Breeding Nazis in Ukraine, has American Media reported you about that?

Likewise, you can't claim that majority of Ukraine wanted integration with Russia.
I don't know about the majority of Ukraine (Ukrainian officials never had balls to hold any referendum to get the real numbers), But the majority of Eastern Ukraine - for sure.
Actually, it is not about the balls. The reason of not holding the referendum is clear.

The referendum should be held on the entire territory of Ukraine. And the result should be taken in consideration on all-Ukrainian scale. And all regions of Ukraine should accept this and agree with the majority.

As was the case with the referendum in the UK. There were regions which voted to remain but that didn't mean that they automatically break with the UK and stay in the EU.

The Ukrainian authorities rightfully decided that the results in some regions could be used by some forces to try to divide Ukraine.
Yes but too late now, Should have been done before the coup in 2914 when Crimea and Donbass were still in Ukraine.

Besides, with all those Nazis controlling everything (even the president's will to cooperate with the people in Donbass) it's not possible.
It is a question to the Yanukovich government.

About 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
Azov Battalion has been around before and after the Maiden.
Who do you think sniped all those protesters?

Confession of snipers, who killed both police and protestors in Kiev 2014 in the new Italian film

"Ukraine-the hidden truth" an Italian film about snipers on the Maidan in Ukraine

^English subtitles

Long story of the Italian documentary short:

Feb 20, 2014: a group of unknown snipers starts shooting both at police and protesters, pretty soon almost 80 killed.. Until today the official version is about slaughter conducted by order of Kremlin-backed government.

Minister of foreign affairs of Estonia: evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides (policemen and people from the street) that they were the same snipers who killed the people from both sides. It’s not Yanuckovitch who stands behind snipers but somebody from the new coalition.

They were Georgian citizens who were among provokers acting on the protester’s side. One of them says: “The story starts in Tbilisi and there are many personalities who are hidden behind the scenes, first of them is ex-president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili. He’s the main hero of the short bloody war against Russia in 2008. The second was his military adviser Mamuka Mamulashvili. Afterwards he becomes the leader of “Georgian Legion”, a Georgian volunteer group to combat against pro-Russian protesters in Donbass. This group was organized by Saakashvili, he gave $1000, promised to give $1500 later to each group member and ordered to go to Kiev.


“We had to make provocations, to provoke policemen to turn against the crowd and to attack the people. Mamulashvili presented an American military guy [Brian Christopher Boyenger, a sniper from 101 Airborne division USA] and told us he would be our instructor. After Maidan he went to Donbass where he would fight in “Georgian Legion”, he was the one who gave them orders

The first suspicions that the protestors were using small arms were connected to Sergey Pashinsky, who was one of Maidan leaders and later became a deputy of Ukrainian parliament.

” In February one could see Parubiy, Pashinsky and Brian in hotel “Ukraine” very often and they were bringing bags with weapons (Makarov pistols, Kalashnikovs automatic rifles, carabines and packs of cartridges. Pashinsky said: “We have to start shooting, we can’t allow early presidential elections”. We had to shoot to make more chaos, mess and panic. There were two Lithuanians in our group too.”

“Pashinsky told us to take our things and to follow him to Conservatory building, the group was masked. We were ordered to shoot both policemen (“Berkut”) and protesters without making any difference. Only lated I realized: we were used, it was a set up.”

While there was shooting at the crowd from “Ukraine” hotel, the protesters were trying to hide inside the hotel. Thus the victims were next to their killers.

At the end of the documentary those snipers told why they decided to tell about this now, not 3 years ago.

Confession of snipers, who killed both police and protestors in Kiev 2014 in the new Italian film

Thank you!
American Muppets media screens out the truth when it's not in American Gov't interests.

amen to that. btw,what happened to you in the sports section? not that i dont blame you since the NFL is as corrupt as our government is and baseball is aa joke with small market teams unable to compete to go to playoffs anymore.

I got tired of picking winners for ingrates!

BTW, Rams fans are stuck with Goff as their QB! :abgg2q.jpg:

the only bright spot about it is he IS better than wentz who everybody thought they would take.wentz has been a MAJOR bust in THE
But Trump is President, he can decide.
Apparently, he can't. Constantly under some idiotic attacks from Dems.

Russian political talk show “The Great Game” (already interpreted into English) Minute 36
The Great Game. 29.09.2019

Alexey Pushkov: Dems’ goal is to topple Trump. These past two years they’ve been in a non-stop hysteria. They started up with finding a porn star and when that didn’t work they decided to look into allegations of collusions with Russia. They have been investigating that for 2 years, 32.4 million dollars have been spent on the Mueller investigation and at the end Mueller said there was not any sufficient evidence to support the allegation that Trump has colluded with Russia. So, the collusion accusation was off the mark. The narrative that Russia meddled in US election has not gone away but it is getting old, doesn’t touch the nerve any more, it’s not considered to be enough bate any more to catch such a big fish as Trump, he’s off this hook already. Only Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to leave this topic alone.

So, they invented a new theory. And they appeared to have found that pretext initiating impeachment inquiry, nothing will come out of it of course. There is no doubt the Senate will not give Trump away.

Why are the Democrats are doing what they are doing then? By playing this card they seek to weaken Trump before the elections: the voters will “know” that the president has done something and nobody will look at the substance of the claim and the claim is completely unfounded. Moreover, f Trump chooses the right line of conduct (and I think he might). It’s Biden who will lose the most.

Aleksey Pushkov - Wikipedia
He can´t paint a yellow park bench green in the US but when he besieges, blackmails and bombs other countries there is no Democrat far and wide who even tries to stop him.
About 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
Oh, I'm sorry, Nazis are officially called heroes in "democratic" Ukraine now.

Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.

Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism

A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev
About 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
Oh, I'm sorry, Nazis are officially called heroes in "democratic" Ukraine now.

Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.

Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism

A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev
Commemoration of those who cooperated with Nazis is a separate theme. And I am against it.

But I can repeat once more - your claim 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
About 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
Oh, I'm sorry, Nazis are officially called heroes in "democratic" Ukraine now.

Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.

Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism

A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev
Commemoration of those who cooperated with Nazis is a separate theme. And I am against it.

But I can repeat once more - your claim 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
He is pro Trump so he has to get along with his Nazis.
About 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
Oh, I'm sorry, Nazis are officially called heroes in "democratic" Ukraine now.

Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.

Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism

A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev
Commemoration of those who cooperated with Nazis is a separate theme. And I am against it.

But I can repeat once more - your claim 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
He is pro Trump so he has to get along with his Nazis.
Who is he? Stratford? 'He' is actually she, IIRC.

She isn't pro Trump actually. If Obama had praised joining Crimea to Russia and openly condemned so called coup, she would be the most staunch supporter of him here. IMO.

And there is no Trump's Nazis in Ukraine.
About 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
Oh, I'm sorry, Nazis are officially called heroes in "democratic" Ukraine now.

Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.

Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism

A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev
Commemoration of those who cooperated with Nazis is a separate theme. And I am against it.

But I can repeat once more - your claim 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
He is pro Trump so he has to get along with his Nazis.
Who is he? Stratford? 'He' is actually she, IIRC.

She isn't pro Trump actually. If Obama had praised joining Crimea to Russia and openly condemned so called coup, she would be the most staunch supporter of him here. IMO.

And there is no Trump's Nazis in Ukraine.
Yes, all his or her posts are about the greatness of Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump.
The coup was done by Nazileins, the government is still full of them. And they are not right wing or anything, but Nazis or covert Nazis in the meaning of Neonazis.



And Obama´s Nazis are now Trump´s Nazis.
About 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
Oh, I'm sorry, Nazis are officially called heroes in "democratic" Ukraine now.

Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.

Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism

A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev
Commemoration of those who cooperated with Nazis is a separate theme. And I am against it.

But I can repeat once more - your claim 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
He is pro Trump so he has to get along with his Nazis.
Who is he? Stratford? 'He' is actually she, IIRC.

She isn't pro Trump actually. If Obama had praised joining Crimea to Russia and openly condemned so called coup, she would be the most staunch supporter of him here. IMO.

And there is no Trump's Nazis in Ukraine.
Yes, all his or her posts are about the greatness of Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump.
The coup was done by Nazileins, the government is still full of them. And they are not right wing or anything, but Nazis or covert Nazis in the meaning of Neonazis.



And Obama´s Nazis are now Trump´s Nazis.
Nonsense. It is the first government of Yatseniuk that included a handful of members of Svoboda party. Now they are sidelined completely. To say nothing about other nationalistic movements.

The first pic is great. In line with Russian propaganda. You can have more in common with Stratford than you think.

If I decide to wave my hand to someone, will I become a Nazi too?
Oh, I'm sorry, Nazis are officially called heroes in "democratic" Ukraine now.

Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.

Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism

A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev
Commemoration of those who cooperated with Nazis is a separate theme. And I am against it.

But I can repeat once more - your claim 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
He is pro Trump so he has to get along with his Nazis.
Who is he? Stratford? 'He' is actually she, IIRC.

She isn't pro Trump actually. If Obama had praised joining Crimea to Russia and openly condemned so called coup, she would be the most staunch supporter of him here. IMO.

And there is no Trump's Nazis in Ukraine.
Yes, all his or her posts are about the greatness of Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump.
The coup was done by Nazileins, the government is still full of them. And they are not right wing or anything, but Nazis or covert Nazis in the meaning of Neonazis.



And Obama´s Nazis are now Trump´s Nazis.
Nonsense. It is the first government of Yatseniuk that included a handful of members of Svoboda party. Now they are sidelined completely. To say nothing about other nationalistic movements.

The first pic is great. In line with Russian propaganda. You can have more in common with Stratford than you think.

If I decide to wave my hand to someone, will I become a Nazi too?
Yatse is Nazi and torturer.
And the current government just introduced the Bandera day.
Commemoration of those who cooperated with Nazis is a separate theme. And I am against it.

But I can repeat once more - your claim 'Nazis controlling everything' is bullshit, as usual.
He is pro Trump so he has to get along with his Nazis.
Who is he? Stratford? 'He' is actually she, IIRC.

She isn't pro Trump actually. If Obama had praised joining Crimea to Russia and openly condemned so called coup, she would be the most staunch supporter of him here. IMO.

And there is no Trump's Nazis in Ukraine.
Yes, all his or her posts are about the greatness of Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump.
The coup was done by Nazileins, the government is still full of them. And they are not right wing or anything, but Nazis or covert Nazis in the meaning of Neonazis.



And Obama´s Nazis are now Trump´s Nazis.
Nonsense. It is the first government of Yatseniuk that included a handful of members of Svoboda party. Now they are sidelined completely. To say nothing about other nationalistic movements.

The first pic is great. In line with Russian propaganda. You can have more in common with Stratford than you think.

If I decide to wave my hand to someone, will I become a Nazi too?
Yatse is Nazi and torturer.
And the current government just introduced the Bandera day.
Yeah, and he fought in Chechnya and killed Russian servicemen there. I wonder, maybe Russian propaganda channels use some secret rays which damage brain of the victim. Hmm.

Bandera was commemorated in Western Ukraine and by some people in Kiev since long ago.
He is pro Trump so he has to get along with his Nazis.
Who is he? Stratford? 'He' is actually she, IIRC.

She isn't pro Trump actually. If Obama had praised joining Crimea to Russia and openly condemned so called coup, she would be the most staunch supporter of him here. IMO.

And there is no Trump's Nazis in Ukraine.
Yes, all his or her posts are about the greatness of Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump.
The coup was done by Nazileins, the government is still full of them. And they are not right wing or anything, but Nazis or covert Nazis in the meaning of Neonazis.



And Obama´s Nazis are now Trump´s Nazis.
Nonsense. It is the first government of Yatseniuk that included a handful of members of Svoboda party. Now they are sidelined completely. To say nothing about other nationalistic movements.

The first pic is great. In line with Russian propaganda. You can have more in common with Stratford than you think.

If I decide to wave my hand to someone, will I become a Nazi too?
Yatse is Nazi and torturer.
And the current government just introduced the Bandera day.
Yeah, and he fought in Chechnya and killed Russian servicemen there. I wonder, maybe Russian propaganda channels use some secret rays which damage brain of the victim. Hmm.

Bandera was commemorated in Western Ukraine and by some people in Kiev since long ago.
He "fought" also Jews and Poles. He was just another Nazi. Too bad for him that his masters had different plans for his country than he did.
Who is he? Stratford? 'He' is actually she, IIRC.

She isn't pro Trump actually. If Obama had praised joining Crimea to Russia and openly condemned so called coup, she would be the most staunch supporter of him here. IMO.

And there is no Trump's Nazis in Ukraine.
Yes, all his or her posts are about the greatness of Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump.
The coup was done by Nazileins, the government is still full of them. And they are not right wing or anything, but Nazis or covert Nazis in the meaning of Neonazis.



And Obama´s Nazis are now Trump´s Nazis.
Nonsense. It is the first government of Yatseniuk that included a handful of members of Svoboda party. Now they are sidelined completely. To say nothing about other nationalistic movements.

The first pic is great. In line with Russian propaganda. You can have more in common with Stratford than you think.

If I decide to wave my hand to someone, will I become a Nazi too?
Yatse is Nazi and torturer.
And the current government just introduced the Bandera day.
Yeah, and he fought in Chechnya and killed Russian servicemen there. I wonder, maybe Russian propaganda channels use some secret rays which damage brain of the victim. Hmm.

Bandera was commemorated in Western Ukraine and by some people in Kiev since long ago.
He "fought" also Jews and Poles. He was just another Nazi. Too bad for him that his masters had different plans for his country than he did.
Yeah, I guessed. Secret X-rays...

49. Other documented cases appear to be linked to the military presence in densely populated civilian areas, such as towns near the contact line, and general impunity. A man with a mental disability was subject to cruel treatment, rape and other forms of sexual violence by eight to 10 members of the ‘Azov’ and ‘Donbas’ battalions in August-September 2014. The victim’s health subsequently deteriorated and he was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital34 .

50. On 17 October 2015, a couple was attacked by two drunken soldiers from the 92nd Brigade in Kalanchak, Kherson region. As a result, the wife’s arm was broken. On 5 December 2015, her property was attacked by intoxicated members of the ‘Aidar’ battalion (some of them armed), reportedly involved in the ‘civil blockade’ of Crimea35. On 18 December 2015 the same perpetrators attacked her on the street, chased her, beat her, “saying dirty sexual words”. The police did not take any measures, and according to the victim were afraid to protect her for fear of antagonizing the perpetrators36. This case is now being investigated by the Prosecutor’s office in Kherson region.

52. Some Ukrainian soldiers who were held by armed groups for several months also provide accounts suggesting sexual violence against women in armed group custody. One of them, who was kept38 in the building of the ‘ministry of state security’ in Donetsk city, reported that some local women were deprived of their liberty for having violated the curfew or other violations of the ‘laws’. He referred to the frequent turnover of the women, “sometimes [they were] taken somewhere and never returned”. Although he never witnessed any incidents, he had serious concerns that those women could have been subjected to sexual violence. Another soldier, who was deprived of his liberty in Donetsk from February to April 2015, was kept in a cell with a man and a woman who had come to Donetsk to register their marriage. One day, drunken members of the armed group took the woman with them and brought her back several hours later. She was intoxicated, her hair and clothes were dishevelled and she was silent. The witness suspects that she was raped39. OHCHR will attempt to obtain more information on the situation of women kept by armed groups, but remains constrained by the lack of access to places of deprivation of liberty in armed group-controlled territories.

58. OHCHR documented allegations of unidentified armed men detaining people living near the conflict zone due to their alleged affiliation with armed groups. They complained about being subjected to ill-treatment and torture in order to extract confessions that they assisted armed groups. Following their confessions, they were taken to SBU premises and officially charged. OHCHR has consistently observed that the SBU fails to inquire into the condition of detainees and the circumstances of their capture. This pattern of conduct suggests that SBU investigators may either be involved in certain cases of arbitrary detention, or fail to act to prosecute perpetrators.

59. A resident of Mariupol was detained by three servicemen of the ‘Azov’ battalion on 28 January 2015 for supporting the ‘Donetsk people’s republic’. He was taken to the basement of Athletic School No. 61 in Mariupol, where he was held until 6 February 2015. He was continuously interrogated and tortured. He complained about being handcuffed to a metal rod and left hanging on it, he was reportedly tortured with electricity, gas mask and subjected to waterboarding and he was also beaten in his genitals. As a result he confessed about sharing information with the armed groups about the locations of the Government checkpoints. Only on 7 February, he was taken to the Mariupol SBU, where he was officially detained.
Yes, all his or her posts are about the greatness of Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump.
The coup was done by Nazileins, the government is still full of them. And they are not right wing or anything, but Nazis or covert Nazis in the meaning of Neonazis.



And Obama´s Nazis are now Trump´s Nazis.
Nonsense. It is the first government of Yatseniuk that included a handful of members of Svoboda party. Now they are sidelined completely. To say nothing about other nationalistic movements.

The first pic is great. In line with Russian propaganda. You can have more in common with Stratford than you think.

If I decide to wave my hand to someone, will I become a Nazi too?
Yatse is Nazi and torturer.
And the current government just introduced the Bandera day.
Yeah, and he fought in Chechnya and killed Russian servicemen there. I wonder, maybe Russian propaganda channels use some secret rays which damage brain of the victim. Hmm.

Bandera was commemorated in Western Ukraine and by some people in Kiev since long ago.
He "fought" also Jews and Poles. He was just another Nazi. Too bad for him that his masters had different plans for his country than he did.
Yeah, I guessed. Secret X-rays...
So why do you oppose the Bandera day, then, if he just fought for independence?
Donetsk People's Republic - Wikipedia

According to the Kyiv Post, a number of militants in a standoff with police in Mariupol demanded the abolition of biometric passports and an end to vaccinations.[43]

Denis Pushilin, the self-proclaimed chairman of the republic, said that he did not envision the Donetsk People's Republic becoming an independent state, instead preferring to join a renewed Russian Empire.[44]

After which, 200 separatists[55] (according to Igor Dyomin, a spokesman for Donetsk local police, about 1,000[15]) pro-Russian rebels stormed and took control of the first two floors of the building, breaking down doors and smashing windows. The administration headquarters were empty, with only guards inside, as government officials would not work there on Sundays.[53] The separatists demanded that if an extraordinary session was not held by officials, announcing a referendum to join Russia, they would declare unilateral control by forming a "People's Mandate" at noon on 7 April, and dismiss all elected council members and MPs.[56][57][58] The people who voted within the RSA were not elected to the positions they assumed.[59] According to the Russian ITAR-TASS the declaration was voted by some regional legislators; however, there are claims that neither the Donetsk city council nor district councils of the city delegated any representatives to the session.[60][61]

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