Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Howard Stern Called Trump A Sexual Predator In 2006. Trump Agreed.

“Donald seriously, you know all about sexual predators and things like that…. You are one!”​

The exchange happens just after the 21 minute mark in this video of a 2006 Howard Stern interview.

Holy shit, Trump even admits he's a sexual predator.

The right can no longer argue that they're the party of morals and right & wrong. Period. Any credibility has just been flushed down the fucking toilet.
Trump decided he would drag up all the accusations about Bill Clinton as retaliation for the leaked tape. Then he totally dismissed his apology as locker room banter and claimed he never did any of those things. That was an open invitation for every women he molested, mistreated, groped, or disparaged to step forward. Most political analysts saw this coming. Why couldn't Trump?

A president has to be able to think through his moves and avoid knee jerk reactions.

You mean like lying to Congress, smashing government cell phones with a hammer, erasing incriminating evidence against you.............

Trump had no idea this was coming. People coming out of the woodwork from 10, 20, 30 years ago????

I love how this all works too, just make an accusation and it must be true.

Heard him address one of those situations at his rally today. He said that the interview with the woman "claiming" he made sexual advances on her was in a place where other people were around. Furthermore if he made such advances, WTF didn't she include that in the article she wrote about him at the time?? WTF would do that for crying out loud?

If somebody makes inappropriate moves on a woman, she should take action immediately, not wait until the guy is running for President. But as we all know, most if not all of these stories are utter bullshit and should be viewed that way.

Yes, Trump loves to brag, Trump is a playboy, but Trump is not a criminal. Criminals don't get away with a lifetime of offending people and not have it come out until they reach the age of 70.
Do you not understand the difference. Bill Clinton is not running for president. Trump is. Most people couldn't car less about BIll Clinton's sex life 20 to 40 years ago. It's irrelevant in this election. What is relevant is the incredibly stupidly that Trump is showing. Everything he is doing plays right into the hands of the Clinton campaign. His attacks on his own party leadership, dragging up sexual accusation against Bill Clinton, and threats of law suits against the New York Times and women who come forward show he is certainly not presidential material.

So what is presidential material--one where a person doesn't defend himself?

We have somebody like that in office now, that's why Iran is threatening our ships.

He should sue the Times. They wrote a story with not an ounce of evidence. I'm all for freedom of speech, but not when that speech lies about a person in hopes of steering a presidential election.
Howard Stern Called Trump A Sexual Predator In 2006. Trump Agreed.

“Donald seriously, you know all about sexual predators and things like that…. You are one!”​

The exchange happens just after the 21 minute mark in this video of a 2006 Howard Stern interview.

Holy shit, Trump even admits he's a sexual predator.

The right can no longer argue that they're the party of morals and right & wrong. Period. Any credibility has just been flushed down the fucking toilet.
. Trump talking (guy talk trying to be a stud), about women is normal, but what you leftist are for is way out of line, and is far from normal. These are the choices America has (Normal) or (Abnormal), now take your choice America.
Howard Stern Called Trump A Sexual Predator In 2006. Trump Agreed.

“Donald seriously, you know all about sexual predators and things like that…. You are one!”​

The exchange happens just after the 21 minute mark in this video of a 2006 Howard Stern interview.

Holy shit, Trump even admits he's a sexual predator.

The right can no longer argue that they're the party of morals and right & wrong. Period. Any credibility has just been flushed down the fucking toilet.

And the faux left can only argue that they are the party of wrong.
Howard Stern Called Trump A Sexual Predator In 2006. Trump Agreed.

“Donald seriously, you know all about sexual predators and things like that…. You are one!”​

The exchange happens just after the 21 minute mark in this video of a 2006 Howard Stern interview.

Holy shit, Trump even admits he's a sexual predator.

The right can no longer argue that they're the party of morals and right & wrong. Period. Any credibility has just been flushed down the fucking toilet.

Hey Matty...why don't you reach down and grab your vagina.
In the 1990s, leftist fanatics were saying that Clinton's sexual harassment, attacks, and even rapes did not disqualify him from being President.
Now, those same fanatics are insisting that a few lewd comments (not to women) DO disqualify Trump from being President.
"What he does in his private life has no bearing on his qualifications for President."
Liberals, can you explain this major 180-degree turn you have made?
Nothing but denials and excuses from the liberals so far. They seem VERY reluctant to address this issue.
Do you not understand the difference. Bill Clinton is not running for president. Trump is. Most people couldn't car less about BIll Clinton's sex life 20 to 40 years ago. It's irrelevant in this election. What is relevant is the incredibly stupidly that Trump is showing. Everything he is doing plays right into the hands of the Clinton campaign. His attacks on his own party leadership, dragging up sexual accusation against Bill Clinton, and threats of law suits against the New York Times and women who come forward show he is certainly not presidential material.
. He's fighting for this countries life, and if you don't understand that, then who really is the stupid one ?
Trump is fighting to protect his name. As Trump has said many times, it's his most important asset. Obviously, Trump sees his misogynistic rhetoric, infidelities, and lewd comments as irrelevant. However, when he's caught with hand in the cookie jar, he has to fight back.

A president has be above this and he has to be smart enough to avoid it. He has be fighting to protect the nation, not his name. Trump is allowing himself to be diverted from the task of winning the election. He is doing exactly what the Clinton campaign wants, engaging in battles with his accusers, the media, and leaders in his own party.
But sexual assault and other nasty shit isn't a reason to be mad within the eyes of the loserterian. The first movement in the world to actively fight to turn their country into a third world shit hole.
In the 1990s, leftist fanatics were saying that Clinton's sexual harassment, attacks, and even rapes did not disqualify him from being President.
Now, those same fanatics are insisting that a few lewd comments (not to women) DO disqualify Trump from being President.
"What he does in his private life has no bearing on his qualifications for President."
Liberals, can you explain this major 180-degree turn you have made?
Nothing but denials and excuses from the liberals so far. They seem VERY reluctant to address this issue.
Do you not understand the difference. Bill Clinton is not running for president. Trump is. Most people couldn't car less about BIll Clinton's sex life 20 to 40 years ago. It's irrelevant in this election. What is relevant is the incredibly stupidly that Trump is showing. Everything he is doing plays right into the hands of the Clinton campaign. His attacks on his own party leadership, dragging up sexual accusation against Bill Clinton, and threats of law suits against the New York Times and women who come forward show he is certainly not presidential material.
. He's fighting for this countries life, and if you don't understand that, then who really is the stupid one ?
Trump is fighting to protect his name. As Trump has said many times, it's his most important asset. Obviously, Trump sees his misogynistic rhetoric, infidelities, and lewd comments as irrelevant. However, when he's caught with hand in the cookie jar, he has to fight back.

A president has be above this and he has to be smart enough to avoid it. He has be fighting to protect the nation, not his name. Trump is allowing himself to be diverted from the task of winning the election. He is doing exactly what the Clinton campaign wants, engaging in battles with his accusers, the media, and leaders in his own party.
If anyone tries to take candy from the crybabies (the liberals), then of course you will be finding yourself having to protect your name, because the crybaby libs will be trying every trick in the book until the storm has past by, and the stolen candy in which they (the libs) took from the hardworkers is back in their control again, then it's back to their slimey utopia they want to live in while flipping the bird at everyone else.
But sexual assault and other nasty shit isn't a reason to be mad within the eyes of the loserterian. The first movement in the world to actively fight to turn their country into a third world shit hole.
. You talking about Shillary covering for her losertarian husband ???
Since I can't post any other threads...Well, I'll start sticking this here.

Former Miss Teen USA Accuses Trump of Racial Preferences at Pageants
Source: Mother Jones

But according to one former Miss Teen USA, Trump's beauty pageant misdeeds didn't stop at entering dressing rooms, but also extended to racist behavior towards black contestants.

In a series of tweets posted Wednesday, Kamie Crawford described her first interaction with Donald Trump after winning the competition in 2010. Crawford, who was seventeen at the time and was the first black girl to win the title in nearly a decade, said that prior to meeting Trump, she was warned that "Mr. Trump doesn't like black people," and that if he did respond to her kindly, it would be because she was the "type of black he likes."


Crawford also recalled a moment when Trump turned his back on a black contestant during rehearsals for Miss Universe:


While she was practicing on stage. Literally turned his back to the stage and made a face like he was going to vomit at the sight of her.


Read more: Donald Trump only likes certain "types" of black people, says former Miss Teen USA
The Cheetos Poltroon Putin Mini Me
Miss Washington 2013 says Donald Trump groped her
Source: King 5 News

“Do y’all remember that one time we had to do our onstage introductions, but this one guy treated us like cattle and made us do it again because we didn’t look him in the eyes? Do you also remember when he then proceeded to have us lined up so he could get a closer look at his property? Oh I forgot to mention that guy will be in the running to become the next President of the United States. I love the idea of having a misogynist as the President. #‎HeWillProbablySueMe ‬‪#‎iHaveWorseStoriesSoComeAtMeBro‬ ‪#‎Drumpf‬."

According to Rolling Stone, Searles added in a comment on her initial post's thread, "He probably doesn't want me telling the story about that time he continually grabbed my ass and invited me to his hotel room."

Trump owned the Miss USA pageant from 2002 to 2015.

Read more: Miss Washington 2013 says Donald Trump groped her

Unhinged Trump supporters attack the press at Florida rally: ‘We’re mad at you!’
Donald Trump has launched a full-out war on the press. It's getting bad.
He should. They are schills for Clinton.
. More than that... They are shills for a leftist utopia that will only last a short while, because just look at the idiocy that is the left. Wow. They want Shillary because she is weak & not strong, and this nation had best believe it.
Journalists’ Org BLASTS Trump As ‘An Unprecedented Threat’ To Press Freedom

The United States has never seen the likes of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. He has spent the last year and a half engaged solely in puerile insults and personal attacks. His victims have included women, minorities, veterans, and anyone he deemed less than reverential. However, the media has borne much of the weight of his […]

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