Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.
Yes we have learned that Trump is a douche and Clinton is bad with technology. Glad we got that all cleared up
Ya still haven't learned Bill is a rapist and Hillary is an enabler....
I definitely believe that bill is a cheater whether that was an agreed upon relationship between he and Hillary is between them. As for the rape and abuse that was vetted for years and no criminal charges were brought due to lack of evidence. I'll say that nobody knows enough to make a solid conclusion so I'll leave that one as a possibility but def not a fact. Same goes for Trump but the evidence of his abuse is much stronger than Billy's
BIll Clinton's actions of 20, 30, or 40 years ago have nothing to do with the current election. Bill Clinton is not running for President. Are Donald Trump's actions justified because of what Bill Clinton did or did not do? This ridiculous strategy from Donald Trump just points out why he should not be president. Attacking Bill Clinton may endear him to his base but he has their support already. What he really needs is more support from women and this strategy is not going to win their vote.
1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.
Yes we have learned that Trump is a douche and Clinton is bad with technology. Glad we got that all cleared up
Ya still haven't learned Bill is a rapist and Hillary is an enabler....
I definitely believe that bill is a cheater whether that was an agreed upon relationship between he and Hillary is between them. As for the rape and abuse that was vetted for years and no criminal charges were brought due to lack of evidence. I'll say that nobody knows enough to make a solid conclusion so I'll leave that one as a possibility but def not a fact. Same goes for Trump but the evidence of his abuse is much stronger than Billy's
BIll Clinton's actions of 20, 30, or 40 years ago have nothing to do with the current election. Bill Clinton is not running for President. Are Donald Trump's actions justified because of what Bill Clinton did or did not do? This ridiculous strategy from Donald Trump just points out why he should not be president. Attacking Bill Clinton may endear him to his base but he has their support already. What he really needs is more support from women and this strategy is not going to win their vote.
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low
This is sad. Typical threats from Trump's alt-right fever swamp terrorists.

Trump accuser says she is leaving country

PALM BEACH -- Mindy McGillivray of Palm Springs said she is planning to leave the United States because she fears for her family’s safety since she publicly accused Donald Trump earlier this week of groping her in 2003.

“We feel the backlash of the Trump supporters. It scares us. It intimidates us. We are in fear of our lives,’’ she said in an interview Friday with The Palm Beach Post.

More: Woman Says She Is Leaving Country After Going Public With Trump Accusation
This is sad. Typical threats from Trump's alt-right fever swamp terrorists.

Trump accuser says she is leaving country

PALM BEACH -- Mindy McGillivray of Palm Springs said she is planning to leave the United States because she fears for her family’s safety since she publicly accused Donald Trump earlier this week of groping her in 2003.

“We feel the backlash of the Trump supporters. It scares us. It intimidates us. We are in fear of our lives,’’ she said in an interview Friday with The Palm Beach Post.

More: Woman Says She Is Leaving Country After Going Public With Trump Accusation

One word: Goodbye!
Yes we have learned that Trump is a douche and Clinton is bad with technology. Glad we got that all cleared up

Yeah, simply bad with technology is all. So bad that she accidentally had a server installed in her home. So clumsy that she had all the emails subpoenaed by Congress accidentally bleach bitted. So clueless that she had her cell phones smashed with a hammer. So out of touch that she had no idea that a C meant classified. So forgetful that she told the FBI in a rigged investigation that she forgot.............39 times.

But that's all it was.......bad with technology.
You're right she's the worst!
I definitely believe that bill is a cheater whether that was an agreed upon relationship between he and Hillary is between them. As for the rape and abuse that was vetted for years and no criminal charges were brought due to lack of evidence. I'll say that nobody knows enough to make a solid conclusion so I'll leave that one as a possibility but def not a fact. Same goes for Trump but the evidence of his abuse is much stronger than Billy's

Really? How so?
Since my words tend to go in one ear and out the other I'll let the Judge explain it to you... Note that I'm using the Fox crew, who loves to bash the left, so you can't play the bias media card:
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.
Yes we have learned that Trump is a douche and Clinton is bad with technology. Glad we got that all cleared up
Ya still haven't learned Bill is a rapist and Hillary is an enabler....
I definitely believe that bill is a cheater whether that was an agreed upon relationship between he and Hillary is between them. As for the rape and abuse that was vetted for years and no criminal charges were brought due to lack of evidence. I'll say that nobody knows enough to make a solid conclusion so I'll leave that one as a possibility but def not a fact. Same goes for Trump but the evidence of his abuse is much stronger than Billy's
BIll Clinton's actions of 20, 30, or 40 years ago have nothing to do with the current election. Bill Clinton is not running for President. Are Donald Trump's actions justified because of what Bill Clinton did or did not do? This ridiculous strategy from Donald Trump just points out why he should not be president. Attacking Bill Clinton may endear him to his base but he has their support already. What he really needs is more support from women and this strategy is not going to win their vote.
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

Ack! Our choices are horrid. I can't believe how stupid we are as a country. They should be made to debate with clown makeup under a big top. Whoever can juggle the best or make us laugh the most wins.
I agree, but the attack is on Hillary for enabling Bill and defending his actions by aggressively trying to silence his accusers. It's a valid arguement since we are playing in the mud pit. It's also sad that our election has stooped this low

There should never have been a personal attack on Hillary at all. Trump made his own decision to go there, and it's backfired on him horribly. Women will not forgive these lapses in character, because he has absolutely no respect for women at all. Why would any woman vote for a man who has no respect or interest in women at all other than as a plaything.

Had Hillary Clinton shown up at the convention with 5 children by three different fathers, I can well imagine what the religious right would have said about her.
. Listen, this war on women is ridiculous, where as just because Trump gets angry when someone attacks him whether it's a man or woman, doesn't mean when he lashes our at them, that he hates an entire gender be it male or female.. This idea that a person lives there life hating all women or men because of something he said that was directed against a specific person in which had attacked him, ummm is ridiculous. If a woman were to attack me in some idiotic manor, then I might talk smack to her in some angered manor, and if she can't take it then don't be running her mouth to begin with. If I were to say to a woman after she talk smack to me, that "she must have a pecker instead of a vagina" , does that mean the insult would go beyond the one that I'm angry at ?????? No it would not. The war on women is a ridiculous childish thing, and anyone that believes it is a child.
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I definitely believe that bill is a cheater whether that was an agreed upon relationship between he and Hillary is between them. As for the rape and abuse that was vetted for years and no criminal charges were brought due to lack of evidence. I'll say that nobody knows enough to make a solid conclusion so I'll leave that one as a possibility but def not a fact. Same goes for Trump but the evidence of his abuse is much stronger than Billy's

Really? How so?
Since my words tend to go in one ear and out the other I'll let the Judge explain it to you... Note that I'm using the Fox crew, who loves to bash the left, so you can't play the bias media card:

I really don't know what this video is supposed to prove other than claims against Bill Clinton (like Trump) had no merit because for one, there was no evidence, and two, the claims came out years later.

Both situations are similar if you ask me, and it doesn't make the claims against Trump any more valid than those of Clinton. They are pretty much the same. The only difference is that Clinton was a leftist hero in spite of these claims (and Monica) and Trump is the next best thing to the devil.

I'm not being partisan here either. If a woman was a victim of any inappropriate behavior by a man, she should take action immediately. Anybody that waits months or years to then make allegations is a liar in my opinion; a person who is looking to be in the spotlight or otherwise has a bone to pick (no pun intended) or is doing so for political purposes.
Your the kind of person that you see no farther than the liberal bias that you are. Why don't you attend the families homes for the victims of terrorism, and tell them just how peaceful this nation is, and how your selfish life is just so great ??

There's a "families home for the victims of terrorism" somewhere?

Guy, exactly 109 Americans have been killed in "Islamic Terror" attacks in the US since 2002. That's it. Compared to the hundreds thousands killed in random gun violence or car accidents in that same period...

1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.

I'm still waiting for you guys to make a case that what she did to the e-mails was so horrible. Because you fume and fuss about it, but really haven't proven much of anything.
Over 10 years ago, while Trump was making these dtatements, The WHITE BILL COSBY was RAPING women, and Hillary was ENABLING him while demonizing his victims.

He was? Because 10 years ago was 2005, and no one has made an accusation about his behavior that dated past 1998. (That works on the assumption that you find any of these accusations credible, given Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties and came up with nothing but a jizz-stained dress.)

This is all a diversion to take the focus off of hillary who is a security risk. Guaranteed she could never pass a background test to get a federal job.

Neither could most of us. Next.

It's the hillary fans' way of taking the focus off of their low life candidate. This weasel comey letting her off the hook doesn't change the fact that she can't be trusted to do anything honestly.

Wait a minute.. are you arguing that a politician is.... dishonest? Really?

Do you go to a whorehouse and complain "I didn't feel loved?"

Or to a Denny's and say, "The food wasn't very good!"
I really don't know what this video is supposed to prove other than claims against Bill Clinton (like Trump) had no merit because for one, there was no evidence, and two, the claims came out years later.

Both situations are similar if you ask me, and it doesn't make the claims against Trump any more valid than those of Clinton. They are pretty much the same. The only difference is that Clinton was a leftist hero in spite of these claims (and Monica) and Trump is the next best thing to the devil.

The difference is, we don't have a tape of Clinton saying he likes to force himself upon women.

Also, the claims of all these women who accused Clinton were investigated by Ken Starr and his 70 million dollar panty-raid. And he came up with nothing.

Now, yes, it's too bad we won't have a chance to investigate these women. Some of them might be in it for the publicity.

But you Wingnuts had Ted Cruz and others screaming from the rafters that this was a problem, and you nominated this Reality TV Nazi anyway.

"Why didn't you tell us he was a womanizing misogynist!!!"

We did. Many times. You didn't listen. You didn't want to hear it. Now we have him on tape in his own words saying it, and you can't pretend it's not there anymore.
I definitely believe that bill is a cheater whether that was an agreed upon relationship between he and Hillary is between them. As for the rape and abuse that was vetted for years and no criminal charges were brought due to lack of evidence. I'll say that nobody knows enough to make a solid conclusion so I'll leave that one as a possibility but def not a fact. Same goes for Trump but the evidence of his abuse is much stronger than Billy's

Really? How so?
Since my words tend to go in one ear and out the other I'll let the Judge explain it to you... Note that I'm using the Fox crew, who loves to bash the left, so you can't play the bias media card:

I really don't know what this video is supposed to prove other than claims against Bill Clinton (like Trump) had no merit because for one, there was no evidence, and two, the claims came out years later.

Both situations are similar if you ask me, and it doesn't make the claims against Trump any more valid than those of Clinton. They are pretty much the same. The only difference is that Clinton was a leftist hero in spite of these claims (and Monica) and Trump is the next best thing to the devil.

I'm not being partisan here either. If a woman was a victim of any inappropriate behavior by a man, she should take action immediately. Anybody that waits months or years to then make allegations is a liar in my opinion; a person who is looking to be in the spotlight or otherwise has a bone to pick (no pun intended) or is doing so for political purposes.

You obviously know nothing about sexual assault, that's a good thing, you're lucky. I'm glad you aren't wearing your partisan hat, so you can try and look at it through the eyes of a woman in this situation. I know guys that have been falsely accused and it is a horrible horrible thing... but Trump has close to a dozen different women now that all came out with very detailed stories just days after he claimed innocent at the debate. If this is a coordinated attack then it is ine of the most sofisticated lies in history. Nothing is proven but there is enough there for me to draw a conclusion. In fact It's pretty obvious. Just listen to the stories and look how he tried to dodge Andersons question at the debate, it took three asks for trump to finally say that he never took action. Anybody that can ready body language can see he was lying.
Your the kind of person that you see no farther than the liberal bias that you are. Why don't you attend the families homes for the victims of terrorism, and tell them just how peaceful this nation is, and how your selfish life is just so great ??

There's a "families home for the victims of terrorism" somewhere?

Guy, exactly 109 Americans have been killed in "Islamic Terror" attacks in the US since 2002. That's it. Compared to the hundreds thousands killed in random gun violence or car accidents in that same period...

1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.

I'm still waiting for you guys to make a case that what she did to the e-mails was so horrible. Because you fume and fuss about it, but really haven't proven much of anything.
. How can anyone do what is right anymore, when we got a super corrupt administration running blocker for Clinton ????????? They are no better than she was when running blocker for Bill.
I definitely believe that bill is a cheater whether that was an agreed upon relationship between he and Hillary is between them. As for the rape and abuse that was vetted for years and no criminal charges were brought due to lack of evidence. I'll say that nobody knows enough to make a solid conclusion so I'll leave that one as a possibility but def not a fact. Same goes for Trump but the evidence of his abuse is much stronger than Billy's

Really? How so?
Since my words tend to go in one ear and out the other I'll let the Judge explain it to you... Note that I'm using the Fox crew, who loves to bash the left, so you can't play the bias media card:

I really don't know what this video is supposed to prove other than claims against Bill Clinton (like Trump) had no merit because for one, there was no evidence, and two, the claims came out years later.

Both situations are similar if you ask me, and it doesn't make the claims against Trump any more valid than those of Clinton. They are pretty much the same. The only difference is that Clinton was a leftist hero in spite of these claims (and Monica) and Trump is the next best thing to the devil.

I'm not being partisan here either. If a woman was a victim of any inappropriate behavior by a man, she should take action immediately. Anybody that waits months or years to then make allegations is a liar in my opinion; a person who is looking to be in the spotlight or otherwise has a bone to pick (no pun intended) or is doing so for political purposes.

You obviously know nothing about sexual assault, that's a good thing, you're lucky. I'm glad you aren't wearing your partisan hat, so you can try and look at it through the eyes of a woman in this situation. I know guys that have been falsely accused and it is a horrible horrible thing... but Trump has close to a dozen different women now that all came out with very detailed stories just days after he claimed innocent at the debate. If this is a coordinated attack then it is ine of the most sofisticated lies in history. Nothing is proven but there is enough there for me to draw a conclusion. In fact It's pretty obvious. Just listen to the stories and look how he tried to dodge Andersons question at the debate, it took three asks for trump to finally say that he never took action. Anybody that can ready body language can see he was lying.
. Why answer to the sicko Anderson Cooper ??? Kidding me right ?
I definitely believe that bill is a cheater whether that was an agreed upon relationship between he and Hillary is between them. As for the rape and abuse that was vetted for years and no criminal charges were brought due to lack of evidence. I'll say that nobody knows enough to make a solid conclusion so I'll leave that one as a possibility but def not a fact. Same goes for Trump but the evidence of his abuse is much stronger than Billy's

Really? How so?
Since my words tend to go in one ear and out the other I'll let the Judge explain it to you... Note that I'm using the Fox crew, who loves to bash the left, so you can't play the bias media card:

I really don't know what this video is supposed to prove other than claims against Bill Clinton (like Trump) had no merit because for one, there was no evidence, and two, the claims came out years later.

Both situations are similar if you ask me, and it doesn't make the claims against Trump any more valid than those of Clinton. They are pretty much the same. The only difference is that Clinton was a leftist hero in spite of these claims (and Monica) and Trump is the next best thing to the devil.

I'm not being partisan here either. If a woman was a victim of any inappropriate behavior by a man, she should take action immediately. Anybody that waits months or years to then make allegations is a liar in my opinion; a person who is looking to be in the spotlight or otherwise has a bone to pick (no pun intended) or is doing so for political purposes.

You obviously know nothing about sexual assault, that's a good thing, you're lucky. I'm glad you aren't wearing your partisan hat, so you can try and look at it through the eyes of a woman in this situation. I know guys that have been falsely accused and it is a horrible horrible thing... but Trump has close to a dozen different women now that all came out with very detailed stories just days after he claimed innocent at the debate. If this is a coordinated attack then it is ine of the most sofisticated lies in history. Nothing is proven but there is enough there for me to draw a conclusion. In fact It's pretty obvious. Just listen to the stories and look how he tried to dodge Andersons question at the debate, it took three asks for trump to finally say that he never took action. Anybody that can ready body language can see he was lying.
. Why answer to the sicko Anderson Cooper ??? Kidding me right ?

What are you talking about? If you are going to ask me a question then please make sure it makes sense
You obviously know nothing about sexual assault, that's a good thing, you're lucky. I'm glad you aren't wearing your partisan hat, so you can try and look at it through the eyes of a woman in this situation. I know guys that have been falsely accused and it is a horrible horrible thing... but Trump has close to a dozen different women now that all came out with very detailed stories just days after he claimed innocent at the debate. If this is a coordinated attack then it is ine of the most sofisticated lies in history. Nothing is proven but there is enough there for me to draw a conclusion. In fact It's pretty obvious. Just listen to the stories and look how he tried to dodge Andersons question at the debate, it took three asks for trump to finally say that he never took action. Anybody that can ready body language can see he was lying.

I don't think you see anything you don't want to see.

Going on the defensive is a losing game. It's something most politicians avoid. Trump apologized for what he said, and wanted to move on. But the Clinton cheerleaders running the show wanted to antagonize him with it.

Trump knows and has been associated with thousands of people. Between his career in real estate and his entertainment associates, it's not hard to imagine people coming out of the woodwork with all kinds of stories, most of them unlikely to have happened.

It's what I call the copycat crime. One sees a person(s) making up these stories, and they develop a story themselves and run to the nearest media outlet; probably cashing in on their fable as well.

So no, I don't believe any of them without proof. Trump himself addressed one of the many stories out there where he stated his interview with the woman claiming he made a pass at her while his wife was with him was in a public place where many people were around. Why would a famous person in a public place do something that stupid? He went on to ask why she didn't write about it at the time?

People that take advantage of such a situation do so because they know they can't be proven wrong. If you let enough time go by, you can't find any witnesses, you can't review any surveillance tape, you can't obtain any evidence to support your innocence. So, the pubic does what it always does--has a public trial. Because it's impossible to prove your innocence, then you must be guilty.

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