Breeding Nazis in Ukraine, has American Media reported you about that?

A War started over the removal of this have got to be kidding me........

A Gold Golf club.......private Zoo.........WTF.

1. If we could see the properties of other Ukrainian top politicians, Yanukovich may have looked like a middle class.

The scale of global kleptocracy has become so vast — by some accounts, more than one trillion dollars is stolen annually from developing countries — that it is almost impossible to imagine how the problem could ever be defeated.
Opinion | How Ukraine Is Fighting Corruption One Heart Stent at a Time

During Yanukovich times we in Ukraine had pretty high salaries and high retirement payments. Now average retirement payments are lower than utilities. Ukraine now is officially the poorest country in Europe and probably the most corrupt. Oligarchs have increased their wealth several times (while Maidan promised no corruption, no oligarchs).

2. I think Trump also has Golf clubs and may have other luxury things but how would you feel if somebody came and overthrew him? That's exactly what we (who voted for Yanukovich) felt. FYI, the same people [Deep State] who made it possible to overthrow Yanukovich in Ukraine in 2014, are trying to overthrow Trump in USA now.

3. The war started because Donbass had had a referendum, over 80% voted to separate from post coup Ukraine who started suppressing major rights of Russian speaking population (which all Eastern Ukraine is) and openly threatening to "hang all the Russians on the trees ". However it was NOT Donbass who brought it's tanks to Kiev: it was official Kiev who brought its tanks to Donbass. Bloody civil war has started there. Official Kiev found a good "excuse" and blamed Putin for their own crimes. Just like Democrats are blaming Trump for Biden's crimes now.

That was long story short.
Last edited:
A War started over the removal of this have got to be kidding me........

A Gold Golf club.......private Zoo.........WTF.

1. If we could see the properties of other Ukrainian top politicians, Yanukovich may have looked like a middle class.

The scale of global kleptocracy has become so vast — by some accounts, more than one trillion dollars is stolen annually from developing countries — that it is almost impossible to imagine how the problem could ever be defeated.
Opinion | How Ukraine Is Fighting Corruption One Heart Stent at a Time

During Yanukovich times we in Ukraine had pretty high salaries and high retirement payments. Now average retirement payments are lower than utilities. Ukraine now is officially the poorest country in Europe and probably the most corrupt. Oligarchs have increased their wealth several times (while Maidan promised no corruption, no oligarchs).

2. I think Trump also has Golf clubs and may have other luxury things but how would you feel if somebody came and overthrew him? That's exactly what we (who voted for Yanukovich) felt. FYI, the same people [Deep State] who made it possible to overthrow Yanukovich in Ukraine in 2014, are trying to overthrow Trump in USA now.

3. The war started because Donbass had had a referendum, over 80% voted to separate from post coup Ukraine who started suppressing major rights of Russian speaking population (which all Eastern Ukraine is) and openly threatening to "hang all the Russians on the trees ". However it was NOT Donbass who brought it's tanks to Kiev: it was official Kiev who brought its tanks to Donbass. Bloody civil war has started there. Official Kiev found a good "excuse" and blamed Putin for their own crimes. Just like Democrats are blaming Trump for Biden's crimes now.

That was long story short.
And I read several polls that the entire nation was divided almost equally over going to the EU versus going to Russia.............Believe some said 45% to Crimea it's mostly pro Russia........

What that guy had was pretty crazy...........leads me to believe he was pilfering the countries money.. Also he was trending towards the EU, but after Sanctions from Russia went the other way.

It appears the country is divided between EU and Russia.......almost equally from east to west. I watched the violence from both sides of the equation. Takes 2 to tango
. And I want to underline that the argument wasnt with the servicemen, but with so called volunteers which got there to thwart the agreed pullback.
Yes, "innocent" volunteers from Azov Battalion controlled by Avakov, whose boss is Zelensky, Or meant to be.
The fact still stands. They got out from there.
At least something they did. But how about other 100+ places? Zelensky told Macron and Merkel it would take more than 10 years to withdraw from all those places. His presidency will be over by them. Even if he wins again.
The pullback from these three points was agreed back in 2016. But it was done only now and that took several months to do. If this pace remains, the pullback from the entire frontline will take not 10 years but enternity.

Of course we need to accelerate this significantly. But this is possible only with realization of other plans of the settlement of the conflict.
And I read several polls that the entire nation was divided almost equally over going to the EU versus going to Russia.............Believe some said 45% to Crimea it's mostly pro Russia........

What that guy had was pretty crazy...........leads me to believe he was pilfering the countries money.. Also he was trending towards the EU, but after Sanctions from Russia went the other way.

It appears the country is divided between EU and Russia.......almost equally from east to west. I watched the violence from both sides of the equation. Takes 2 to tango

Which sanctions? On the contrary, Russia loaned 3 billion to Ukraine in 2013 which Ukrainian officials refused to return after the coup.

The debt dates to 2013 when Moscow offered the loan to Ukraine under former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych,
Russia to sue Ukraine over $3 billion debt default | DW | 01.01.2016

Dimitri Simes to a Russian Channel One:
For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Manafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

Stephen Cohen: The American media coverage of Ukraine is wrong and inflammatory from beginning to end.

Why did the European Union tell the democratically elected president of such a profoundly divided country, two Ukraines, in November, that he must decide either/or, you’re either with Europe, or you’re with Russia? That’s a provocation, and that’s where this began. And here’s what’s not reported.
The Real Reason the US Media Hates Vladimir Putin - Daily Reckoning

Merry Christmas, Eagle!
The pullback from these three points was agreed back in 2016. But it was done only now and that took several months to do. If this pace remains, the pullback from the entire frontline will take not 10 years but enternity.

Of course we need to accelerate this significantly. But this is possible only with realization of other plans of the settlement of the conflict.
So, does Ukrainian chief and commander control the troops on the border or not?

How do you like a minister Avakov's comment of his boss' actions in Paris "No capitulation" before his president even started press conference? Was it proper?
And I read several polls that the entire nation was divided almost equally over going to the EU versus going to Russia.............Believe some said 45% to Crimea it's mostly pro Russia........

What that guy had was pretty crazy...........leads me to believe he was pilfering the countries money.. Also he was trending towards the EU, but after Sanctions from Russia went the other way.

It appears the country is divided between EU and Russia.......almost equally from east to west. I watched the violence from both sides of the equation. Takes 2 to tango

Which sanctions? On the contrary, Russia loaned 3 billion to Ukraine in 2013 which Ukrainian officials refused to return after the coup.

The debt dates to 2013 when Moscow offered the loan to Ukraine under former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych,
Russia to sue Ukraine over $3 billion debt default | DW | 01.01.2016

Dimitri Simes to a Russian Channel One:
For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Manafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

Stephen Cohen: The American media coverage of Ukraine is wrong and inflammatory from beginning to end.

Why did the European Union tell the democratically elected president of such a profoundly divided country, two Ukraines, in November, that he must decide either/or, you’re either with Europe, or you’re with Russia? That’s a provocation, and that’s where this began. And here’s what’s not reported.
The Real Reason the US Media Hates Vladimir Putin - Daily Reckoning

Merry Christmas, Eagle!

The debt dates to 2013 when Moscow offered the loan to Ukraine under former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych,

They have Yanukovych, they should collect from him.
The debt dates to 2013 when Moscow offered the loan to Ukraine under former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych,

They have Yanukovych, they should collect from him.
Oh, wow! you must be smarter than the British judge!

Russia won an early verdict in a London lawsuit that may force Ukraine to repay part of a defaulted $3 billion bond, in a dispute that extended the battle over Russia’s annexation of Crimea into a U.K courtroom.

Judge William Blair threw out all of Ukraine’s arguments , saying he was at pains to distinguish between the law and the "troubling" political background. He ruled the case shouldn’t go to a full trial but gave Ukraine the right to appeal.
Russia Wins Early Verdict in $3 Billion Ukrainian Bond Case
The debt dates to 2013 when Moscow offered the loan to Ukraine under former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych,

They have Yanukovych, they should collect from him.
Oh, wow! you must be smarter than the British judge!

Russia won an early verdict in a London lawsuit that may force Ukraine to repay part of a defaulted $3 billion bond, in a dispute that extended the battle over Russia’s annexation of Crimea into a U.K courtroom.

Judge William Blair threw out all of Ukraine’s arguments , saying he was at pains to distinguish between the law and the "troubling" political background. He ruled the case shouldn’t go to a full trial but gave Ukraine the right to appeal.
Russia Wins Early Verdict in $3 Billion Ukrainian Bond Case

That reminds me, when are the Commies going to pay off all the old Czarist debt?
That reminds me, when are the Commies going to pay off all the old Czarist debt?
May be after USA pay their debt, ha?

BTW, when are USA going to pay their debt?

The USA hasn't defaulted on any debt, silly Commie.
Ok, and Commies actually killed the Czar, dear smart person. Stay with the subject of the thread if you would.

Killing the Czar doesn't mean Commies can just default on their debt.

Still working on the list of differences between Nazis and Commies?
Or are you admitting they're basically the same thing?
That reminds me, when are the Commies going to pay off all the old Czarist debt?
May be after USA pay their debt, ha?

BTW, when are USA going to pay their debt?

The USA hasn't defaulted on any debt, silly Commie.
Ok, and Commies actually killed the Czar, dear smart person. Stay with the subject of the thread if you would.

Killing the Czar doesn't mean Commies can just default on their debt.

Still working on the list of differences between Nazis and Commies?
Or are you admitting they're basically the same thing?
I can only admit you don't belong to the forum because you are constantly trying to derail the threads.
Soros and Obama’s administration have also tuned Ukraine into a cozy place for breeding, training and recruiting of Neo-Nazis. FBI agents and several Congressmen have been trying to attract the people attention but...American Media has been sooooo silent about that.

1. Criminal Complaint of special FBI agent Scott Bierwirth

Page 9:
In August 2018 RAM members had a trip in Ukraine and met with Olena Semenyaka the leader of a political party in Ukraine which was found out of a military regiment called Azov Battalion. Azov Battalion is a paramilitary unit of Ukrainian National Guard which is known for its association with Neo-Nazi ideology and use of Nazi symbolism and which is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing United States-based white supremacy organizations.

!!!! RAM is an extremist group headquartered in S. California.

Olena Semenyaka’s picture:
View attachment 291322

2. October 16, 2019 , Dozens of House Dems in Asking State Dept: Why Aren’t White Supremacist Groups Listed as Foreign Terrorist Organizations?

“White supremacist violent extremism, one type of racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremism, is one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.” Rose’s letter names Azov Battalion, Nordic Resistance Movement, and National Action as three examples of foreign groups that have been connected to recent terrorist attacks around the world as well as recruiting and influencing American citizens.

The shooter in the Christchurch, New Zeeland, was also trained in Azov Battalion.
Rose Leads Dozens of House Dems in Asking State Dept: Why Aren’t White Supremacist Groups Listed as Foreign Terrorist Organizations?

3. KYIV, Ukraine—When Deputy Secretary of State George Kent spoke at the U.S. House of Representatives impeachment hearings this week, he painted a powerful picture of Ukrainian bravery in the face of Russian aggression.

But Kent most likely did not have in mind the most famous—and infamous—of those volunteer units, the Azov Battalion, which 40 members of Congress have asked the State Department to designate as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Some of its members are neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and avowed anti-Semites.
Ukraine’s Anti-Russia Azov Battalion: ‘Minutemen’ or Neo-Nazi Terrorists?

4. Ex FBI agent Ali Soufan:

And what Syria did for jihadists, Ukraine is doing for white supremacists. “It’s had a galvanizing effect,” Blazakis said. “It’s given them, for lack of a better word, a playground in which there is turmoil and chaos, a kind of playground that doesn’t exist in a conventional sense in places like the United States.”

One of the most prominent destinations for these fighters is the Azov Battalion, a pro-Ukrainian force that analysts say has embraced neo-Nazi views while targeting right-wing or white supremacist groups around the world for recruitment.
Ukraine's Civil War Is a 'Playground' for White Supremacists. What Could Go Wrong?

Pictures of Azov Battalion:

View attachment 291323

View attachment 291324

View attachment 291325

View attachment 291326

How come American journalists have not reported about such a Nazi nest in the middle of Europe? Russian journalists have been good about reporting this problem. All the facts above are from their Nov 22 news release:
Maybe because there's a big Nazi nest here at home?
That reminds me, when are the Commies going to pay off all the old Czarist debt?
May be after USA pay their debt, ha?

BTW, when are USA going to pay their debt?

The USA hasn't defaulted on any debt, silly Commie.
Ok, and Commies actually killed the Czar, dear smart person. Stay with the subject of the thread if you would.

Killing the Czar doesn't mean Commies can just default on their debt.

Still working on the list of differences between Nazis and Commies?
Or are you admitting they're basically the same thing?
I can only admit you don't belong to the forum because you are constantly trying to derail the threads.

The subject was your whining about fake Nazis.

Nazis are the same as Commies, so clean up Russia before you worry about Ukraine.
Bleipriester , I do not agree with everything Trump says and does. But he's Deep State's wortst enemy and Deep State is our worst enemy . And an enemy of my enemy is my friend. In any case I think Trump is an honest and brave person and a patriot to be able to confront with the most powerful in the world Deep State machine which has destroyed lots of those tho dared to disagree with them.

But I would care less about USA if they just minded their own business and did NOT interfere in my home country of Ukraine. But they did and now "independent" Ukraine is totally dependent on Americans, their Deep State. Biden's case is just a tip of the iceberg of their corruption and crimes in Ukraine.

Franko Frattini, Italian Minister of Foreign affairs: “What happens in Washington doesn’t stay in Washington: it comes to my country, it affects everybody I’d like to tell my USA colleagues: don’t make one sided decisions. EU sometimes is afraid to stand for its interests especially when its interests contradict USA interests. And it’s not right.”

Press conference during Moscow Festival of Youth and Students
Phrump is the filth of Deep State, shat into office by Deep State with false slogans of peace and taking back America.

and anybody who thinks otherwise that he is any different than warmongers Bush and Obama and clinton before them,those doubts can be put to rest right here and now.

same as Bush clinton and obama,he is a servant to the bankers and the CIA.

Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool
That reminds me, when are the Commies going to pay off all the old Czarist debt?
May be after USA pay their debt, ha?

BTW, when are USA going to pay their debt?

The USA hasn't defaulted on any debt, silly Commie.
Ok, and Commies actually killed the Czar, dear smart person. Stay with the subject of the thread if you would.

Killing the Czar doesn't mean Commies can just default on their debt.

Still working on the list of differences between Nazis and Commies?
Or are you admitting they're basically the same thing?
I can only admit you don't belong to the forum because you are constantly trying to derail the threads.

best damn post on this thread.:banana::beer:
The pullback from these three points was agreed back in 2016. But it was done only now and that took several months to do. If this pace remains, the pullback from the entire frontline will take not 10 years but enternity.

Of course we need to accelerate this significantly. But this is possible only with realization of other plans of the settlement of the conflict.
So, does Ukrainian chief and commander control the troops on the border or not?

How do you like a minister Avakov's comment of his boss' actions in Paris "No capitulation" before his president even started press conference? Was it proper?
Of course Zelensky controls the troops. But if we are talking about so called volunteers, then this is not so simple.

Some journalist asked Avakov about the result of negotiations. He gave his answer. So, what is the problem?
Bleipriester , I do not agree with everything Trump says and does. But he's Deep State's wortst enemy and Deep State is our worst enemy . And an enemy of my enemy is my friend. In any case I think Trump is an honest and brave person and a patriot to be able to confront with the most powerful in the world Deep State machine which has destroyed lots of those tho dared to disagree with them.

But I would care less about USA if they just minded their own business and did NOT interfere in my home country of Ukraine. But they did and now "independent" Ukraine is totally dependent on Americans, their Deep State. Biden's case is just a tip of the iceberg of their corruption and crimes in Ukraine.

Franko Frattini, Italian Minister of Foreign affairs: “What happens in Washington doesn’t stay in Washington: it comes to my country, it affects everybody I’d like to tell my USA colleagues: don’t make one sided decisions. EU sometimes is afraid to stand for its interests especially when its interests contradict USA interests. And it’s not right.”

Press conference during Moscow Festival of Youth and Students
Phrump is the filth of Deep State, shat into office by Deep State with false slogans of peace and taking back America.

and anybody who thinks otherwise that he is any different than warmongers Bush and Obama and clinton before them,those doubts can be put to rest right here and now.

same as Bush clinton and obama,he is a servant to the bankers and the CIA.

Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool
It is Christmas Eve, so lets not insult the orange phrump at least for this day.

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