Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

How can anyone do what is right anymore, when we got a super corrupt administration running blocker for Clinton ????????? They are no better than she was when running blocker for Bill.

You didn't answer my question.

Again, tell me what could have possibly been on these e-mails that was SOOOOOOO horrible that their mere presense on an e-mail would have been so dire.

Any time.


Oh, wait. That's right. You don't have anything.
. Of course I don't, it's been bleached. Now why did she bleach it ? You don't worry about that part, because you want that weak corrupt woman in that office so you can get at whitey every chance you can. She's done sent you the signals, so you are a supporter for life.
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.
. Where has weakness got us ???? Hundreds of dead Americans dead at the hands of terrorist who came in on a Trojan horse built by our idiot do gooder's in charge. Thousands dead for nothing due to the turn coats here who wouldn't finish the job. Thousands dead on 9-11 due to politicians playing with our country for their own weak policy thinking in the world. So your one in favor of continuing the weakness that has been getting us killed by the thousands eh ?? Don't sound to good of a plan to me.

Not to mention Iran now in the process of becoming nuclear, and we gave them the money to help.
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
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I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.
That is a truly frightening thought. A person in the oval office who doesn't know what he's doing and who refuses to take the advice of others is a nightmare scenario.
Here is the thing that few men seem to realize. Every single woman I know of has, at one time or another, been groped by some entitled asshole like Trump. Some of us have had it happen frequently. My daughter will no longer ride public transit alone, because it happens to her so often. This didn't use to happen this frequently when I was in my 20's and 30's, but it did happen. The worst was having some creepy guy with a boner push himself against you on the subway during rush hour, because you literally cannot move between stations. I'm sure every woman who rides public transit to work in a big city can identify with that.

Women are sick of being groped at will, cat-called, slut-shamed and generally disrespected, and then told by the same people who do this shit, that they respect women. Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.

Actions speak louder than words. The women in Trump's own family have ceased to defend or support him? Why should the rest of the women in America trust Trump?
. Trust Trump or trust men in general ?? You sound like you figure men are just this way, and you are fed up right ?? So if Hillary has this chip on her shoulder going into that office after being married to a serial groper, then will she attempt to use her power to get back at men ??????? This woman has got to be a man hater after what Bill put her through, and she is gonna effectively serve all Americans including men ???? I bet she felt sooo comfortable on the man hater Ellen DeGeneres show the other day. Is anyone sick of this crap yet ??? Do people think that the Presidency has been cheapened down this bad, that it doesn't matter who is put in the job anymore ??? Undoubtedly the Presidential position ain't crap anymore. Just a seat to be occupied for nostalgic reasons and nothing more. Trump will try and restore the office, and it's about time. There is no place for weakness to be continue on in that office. How about Obama sounding like a cheap car salesman while out on the campaign trail for Hillary ? It's shameful.
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I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.
That is a truly frightening thought. A person in the oval office who doesn't know what he's doing and who refuses to take the advice of others is a nightmare scenario.
. Do you think Trump is a fool ??? Better guess again.
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Maybe they're tired of looking at this oaf on TV acting like God's gift to women and savior of the nation when they know that he's just a dirty old man.
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Maybe they're tired of looking at this oaf on TV acting like God's gift to women and savior of the nation when they know that he's just a dirty old man.
. Trump reminds me of Clint Eastwood in the movie Pale Rider... Great movie that is, in fact I'm watching it as I type. Hillary and the media remind me of the bad man and his hinchmen that wanted the miners off their land. They are that bad.
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I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.
That is a truly frightening thought. A person in the oval office who doesn't know what he's doing and who refuses to take the advice of others is a nightmare scenario.
. Do you think Trump is a fool ??? Better guess again.
No, he's delusional which is a lot worse when you consider he is vying for Commander and Chief of the most power military force on earth.
There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.
That is a truly frightening thought. A person in the oval office who doesn't know what he's doing and who refuses to take the advice of others is a nightmare scenario.
. Do you think Trump is a fool ??? Better guess again.
No, he's delusional which is a lot worse when you consider he is vying for Commander and Chief of the most power military force on earth.
You think he would do worse than Obama & Hillary ????? Your the one who is delusional.
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Maybe they're tired of looking at this oaf on TV acting like God's gift to women and savior of the nation when they know that he's just a dirty old man.
. Trump reminds me of Clint Eastwood in the movie Pale Rider... Great movie that is, in fact I'm watching it as I type. Hillary and the media remind me of the bad man and his hinchmen that wanted the miners off their land. They are that bad.
That doesn't surprise me. I think a lot of Trump fans think of Trump as Dirty Harry, the guy whose going to single-handedly clean up the government.
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.
That is a truly frightening thought. A person in the oval office who doesn't know what he's doing and who refuses to take the advice of others is a nightmare scenario.
. Do you think Trump is a fool ??? Better guess again.

He's losing badly to Hillary freakin' Clinton, so yeah, the unregistered sex offender is a fool.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.
That is a truly frightening thought. A person in the oval office who doesn't know what he's doing and who refuses to take the advice of others is a nightmare scenario.
. Do you think Trump is a fool ??? Better guess again.
No, he's delusional which is a lot worse when you consider he is vying for Commander and Chief of the most power military force on earth.
You think he would do worse than Obama & Hillary ????? Your the one who is delusional.
I have no idea what Trump might do. Neither does he, which is the problem.
Trump reminds me of Clint Eastwood in the movie Pale Rider... Great movie that is, in fact I'm watching it as I type. Hillary and the media remind me of the bad man and his hinchmen that wanted the miners off their land. They are that bad.

Trump isn't the Preacher in Pale Rider, he's the sleezy, stupid son of a rich man trying to rape the girl. He's a lying, thieving low-life who stole money from honest, hardworking people, and destroyed many lives in doing so.

He's taken every short-cut in the book, legal or otherwise, using emminent domain to steal people's land for his investments, H1N1 visas to avoid paying minimum wage to American workers, bankruptcies to avoid paying subtrades.

His modelling agency is being investigated as an immigration fraud, perpetrated on the women he brought into the country. His Foundation has been charged with illegal fund-raising. His "University" is being investigated for fraud, in two separate states. He's facing allegations he raped a 13 year old in a California law suit.

Every time Trump has invited members of the general public to participate in a Trump business, the public has lost their investment. Depending on the outcome of the Trump University trials in New York and California, Trump could be facing criminal charges in the scam.

But his treatment of and disrespect for women is HUGE. Whether you agree that he is a complete sexist pig or not, isn't the issue. WOMEN believe that of him. The way he tries to intimidate, humiliate, and silence women who criticize him, is quite different from his attacks on men.

He routinely attacks women on their age and their looks. He couldn't possibly have attacked that woman on the plane. I mean look at her, not nearly pretty enough for him. He didn't say he never groped a woman on a plane, just that this one wasn't up to his standards.

Trump is nobody's heroic saviour. Trump's the asshole we need to be saved from.
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Maybe they're tired of looking at this oaf on TV acting like God's gift to women and savior of the nation when they know that he's just a dirty old man.
. Trump reminds me of Clint Eastwood in the movie Pale Rider... Great movie that is, in fact I'm watching it as I type. Hillary and the media remind me of the bad man and his hinchmen that wanted the miners off their land. They are that bad.
That doesn't surprise me. I think a lot of Trump fans think of Trump as Dirty Harry, the guy whose going to single-handedly clean up the government.
. Well somebody needs too. It's every citizens dream right ?
Trump reminds me of Clint Eastwood in the movie Pale Rider... Great movie that is, in fact I'm watching it as I type. Hillary and the media remind me of the bad man and his hinchmen that wanted the miners off their land. They are that bad.

Trump isn't the Preacher in Pale Rider, he's the sleezy, stupid son of a rich man trying to rape the girl. He's a lying, thieving low-life who stole money from honest, hardworking people, and destroyed many lives in doing so.

He's taken every short-cut in the book, legal or otherwise, using emminent domain to steal people's land for his investments, H1N1 visas to avoid paying minimum wage to American workers, bankruptcies to avoid paying subtrades.

His modelling agency is being investigated as an immigration fraud, perpetrated on the women he brought into the country. His Foundation has been charged with illegal fund-raising. His "University" is being investigated for fraud, in two separate states. He's facing allegations he raped a 13 year old in a California law suit.

Every time Trump has invited members of the general public to participate in a Trump business, the public has lost their investment. Depending on the outcome of the Trump University trials in New York and California, Trump could be facing criminal charges in the scam.

But his treatment of and disrespect for women is HUGE. Whether you agree that he is a complete sexist pig or not, isn't the issue. WOMEN believe that of him. The way he tries to intimidate, humiliate, and silence women who criticize him, is quite different from his attacks on men.

He routinely attacks women on their age and their looks. He couldn't possibly have attacked that woman on the plane. I mean look at her, not nearly pretty enough for him. He didn't say he never groped a woman on a plane, just that this one wasn't up to his standards.

Trump is nobody's heroic saviour. Trump's the asshole we need to be saved from.
. Where are the charges ??? You people can run your mouth all you want in a campaign, but where are you when there is no campaign???? Going along maybe ???? Hypocrite much maybe ???
But DumBama ordering schools to let horny boys use the same restroom and showers as your daughters is not a war on women?

When did he do that? He allowed transgender girls to use the girls restroom. Oh, the horror.
. Transgendered girls eh ?? You mean boy's who turned themselves into what they think is a girl, and then going into the girls restroom even though mentally their still boy's ? What the adults are doing to these children today, are far worse than this nation could ever imagine a Donald Trump could ever do. Trump is a saint compared to a liberal.
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
You're so sick of women claiming abuse without video evidence? Are you fucking serious? So let's say you had a daughter who got raped or molested and there was no camera or witnesses, she was too scared or embarrassed to come forward right away, so you just tell her to swallow it and move on? Just listen to yourself... deplorable and proud I'm guessing

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