Breeding Nazis in Ukraine, has American Media reported you about that?

What a shithole country.............why da fuck do we even care.....

Both sides have dirt bags there................both sides raping and killing.........

Which fucking dirt bag side should we take up for..............

Let Europe get off it's ass and deal with's their dang neighbors anyway.
Nonsense. It is the first government of Yatseniuk that included a handful of members of Svoboda party. Now they are sidelined completely. To say nothing about other nationalistic movements.

The first pic is great. In line with Russian propaganda. You can have more in common with Stratford than you think.

If I decide to wave my hand to someone, will I become a Nazi too?
Yatse is Nazi and torturer.
And the current government just introduced the Bandera day.
Yeah, and he fought in Chechnya and killed Russian servicemen there. I wonder, maybe Russian propaganda channels use some secret rays which damage brain of the victim. Hmm.

Bandera was commemorated in Western Ukraine and by some people in Kiev since long ago.
He "fought" also Jews and Poles. He was just another Nazi. Too bad for him that his masters had different plans for his country than he did.
Yeah, I guessed. Secret X-rays...
So why do you oppose the Bandera day, then, if he just fought for independence?
I don't like his methods.
NATO pushing for power and control

Putin pushing for power and control.

Both sides supporting dirt bags..............and our tax payer dollars going to support another fing cold war....

The Op is right.........they were using dang NeoNazi''s over there..........but the other side for Russia is doing the same damned thing............

Reminds me of Kosovo.............and the Serbs there..........same shit different day.....different place.
What a shithole country.............why da fuck do we even care.....

Both sides have dirt bags there................both sides raping and killing.........

Which fucking dirt bag side should we take up for..............

Let Europe get off it's ass and deal with's their dang neighbors anyway.
Read about Vietnam and Iraq and shut up.
What a shithole country.............why da fuck do we even care.....

Both sides have dirt bags there................both sides raping and killing.........

Which fucking dirt bag side should we take up for..............

Let Europe get off it's ass and deal with's their dang neighbors anyway.
Read about Vietnam and Iraq and shut up.
I will use my Free Speech any dang time I please...

From what I'm reading there are scum bags on both sides of this equation.........I'm disgusted by both sides..........

Both power grabs and both sides using Fascist BS groups for it............Take Ukraine and shove it up your ass..........and anytime Russia expansion wants to dance.......Bring it......

Europe trending back to old BS as it did in the past drawing us into it as well.
Both power grabs and both sides using Fascist BS groups for it............Take Ukraine and shove it up your ass..........and anytime Russia expansion wants to dance.......Bring it......

Europe trending back to old BS as it did in the past drawing us into it as well.
I value your advice much. And of course you can please Russia every way you want, not forgetting to talk about your greatness. Pussy.
Both power grabs and both sides using Fascist BS groups for it............Take Ukraine and shove it up your ass..........and anytime Russia expansion wants to dance.......Bring it......

Europe trending back to old BS as it did in the past drawing us into it as well.
I value your advice much. And of course you can please Russia every way you want, not forgetting to talk about your greatness. Pussy.
My point stands..........I don't care about the Ukraine or Russia...........nor the geo BS politics over there.........

I'm tired of the U.S. having to deal with all this crap..........Europe needs to step up's in their dang backyard anyways......

Pussy..........LOL..........whatever bro......I simply don't care.
Both power grabs and both sides using Fascist BS groups for it............Take Ukraine and shove it up your ass..........and anytime Russia expansion wants to dance.......Bring it......

Europe trending back to old BS as it did in the past drawing us into it as well.
I value your advice much. And of course you can please Russia every way you want, not forgetting to talk about your greatness. Pussy.
My point stands..........I don't care about the Ukraine or Russia...........nor the geo BS politics over there.........

I'm tired of the U.S. having to deal with all this crap..........Europe needs to step up's in their dang backyard anyways......

Pussy..........LOL..........whatever bro......I simply don't care.
I am sorry for the word I used.

Europe won't stand up against Russia. Western Europe. If they were to decide, they would sell Eastern Europe to Moscow in exchange for security guarantees and lucrative trade deals.
Both power grabs and both sides using Fascist BS groups for it............Take Ukraine and shove it up your ass..........and anytime Russia expansion wants to dance.......Bring it......

Europe trending back to old BS as it did in the past drawing us into it as well.
I value your advice much. And of course you can please Russia every way you want, not forgetting to talk about your greatness. Pussy.
My point stands..........I don't care about the Ukraine or Russia...........nor the geo BS politics over there.........

I'm tired of the U.S. having to deal with all this crap..........Europe needs to step up's in their dang backyard anyways......

Pussy..........LOL..........whatever bro......I simply don't care.
I am sorry for the word I used.

Europe won't stand up against Russia. Western Europe. If they were to decide, they would sell Eastern Europe to Moscow in exchange for security guarantees and lucrative trade deals.
That is a trend I see with Germany and the IMF...........including stabbing us in the back over Iran.......

They use us...........and we are tired of it.
Both power grabs and both sides using Fascist BS groups for it............Take Ukraine and shove it up your ass..........and anytime Russia expansion wants to dance.......Bring it......

Europe trending back to old BS as it did in the past drawing us into it as well.
I value your advice much. And of course you can please Russia every way you want, not forgetting to talk about your greatness. Pussy.
My point stands..........I don't care about the Ukraine or Russia...........nor the geo BS politics over there.........

I'm tired of the U.S. having to deal with all this crap..........Europe needs to step up's in their dang backyard anyways......

Pussy..........LOL..........whatever bro......I simply don't care.
I am sorry for the word I used.

Europe won't stand up against Russia. Western Europe. If they were to decide, they would sell Eastern Europe to Moscow in exchange for security guarantees and lucrative trade deals.
That is a trend I see with Germany and the IMF...........including stabbing us in the back over Iran.......

They use us...........and we are tired of it.
There should be absolutely new defense strategy and architecture in Europe. Nato is outdated and useful only for bureaucrats it feeds. But the cornerstone of a new alliance should be the US. I understand why the Americans say they are tired. And it may well be that they will decide to leave. In this case everything will be in vain.

About the Iran deal I have a different opinion than you. Now the regime has nothing to lose. And that is not good.
About 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.

Believe me I would be more than happy to be wrong but so far I was only wrong in one thing: since the coup Ukraine has been controlled by Nazi and Americans (Deep State), not just Nazis. In 2014 there were only about 2 thousands Nazis in Ukraine, our anti-coup protests have been attacked by them several times and police was protecting … them from us. Now Nazis are about 1-2% of the population but they are very aggressive and are allowed to attack anything or anybody they want: civilians, celebrities, politicians, churches, buildings, etc. and policemen usually watch them from aside and never interfere. Usually those are people who’ve been to ATO (killing civilians in Donbass), are well trained, well organized and have lots of weapons. With a breaking heart I’m writing this.

Ukrainian Nazis attack churches (watch how they treat the police!):

Ukrainian Nazis attack a pop star

Nazis fight an old man and a woman with a broken arm with Georgian ribbon , threat to kill

And so on and on. Tons of videos of Nazis attacks on youtube.

The US Is Empowering Nazis in Ukraine

Zelensky is talking Nazi battalion Azov to pull out from Donbass and to stop shelling the civilians. But if he is a real chief and commander he should have given them an order and to punish everybody who don’t execute the order.

Ukrainian nationalists protest against peace deal with Donbass calling it “Capitulation” which they called Minsk Agreements signed in 2015 by Merkel, Holland, Poroshenko.
Thousands in Ukraine march against peace deal with Russia

Thousands in Kyiv Protest Zelenskiy's Plan For Local Elections in Eastern Ukraine

They protested in Paris:
D&B - “No capitulation” rally in Kyiv ahead of the Paris “Normandy summit”

Avakov in Paris: "No Zrada (capitulation)" even before press conference of 4 leaders. Where else in the world you can see a minister talking to press before his president talks?

Avakov is a minister of interior affairs .
What was Avakov doing in Normandy negotiations if not escorting Zelensky to control his “flexibility” in peace negotiations. Avakov, Kolomoysky, Poroshenko have been making huge money on war in Donbass. They do NOT want peace there, to bring Avakov to the negotiations about peace in Donbass is the same as to bring gasoline to the fire.

"As Ukraine’s struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: far-right vigilantes who are willing to use intimidation and even violence to advance their agendas, and who often do so with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies.

Ukrainian extremists are rarely punished for acts of violence. In some cases — such as C14's January attack on a remembrance gathering for two murdered journalists — police actually detain peaceful demonstrators instead.

Though Avakov controls the Ukraine’s police and National Guard, Azov."
Commentary: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem
Last edited:
Fuck Russia and that faggot Putin as well. See that comrade? I get to live in a country where I can call your boss a pole smoker and I don't get killed.

the fact paid shill toddsterPARROT likes this post,is proof this is another paid troll just like him that has also penetrated this site,everybody knows PARROT is a shill that has penetrated this site.
Bleipriester , I do not agree with everything Trump says and does. But he's Deep State's wortst enemy and Deep State is our worst enemy . And an enemy of my enemy is my friend. In any case I think Trump is an honest and brave person and a patriot to be able to confront with the most powerful in the world Deep State machine which has destroyed lots of those tho dared to disagree with them.

But I would care less about USA if they just minded their own business and did NOT interfere in my home country of Ukraine. But they did and now "independent" Ukraine is totally dependent on Americans, their Deep State. Biden's case is just a tip of the iceberg of their corruption and crimes in Ukraine.

Franko Frattini, Italian Minister of Foreign affairs: “What happens in Washington doesn’t stay in Washington: it comes to my country, it affects everybody I’d like to tell my USA colleagues: don’t make one sided decisions. EU sometimes is afraid to stand for its interests especially when its interests contradict USA interests. And it’s not right.”

Press conference during Moscow Festival of Youth and Students
Bleipriester , I do not agree with everything Trump says and does. But he's Deep State's wortst enemy and Deep State is our worst enemy . And an enemy of my enemy is my friend. In any case I think Trump is an honest and brave person and a patriot to be able to confront with the most powerful in the world Deep State machine which has destroyed lots of those tho dared to disagree with them.

But I would care less about USA if they just minded their own business and did NOT interfere in my home country of Ukraine. But they did and now "independent" Ukraine is totally dependent on Americans, their Deep State. Biden's case is just a tip of the iceberg of their corruption and crimes in Ukraine.

Franko Frattini, Italian Minister of Foreign affairs: “What happens in Washington doesn’t stay in Washington: it comes to my country, it affects everybody I’d like to tell my USA colleagues: don’t make one sided decisions. EU sometimes is afraid to stand for its interests especially when its interests contradict USA interests. And it’s not right.”

Press conference during Moscow Festival of Youth and Students

well said,Trump is a loose cannon that they cant control sometimes.The ONLY reason the deep state has not assassinated him is he does support Israel and caters to them. If he was not a supporter of Israel they would have taken him out a long time ago and Biden would have been the president these last few years instead.
Bleipriester , I do not agree with everything Trump says and does. But he's Deep State's wortst enemy and Deep State is our worst enemy . And an enemy of my enemy is my friend. In any case I think Trump is an honest and brave person and a patriot to be able to confront with the most powerful in the world Deep State machine which has destroyed lots of those tho dared to disagree with them.

But I would care less about USA if they just minded their own business and did NOT interfere in my home country of Ukraine. But they did and now "independent" Ukraine is totally dependent on Americans, their Deep State. Biden's case is just a tip of the iceberg of their corruption and crimes in Ukraine.

Franko Frattini, Italian Minister of Foreign affairs: “What happens in Washington doesn’t stay in Washington: it comes to my country, it affects everybody I’d like to tell my USA colleagues: don’t make one sided decisions. EU sometimes is afraid to stand for its interests especially when its interests contradict USA interests. And it’s not right.”

Press conference during Moscow Festival of Youth and Students
Phrump is the filth of Deep State, shat into office by Deep State with false slogans of peace and taking back America.
About 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.

Believe me I would be more than happy to be wrong but so far I was only wrong in one thing: since the coup Ukraine has been controlled by Nazi and Americans (Deep State). In 2014 there were only about 2 thousands Nazis in Ukraine, our anti-coup protests have been attacked by them and police was protecting … them from us. Now Nazis are about 1-2% of the population but they are very aggressive and are allowed to attack anything or anybody they want: civilians, celebrities, politicians churches, buildings, etc. and policemen usually watch them from aside and never interfere. Usually those are people who’ve been to ATO (killing civilians in Donbass), are well trained, well organized and have lots of weapons. With a breaking heart I’m writing this.

Ukrainian Nazis attack churches (watch how they treat the police!):

Ukrainian Nazis attack a pop star

Nazis fight an old man and a woman with a broken arm with Georgian ribbon , threat to kill

The US Is Empowering Nazis in Ukraine

Zelensky is talking Nazi battalion Azov to pull out from Donbass and to stop shelling the civilians. But if he is a real chief and commander he should have given them an order and to punish everybody who don’t execute the order.

Ukrainian nationalists protest against peace deal with Donbass calling it “Capitulation” which they called Minsk Agreements signed in 2015 by Merkel, Holland, Poroshenko.
Thousands in Ukraine march against peace deal with Russia

Thousands in Kyiv Protest Zelenskiy's Plan For Local Elections in Eastern Ukraine

In Paris:
D&B - “No capitulation” rally in Kyiv ahead of the Paris “Normandy summit”

Avakov: "No Zrada (capitulation)" even before press conference. Avakov is a minister of interior affairs . What was Avakov doing in Normandy negotiations if not escorting Zelensky to control his “flexibility” in peace negotiations. Avakov, Kolomoysky, Poroshenko have been making huge money on war in Donbass. They do NOT want peace there, to bring Avakov to the negotiations about peace in Donbass is the same as to bring gasoline to the fire.

"As Ukraine’s struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: far-right vigilantes who are willing to use intimidation and even violence to advance their agendas, and who often do so with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies.

Ukrainian extremists are rarely punished for acts of violence. In some cases — such as C14's January attack on a remembrance gathering for two murdered journalists — police actually detain peaceful demonstrators instead.

Though Avakov controls the Ukraine’s police and National Guard, Azov."
Commentary: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem

since the coup Ukraine has been controlled by Nazi and Americans

And Nazis are worse than Commies because...…….?
Bleipriester , I do not agree with everything Trump says and does. But he's Deep State's wortst enemy and Deep State is our worst enemy . And an enemy of my enemy is my friend. In any case I think Trump is an honest and brave person and a patriot to be able to confront with the most powerful in the world Deep State machine which has destroyed lots of those tho dared to disagree with them.

But I would care less about USA if they just minded their own business and did NOT interfere in my home country of Ukraine. But they did and now "independent" Ukraine is totally dependent on Americans, their Deep State. Biden's case is just a tip of the iceberg of their corruption and crimes in Ukraine.

Franko Frattini, Italian Minister of Foreign affairs: “What happens in Washington doesn’t stay in Washington: it comes to my country, it affects everybody I’d like to tell my USA colleagues: don’t make one sided decisions. EU sometimes is afraid to stand for its interests especially when its interests contradict USA interests. And it’s not right.”

Press conference during Moscow Festival of Youth and Students
Phrump is the filth of Deep State, shat into office by Deep State with false slogans of peace and taking back America.

very true.He says what americans WANT to hear.I wanted to believe that he was our first real president since JFK not a puppet for the bankers and the evil CIA but his actions towards Israel prove otherwise and he is all talk and no action,he claims of draining the swamp but his administration is filled by the swamp.He has been a loyal servant to the CIA and that makes them happy. He talks a good game telling americans what they WANT TO hear but his actions dont back up what he says.

He tells the truth that the fed is an evil cancer and everything but he he has not done ANYTHING about them or even attempted to. All he has to do is reinstate JFK's executive order that Lyndon Johnson reversed and abolished after he took over.If he did that,that would end the fed right now but he is too afraid to stand up to the establishment obviously.

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