Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
Trump reminds me of Clint Eastwood in the movie Pale Rider... Great movie that is, in fact I'm watching it as I type. Hillary and the media remind me of the bad man and his hinchmen that wanted the miners off their land. They are that bad.

Trump isn't the Preacher in Pale Rider, he's the sleezy, stupid son of a rich man trying to rape the girl. He's a lying, thieving low-life who stole money from honest, hardworking people, and destroyed many lives in doing so.

He's taken every short-cut in the book, legal or otherwise, using emminent domain to steal people's land for his investments, H1N1 visas to avoid paying minimum wage to American workers, bankruptcies to avoid paying subtrades.

His modelling agency is being investigated as an immigration fraud, perpetrated on the women he brought into the country. His Foundation has been charged with illegal fund-raising. His "University" is being investigated for fraud, in two separate states. He's facing allegations he raped a 13 year old in a California law suit.

Every time Trump has invited members of the general public to participate in a Trump business, the public has lost their investment. Depending on the outcome of the Trump University trials in New York and California, Trump could be facing criminal charges in the scam.

But his treatment of and disrespect for women is HUGE. Whether you agree that he is a complete sexist pig or not, isn't the issue. WOMEN believe that of him. The way he tries to intimidate, humiliate, and silence women who criticize him, is quite different from his attacks on men.

He routinely attacks women on their age and their looks. He couldn't possibly have attacked that woman on the plane. I mean look at her, not nearly pretty enough for him. He didn't say he never groped a woman on a plane, just that this one wasn't up to his standards.

Trump is nobody's heroic saviour. Trump's the asshole we need to be saved from.
. Where are the charges ??? You people can run your mouth all you want in a campaign, but where are you when there is no campaign???? Going along maybe ???? Hypocrite much maybe ???
Why press charges and fight a plethora of high paid attorneys when you can just tell your story to the times and humiliate the turd while squashing his dreams of world domination
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.

What are you listening to? I heard Trump apologize for the comments he made over a decade ago.
You're so sick of women claiming abuse without video evidence? Are you fucking serious? So let's say you had a daughter who got raped or molested and there was no camera or witnesses, she was too scared or embarrassed to come forward right away, so you just tell her to swallow it and move on? Just listen to yourself... deplorable and proud I'm guessing

Not necessarily a video, but some kind of evidence that they tried to right a wrong.

Yes, if my daughter got raped, she may be shy about telling her story, but dozens of women just like her? You have to be kidding me. Oh, and then they all come out at once; they magically shed their inhibitions. Image that???

It's a real shame what our politics has come to, the MSM being able to control votes and election outcomes. I remember a time when Americans used to think for themselves and question what the media reported. Now MSM just sits back and laughs at us.

I've made this suggestion before, but more serious about it now. I think it's time we divide our country. Republicans on one side and Democrats on the other. Each being able to run their side with their own government. As for myself, nothing would make me happier than to never see a liberal again. Liberals moving out of my area would only double my property value.
When did he do that? He allowed transgender girls to use the girls restroom. Oh, the horror.

Yes, any boy that wants to put on a dress to get into the girl locker room is a horror. And the big eared clown didn't "allow" weirdos into girls restroom, he threatened the schools that did not comply.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.

What are you listening to? I heard Trump apologize for the comments he made over a decade ago.
Yeah he read a half ass apology off a TelePrompTer then when asked if he ever acted on what he said in the tape by cooper at the debate he said no, after trying to dodge the question twice.
You're so sick of women claiming abuse without video evidence? Are you fucking serious? So let's say you had a daughter who got raped or molested and there was no camera or witnesses, she was too scared or embarrassed to come forward right away, so you just tell her to swallow it and move on? Just listen to yourself... deplorable and proud I'm guessing

Not necessarily a video, but some kind of evidence that they tried to right a wrong.

Yes, if my daughter got raped, she may be shy about telling her story, but dozens of women just like her? You have to be kidding me. Oh, and then they all come out at once; they magically shed their inhibitions. Image that???

It's a real shame what our politics has come to, the MSM being able to control votes and election outcomes. I remember a time when Americans used to think for themselves and question what the media reported. Now MSM just sits back and laughs at us.

I've made this suggestion before, but more serious about it now. I think it's time we divide our country. Republicans on one side and Democrats on the other. Each being able to run their side with their own government. As for myself, nothing would make me happier than to never see a liberal again. Liberals moving out of my area would only double my property value.
That's exactly the simple minded thinking that stalls the progress of our nation
That's exactly the simple minded thinking that stalls the progress of our nation

Well there are many of us that don't want "your" kind of progress as you call it. That's why we should divide.

The country no longer has middle ground. On the right, there is a push towards conservatism and constitutionalism. On the left, they are pushing for Socialism and Communism. In fact, the second runner up on the Democrat side is an admitted Socialist, and Hillary has the praises of the US Communist Party just like they gave Obama.

There is just nothing in between anymore.
Yeah he read a half ass apology off a TelePrompTer then when asked if he ever acted on what he said in the tape by cooper at the debate he said no, after trying to dodge the question twice.

No, he issued an apology right after it hit the airwaves. Pay attention.
That's exactly the simple minded thinking that stalls the progress of our nation

Well there are many of us that don't want "your" kind of progress as you call it. That's why we should divide.

The country no longer has middle ground. On the right, there is a push towards conservatism and constitutionalism. On the left, they are pushing for Socialism and Communism. In fact, the second runner up on the Democrat side is an admitted Socialist, and Hillary has the praises of the US Communist Party just like they gave Obama.

There is just nothing in between anymore.
How about we divide into three sections. The left wing nuts get Hawaii, you right wing nuts get Alaska, -and the rest of us normal folk will take the rest
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Trump reminds me of Clint Eastwood in the movie Pale Rider... Great movie that is, in fact I'm watching it as I type. Hillary and the media remind me of the bad man and his hinchmen that wanted the miners off their land. They are that bad.

Trump isn't the Preacher in Pale Rider, he's the sleezy, stupid son of a rich man trying to rape the girl. He's a lying, thieving low-life who stole money from honest, hardworking people, and destroyed many lives in doing so.

He's taken every short-cut in the book, legal or otherwise, using emminent domain to steal people's land for his investments, H1N1 visas to avoid paying minimum wage to American workers, bankruptcies to avoid paying subtrades.

His modelling agency is being investigated as an immigration fraud, perpetrated on the women he brought into the country. His Foundation has been charged with illegal fund-raising. His "University" is being investigated for fraud, in two separate states. He's facing allegations he raped a 13 year old in a California law suit.

Every time Trump has invited members of the general public to participate in a Trump business, the public has lost their investment. Depending on the outcome of the Trump University trials in New York and California, Trump could be facing criminal charges in the scam.

But his treatment of and disrespect for women is HUGE. Whether you agree that he is a complete sexist pig or not, isn't the issue. WOMEN believe that of him. The way he tries to intimidate, humiliate, and silence women who criticize him, is quite different from his attacks on men.

He routinely attacks women on their age and their looks. He couldn't possibly have attacked that woman on the plane. I mean look at her, not nearly pretty enough for him. He didn't say he never groped a woman on a plane, just that this one wasn't up to his standards.

Trump is nobody's heroic saviour. Trump's the asshole we need to be saved from.
. Where are the charges ??? You people can run your mouth all you want in a campaign, but where are you when there is no campaign???? Going along maybe ???? Hypocrite much maybe ???
Why press charges and fight a plethora of high paid attorneys when you can just tell your story to the times and humiliate the turd while squashing his dreams of world domination
. They had no intentions of squashing anyone's dreams, but those who are using them have intentions to keep transforming this nation into some kind of hell hole that most will hate if they get they're way. What do you call women who are cheap and easily used like this ?
You're so sick of women claiming abuse without video evidence? Are you fucking serious? So let's say you had a daughter who got raped or molested and there was no camera or witnesses, she was too scared or embarrassed to come forward right away, so you just tell her to swallow it and move on? Just listen to yourself... deplorable and proud I'm guessing

Not necessarily a video, but some kind of evidence that they tried to right a wrong.

Yes, if my daughter got raped, she may be shy about telling her story, but dozens of women just like her? You have to be kidding me. Oh, and then they all come out at once; they magically shed their inhibitions. Image that???

It's a real shame what our politics has come to, the MSM being able to control votes and election outcomes. I remember a time when Americans used to think for themselves and question what the media reported. Now MSM just sits back and laughs at us.

I've made this suggestion before, but more serious about it now. I think it's time we divide our country. Republicans on one side and Democrats on the other. Each being able to run their side with their own government. As for myself, nothing would make me happier than to never see a liberal again. Liberals moving out of my area would only double my property value.
. You got that right..
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Statute of limitations my ass. They don't need jail for revenge, the just embarrassed him in front of the world and ruined his chance at the presidency... charmas a bitch
Not necessarily a video, but some kind of evidence
The reporter said he invited her to a private room where he tried to give her an orange popsicle... you are right about one thing, you are definitely hearing what you want to. My guess is even if proof came out, you'd be making a new excuse

No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Statute of limitations my ass. They don't need jail for revenge, the just embarrassed him in front of the world and ruined his chance at the presidency... charmas a bitch
. The liberals have used this card to much, and it will backfire on them... Libs don't care about this nation, all they care about are themselves, and this has been proven over and over again.
When did he do that? He allowed transgender girls to use the girls restroom. Oh, the horror.

Yes, any boy that wants to put on a dress to get into the girl locker room is a horror. And the big eared clown didn't "allow" weirdos into girls restroom, he threatened the schools that did not comply.
Donald Trump walked in on half-dressed teen girls in the dressing room.
Trump bragged that he walked in on naked beauty pageant contestants

Donald Trump walked in on naked fifteen-year-old Miss Teen USA ...
No, if she had proof, then so be it. I'm not his attorney or campaign manager.

And do you have a link where she said he invited her to a private room?

The thing is I get so sick of these women coming out and making claims that can't be proven; especially the ones that happened years or decades ago. Bring something to the table, a video, a police report, an investigation.......something.

We have all kinds of liberals on USMB making claim that they are independently wealthy, have their own business, or otherwise retired at a very early age. Does that mean I should believe them? No, I just assume they are on welfare (since they argue for government dependency) and that's how they can spend all day--every day on USMB.
. Exactly... Now why are these women running to campaign officials or to the media for whom are conducting themselves in a one-sided position during a presidential campaign ???? Otherwise why are they doing this instead of filing a formal charge against a person in which they figure broke the law or committed a criminal act against them, and doing it with the proper authorities ?? Oh that's right there is no proper authorities anymore (Comey proved that)........ Hmmm, or this is why... Could it be because they are full of crap is why ??? It looks as if they have been brought out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches going after some crumbs the Demon-crats have thrown down on the floor for them.
Not everybody runs to the police to press charges, many try to push on and live their lives... but maybe when they see the entitled dipshit that thought he had the right to grab pussy joke about it on video then flat out deny it while running for the highest office in the land, it gives some motivation to tell their story.
. You are kidding me right ???? So they are ok with sucking it up until they see they're alledged groper/kisser on TV being set up by a Lilly liberal in a debate, and all at once that motivated them to get off their ace just to run their mouths now ???? Nothing to see hear folks.... Do you realize how lame your excuses are for these grown women ??? Statute of limitations has past, so get the hell over it. Now back on the subject of Hillary's criminal activities, because that should be the focus all due to it pertains to the actual job, and not this bull crap.
Statute of limitations my ass. They don't need jail for revenge, the just embarrassed him in front of the world and ruined his chance at the presidency... charmas a bitch
. The liberals have used this card to much, and it will backfire on them... Libs don't care about this nation, all they care about are themselves, and this has been proven over and over again.
Yeah those selfish liberals willing to pay more in taxes to help their community and fight for equal opportunity and rights for those who have the odds stacked against them. Those bastards!

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