Breitbart on Trudeau and etc

I find it atonishing that you can compare a bunch of neo nazi thugs with MLK and Gandhi. Not all protests are valid or justified. This one has little popular support and is being stoked by neo nazi trash from the US.

Better men than me might claim that your white privilege is shining through like a tiki torch. But I couldnt possibly comment.
Jesus, you are a dumb fuck.
So, we should see our FedGov shutting off all resources of BLM, right?
Since BLM isn't a terrorist movment, that's an astonishingly stupid thing for anyone to say. Even by Trumptard standards, it was stupid, and that's saying something.

But then, if your credibilty is already zeroed out, you have nothing to lose by acting dumb. Acting dumb will actually earn you brownie points in the Trump cult.
Since BLM isn't a terrorist movment, that's an astonishingly stupid thing for anyone to say.
didn't read all bc this lie just stood out

and since it is a lie... I will just say that and move on to someone who has posted something that conforms with reality and truth

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