Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

The difference is, we don't have a tape of Clinton saying he likes to force himself upon women.

Also, the claims of all these women who accused Clinton were investigated by Ken Starr and his 70 million dollar panty-raid. And he came up with nothing.

Now, yes, it's too bad we won't have a chance to investigate these women. Some of them might be in it for the publicity.

But you Wingnuts had Ted Cruz and others screaming from the rafters that this was a problem, and you nominated this Reality TV Nazi anyway.

"Why didn't you tell us he was a womanizing misogynist!!!"

We did. Many times. You didn't listen. You didn't want to hear it. Now we have him on tape in his own words saying it, and you can't pretend it's not there anymore.

People say a lot of things, but that doesn't mean they are true. As a guy, you should already know how some guys like to brag about women. Ask any of the women they bragged about, and in most cases, you find out that's all it was--bragging.

And yes, we did come up with something on Clinton. We found out it's not beneath him to lie under oath. We found out he has a routine of making advances on subordinates. That's what the Monica thing was all about. It was to prove that he does conduct himself that way. It all stemmed from Paula Jones.
You obviously know nothing about sexual assault, that's a good thing, you're lucky. I'm glad you aren't wearing your partisan hat, so you can try and look at it through the eyes of a woman in this situation. I know guys that have been falsely accused and it is a horrible horrible thing... but Trump has close to a dozen different women now that all came out with very detailed stories just days after he claimed innocent at the debate. If this is a coordinated attack then it is ine of the most sofisticated lies in history. Nothing is proven but there is enough there for me to draw a conclusion. In fact It's pretty obvious. Just listen to the stories and look how he tried to dodge Andersons question at the debate, it took three asks for trump to finally say that he never took action. Anybody that can ready body language can see he was lying.

I don't think you see anything you don't want to see.

Going on the defensive is a losing game. It's something most politicians avoid. Trump apologized for what he said, and wanted to move on. But the Clinton cheerleaders running the show wanted to antagonize him with it.

Trump knows and has been associated with thousands of people. Between his career in real estate and his entertainment associates, it's not hard to imagine people coming out of the woodwork with all kinds of stories, most of them unlikely to have happened.

It's what I call the copycat crime. One sees a person(s) making up these stories, and they develop a story themselves and run to the nearest media outlet; probably cashing in on their fable as well.

So no, I don't believe any of them without proof. Trump himself addressed one of the many stories out there where he stated his interview with the woman claiming he made a pass at her while his wife was with him was in a public place where many people were around. Why would a famous person in a public place do something that stupid? He went on to ask why she didn't write about it at the time?

People that take advantage of such a situation do so because they know they can't be proven wrong. If you let enough time go by, you can't find any witnesses, you can't review any surveillance tape, you can't obtain any evidence to support your innocence. So, the pubic does what it always does--has a public trial. Because it's impossible to prove your innocence, then you must be guilty.
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.
How can anyone do what is right anymore, when we got a super corrupt administration running blocker for Clinton ????????? They are no better than she was when running blocker for Bill.

You didn't answer my question.

Again, tell me what could have possibly been on these e-mails that was SOOOOOOO horrible that their mere presense on an e-mail would have been so dire.

Any time.


Oh, wait. That's right. You don't have anything.
People say a lot of things, but that doesn't mean they are true. As a guy, you should already know how some guys like to brag about women. Ask any of the women they bragged about, and in most cases, you find out that's all it was--bragging.

Uh, YOUNG guys brag. 59 year old men should be old enough and mature enough to know that isn't appropriate.

But you combine his "bragging" with 16 women who've said, "Yup, he engages in that kind of behavior", then you have a story.

And yes, we did come up with something on Clinton. We found out it's not beneath him to lie under oath. We found out he has a routine of making advances on subordinates. That's what the Monica thing was all about. It was to prove that he does conduct himself that way. It all stemmed from Paula Jones.

Wait now. How are the two things related at all. Monica's own testimony was that she threw herself at Clinton. She told her friends she was off to get her "Presidential kneepads" Now, that still makes what he did wrong. But it wasn't anyone's business and certainly not worth a $70,000,000.00 probe to get him to pay a $10,000 fine.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.

It's also his complete lack of negotiating skills. I remember when he divorced Marla Maples. The tabloids were absolutely gleeful at the amount of money Marla was able to extract in her divorce settlement, making Donald looking like a chump who got fleeced by a gold-digger.

Trump has also bragged that he made $40 million from his bankruptcies, which can be explained as follows: The year that Trump claimed the operating loss of $916 million, much of that $916 million was money which he had borrowed from the banks, and which the banks wrote off or re-negotiated in the bankruptcy. Trump has been able to claim years of tax writes offs against this loss, which never came out of his pocket at all, thereby savings millions in tax liabilities.

The strategy has been so successful for him, that he's used it 6 times, in all. It's why American banks stopped doing business with Trump and his enterprises.

Con artist - from the top of his lying head to the marrow of his bones.
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.

The issue is not really the accusations of inappropriate sexual conduct by Trump, but how poorly and inappropriately Trump has responded to the charges, that he’s only making matters worse, further confirming the fact he has no business being president.
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
. Listen, this war on women is ridiculous, where as just because Trump gets angry when someone attacks him whether it's a man or woman, doesn't mean when he lashes our at them, that he hates an entire gender be it male or female.. This idea that a person lives there life hating all women or men because of something he said that was directed against a specific person in which had attacked him, ummm is ridiculous. If a woman were to attack me in some idiotic manor, then I might talk smack to her in some angered manor, and if she can't take it then don't be running her mouth to begin with. If I were to say to a woman after she talk smack to me, that "she must have a pecker instead of a vagina" , does that mean the insult would go beyond the one that I'm angry at ?????? No it would not. The war on women is a ridiculous childish thing, and anyone that believes it is a child.
No, this post is ridiculous.

The fact that you and most others on the right seek to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law is an example of the war on women.

The Texas measure hostile to the privacy rights of women invalidated by the Supreme Court last June is an example of the conservative war on women.

Congressional Republicans’ efforts to ‘defund’ Planned Parenthood manifests as a war on women.

And conservatives who blame the victims of sexual assault is indeed a war on women.
Here is the thing that few men seem to realize. Every single woman I know of has, at one time or another, been groped by some entitled asshole like Trump. Some of us have had it happen frequently. My daughter will no longer ride public transit alone, because it happens to her so often. This didn't use to happen this frequently when I was in my 20's and 30's, but it did happen. The worst was having some creepy guy with a boner push himself against you on the subway during rush hour, because you literally cannot move between stations. I'm sure every woman who rides public transit to work in a big city can identify with that.

Women are sick of being groped at will, cat-called, slut-shamed and generally disrespected, and then told by the same people who do this shit, that they respect women. Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.

Actions speak louder than words. The women in Trump's own family have ceased to defend or support him? Why should the rest of the women in America trust Trump?
Here is the thing that few men seem to realize. Every single woman I know of has, at one time or another, been groped by some entitled asshole like Trump. Some of us have had it happen frequently. My daughter will no longer ride public transit alone, because it happens to her so often. This didn't use to happen this frequently when I was in my 20's and 30's, but it did happen. The worst was having some creepy guy with a boner push himself against you on the subway during rush hour, because you literally cannot move between stations. I'm sure every woman who rides public transit to work in a big city can identify with that.

Women are sick of being groped at will, cat-called, slut-shamed and generally disrespected, and then told by the same people who do this shit, that they respect women. Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.

Actions speak louder than words. The women in Trump's own family have ceased to defend or support him? Why should the rest of the women in America trust Trump?

What women in his family did that?

And don't worry about Trump. If he gets elected, I doubt he'll grope you.
No, this post is ridiculous.

The fact that you and most others on the right seek to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law is an example of the war on women.

The Texas measure hostile to the privacy rights of women invalidated by the Supreme Court last June is an example of the conservative war on women.

Congressional Republicans’ efforts to ‘defund’ Planned Parenthood manifests as a war on women.

And conservatives who blame the victims of sexual assault is indeed a war on women.

But DumBama ordering schools to let horny boys use the same restroom and showers as your daughters is not a war on women?
Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
The tape obtained by the Post includes audio of Bush and Trump’s conversation inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap opera set.

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Wow, is all I will say!
Matt once had an extremely lewd conversation about lnfrastrutcha....yo.....
Really? How so?
Since my words tend to go in one ear and out the other I'll let the Judge explain it to you... Note that I'm using the Fox crew, who loves to bash the left, so you can't play the bias media card:

I really don't know what this video is supposed to prove other than claims against Bill Clinton (like Trump) had no merit because for one, there was no evidence, and two, the claims came out years later.

Both situations are similar if you ask me, and it doesn't make the claims against Trump any more valid than those of Clinton. They are pretty much the same. The only difference is that Clinton was a leftist hero in spite of these claims (and Monica) and Trump is the next best thing to the devil.

I'm not being partisan here either. If a woman was a victim of any inappropriate behavior by a man, she should take action immediately. Anybody that waits months or years to then make allegations is a liar in my opinion; a person who is looking to be in the spotlight or otherwise has a bone to pick (no pun intended) or is doing so for political purposes.

You obviously know nothing about sexual assault, that's a good thing, you're lucky. I'm glad you aren't wearing your partisan hat, so you can try and look at it through the eyes of a woman in this situation. I know guys that have been falsely accused and it is a horrible horrible thing... but Trump has close to a dozen different women now that all came out with very detailed stories just days after he claimed innocent at the debate. If this is a coordinated attack then it is ine of the most sofisticated lies in history. Nothing is proven but there is enough there for me to draw a conclusion. In fact It's pretty obvious. Just listen to the stories and look how he tried to dodge Andersons question at the debate, it took three asks for trump to finally say that he never took action. Anybody that can ready body language can see he was lying.
. Why answer to the sicko Anderson Cooper ??? Kidding me right ?

What are you talking about? If you are going to ask me a question then please make sure it makes sense
. Listen to me carefully now, where as you said look at how he tried to dodge Anderson Cooper's question in the debate, and I said why should Trump answer to the sicko Anderson Cooper? More of a statement instead of a question really.
People say a lot of things, but that doesn't mean they are true. As a guy, you should already know how some guys like to brag about women. Ask any of the women they bragged about, and in most cases, you find out that's all it was--bragging.

Uh, YOUNG guys brag. 59 year old men should be old enough and mature enough to know that isn't appropriate.

But you combine his "bragging" with 16 women who've said, "Yup, he engages in that kind of behavior", then you have a story.

And yes, we did come up with something on Clinton. We found out it's not beneath him to lie under oath. We found out he has a routine of making advances on subordinates. That's what the Monica thing was all about. It was to prove that he does conduct himself that way. It all stemmed from Paula Jones.

Wait now. How are the two things related at all. Monica's own testimony was that she threw herself at Clinton. She told her friends she was off to get her "Presidential kneepads" Now, that still makes what he did wrong. But it wasn't anyone's business and certainly not worth a $70,000,000.00 probe to get him to pay a $10,000 fine.

Wait now. How are the two things related at all. Monica's own testimony was that she threw herself at Clinton. She told her friends she was off to get her "Presidential kneepads" Now, that still makes what he did wrong. But it wasn't anyone's business and certainly not worth a $70,000,000.00 probe to get him to pay a $10,000 fine.

That's probably because they really didn't spend that much. I did a Google search and found several estimates--most of them lower than 70 mil. CNN alone had three articles all with different figures.

How are the two things related? When Bill was running for office, the media (who knew of his philandering) started to interview women. They came across Paula Jones who told her story of what happened to her with Clinton as governor. It went national, and Clinton not only called her a liar, but sent his minions out on national TV to insult her; particularly James Carville who said "If you drag a dollar bill through any trailer park....."

Jones demanded an apology which Clinton refused to give. So she sued him.

Because Bill was always slick enough to make sure that any moves he made were done in complete privacy, there was no way for Jones to prove her case. That is unless it could be proven that Bill had a history of doing the same thing with other government employees.

That's why the focus was on the Monica case. She was blackmailed into revealing what happened to her, and she was psycho enough to keep the dress she wore unwashed. That's something Clinton never figured on. When Clinton also denied he had anything to do with her, the dress came out so she didn't look like a complete idiot too.

So if you really want to talk about wasted spending, it all could have been avoided if he just admitted to the Jones incident and offered her a public apology. Starr didn't waste that money--Bill Clinton did.

Uh, YOUNG guys brag. 59 year old men should be old enough and mature enough to know that isn't appropriate.

But you combine his "bragging" with 16 women who've said, "Yup, he engages in that kind of behavior", then you have a story.

And here is the story: one or two make some sort of claim, and everybody else jumps on the bandwagon.

Think about it: not one claim his entire life, and now at 70, he was inappropriate with dozens of women. Doesn't that sound the least bit suspicious to you??? Okay, if it were two or three women, you might say they brushed it off or that they felt threatened in some way, but dozens of women? I simply don't buy that.

And how is it this mad groper dated other women who told a different tale to the media. They said he was polite, respectful, and said the stories they tried to manufacture about his past dating activity was totally false.
Since my words tend to go in one ear and out the other I'll let the Judge explain it to you... Note that I'm using the Fox crew, who loves to bash the left, so you can't play the bias media card:

I really don't know what this video is supposed to prove other than claims against Bill Clinton (like Trump) had no merit because for one, there was no evidence, and two, the claims came out years later.

Both situations are similar if you ask me, and it doesn't make the claims against Trump any more valid than those of Clinton. They are pretty much the same. The only difference is that Clinton was a leftist hero in spite of these claims (and Monica) and Trump is the next best thing to the devil.

I'm not being partisan here either. If a woman was a victim of any inappropriate behavior by a man, she should take action immediately. Anybody that waits months or years to then make allegations is a liar in my opinion; a person who is looking to be in the spotlight or otherwise has a bone to pick (no pun intended) or is doing so for political purposes.

You obviously know nothing about sexual assault, that's a good thing, you're lucky. I'm glad you aren't wearing your partisan hat, so you can try and look at it through the eyes of a woman in this situation. I know guys that have been falsely accused and it is a horrible horrible thing... but Trump has close to a dozen different women now that all came out with very detailed stories just days after he claimed innocent at the debate. If this is a coordinated attack then it is ine of the most sofisticated lies in history. Nothing is proven but there is enough there for me to draw a conclusion. In fact It's pretty obvious. Just listen to the stories and look how he tried to dodge Andersons question at the debate, it took three asks for trump to finally say that he never took action. Anybody that can ready body language can see he was lying.
. Why answer to the sicko Anderson Cooper ??? Kidding me right ?

What are you talking about? If you are going to ask me a question then please make sure it makes sense
. Listen to me carefully now, where as you said look at how he tried to dodge Anderson Cooper's question in the debate, and I said why should Trump answer to the sicko Anderson Cooper? More of a statement instead of a question really.

Ok that makes more sense. No way for me to derive that from your previous jumble. The answer is that he is in a presidential debate making his case to the world and that was a fair question. He dodged twice, lied, and is not reaping the consequences. Game over
You didn't answer my question.

Again, tell me what could have possibly been on these e-mails that was SOOOOOOO horrible that their mere presense on an e-mail would have been so dire.

Any time.


Oh, wait. That's right. You don't have anything.

Well if there was nothing of importance or criminal in those emails, why did she have them bleachbitted? Nobody goes through that kind of expense and trouble to delete yoga lessons and wedding invitations off the planet earth.
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
Although his attacks on women are deplorable, the main issue should be his judgement. He has made huge blunders in handling this mess and worst he has refused to follow the advice of his advisers. Trump is a fighter, not a winner.
I completely agree, now put him in a war games scenario, think about where that temperament will get us.
. Where has weakness got us ???? Hundreds of dead Americans dead at the hands of terrorist who came in on a Trojan horse built by our idiot do gooder's in charge. Thousands dead for nothing due to the turn coats here who wouldn't finish the job in Iraq. Thousands dead on 9-11 due to politicians playing with our country for their own weak policy thinking in the world. So your one in favor of continuing the weakness that has been getting us killed by the thousands eh ?? Don't sound to good of a plan to me.
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