Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Until 1975, every state had a “marital exemption” that allowed a husband to rape his wife without fear of legal consequences. I think it was about 1980, that New York revised their laws.

Thinking back to 50's and 60's, I knew some real jerks who felt it was their right to do anything they choose to their wives. It's hard to image that many women then had to live through this. Thankfully, things have changed.
Marital / Spousal Rape Laws and Penalties | Criminal Law

Sounds like Sharia Law. Conservatives are trying to stop this. Liberals are looking to enable it.

lol... uh-huh. wanting to chain a females hands behind her back & force her to be an incubator until she gives birth or criminally punish her if she does terminate a pregnancy.... & believing this nation is a Christian nation, that the POTUS needs to be christian & should be fueled by 'christian' law is no different than what you so fear & abhor, but embrace it because it's the 'correct' religion.

As usual, Liberals have priorities backwards. They view words from extreme Christians to be a bigger threat than the actions from extreme Muslims. Actions speak louder than Words.

I won't take that chance that it's 'mere' words... mike pence intentionally ruined his state economically because of his extreme christian views.
. Oh his Christian views ruined his state eh ? Your kidding right ?? No intelligent person would believe such a bull crapping lie as that, but here you are pushing such a lie. So sad.

oh good god. what is sad is your ignorance or downright denial.

Swift Corporate Backlash Follows Indiana Governor Pence’s Decision To Sign Anti-Gay Law
By Keith Brekhus on Fri, Mar 27th, 2015 at 5:42 pm
Swift Corporate Backlash Follows Indiana Governor Pence's Decision To Sign Anti-Gay Law

Indiana Took $60 Million Hit After Passing Antigay Law

A new study from Visit Indy — Indianapolis's convention and tourism organization — found that Indiana lost at least $60 million in revenue after lawmakers there passed the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which gave businesses the greenlight to discriminate against LGBT people on religious grounds.

Though reaction was swift — and negative — after Republican governor Mike Pence signed the RFRA legislation last year, it wasn't clear how financially damning the law was. The new study shows the clear ramifications, with 12 out-of-state groups saying the RFRA law convinced them to move their business elsewhere. Numerous businesses, from Angie's List to American Airlines, condemned the discriminatory law, with Apple's out CEO penning an op-ed in the Washington Post blasting Pence's decision to sign the bill.

Indiana Took $60 Million Hit After Passing Antigay Law

He's fighting for this countries life, and if you don't understand that, then who really is the stupid one ?

Right. Because even though I made more money this year than I've ever made in my life, we are at peace, and the stock market is at record highs, we are in mortal danger and only a Reality TV Nazi can save us from... what, exactly?

If he ran his presidency like he's been running his campaign, we'd be screwed.
. Your the kind of person that you see no farther than the liberal bias that you are. Why don't you attend the families homes for the victims of terrorism, and tell them just how peaceful this nation is, and how your selfish life is just so great ??
I didn't say "all." Read again for clarity. And the media did cover them but not like they are now because he wasn't running for president when many of the accusations started rolling in.

Yeah, funny how the MSM works that way, isn't it?
Trump had no idea this was coming. People coming out of the woodwork from 10, 20, 30 years ago????

Why wouldn't he? Here's the thing, most normal people who run for President run background checks on themselves to find out if anything like this is out there, true, false or otherwise. Bush the Dumber did this in 2000. So did Romney. So did McCain. You find this out, you discredit it during the primaries.

On the off chance this isn't true (unlikely), Trump should have dealt with this months ago.

Heard him address one of those situations at his rally today. He said that the interview with the woman "claiming" he made sexual advances on her was in a place where other people were around. Furthermore if he made such advances, WTF didn't she include that in the article she wrote about him at the time?? WTF would do that for crying out loud?

you mean why would a writer for a magazine that writes articles to fluff celebrities write a story that they'd never publish?

Yes, Trump loves to brag, Trump is a playboy, but Trump is not a criminal. Criminals don't get away with a lifetime of offending people and not have it come out until they reach the age of 70.

GUy, RICH Criminals get away with murder. Just ask OJ. You keep assuming the rules that apply to you apply to rich people. (Then again, you think the rules that apply to you are also afforded non-white people, so that makes you extra delusional.)

Why wouldn't he? Here's the thing, most normal people who run for President run background checks on themselves to find out if anything like this is out there, true, false or otherwise. Bush the Dumber did this in 2000. So did Romney. So did McCain. You find this out, you discredit it during the primaries.

On the off chance this isn't true (unlikely), Trump should have dealt with this months ago.

How does a background check bring up things that are going to happen in the future like a bunch of whores coming out telling lies to the media? Show me where I can buy such a background check, because I do plenty of background checks, and I haven't found a service that can do that yet.

you mean why would a writer for a magazine that writes articles to fluff celebrities write a story that they'd never publish?

Why would they never publish it? Oh, that's right, he was a Democrat at the time.

GUy, RICH Criminals get away with murder. Just ask OJ. You keep assuming the rules that apply to you apply to rich people. (Then again, you think the rules that apply to you are also afforded non-white people, so that makes you extra delusional.)

Yeah, I'm delusional. You made the same claim when we were talking about Tamir Rice with that racist crap, and you didn't shut your trap until I posted the story of a white guy with a toy gun that was killed by police here in the Cleveland area. It was a two day story here at best, and as I predicted, it never made it to the MSM. But as we know, the same rules don't apply to us white people that apply to blacks.
Trump had no idea this was coming. People coming out of the woodwork from 10, 20, 30 years ago????

Why wouldn't he? Here's the thing, most normal people who run for President run background checks on themselves to find out if anything like this is out there, true, false or otherwise. Bush the Dumber did this in 2000. So did Romney. So did McCain. You find this out, you discredit it during the primaries.

On the off chance this isn't true (unlikely), Trump should have dealt with this months ago.

Heard him address one of those situations at his rally today. He said that the interview with the woman "claiming" he made sexual advances on her was in a place where other people were around. Furthermore if he made such advances, WTF didn't she include that in the article she wrote about him at the time?? WTF would do that for crying out loud?

you mean why would a writer for a magazine that writes articles to fluff celebrities write a story that they'd never publish?

Yes, Trump loves to brag, Trump is a playboy, but Trump is not a criminal. Criminals don't get away with a lifetime of offending people and not have it come out until they reach the age of 70.

GUy, RICH Criminals get away with murder. Just ask OJ. You keep assuming the rules that apply to you apply to rich people. (Then again, you think the rules that apply to you are also afforded non-white people, so that makes you extra delusional.)

That rich criminal o.j. has been in prison for several years.
1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.
That rich criminal o.j. has been in prison for several years.

Not only that, but he was immediately suspected right after the murders. He ran away in his white SUV for many miles before he pulled over for the police. Trump never had any allegations against him until he turned Republican and decided to run against Hil-Liar.

Funny how that is............
Sounds like Sharia Law. Conservatives are trying to stop this. Liberals are looking to enable it.

lol... uh-huh. wanting to chain a females hands behind her back & force her to be an incubator until she gives birth or criminally punish her if she does terminate a pregnancy.... & believing this nation is a Christian nation, that the POTUS needs to be christian & should be fueled by 'christian' law is no different than what you so fear & abhor, but embrace it because it's the 'correct' religion.

As usual, Liberals have priorities backwards. They view words from extreme Christians to be a bigger threat than the actions from extreme Muslims. Actions speak louder than Words.

I won't take that chance that it's 'mere' words... mike pence intentionally ruined his state economically because of his extreme christian views.
. Oh his Christian views ruined his state eh ? Your kidding right ?? No intelligent person would believe such a bull crapping lie as that, but here you are pushing such a lie. So sad.

oh good god. what is sad is your ignorance or downright denial.

Swift Corporate Backlash Follows Indiana Governor Pence’s Decision To Sign Anti-Gay Law
By Keith Brekhus on Fri, Mar 27th, 2015 at 5:42 pm
Swift Corporate Backlash Follows Indiana Governor Pence's Decision To Sign Anti-Gay Law

Indiana Took $60 Million Hit After Passing Antigay Law

A new study from Visit Indy — Indianapolis's convention and tourism organization — found that Indiana lost at least $60 million in revenue after lawmakers there passed the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which gave businesses the greenlight to discriminate against LGBT people on religious grounds.

Though reaction was swift — and negative — after Republican governor Mike Pence signed the RFRA legislation last year, it wasn't clear how financially damning the law was. The new study shows the clear ramifications, with 12 out-of-state groups saying the RFRA law convinced them to move their business elsewhere. Numerous businesses, from Angie's List to American Airlines, condemned the discriminatory law, with Apple's out CEO penning an op-ed in the Washington Post blasting Pence's decision to sign the bill.

Indiana Took $60 Million Hit After Passing Antigay Law

. Question, did it ruin his state ??? Wait for it..... wait for it..... NO IT DID NOT. You libs think that if someone stands up for principles, and stands up for their religious views, then they are done.... YOU people are hilarious, but in the same thought you are also full of it.
1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.
Over 10 years ago, while Trump was making these dtatements, The WHITE BILL COSBY was RAPING women, and Hillary was ENABLING him while demonizing his victims.
1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.
Yes we have learned that Trump is a douche and Clinton is bad with technology. Glad we got that all cleared up
That rich criminal o.j. has been in prison for several years.

Not only that, but he was immediately suspected right after the murders. He ran away in his white SUV for many miles before he pulled over for the police. Trump never had any allegations against him until he turned Republican and decided to run against Hil-Liar.

Funny how that is............

It's the hillary fans' way of taking the focus off of their low life candidate. This weasel comey letting her off the hook doesn't change the fact that she can't be trusted to do anything honestly.
What was the conversation when Bill stuck a cigar in Monica's pussy, then put it in his mouth?
1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.
Yes we have learned that Trump is a douche and Clinton is bad with technology. Glad we got that all cleared up
Ya still haven't learned Bill is a rapist and Hillary is an enabler....
1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.
Yes we have learned that Trump is a douche and Clinton is bad with technology. Glad we got that all cleared up

What was the conversation when Bill stuck a cigar in Monica's pussy, then put it in his mouth?

Now this was real sleazy stuff. bill did this while he was president, and did it in the oval office, and his fans loved him for it even after he lied that he didn't do it. Now the clinton fans are getting all righteous and indignant about something Trump said, and maybe never did.
1700 posts about something Trump said ten years ago. Compared to what clinton did with emails, much ado about nothing. Guess the hillary fans don't require much of their candidate. Just as long as she's breathing. They'd probably vote for her if she were on life support.
Yes we have learned that Trump is a douche and Clinton is bad with technology. Glad we got that all cleared up
Ya still haven't learned Bill is a rapist and Hillary is an enabler....
I definitely believe that bill is a cheater whether that was an agreed upon relationship between he and Hillary is between them. As for the rape and abuse that was vetted for years and no criminal charges were brought due to lack of evidence. I'll say that nobody knows enough to make a solid conclusion so I'll leave that one as a possibility but def not a fact. Same goes for Trump but the evidence of his abuse is much stronger than Billy's

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