Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

lol... uh-huh. wanting to chain a females hands behind her back & force her to be an incubator until she gives birth or criminally punish her if she does terminate a pregnancy.... & believing this nation is a Christian nation, that the POTUS needs to be christian & should be fueled by 'christian' law is no different than what you so fear & abhor, but embrace it because it's the 'correct' religion.

As usual, Liberals have priorities backwards. They view words from extreme Christians to be a bigger threat than the actions from extreme Muslims. Actions speak louder than Words.

I won't take that chance that it's 'mere' words... mike pence intentionally ruined his state economically because of his extreme christian views.
. Oh his Christian views ruined his state eh ? Your kidding right ?? No intelligent person would believe such a bull crapping lie as that, but here you are pushing such a lie. So sad.

oh good god. what is sad is your ignorance or downright denial.

Swift Corporate Backlash Follows Indiana Governor Pence’s Decision To Sign Anti-Gay Law
By Keith Brekhus on Fri, Mar 27th, 2015 at 5:42 pm
Swift Corporate Backlash Follows Indiana Governor Pence's Decision To Sign Anti-Gay Law

Indiana Took $60 Million Hit After Passing Antigay Law

A new study from Visit Indy — Indianapolis's convention and tourism organization — found that Indiana lost at least $60 million in revenue after lawmakers there passed the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which gave businesses the greenlight to discriminate against LGBT people on religious grounds.

Though reaction was swift — and negative — after Republican governor Mike Pence signed the RFRA legislation last year, it wasn't clear how financially damning the law was. The new study shows the clear ramifications, with 12 out-of-state groups saying the RFRA law convinced them to move their business elsewhere. Numerous businesses, from Angie's List to American Airlines, condemned the discriminatory law, with Apple's out CEO penning an op-ed in the Washington Post blasting Pence's decision to sign the bill.

Indiana Took $60 Million Hit After Passing Antigay Law

. Question, did it ruin his state ??? Wait for it..... wait for it..... NO IT DID NOT. You libs think that if someone stands up for principles, and stands up for their religious views, then they are done.... YOU people are hilarious, but in the same thought you are also full of it.

it should did a lotta damage... try taking $60,000,000.00 out of YOUR wallet & see what it does.

better yet, how'z about the good citizens of indiana that brought paychecks home from the sites that housed & ran those venues etc. 'eh? ask THEM.
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Healthcare being claimed a success, but the only way anyone can afford Obamy care, is if they are absolutely broke, and jobless. If work for a living, then your paying for the ones who either won't work or can't work, and by today's standards that is a hell of alot of people who have become dependent under the Democrats rule or ideology . Then if you don't have healthcare you are fined by the government, but if you do somehow get Obamy care, then the policy isn't any good.

Okay, so who are these people, exactly, who can't afford ObamaCare? I mean, I saw a column from Mail Order Bride From Hell Michelle Malkin whining she can't get health insurance at her six figure salary and I have to laugh.
Of course you like the fact that Trump punches back, you're a Trump supporters. There is a time to fight back and there's time to move on. You don't double down on a losing hand and there is no way Trump could win after his lewd comments hit the airways. He should have backed away, ask for forgiveness, played on all the sympathy he could get from the audience and just maybe this would have blown over by election day. His attack, attack, attack strategy has lost 5% more of the women's vote and he's even lost votes among Republican women. As I said, there is a time to attack and time to back away. Knowing when is vital to a candidate and even more so to the president.

So in your opinion, the presidency should be won based on lies?

Left up to the MSM, Trump would be begging for forgiveness every day from two weeks ago to election day. You think that's a winning strategy?

MSM is not going to give up no matter what Trump does, so at least he has the integrity to go down fighting if that's how this all ends. Because if Trump went down this apology tour that you suggest, it only feeds MSM to attack even more--not less.

The tape came out, Trump apologized repeatedly, and the MSM keeps the attack alive. So I'm sorry, your suggestion has already been tried. It didn't work. The MSM will keep pushing for their candidate to win this election, and the public will be fooled into a Socialist state that's failed so many other times around the globe.
Who is MSM?
Okay, so who are these people, exactly, who can't afford ObamaCare? I mean, I saw a column from Mail Order Bride From Hell Michelle Malkin whining she can't get health insurance at her six figure salary and I have to laugh.

Ask yourself, who could afford another house payment, an expensive SUV payment, an expensive boat payment? Because for a working person, that's about the cost of health insurance today on Commie Care.

Not a lot of people can afford such an extra expense. And even if they could, think of how much money that takes out of the economy.

I read a report where yet another million people are going to lose their insurance under Commie Care, and of course, whatever they get switched to will be even more expensive. Face it, Commie Care is an utter failure just like we Republicans predicted.
Gee, guy, I'm not sure I want a hothead making those kinds of decisions from the White House. PUnching back means you end up having young men come home in coffins, and that's generally a bad thing.

But, shit, it's not like you've ever served.

Did you ever think that maybe if we had somebody punching back for a change, our adversaries wouldn't be pulling so much bull like Fn with our aircraft carriers and ships?
Healthcare being claimed a success, but the only way anyone can afford Obamy care, is if they are absolutely broke, and jobless. If work for a living, then your paying for the ones who either won't work or can't work, and by today's standards that is a hell of alot of people who have become dependent under the Democrats rule or ideology . Then if you don't have healthcare you are fined by the government, but if you do somehow get Obamy care, then the policy isn't any good.

Okay, so who are these people, exactly, who can't afford ObamaCare? I mean, I saw a column from Mail Order Bride From Hell Michelle Malkin whining she can't get health insurance at her six figure salary and I have to laugh.
. It's anyone working an average American job, whose wife don't work, and if Joe wants to add his wife to his policy, then the price triples. Ok, so let's say Joe decides well I will buy my wife her own policy "Obamy care", but the premiums were over $300.00 dollars a month, and worse the policy was crap. So here Joe is paying for his own healthcare through his job, but can't add his wife because of the added cost, so he tries Obamy care for her, but it wasn't worth it because a renowned back surgeon wouldn't except Obamy care. So Joe then says to hell with it, drops Obamy care, pays the dam fine, and his wife still can't get the surgery that she needed. That's just one of the examples out here, and there are thousands upon thousands more.
As usual, Liberals have priorities backwards. They view words from extreme Christians to be a bigger threat than the actions from extreme Muslims. Actions speak louder than Words.

I won't take that chance that it's 'mere' words... mike pence intentionally ruined his state economically because of his extreme christian views.
. Oh his Christian views ruined his state eh ? Your kidding right ?? No intelligent person would believe such a bull crapping lie as that, but here you are pushing such a lie. So sad.

oh good god. what is sad is your ignorance or downright denial.

Swift Corporate Backlash Follows Indiana Governor Pence’s Decision To Sign Anti-Gay Law
By Keith Brekhus on Fri, Mar 27th, 2015 at 5:42 pm
Swift Corporate Backlash Follows Indiana Governor Pence's Decision To Sign Anti-Gay Law

Indiana Took $60 Million Hit After Passing Antigay Law

A new study from Visit Indy — Indianapolis's convention and tourism organization — found that Indiana lost at least $60 million in revenue after lawmakers there passed the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which gave businesses the greenlight to discriminate against LGBT people on religious grounds.

Though reaction was swift — and negative — after Republican governor Mike Pence signed the RFRA legislation last year, it wasn't clear how financially damning the law was. The new study shows the clear ramifications, with 12 out-of-state groups saying the RFRA law convinced them to move their business elsewhere. Numerous businesses, from Angie's List to American Airlines, condemned the discriminatory law, with Apple's out CEO penning an op-ed in the Washington Post blasting Pence's decision to sign the bill.

Indiana Took $60 Million Hit After Passing Antigay Law

. Question, did it ruin his state ??? Wait for it..... wait for it..... NO IT DID NOT. You libs think that if someone stands up for principles, and stands up for their religious views, then they are done.... YOU people are hilarious, but in the same thought you are also full of it.

it should did a lotta damage... try taking $60,000,000.00 out of YOUR wallet & see what it does.

better yet, how'z about the good citizens of indiana that brought paychecks home from the sites that housed & ran those venues etc. 'eh? ask THEM.
. Standing up for ones principles, morals and values can have no amount put upon it, because to put a value on it means to sell out, and no one should be selling out their principles, their values, their morals or their country. That is where you fail, because you think that everyone will bow down before the golden calf, but you are badly mistaken.
It's anyone working an average American job, whose wife don't work, and if Joe wants to add his wife to his policy, then the price triples. Ok, so let's say Joe decides well I will buy my wife her own policy "Obamy care", but the premiums were over $300.00 dollars a month, and worse the policy was crap. So here Joe is paying for his own healthcare through his job, but can't add his wife because of the added cost, so he tries Obamy care for her, but it wasn't worth it because a renowned back surgeon wouldn't except Obamy care. So Joe then says to hell with it, drops Obamy care, pays the dam fine, and his wife still can't get the surgery that she needed. That's just one of the examples out here, and there are thousands upon thousands more.

I have a couple that I rent an apartment to. They had to get medical coverage, but because he works full time (she works part-time) it cost them an arm and a leg on Commie Care. Their only other option is to get a divorce so she can get descent coverage.

It's a damn shame what Democrats have done to this country; a loving couple married for many years having to consider divorce just to get what we all used to have before DumBama. Liberals will be the end of this great nation yet.
It's anyone working an average American job, whose wife don't work, and if Joe wants to add his wife to his policy, then the price triples. Ok, so let's say Joe decides well I will buy my wife her own policy "Obamy care", but the premiums were over $300.00 dollars a month, and worse the policy was crap. So here Joe is paying for his own healthcare through his job, but can't add his wife because of the added cost, so he tries Obamy care for her, but it wasn't worth it because a renowned back surgeon wouldn't except Obamy care. So Joe then says to hell with it, drops Obamy care, pays the dam fine, and his wife still can't get the surgery that she needed. That's just one of the examples out here, and there are thousands upon thousands more.

I have a couple that I rent an apartment to. They had to get medical coverage, but because he works full time (she works part-time) it cost them an arm and a leg on Commie Care. Their only other option is to get a divorce so she can get descent coverage.

It's a damn shame what Democrats have done to this country; a loving couple married for many years having to consider divorce just to get what we all used to have before DumBama. Liberals will be the end of this great nation yet.
. Actually a friend & his wife for whom I didn't use their name's was who I was talking about. She went to a renowned back specialist, and they would not take Obamy care, and my friend was paying way over $300.00 dollars a month for her policy. So she couldn't get the help she needed where she wanted to get that help. My friend got so frustrated that he cancelled the policy, and got ready to pay the dam fine. Now his wife is worse, and with no healthcare policy. Wow, flippin wow.
Did you ever think that maybe if we had somebody punching back for a change, our adversaries wouldn't be pulling so much bull like Fn with our aircraft carriers and ships?

Okay, let's look at that.

One faction in the three-way civil war in Yemen fired ineffective missiles against our very expensive ships.

Now, if the Yemenis were firing missiles at our ships off the coast of Florida, you might actually have a point here.

Oh, no, but wait, those ships are off the coast of YEMEN. You, now, their country, not ours. Where we are funding and supporting one of the three factions in that war, even though they are just as bad as the other two.

But I'm sure Trump sending some harsh words against them on Twitter is going to do the trick.
Actually a friend & his wife for whom I didn't use their name's was who I was talking about. She went to a renowned back specialist, and they would not take Obamy care, and my friend was paying way over $300.00 dollars a month for her policy. So she couldn't get the help she needed where she wanted to get that help. My friend got so frustrated that he cancelled the policy, and got ready to pay the dam fine. Now his wife is worse, and with no healthcare policy. Wow, flippin wow.

So your friend is stupid and her doctor is greedy and forgot why he became a doctor to start with?

Best argument for socialized medicine I've heard today!
Did you ever think that maybe if we had somebody punching back for a change, our adversaries wouldn't be pulling so much bull like Fn with our aircraft carriers and ships?

Okay, let's look at that.

One faction in the three-way civil war in Yemen fired ineffective missiles against our very expensive ships.

Now, if the Yemenis were firing missiles at our ships off the coast of Florida, you might actually have a point here.

Oh, no, but wait, those ships are off the coast of YEMEN. You, now, their country, not ours. Where we are funding and supporting one of the three factions in that war, even though they are just as bad as the other two.

But I'm sure Trump sending some harsh words against them on Twitter is going to do the trick.
. Your not only a racist, but you are a traitor. You know why our military are stationed around the world, and if you don't then you are either dumb or an anti-American. I think by your speaking against our roll in the world, that you are an anti-American.
Actually a friend & his wife for whom I didn't use their name's was who I was talking about. She went to a renowned back specialist, and they would not take Obamy care, and my friend was paying way over $300.00 dollars a month for her policy. So she couldn't get the help she needed where she wanted to get that help. My friend got so frustrated that he cancelled the policy, and got ready to pay the dam fine. Now his wife is worse, and with no healthcare policy. Wow, flippin wow.

So your friend is stupid and her doctor is greedy and forgot why he became a doctor to start with?

Best argument for socialized medicine I've heard today!
. No Obamy care sucks, and is wrong for America. Period.
So your friend is stupid and her doctor is greedy and forgot why he became a doctor to start with?

Best argument for socialized medicine I've heard today!

Yes, well we couldn't blame Obama now could we? In the liberal world, it's always somebody else's fault for their decisions.
Okay, let's look at that.

One faction in the three-way civil war in Yemen fired ineffective missiles against our very expensive ships.

Now, if the Yemenis were firing missiles at our ships off the coast of Florida, you might actually have a point here.

Oh, no, but wait, those ships are off the coast of YEMEN. You, now, their country, not ours. Where we are funding and supporting one of the three factions in that war, even though they are just as bad as the other two.

But I'm sure Trump sending some harsh words against them on Twitter is going to do the trick.

Okay, so what you are saying as a liberal is we deserve it, correct?

No wonder our military backs Republicans.

And hey, can you tell us if this attack was in international waters or Yemen?
Your not only a racist, but you are a traitor. You know why our military are stationed around the world, and if you don't then you are either dumb or an anti-American. I think by your speaking against our roll in the world, that you are an anti-American.

Guy, we shouldn't have ships in their war zone. Last time I checked, we didn't declare war on Yemen, so why do we have ships off the Yemeni coast in the middle of a three way civil war?

Now, if you want to form the "Redneck Legion" of Bubba and Billy-Bob and Cleetus, and done go over there with your shootin' irons and show the rest of us how it's done, I'm good with that. I'll enjoy watching the beheading videos.

Okay, so what you are saying as a liberal is we deserve it, correct?

No wonder our military backs Republicans.

And hey, can you tell us if this attack was in international waters or Yemen?

I'm saying, you stick your dick in hornet's nest, don't come whining to me about how you get stung. That's really our middle east policy in a nutshell, thanks to the Jews and the Oil companies.

If the Iranians and Saudis want to fight over who controls Yemen, let them.

Your not only a racist, but you are a traitor. You know why our military are stationed around the world, and if you don't then you are either dumb or an anti-American. I think by your speaking against our roll in the world, that you are an anti-American.

Guy, we shouldn't have ships in their war zone. Last time I checked, we didn't declare war on Yemen, so why do we have ships off the Yemeni coast in the middle of a three way civil war?

Now, if you want to form the "Redneck Legion" of Bubba and Billy-Bob and Cleetus, and done go over there with your shootin' irons and show the rest of us how it's done, I'm good with that. I'll enjoy watching the beheading videos.

Okay, so what you are saying as a liberal is we deserve it, correct?

No wonder our military backs Republicans.

And hey, can you tell us if this attack was in international waters or Yemen?

I'm saying, you stick your dick in hornet's nest, don't come whining to me about how you get stung. That's really our middle east policy in a nutshell, thanks to the Jews and the Oil companies.

If the Iranians and Saudis want to fight over who controls Yemen, let them.

. You would enjoy watching the beheading videos eh ?? So your with the enemy in blaming America, and so your justifying the videos of Americans being beheaded eh ? Your racism and hatred for whitey to the point of wanting them dead in any way imaginable is evident in your words. First you start out with your hatred and disdain for Americans, and this as based upon your profiling of those you consider as being rednecks, then you speak about enjoying to watch them being beheaded on video, and not only do you think in this way, but I think so does Rev. Wright along with his student Obama. This is why we have so many Americans caught up in the being killed by terrorist in this nation now. Now I see that you all are scurrying to clean up the situation in Iraq that you all created there. Coincidence maybe ?

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