Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ā€” 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ā€” from entering the U.S.
. Who has been Willy nilly killing Americans on this soil since before 9-11 ???? The boy scouts of America ??? No Muslims have, so your willing to just bring them in from war zones not knowing if they will join in on the killing is amazing... Undoubtedly the left figures they are immune from the attacks, but why is that ?? Have they made a deal with the Devil ??
Trump Faces Another Accusation ā€” This Time, He Looked Up Modelsā€™ Skirts
Source: Huffington Post

Yet another woman is alleging that she witnessed inappropriate sexual advances by Donald Trump, now the Republican nominee for president.

Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, described a disturbing episode in the mid-1990s: While at a restaurant with her and others, she said Trump paraded women in front of their table, looked under womenā€™s skirts, and commented on whether they were wearing underwear.


Once at the restaurant, the group met up with Casablancas, who had brought along five or six models. It quickly became clear to Boyne that this was an opportunity for Trump to meet young, attractive women. Months earlier, Trumpā€™s then-wife Marla Maples had allegedly been caught sleeping with a bodyguard. (Trump and Maples would officially divorce in 1997.)

According to Boyne, the group was seated at a semi-circular table, with the women in the middle and Trump and Casablancas flanking either end. The women couldnā€™t get out of their seats without one of the men getting up ā€• which they refused to do. Instead, Boyne said, Trump insisted that the women walk across the table, allowing him to peer up their skirts while they did so. Trump ā€œstuck his head right underneath their skirts,ā€ Boyne said, and commented on whether they were wearing underwear and what their genitalia looked like.


Read more: Trump Faces Another Accusation -- This Time, He Looked Up Models' Skirts | Huffington Post
Trump Faces Another Accusation ā€” This Time, He Looked Up Modelsā€™ Skirts
Source: Huffington Post

Yet another woman is alleging that she witnessed inappropriate sexual advances by Donald Trump, now the Republican nominee for president.

Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, described a disturbing episode in the mid-1990s: While at a restaurant with her and others, she said Trump paraded women in front of their table, looked under womenā€™s skirts, and commented on whether they were wearing underwear.


Once at the restaurant, the group met up with Casablancas, who had brought along five or six models. It quickly became clear to Boyne that this was an opportunity for Trump to meet young, attractive women. Months earlier, Trumpā€™s then-wife Marla Maples had allegedly been caught sleeping with a bodyguard. (Trump and Maples would officially divorce in 1997.)

According to Boyne, the group was seated at a semi-circular table, with the women in the middle and Trump and Casablancas flanking either end. The women couldnā€™t get out of their seats without one of the men getting up ā€• which they refused to do. Instead, Boyne said, Trump insisted that the women walk across the table, allowing him to peer up their skirts while they did so. Trump ā€œstuck his head right underneath their skirts,ā€ Boyne said, and commented on whether they were wearing underwear and what their genitalia looked like.


Read more: Trump Faces Another Accusation -- This Time, He Looked Up Models' Skirts | Huffington Post
. You people are over playing your hand, and it's showing your desperation big time.
For a party that hates porn and is super religious this sure is weird.
. What's weird?? That the stakes are way higher than putting Hillary in that chair ??? Nothing weird about it at all. Can you imagine the damage the Supreme Court could cause this nation if those who are appointed are activist judges from Hell ?? There are other's in this nation that need representation, and they will have representation just like a leftist want or anyone else wants in this nation. There will be no one-sided situation for the people in this nation like there has been, and that is what will happen with Hillary.
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Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ā€” 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ā€” from entering the U.S.
. Further more the left cracks me up, because the Muslim religion is against most of what the left engages in here, and if the Muslims were to gain power to make choices as to what goes on around their families, then the left will be in trouble. Heck the right could be also.
. Further more the left cracks me up, because the Muslim religion is against most of what the left engages in here, and if the Muslims were to gain power to make choices as to what goes on around their families, then the left will be in trouble. Heck the right could be also.

Correct. They want to protect people that believe in the death penalty for homosexuals, but also want guys in dresses to take showers and use the same bathrooms as their daughters in school. LOL!
For a party that hates porn and is super religious this sure is weird.

When was the last time you heard (or read) the RNC making a main issue of porn? And when is freedom of religion (outlined in our US Constitution) considered being "super" religious?
These reasons should send cold chills down a voters spine if thinking about voting for shillary.

She is a shill for who ever has the most money.

She is an habitual liar.

She is for men being married to one another, because she has no moral compass. Even Bill her husband wouldn't go along with that one.

She throws boulders while living in a glass house.

She is for free this, and for free that, and to the tune of billions out of the pockets of hardworking taxpayers.

She's for higher taxes with no tax plan to truly help the working class.

She is for open borders even though Americans are laying DEAD in the streets of America, and all because the vetting of those who were here wasn't accurate or kept up with, but she can vett hundreds of thousands more who aren't here, and are coming in from zones that hate America ? yeah right.

This woman needs to be arrested just as they had arrested Morsi in Egypt, and anyone of her accomplices need to be arrested also.

She is for Abortion, and if she is for late term meaning having no health risk to the mother, then she is an accomplice to murder. The killing of unknown children who had formed in the womb is murder plain and simple.

She is for stealing from the rich & giving to the poor in which for whom she does not know as individuals, and whether or not one deserves a helping hand or not but just give it to them anyway?? Isn't that what vetting is also about ? Otherwise making sure that if you give someone something that belonged to someone else, then wouldn't it only be right that the someone else would be happy knowing that the person deserved it ?

She is for an authoritarian government, and a police state.

She will be weak to everyone who figured they had a hand in creating her, and worse that she feels indebted to for getting her the job, and oh it isn't the voters if you think that is who she will be thanking, but it's the elite that's who.

If you thought Trump would be a disaster, then you ain't seen nothing yet, because this woman is a follower, and not a leader.
Hillary is a damn smart politician that can think circles around Trump. She knows politics, both domestic and international. We may not like politicians but we need them and Hillary is one of the best. I've seen people like Trump before whose only qualification for office is there're an outsider, not a politician. Invariably, the system chews them up and spits them out. This usually occurs because they take an attitude of "damn the torpedo, full speed ahead." Tough talk is no substitute for knowledge and experience in politics and government, neither of which Trump has.

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Ask any conservative if the accusations of sexual assault against Clinton are true and the vast majority would say yes. Meanwhile, like the ones made against Trump, they are nothing more than allegations. Yet here you are inferring accusations against Trump are baseless.

And here you (and your ilk) are making accusations that they are true.

I doubt that "all" conservatives would say Clinton's supposed actions were true. You might find a few at best. It's all here say. And let me ask: when did the MSM cover his "supposed" transgressions as aggressively as they are with Trump's?
Look at this fucking pervert with his little Ivanka's dress off her shoulder and his fingers well inside her dress. Sick bastard.
These reasons should send cold chills down a voters spine if thinking about voting for shillary.

She is a shill for who ever has the most money.

She is an habitual liar.

She is for men being married to one another, because she has no moral compass. Even Bill her husband wouldn't go along with that one.

She throws boulders while living in a glass house.

She is for free this, and for free that, and to the tune of billions out of the pockets of hardworking taxpayers.

She's for higher taxes with no tax plan to truly help the working class.

She is for open borders even though Americans are laying DEAD in the streets of America, and all because the vetting of those who were here wasn't accurate or kept up with, but she can vett hundreds of thousands more who aren't here, and are coming in from zones that hate America ? yeah right.

This woman needs to be arrested just as they had arrested Morsi in Egypt, and anyone of her accomplices need to be arrested also.

She is for Abortion, and if she is for late term meaning having no health risk to the mother, then she is an accomplice to murder. The killing of unknown children who had formed in the womb is murder plain and simple.

She is for stealing from the rich & giving to the poor in which for whom she does not know as individuals, and whether or not one deserves a helping hand or not but just give it to them anyway?? Isn't that what vetting is also about ? Otherwise making sure that if you give someone something that belonged to someone else, then wouldn't it only be right that the someone else would be happy knowing that the person deserved it ?

She is for an authoritarian government, and a police state.

She will be weak to everyone who figured they had a hand in creating her, and worse that she feels indebted to for getting her the job, and oh it isn't the voters if you think that is who she will be thanking, but it's the elite that's who.

If you thought Trump would be a disaster, then you ain't seen nothing yet, because this woman is a follower, and not a leader.
Hillary is a damn smart politician that can think circles around Trump. She knows politics, both domestic and international. We may not like politicians but we need them. I've seen people like Trump before whose only qualification for office is there're an outsider, not a politician, just what's need to fix government. Invariably, the system chews them up and spits them out. Tough talk is no substitute for knowledge and experience in politics and government, neither of which Trump has.
. Trump's so dumb that he became a billionaire eh ?? Man I need to dumb myself down then. Now how can you tell when a politician or a car salesman is lying ??? When they're lips are moving.
Look at this fucking pervert with his little Ivanka's dress off her shoulder and his fingers well inside her dress. Sick bastard.
. So you are accusing Trump of Molesting this young girl according to this picture ???? So your saying that he pulled her top down off of her shoulder with his hand in some perverted way ???? Now it couldn't in no way be a clothing failure in your mind now could it ?? Could it have been due to the loose fit of the clothing or garment around her shoulder area, otherwise in which could have easily caused the clothing failure maybe ??? If so then it could have easily had fallin down into his hand after he had put his hand onto her arm maybe. Who knows, he might have taken his hand, and put the garment back upon her shoulder after it had fallen down onto his hand, But the steal picture doesn't show us that does it ??
These reasons should send cold chills down a voters spine if thinking about voting for shillary.

She is a shill for who ever has the most money.

She is an habitual liar.

She is for men being married to one another, because she has no moral compass. Even Bill her husband wouldn't go along with that one.

She throws boulders while living in a glass house.

She is for free this, and for free that, and to the tune of billions out of the pockets of hardworking taxpayers.

She's for higher taxes with no tax plan to truly help the working class.

She is for open borders even though Americans are laying DEAD in the streets of America, and all because the vetting of those who were here wasn't accurate or kept up with, but she can vett hundreds of thousands more who aren't here, and are coming in from zones that hate America ? yeah right.

This woman needs to be arrested just as they had arrested Morsi in Egypt, and anyone of her accomplices need to be arrested also.

She is for Abortion, and if she is for late term meaning having no health risk to the mother, then she is an accomplice to murder. The killing of unknown children who had formed in the womb is murder plain and simple.

She is for stealing from the rich & giving to the poor in which for whom she does not know as individuals, and whether or not one deserves a helping hand or not but just give it to them anyway?? Isn't that what vetting is also about ? Otherwise making sure that if you give someone something that belonged to someone else, then wouldn't it only be right that the someone else would be happy knowing that the person deserved it ?

She is for an authoritarian government, and a police state.

She will be weak to everyone who figured they had a hand in creating her, and worse that she feels indebted to for getting her the job, and oh it isn't the voters if you think that is who she will be thanking, but it's the elite that's who.

If you thought Trump would be a disaster, then you ain't seen nothing yet, because this woman is a follower, and not a leader.
Hillary is a damn smart politician that can think circles around Trump. She knows politics, both domestic and international. We may not like politicians but we need them. I've seen people like Trump before whose only qualification for office is there're an outsider, not a politician, just what's need to fix government. Invariably, the system chews them up and spits them out. Tough talk is no substitute for knowledge and experience in politics and government, neither of which Trump has.
. Trump's so dumb that he became a billionaire eh ?? Man I need to dumb myself down then. Now how can you tell when a politician or a car salesman is lying ??? When they're lips are moving.
Start out with a family business worth 200 million dollars and it's remarkably easy.

John Kennedy said, ā€œMothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be President, but they do not want them to become politicians in the processā€ The most common words used to describe the politician is dishonest, conniving, shifty, unprincipled, selfish, and corrupt. This view of politicians and politics has given rise to the view that we don't need politicians. Nothing could be further from the truth. Good politicians are what makes government work. Bad politicians are what makes governments fail.
These reasons should send cold chills down a voters spine if thinking about voting for shillary.

She is a shill for who ever has the most money.

She is an habitual liar.

She is for men being married to one another, because she has no moral compass. Even Bill her husband wouldn't go along with that one.

She throws boulders while living in a glass house.

She is for free this, and for free that, and to the tune of billions out of the pockets of hardworking taxpayers.

She's for higher taxes with no tax plan to truly help the working class.

She is for open borders even though Americans are laying DEAD in the streets of America, and all because the vetting of those who were here wasn't accurate or kept up with, but she can vett hundreds of thousands more who aren't here, and are coming in from zones that hate America ? yeah right.

This woman needs to be arrested just as they had arrested Morsi in Egypt, and anyone of her accomplices need to be arrested also.

She is for Abortion, and if she is for late term meaning having no health risk to the mother, then she is an accomplice to murder. The killing of unknown children who had formed in the womb is murder plain and simple.

She is for stealing from the rich & giving to the poor in which for whom she does not know as individuals, and whether or not one deserves a helping hand or not but just give it to them anyway?? Isn't that what vetting is also about ? Otherwise making sure that if you give someone something that belonged to someone else, then wouldn't it only be right that the someone else would be happy knowing that the person deserved it ?

She is for an authoritarian government, and a police state.

She will be weak to everyone who figured they had a hand in creating her, and worse that she feels indebted to for getting her the job, and oh it isn't the voters if you think that is who she will be thanking, but it's the elite that's who.

If you thought Trump would be a disaster, then you ain't seen nothing yet, because this woman is a follower, and not a leader.
Hillary is a damn smart politician that can think circles around Trump. She knows politics, both domestic and international. We may not like politicians but we need them. I've seen people like Trump before whose only qualification for office is there're an outsider, not a politician, just what's need to fix government. Invariably, the system chews them up and spits them out. Tough talk is no substitute for knowledge and experience in politics and government, neither of which Trump has.
. Trump's so dumb that he became a billionaire eh ?? Man I need to dumb myself down then. Now how can you tell when a politician or a car salesman is lying ??? When they're lips are moving.
Start out with a family business worth 200 million dollars and it's remarkably easy.

John Kennedy said, ā€œMothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be President, but they do not want them to become politicians in the processā€ The most common words used to describe the politician is dishonest, conniving, shifty, unprincipled, selfish, and corrupt. This view of politicians and politics has given rise to the view that we don't need politicians. Nothing could be further from the truth. Good politicians are what makes government work. Bad politicians are what makes governments fail.

Look at this fucking pervert with his little Ivanka's dress off her shoulder and his fingers well inside her dress. Sick bastard.
. So you are accusing Trump of Molesting this young girl according to this picture ???? So your saying that he pulled her top down off of her shoulder with his hand in some perverted way ???? Now it couldn't in no way be a clothing failure in your mind now could it ?? Could it have been due to the loose fit of the clothing or garment around her shoulder area, otherwise in which could have easily caused the clothing failure maybe ??? If so then it could have easily had fallin down into his hand after he had put his hand onto her arm maybe. Who knows, he might have taken his hand, and put the garment back upon her shoulder after it had fallen down onto his hand, But the steal picture doesn't show us that does it ??
It's just another nail in Trump's coffin. Each day more evidence keeps pilling up showing Trump actually does do exactly what he says.
"And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."
"Grab ā€™em by the pussy. You can do anything."
He's fighting for this countries life, and if you don't understand that, then who really is the stupid one ?

Right. Because even though I made more money this year than I've ever made in my life, we are at peace, and the stock market is at record highs, we are in mortal danger and only a Reality TV Nazi can save us from... what, exactly?

If he ran his presidency like he's been running his campaign, we'd be screwed.
Trump had no idea this was coming. People coming out of the woodwork from 10, 20, 30 years ago????

Why wouldn't he? Here's the thing, most normal people who run for President run background checks on themselves to find out if anything like this is out there, true, false or otherwise. Bush the Dumber did this in 2000. So did Romney. So did McCain. You find this out, you discredit it during the primaries.

On the off chance this isn't true (unlikely), Trump should have dealt with this months ago.

Heard him address one of those situations at his rally today. He said that the interview with the woman "claiming" he made sexual advances on her was in a place where other people were around. Furthermore if he made such advances, WTF didn't she include that in the article she wrote about him at the time?? WTF would do that for crying out loud?

you mean why would a writer for a magazine that writes articles to fluff celebrities write a story that they'd never publish?

Yes, Trump loves to brag, Trump is a playboy, but Trump is not a criminal. Criminals don't get away with a lifetime of offending people and not have it come out until they reach the age of 70.

GUy, RICH Criminals get away with murder. Just ask OJ. You keep assuming the rules that apply to you apply to rich people. (Then again, you think the rules that apply to you are also afforded non-white people, so that makes you extra delusional.)

Ask any conservative if the accusations of sexual assault against Clinton are true and the vast majority would say yes. Meanwhile, like the ones made against Trump, they are nothing more than allegations. Yet here you are inferring accusations against Trump are baseless.

And here you (and your ilk) are making accusations that they are true.

I doubt that "all" conservatives would say Clinton's supposed actions were true. You might find a few at best. It's all here say. And let me ask: when did the MSM cover his "supposed" transgressions as aggressively as they are with Trump's?
I didn't say "all." Read again for clarity. And the media did cover them but not like they are now because he wasn't running for president when many of the accusations started rolling in.
Trump had no idea this was coming. People coming out of the woodwork from 10, 20, 30 years ago????

Why wouldn't he? Here's the thing, most normal people who run for President run background checks on themselves to find out if anything like this is out there, true, false or otherwise. Bush the Dumber did this in 2000. So did Romney. So did McCain. You find this out, you discredit it during the primaries.

On the off chance this isn't true (unlikely), Trump should have dealt with this months ago.

Heard him address one of those situations at his rally today. He said that the interview with the woman "claiming" he made sexual advances on her was in a place where other people were around. Furthermore if he made such advances, WTF didn't she include that in the article she wrote about him at the time?? WTF would do that for crying out loud?

you mean why would a writer for a magazine that writes articles to fluff celebrities write a story that they'd never publish?

Yes, Trump loves to brag, Trump is a playboy, but Trump is not a criminal. Criminals don't get away with a lifetime of offending people and not have it come out until they reach the age of 70.

GUy, RICH Criminals get away with murder. Just ask OJ. You keep assuming the rules that apply to you apply to rich people. (Then again, you think the rules that apply to you are also afforded non-white people, so that makes you extra delusional.)
. If you weren't such a racist, your points could be with merit, but then you go and ruin it all with your racism.

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