Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)


TEEN PAGEANT PROWLER: Trump ‘Walked In On’ Dressing Room

Trump Supporters’ Worst Attempts To Defend New Sexual Allegations

Video Shows Trump Joking About Dating A Young Girl When She Gets Older

This is so sick. Please make this pervert go away.
Going for the scorned woman effect now eh ??? Herman Cain would have made a great President, but the DNC resorted to the same tactics to take him down also... How about the issues talked about somehow or is this all the nation has going for it anymore ?? It's like you people live eat and breathe the national enquire instead of just reading it. Once you devil's get your way, then you continue your agenda to destroy everything that was once great about this nation, and great for the majority of decent hardworking people (all people) who live here. It's amazing how the civil rights issue in this nation, has been highjacked by every demon with a cause that you can name anymore. It has become an open doorway to this nations very own self destruction I believe. Now I agree that we needed the civil rights act sure, but the piling on over the decades of everything but the kitchen sink we didn't need, and sadly this has been the case for quite sometime now in America...Now we see that the act is being used by radicals full of hate & with their twisted agenda's trying to harass white people, destroy white people, and create hate groups trying to overthrow the so called white privilege in this nation, and this be it in one form or the other. Now Hillary uses all this to her advantage, because she will go as low as it takes to exploit black people for her & Bill's goals of keeping and/or gaining power, money, and control for their corporate puppet masters. It's time we identify these problems in this nation, and deal with them before the demons separate us any more in this nation.
Rachel Maddow just said that one of the women that accused Trump (couldn't make out which one) is going to be on the Today Show (NBC) tomorrow.

Well now that the media (once again) is controlling this election, every leftist flake will be coming out making some sort of claim. I hope Trump sues every one of them.
In the 1990s, leftist fanatics were saying that Clinton's sexual harassment, attacks, and even rapes did not disqualify him from being President.
Now, those same fanatics are insisting that a few lewd comments (not to women) DO disqualify Trump from being President.
"What he does in his private life has no bearing on his qualifications for President."
Liberals, can you explain this major 180-degree turn you have made?
Nothing but denials and excuses from the liberals so far. They seem VERY reluctant to address this issue.
Do you not understand the difference. Bill Clinton is not running for president. Trump is. Most people couldn't car less about BIll Clinton's sex life 20 to 40 years ago. It's irrelevant in this election. What is relevant is the incredibly stupidly that Trump is showing. Everything he is doing plays right into the hands of the Clinton campaign. His attacks on his own party leadership, dragging up sexual accusation against Bill Clinton, and threats of law suits against the New York Times and women who come forward show he is certainly not presidential material.
In the 1990s, leftist fanatics were saying that Clinton's sexual harassment, attacks, and even rapes did not disqualify him from being President.
Now, those same fanatics are insisting that a few lewd comments (not to women) DO disqualify Trump from being President.
"What he does in his private life has no bearing on his qualifications for President."
Liberals, can you explain this major 180-degree turn you have made?
Nothing but denials and excuses from the liberals so far. They seem VERY reluctant to address this issue.
Do you not understand the difference. Bill Clinton is not running for president. Trump is. Most people couldn't car less about BIll Clinton's sex life 20 to 40 years ago. It's irrelevant in this election. What is relevant is the incredibly stupidly that Trump is showing. Everything he is doing plays right into the hands of the Clinton campaign. His attacks on his own party leadership, dragging up sexual accusation against Bill Clinton, and threats of law suits against the New York Times and women who come forward show he is certainly not presidential material.
. He's fighting for this countries life, and if you don't understand that, then who really is the stupid one ?
Rachel Maddow just said that one of the women that accused Trump (couldn't make out which one) is going to be on the Today Show (NBC) tomorrow.
Trump decided he would drag up all the accusations about Bill Clinton as retaliation for the leaked tape. Then he totally dismissed his apology as locker room banter and claimed he never did any of those things. That was an open invitation for every women he molested, mistreated, groped, or disparaged to step forward. Most political analysts saw this coming. Why couldn't Trump?

A president has to be able to think through his moves and avoid knee jerk reactions. This is why our presidents are politicians and not real estate salesmen.
These reasons should send cold chills down a voters spine if thinking about voting for shillary.

She is a shill for who ever has the most money.

She is an habitual liar.

She is for men being married to one another, because she has no moral compass. Even Bill her husband wouldn't go along with that one.

She throws boulders while living in a glass house.

She is for free this, and for free that, and to the tune of billions out of the pockets of hardworking taxpayers.

She's for higher taxes with no tax plan to truly help the working class.

She is for open borders even though Americans are laying DEAD in the streets of America, and all because the vetting of those who were here wasn't accurate or kept up with, but she can vett hundreds of thousands more who aren't here, and are coming in from zones that hate America ? yeah right.

This woman needs to be arrested just as they had arrested Morsi in Egypt, and anyone of her accomplices need to be arrested also.

She is for Abortion, and if she is for late term meaning having no health risk to the mother, then she is an accomplice to murder. The killing of unknown children who had formed in the womb is murder plain and simple.

She is for stealing from the rich & giving to the poor in which for whom she does not know as individuals, and whether or not one deserves a helping hand or not but just give it to them anyway?? Isn't that what vetting is also about ? Otherwise making sure that if you give someone something that belonged to someone else, then wouldn't it only be right that the someone else would be happy knowing that the person deserved it ?

She is for an authoritarian government, and a police state.

She will be weak to everyone who figured they had a hand in creating her, and worse that she feels indebted to for getting her the job, and oh it isn't the voters if you think that is who she will be thanking, but it's the elite that's who.

If you thought Trump would be a disaster, then you ain't seen nothing yet, because this woman is a follower, and not a leader.
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