe Trump's bad judgement is far more an issue than his sexual molestation and foul mouth. To Trump, winning the fight is far more important than winning the war and that is not the kind of leadership this country needs.

Obviously you don't understand who is running this election. It's called the MSM.

Do you really think they were going to let this go no matter what Trump did? It's one of the first things they brought up at the last debate. Again, he apologized and wanted to move on, but the moderators made sure they held on to the subject as long as they could.

Hillary is in no position to judge anybody given her marriage and history. If she would have dropped it, Trump would have dropped it. But every time Trump responds to an attack, you on the left blame Trump instead of the attacker.

The media will let it go when Trump stops feeding them. Trump should be taking a lessons from Hillary. She has had practically nothing to say in defense of her use of a private email server or destroyed emails since the general election campaign started. So there is nothing new, just Trump and supporters repeating the same allegations over and over.

Trump should not have tried to defend what he said on the tape regardless of attacks from Hillary or anyone else. All he had to do is apologize without excuses and justification. When these women started laying accusations on him he should have apologizes if he did it and even if he didn't he should say he was sorry. This get's old really fast with the media.

What Trump does not understand is elections are about winning votes, not fights. His mishandling of the lewd tape comments and women that stepped forward has now got him lousing in every battleground state. He is doing exactly what Hillary wanted him to do, fight back. He was played like a fiddle.
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The media will let it go when Trump stops feeding them. Trump should be taking a lessons from Hillary. She has had practically nothing to say in defense of her use of a private email server or destroyed emails since the general election campaign started. So there is nothing new, just Trump and supporters repeated the same allegations over and over.

Trump should not have tried to defend what he said on the tape regardless of attacks from Hillary or anyone else. All he had to do is apologize without excuses and justification. When these women started laying accusations on him he should have apologizes if he did it and even if he didn't he should say he was sorry. This get's old really fast with the media.

What Trump does not understand is elections are about winning votes, not fights.

By winning votes, you mean surrender, give up, patronize, admit wrongdoing regardless of the situation? Would that be a person you want as your President?

One of the things I like about Trump is he punches back. Regardless of the presidential outcome, I hope he sues each and every one of these women. I hope he is able to track down the maker of that tape and hold he or she liable. I hope he makes their lives a living hell for the next couple of years. Unlike the big-eared clown we have in the White House today, Trump won't put up with too much BS.

The MSM is feeding this story slowly by introducing new so-called victims as time goes along to keep this story alive. Like I said, they are not going to forget about it like they've done with the multiple transgressions of Hillary Clinton. For her, the faster they bury what she's said and done, the better for their candidate--and yes, Hillary is their candidate.
What makes you think that he can't be bought? Money and wealth seems to be the defining characteristic of his life and identity. Also what makes you think he really cares about the poor and middle class. The best compliment that he gives them is the fact that he hires them to work for him

What makes you think Hillary does?
What makes you think that he can't be bought? Money and wealth seems to be the defining characteristic of his life and identity. Also what makes you think he really cares about the poor and middle class. The best compliment that he gives them is the fact that he hires them to work for him

What makes you think Hillary does?
Her resume and past actions and the fact she dedicated her entire adult life to public service

The media will let it go when Trump stops feeding them. Trump should be taking a lessons from Hillary. She has had practically nothing to say in defense of her use of a private email server or destroyed emails since the general election campaign started. So there is nothing new, just Trump and supporters repeated the same allegations over and over.

Trump should not have tried to defend what he said on the tape regardless of attacks from Hillary or anyone else. All he had to do is apologize without excuses and justification. When these women started laying accusations on him he should have apologizes if he did it and even if he didn't he should say he was sorry. This get's old really fast with the media.

What Trump does not understand is elections are about winning votes, not fights.

By winning votes, you mean surrender, give up, patronize, admit wrongdoing regardless of the situation? Would that be a person you want as your President?

One of the things I like about Trump is he punches back. Regardless of the presidential outcome, I hope he sues each and every one of these women. I hope he is able to track down the maker of that tape and hold he or she liable. I hope he makes their lives a living hell for the next couple of years. Unlike the big-eared clown we have in the White House today, Trump won't put up with too much BS.

The MSM is feeding this story slowly by introducing new so-called victims as time goes along to keep this story alive. Like I said, they are not going to forget about it like they've done with the multiple transgressions of Hillary Clinton. For her, the faster they bury what she's said and done, the better for their candidate--and yes, Hillary is their candidate.
Of course you like the fact that Trump punches back, you're a Trump supporters. There is a time to fight back and there's time to move on. You don't double down on a losing hand and there is no way Trump could win after his lewd comments hit the airways. He should have backed away, ask for forgiveness, played on all the sympathy he could get from the audience and just maybe this would have blown over by election day. His attack, attack, attack strategy has lost 5% more of the women's vote and he's even lost votes among Republican women. As I said, there is a time to attack and time to back away. Knowing when is vital to a candidate and even more so to the president.
Her resume and past actions and the fact she dedicated her entire adult life to public service

Yeah, so did Nixon.

Do you really want to discuss her resume, past actions and public service???

Allow me to inform you of something: Democrats only care about Democrats and power.

Do you really think that Commie Care was designed for the care of people, or to create more government dependents?

Do you really think that DumBama doubling the food stamp role was for the care of people, or creating more government dependents?

Do you really believe that passing the cost of college to the wealthy is to care about the poor and middle-class, or to create more government dependents?

What you fail to realize is that both parties want to expand their tent. The two largest for the Democrat party are government dependents and victims. The more government dependents and victims they create, the more likely Democrat voters. If we in our society could eliminate government dependents and victims, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books, and they understand this quite well. It's unfortunate that you don't.
Her resume and past actions and the fact she dedicated her entire adult life to public service

Yeah, so did Nixon.

Do you really want to discuss her resume, past actions and public service???

Allow me to inform you of something: Democrats only care about Democrats and power.

Do you really think that Commie Care was designed for the care of people, or to create more government dependents?

Do you really think that DumBama doubling the food stamp role was for the care of people, or creating more government dependents?

Do you really believe that passing the cost of college to the wealthy is to care about the poor and middle-class, or to create more government dependents?

What you fail to realize is that both parties want to expand their tent. The two largest for the Democrat party are government dependents and victims. The more government dependents and victims they create, the more likely Democrat voters. If we in our society could eliminate government dependents and victims, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books, and they understand this quite well. It's unfortunate that you don't.
Elements of what you say are true and is part of the ugly agenda in Washington... Clinton is no angel and I wish we had two better choices, but she is just hands down better than Trump and yes I do believe she has a good side with good intentions. I hope this ugly partisan divide in Washington can start to heal because we need healthy debate and input from both sides so we don't get thrown too off kilter. That is another scary thing about Trump. He is blowing up the GOP so bad that there is a possibility that the Dems not only get the White House but also congress.

I think Hilary is campaigning further left then her heart is, she is closer to center in reality and has shown an ability to work across the aisle... she really is the only option In This election
Of course you like the fact that Trump punches back, you're a Trump supporters. There is a time to fight back and there's time to move on. You don't double down on a losing hand and there is no way Trump could win after his lewd comments hit the airways. He should have backed away, ask for forgiveness, played on all the sympathy he could get from the audience and just maybe this would have blown over by election day. His attack, attack, attack strategy has lost 5% more of the women's vote and he's even lost votes among Republican women. As I said, there is a time to attack and time to back away. Knowing when is vital to a candidate and even more so to the president.

So in your opinion, the presidency should be won based on lies?

Left up to the MSM, Trump would be begging for forgiveness every day from two weeks ago to election day. You think that's a winning strategy?

MSM is not going to give up no matter what Trump does, so at least he has the integrity to go down fighting if that's how this all ends. Because if Trump went down this apology tour that you suggest, it only feeds MSM to attack even more--not less.

The tape came out, Trump apologized repeatedly, and the MSM keeps the attack alive. So I'm sorry, your suggestion has already been tried. It didn't work. The MSM will keep pushing for their candidate to win this election, and the public will be fooled into a Socialist state that's failed so many other times around the globe.
We picked this guy because he has common sense, and he is the one who talks safety for America while terrorist were killing Americans left and right... The other candidates punted on the safety issue, while Trump threw touch downs every time he got the ball handed to him.

You mean he appealed to your racism and fear? That's not a good commentary on you, bud.
. He sure appeal's to me more than rap music culture does, or thug culture does, drug dealers or drug cartels do, Isis does, a culture that thinks a thug robbing a store is the good guy, and the cop who about got his gun taken away by the thug was the bad guy, a lying stinking liberal culture that will stand up for anything as long as it keeps them in power yep Trump appeals to us more, an then we have the out of control government who protects terrorist due to hiding their identity until they strike us, then it makes excuses for them afterwards, yep he Trump appeals to us more. Innocent cops being killed, because people are totally confused about Obama's justice system ? Yep Trump appeals to us more than keeping that going.

Out of control open borders where the criminal crossers have more rights and protections than the law or citizens, yep he Trump does appeal to us more about that situation also.

Healthcare being claimed a success, but the only way anyone can afford Obamy care, is if they are absolutely broke, and jobless. If work for a living, then your paying for the ones who either won't work or can't work, and by today's standards that is a hell of alot of people who have become dependent under the Democrats rule or ideology . Then if you don't have healthcare you are fined by the government, but if you do somehow get Obamy care, then the policy isn't any good.

Anti-American bull crap going on every where one looks makes Trump more appealing than the other candidate for sure, because he will address that instead of make it worse.... There are a million reasons Trump is more appealing to us out here, and you can call it anything that you like, but you know I'm right, and you are wrong.

Remember the song "Pants on the Ground", where the black man came on American idle trying to put out the message against thug culture, so tell me again how it's racist to reject these things ? You think it right to make a Christian Baker prepare a wedding cake for two men to get married, and if refuse the government thugs come to visit ? On and on it rolls. Clinton will say she is for anything and everything just as long as she gets that power. That is not what the majority of good citizens be it black, white or what ever wants in order to tackle these problems out here. Now I will say that I like Christian Rap music, but that cursing, radical thug Rap I don't like. Heck many blacks don't like it either, but they have been made powerless to change the culture into a more positive light due to their fear on the matter. I want a president that represents all, and has a fair and good justice system for all. We need to become united again, and it can happen if we get the race hustlers like Clinton out of it all.
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One of the things I like about Trump is he punches back. Regardless of the presidential outcome, I hope he sues each and every one of these women. I hope he is able to track down the maker of that tape and hold he or she liable. I hope he makes their lives a living hell for the next couple of years. Unlike the big-eared clown we have in the White House today, Trump won't put up with too much BS.

Gee, guy, I'm not sure I want a hothead making those kinds of decisions from the White House. PUnching back means you end up having young men come home in coffins, and that's generally a bad thing.

But, shit, it's not like you've ever served.
The tape came out, Trump apologized repeatedly, and the MSM keeps the attack alive. So I'm sorry, your suggestion has already been tried. It didn't work. The MSM will keep pushing for their candidate to win this election, and the public will be fooled into a Socialist state that's failed so many other times around the globe.

Trump's not getting in trouble for the tape. He's getting in trouble because he claims he never engaged in the behavior he graphically describes on the tape, and women are coming out and saying, "Yes, you did.'
Wait a minute, Hillary being cheated on by her spouse in mostly consensual relationships (you said in another thread that you didn't find Clinton's accusers credible) somehow excuses Trump's groping of women?

Look, quit blaming the media for the grotesque freak show that is Donald Trump. You guys had a dozen perfectly qualified, fully vetted candidates you could have picked from, and you picked this guy despite the history of misogyny and racism.

Monica is different than the others because there was empirical evidence of Clinton screwing around with that child. He finally had to admit it himself.

Yes I do blame the media. They are so focused on Trump and these liars that they are not reporting on anything but that. Donald also understands that they are pushing for Hil-Liar to win the election. They don't bring up Benghazi, they never mentioned the phrase "basket of deplorables" they didn't say anything about Hilary's comment of people in their basements, the emails, nothing. When was the last time you heard the MSM comment about anything negative Clinton said??????

So I don't know how anybody can say the MSM isn't in the hole for Hillary.

23 years old isn't a child.

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