Brennan Admits 'Deep State' Existence While Praising Underling Whistle Blower

I’m not sure I trust Giuliani, I always suspected he had something to do with 9/11 too but it really hope I’m wrong.
Frankly, from what I know about the hows, the whats, the whys, etc., Everything that happened on 9/11 is far about Giuliani's pay-grade, he doesn't know, and he doesn't want to know. He will faithfully parrot the official story. He initially was going to go to his emergency command bunker in building WTC 7 until someone in the know told him not to.

He doesn't know anything substantial about 9/11.

I had told Toro, there was some interesting analysis of the attack on Giuliani in that Consortium News piece a couple weeks ago in the Stay Informed thead. You must have missed it.

You have to remember, Joe Lauria is a dyed in the wool libby. The only difference is, he is not CFR or bought by the establishment.

Joe Lauria | HuffPost
Joe Lauria (@unjoe) | Twitter

His analysis of Giuliani though? Pretty non-partisan. It starts at 1:13 and has some facts that I did not know. Like the CFR wanted him to NOT be on ANY corporate cable outlet, or network, including FOX. The attack on his associates is probably to sully his reputation and his work.

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Don should make an attempt to not step in his own shit, thus far he's unable.

Now you a just either being;

A) an idiot,


B) a partisan TDS head in sand person.

It matters not what we think of Trump or his policies.

The fact of the matter is, he won the 2016 presidential election legally, and fairly. If he wants to look into the corruption that went on in that election, and the role that Ukraine and what role Crowdstrike played in that? It is his prerogative to do so. Partisans can play partisan politics, and the Deep State can try to block such an investigation, KNOWING that it will lead to uncovering criminal wrong doing. It is already leading to indictments and trials.

We may, or may not vehemently disagree with Orange Jesus' politics, but this isn't about policy, it is about PROCEDURE, and securing the Republic from the machinations of un-elected, unscrupulous and malevolent spooks taking over the Republic. They are, in the final analysis, as big of a threat to the DNC as they are to the GOP.

Only a fool or MSM brainwashed hyper-partisan does not see this.
Are you surprised they came out into the open after failing to install Hillary?
I’m not. A man they can’t control is an existential threat to them. Nothing has changed except that.
Obama left something like 140 judge seats open, and I realize now that it was for Hillary to come in and fill, as well as the Supreme Court seats, with her satanic judges so that the end of the republic could be ushered in.

We are winning and it is so beautiful and I thank God for it.

And that was the sweetest of gifts. What had been left for that demon, Hillary, got used for good by Trump and Trumps Hans in the juduciary will last a generation.
I can’t wait to watch these pieces of shit go down for everything they’ve done. How blessed are we that we live during a time when we’ll get to witness it

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, your legal system refuses to go after your aristocracy; even when we all know Jeffrey Epstein was sex trafficking your kids to the upper crust of the aristocracy. Ghislaine Maxwell; hands off.
In all this Deep State bureaucratic civil war, and the power struggle between the bureaucratic state and the public state, the one thing that is sure, this piece of shit, and Mueller should be brought up on charges. They are both loathsome threats to both Republicans and Democrats a like.

They are threats to the very will of the American electorate.
The will of the electorate means nothing in america. We all know that. Just stop.

Well, I will give you that, this is true.

OTH, at the very least, whomever the states choose as their chosen representative for the office of the president, should, at least, get to hold that office, and his priorities should not be over-ridden by the intelligence establishment and the CFR.
Do you think they’re going to try to use tulsi for 2020? She’s the only one of them that would have any shot at appealing to the independents. And if you watch her in the last debate she seems different. She seems much more scripted and nervous as though her words aren’t her own. She’s CFR too. I think that’s what the whole Hillary/tulsi fight recently is about. But I could be wrong.

. . . as you know, I have never fully trust Trump.

The same applies to Tulsi. If you go into depth on Bernays, the folks that are running the show are smarter than the folks watching it.

Just the fact that she is Military should give us some pause. The whole nation, left and right despise the Clintons, so. . . the best way to get the left to like someone is to have Shillary attack them. :71:

I agree with your analysis, she does, indeed seem a bit TOO good to be true. Here is some DEEP background information.

Wayne Madisen is the one that uncovered that Obama worked for a CIA company, and, is, more than likely, CIA trained and educated. I do not have a sub., but if you want to sign up, this is probably great intel. Most folk in D.C. know this stuff.

September 13-15, 2019 -- Tulsi Gabbard's alarming links to Indian intelligence and extremist Hindu groups
publication date: Sep 13, 2019

Gabbard has opened the door to New Delhi's interference in U.S. politics and elections.
September 13-15, 2019 -- Tulsi Gabbard's alarming links to Indian intelligence and extremist Hindu groups - Wayne Madsen Report

Also, formative education have A LOT of influence on folks. Obama was educated in a Madrasa in Indonesia.

Tulsi Gabbard Had a Very Strange Childhood

Tulsi Gabbard Had a Very Strange Childhood Which may help explain why she's out of place in today's Democratic Party. And her long-shot 2020 candidacy.

Well of course she can't be an american, she's calling out the endless war profiteers. Why, we as americans take umbrage with extremist groups.

Former and current US officials have slammed the Turkish mercenary force of “Arab militias” for executing and beheading Kurds in northern Syria. New data from Turkey reveals that almost all of these militias were armed and trained in the past by the CIA and Pentagon.

Footage showing members of Turkey’s mercenary “national army” executing Kurdish captives as they led the Turkish invasion of northern Syria touched off a national outrage, provoking US government officials, pundits and major politicians to rage against their brutality.

In the Washington Post, a US official condemned the militias as a “crazy and unreliable.” Another official called them “thugs and bandits and pirates that should be wiped off the face of the earth.” Meanwhile, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described the scene as a “sickening horror,” blaming President Donald Trump exclusively for the atrocities.

But the fighters involved in the atrocities in northern Syria were not just random tribesmen assembled into an ad hoc army. In fact, many were former members of the Free Syrian Army, the force once armed by the CIA and Pentagon and branded as “moderate rebels.” This disturbing context was conveniently omitted from the breathless denunciations of US officials and Western pundits.

According to a research paper published this October by the pro-government Turkish think tank SETA, “Out of the 28 factions [in the Turkish mercenary force], 21 were previously supported by the United States, three of them via the Pentagon’s program to combat DAESH. Eighteen of these factions were supplied by the CIA via the MOM Operations Room in Turkey, a joint intelligence operation room of the ‘Friends of Syria’ to support the armed opposition. Fourteen factions of the 28 were also recipients of the U.S.-supplied TOW anti-tank guided missiles.” (A graph by SETA naming the various militias and the type of US support they received is at the end of this article).

In other words, virtually the entire apparatus of anti-Assad insurgents armed and equipped under the Obama administration has been repurposed by the Turkish military to serve as the spearhead of its brutal invasion of northern Syria. The leader of this force is Salim Idriss, now the “Defense Minister” of Syria’s Turkish-backed “interim government.” He’s the same figure who hosted John McCain when the late senator made his infamous 2013 incursion into Syria.

The “sickening horror” this collection of extremists is carrying out against Kurds is, in fact, the same one it imposed on Syrians across the country for the past seven years. Before, when their goal was regime change in Damascus, they had the blessing and wholehearted support of official Washington. But now that they are slaughtering members of a much more loyal US proxy force, their former patrons and enablers are rushing to denounce them as “bandits and pirates.”

The US has backed 21 of the 28 ‘crazy’ militias leading Turkey’s brutal invasion of northern Syria
Well, I will give you that, this is true.

OTH, at the very least, whomever the states choose as their chosen representative for the office of the president, should, at least, get to hold that office, and his priorities should not be over-ridden by the intelligence establishment and the CFR.
Don should make an attempt to not step in his own shit, thus far he's unable.

Now you a just either being;

A) an idiot,


B) a partisan TDS head in sand person.

It matters not what we think of Trump or his policies.

The fact of the matter is, he won the 2016 presidential election legally, and fairly. If he wants to look into the corruption that went on in that election, and the role that Ukraine and what role Crowdstrike played in that? It is his prerogative to do so. Partisans can play partisan politics, and the Deep State can try to block such an investigation, KNOWING that it will lead to uncovering criminal wrong doing. It is already leading to indictments and trials.

We may, or may not vehemently disagree with Orange Jesus' politics, but this isn't about policy, it is about PROCEDURE, and securing the Republic from the machinations of un-elected, unscrupulous and malevolent spooks taking over the Republic. They are, in the final analysis, as big of a threat to the DNC as they are to the GOP.

Only a fool or MSM brainwashed hyper-partisan does not see this.
Are you surprised they came out into the open after failing to install Hillary?
I’m not. A man they can’t control is an existential threat to them. Nothing has changed except that.
Obama left something like 140 judge seats open, and I realize now that it was for Hillary to come in and fill, as well as the Supreme Court seats, with her satanic judges so that the end of the republic could be ushered in.

We are winning and it is so beautiful and I thank God for it.
I'm not sure there is a "we," or an us and them. Progressives and the left seem to always forget this.

It will be nice to have some strict constructionists that don't try to reinterpret things into the constitution that are not there.

Folks should always remember, the Constitution is there to tell the government what it CAN DO, not to tell the people what they cannot.

Everything which is not forbidden is allowed - Wikipedia

Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Yeah. Then you run into this.

Brennen is a far left wing anti-American bigot who should have NEVER been the CIA chief.
It is going to be a pleasure watching him frog marched into his Gitmo prison cell.
I hope that he gets a gay Jihadist for his cellmate.
Again, this criminal POS ADMITTED to committing Perjury - lying under oath - about illegally spying on US Senators (a crime). NSA Director Clapper also lied under oath about the same thing. It was revealed that between former FBI Director Comey, former NSA Director Clapper, and former CIA Director Brennan, they were / had been illegally spying I\on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices....a Presidential candidate, and finally a US President.

After it was quickly revealed Clapper committed Perjury the 1st time the Democrats immediately called him to testify again s he could 'AMEND' his testimony to avoid jail time. After he did it AGAIN, the Obama administration / DOJ dragged their feet on indictment called for by the GOP until the statue of limitations ran out.

To avoid indictment for BOTH committing Perjury and for illegally spying on just about EVERYONE, a deal (an illegal deal between the Dems & GOP) was cut that allowed Brennan to appear before Congress - admit he had lied, admit he had illegally spied on US Senators, and promised not to ever do it again...a 'promise' which we all know now he broke, probably 5 minutes after he left Congress.

-- As it turns out, perhaps the CIA and FBI SHOULD have been LEGALLY spying on Congress. During the desperate Democratic party search for any crime to pin on the President it was revealed that Senator Diane Feinstein had facilitated Chinese Espionage for DECADES, having a Chinese spy on her own team. Not one second was spent on calling for an immediate investigation of Feinstein, her Chinese spy, the extent of his espionage, how much the Chinese had acquired over DECADES having a spy on Feinstein's inner circle....and / or how much Feinstein financially benefitted from helping to facilitate this espionage. Not one second was spent talking about during that time Feinstein had been head of a committed that doled out billions of dollars ion US contracts to the Chinese, how she and her husband had made their vast wealth working with the Chinese, or how she was 'besties' with the ChiComm leader. Not one second was spent pointing out the fact that Feinstein was either a co-conspiring traitor or the DUMBEST politician in Washington for being duped and having a Chinese spy on her team for DECADES .

Both Clapper and Brennan should have been indicted, perp-walked, and sent to prison for Felony Perjury for lying to Congress under oath, and multiple counts of violations of the US Constitution and numerous laws - illegally spying on American citizens, US Senators, & USSC Justices - and for Espionage.

Despite these crimes having been undeniably proven, it is humorous - yet sickening - now to hear snowflakes defend these same criminals by claiming 'Yes, they did all of this...but there is no way they would have / did illegally spy on President Trump'...

:wtf: :lmao:

Brennan is having you tards on and you are too stupid to catch it. But his audience isn't.

You more unhinged and more stupid every day, you really do.He just told you out in the open what is going on and all you can say is "Nuh-Uh"?
It's a made up term, dumbass. Brennan is throwing it back in your retarded faces.

Brennan is having you tards on and you are too stupid to catch it. But his audience isn't.

You more unhinged and more stupid every day, you really do.He just told you out in the open what is going on and all you can say is "Nuh-Uh"?
It's a made up term, dumbass. Brennan is throwing it back in your retarded faces.

I'm very comfortable with your self delusions and idiocy. What you don't know fills volumes kid.

Brennan is having you tards on and you are too stupid to catch it. But his audience isn't.

You more unhinged and more stupid every day, you really do.He just told you out in the open what is going on and all you can say is "Nuh-Uh"?
It's a made up term, dumbass. Brennan is throwing it back in your retarded faces.

I'm very comfortable with your self delusions and idiocy. What you don't know fills volumes kid.
That you bleev Brennan was making some kind of confession indicates who the retard is in this picture...retard.

Brennan is having you tards on and you are too stupid to catch it. But his audience isn't.

You more unhinged and more stupid every day, you really do.He just told you out in the open what is going on and all you can say is "Nuh-Uh"?
It's a made up term, dumbass. Brennan is throwing it back in your retarded faces.

Of course it is a "made up term."

All words are made up you doofus. That is how language works. It is a newly coined term to represent a real phenomenon. How do you think new words enter the language?

Deep state - Wikipedia

What Is the Deep State?

How the Deep State Came to America: A History deep state


The acknowledged expert in the nation is Berkeley Professor Emeritus, Peter Dale Scott. He happens to have left leaning politics. He was studying it for YEARS before Trump ever even decided to run for president.

He is interviewed in the Miami Herald. Why don't you. . . . um, educate yourself? :dunno:

Is the Deep State real — and is it really at war with Donald Trump?


"The first to apply the phrase Deep State to the United States was Peter Dale Scott, a University of California scholar, in his 2007 book “The Road to 9/11,” which wove a dark tapestry of covert conspiracy from events as diverse as the Kennedy assassination, Watergate and the Iran-contra scandal."

Brennan is having you tards on and you are too stupid to catch it. But his audience isn't.

You more unhinged and more stupid every day, you really do.He just told you out in the open what is going on and all you can say is "Nuh-Uh"?
It's a made up term, dumbass. Brennan is throwing it back in your retarded faces.

I'm very comfortable with your self delusions and idiocy. What you don't know fills volumes kid.
That you bleev Brennan was making some kind of confession indicates who the retard is in this picture...retard.

I used to respect your knowledge, it is clear your blatant denial of reality is akin to that of Franco, and you are nothing more than a disinformation agent.

Folks can see right through you on this issue. Everyone knows that the "Deep State," is not only a real thing, but the Brennan is admitting he is part of it. Grow the fuck up and quit trying to do damage control b/c you too are part of it, or retired from it.


I think it is just a matter of your POV. What most see as a "Deep State," you simply see as a vigorous check on a wildly corrupt president who is trying to reform a wildly corrupt system.

No Matter Who Wins The Presidency, The ‘Deep State’ Will Run Things
No Matter Who Wins The Presidency, The ‘Deep State’ Will Run Things

Bureaucratic Resistance and the National Security State
Bureaucratic Resistance and the National Security State by Rebecca Ingber :: SSRN

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

Brennan is having you tards on and you are too stupid to catch it. But his audience isn't.

You more unhinged and more stupid every day, you really do.He just told you out in the open what is going on and all you can say is "Nuh-Uh"?
It's a made up term, dumbass. Brennan is throwing it back in your retarded faces.

I'm very comfortable with your self delusions and idiocy. What you don't know fills volumes kid.
That you bleev Brennan was making some kind of confession indicates who the retard is in this picture...retard.

I used to respect your knowledge, it is clear your blatant denial of reality is akin to that of Franco, and you are nothing more than a disinformation agent.

Folks can see right through you on this issue. Everyone knows that the "Deep State," is not only a real thing, but the Brennan is admitting he is part of it. Grow the fuck up and quit trying to do damage control b/c you too are part of it, or retired from it.


I think it is just a matter of your POV. What most see as a "Deep State," you simply see as a vigorous check on a wildly corrupt president who is trying to reform a wildly corrupt system.

No Matter Who Wins The Presidency, The ‘Deep State’ Will Run Things
No Matter Who Wins The Presidency, The ‘Deep State’ Will Run Things

Bureaucratic Resistance and the National Security State
Bureaucratic Resistance and the National Security State by Rebecca Ingber :: SSRN

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
The Enemy Within

The political role of corporate power, the corruption of the political and representative processes by the lobbying industry, the expansion of executive power at the expense of constitutional limitations, and the degradation of political dialogue promoted by the media are the basics of the system, not excrescences upon it. The system would remain in place even if the Democratic Party attained a majority; and should that circumstance arise, the system will set tight limits to unwelcome changes, as is foreshadowed in the timidity of current Democratic proposals for reform. In the last analysis the much-lauded stability and conservatism of the American system owe nothing to lofty ideals, and everything to the irrefutable fact that it is shot through with corruption and awash in contributions primarily from wealthy and corporate donors. When a minimum of a million dollars is required of House candidates and elected judges, and when patriotism is for the draft-free to extol and for the ordinary citizen to serve, in such times it is a simple act of bad faith to claim that politics-as-we-now-know-it can miraculously cure the evils which are essential to its existence.

The Enemy Within


Brennan is having you tards on and you are too stupid to catch it. But his audience isn't.

You more unhinged and more stupid every day, you really do.He just told you out in the open what is going on and all you can say is "Nuh-Uh"?
It's a made up term, dumbass. Brennan is throwing it back in your retarded faces.

I'm very comfortable with your self delusions and idiocy. What you don't know fills volumes kid.
That you bleev Brennan was making some kind of confession indicates who the retard is in this picture...retard.

You are indeed a retard son. Your willful ignorance is of no concern to me.

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