Brennan is a liar


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brennan Comey and Clapper need to be brought up on charges of treason...
Of course. Everybody who comes to the same conclusion as the next guy is a liar. :lol:
Brennan Comey and Clapper need to be brought up on charges of treason...

I thought the same thing when I watched him and noticed some rediculous assumptions, use of terrible selective recognition, lacking example evidence in his comments, parroting of Dem naratives that were scripted and a bunch of other reasons for being very suspicious. But why would he lie stumps me. He just might be looking at it all wrong and not able to notice his selective deductions, like concluding Russians were distorting stories for propaganda when the whole net is full of people's opinions from all over the globe, and they all have a right to their opinions and he selects what he think is a single Russians opinion or a few and calls all forum trollers or troll posts Russian with no proof , while selectively ignoring those from other countries including our own political cronies hiding behind fictitious names.
This strange deduction would be like claiming all fake news on Trump was Hillary's camp when it could have been Bernies too or individuals being who they are online. Hell the Fake news could have been private opinions from private citizens as if they have no right to do to Hillary what she was doing to others is what Brennan is acting like. Also selectively addressing fake news ignoring the fake news against Trump and Bernie. I just find it to contribed and ignorant for someone in his position to be making such assumptions, there has to be a motive to his slant and narrative. Was he being blackmailed,threatened cohersed, compromised in any way? Something is not right with his assumptive approach, how can you have been CIA with Maddow like tin foil hat connect the dot theories?

How many times did we comment about foreign elections and make outlandish jokes meant to be seen as satire? Then are we US gov't interferring with other countries elections or are we the free speech internet global community? Is Brennen saying Russians or people with posting names
that sound Russian, or Russian proxy users are somehow Russian gov't interference or is he parroting a silly false narative as part of abuse of power and as OP said a treasonous act or coup.
Let me get this straight, Obama can make a speach about any candidate in any election including our own and other foreign nations or our own nation can not label that interference by our country because it's free right to express opinions and not a gov't tactical act, but Yakov Smirnoff makes a joke about Hillary or Bill and suddenly it's Russian interference?
Republicans want to get to the real stuff to stop future possible abuses & Dems just want to use fake or failed correlations that helps no-one solve the issue if we have one.

People might remember me saying, the CFA does not like non council members running for president and surely they never win, until now. They can't assasinate like in the Kennedy era, so this is their new method of trying to remove someone who is not playing their drug money mobster games.
Let me get this straight, Obama can make a speach about any candidate in any election including our own and other foreign nations or our own nation can not label that interference by our country because it's free right to express opinions and not a gov't tactical act, but Yakov Smirnoff makes a joke about Hillary or Bill and suddenly it's Russian interference?

Russia broke American laws trying to secretely influence American election- you want to compare that to President Obama making a speech?


Does it even bother you that Russia was secretly trying to influence our election? At all?
Let me get this straight, Obama can make a speach about any candidate in any election including our own and other foreign nations or our own nation can not label that interference by our country because it's free right to express opinions and not a gov't tactical act, but Yakov Smirnoff makes a joke about Hillary or Bill and suddenly it's Russian interference?

Russia broke American laws trying to secretely influence American election- you want to compare that to President Obama making a speech?


Does it even bother you that Russia was secretly trying to influence our election? At all?

1)Really, exactly how, precisely how not scripted politicians or preachers dance around.
2)I said Republicans want the true cases as to stop any such thing in the future, but using unfounded instances and suggestions based on poor assumptions does not help do that.
Democrats are not helping to detect and prevent future instances by phoney naratives and crying wolf.
3)the topic is Brennan and his vague unsupported unusual SCRIPTED CLAIMS.
In fact the Left's & these strange bedfellows acts are interfering with the function of our gov't and the elections we had to replace a few exiting Politicians.
Perhaps the interference is being done to regain seats in hopes by 2018 the majority will change in the house & or Senate.
In that case your concern is SELECTIVE as Brennan's claim about who was putting out fake news.
Brennan Comey and Clapper need to be brought up on charges of treason...

Well, they need felony indictments for illegal spying.

The FBI initial conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC was the foundation upon which all Spygate investigations started. And that conclusion was all based upon Crowdstrike's work product, at least at first:


Nobody but a Hillary Campaign Vendor examined the servers.

brennan'sorangejumpsuit on Twitter
Did anyone else notice how scared BRENNAN WAS in his interview about the new investigation on the source of the false charged investigation? His facial expressions and fumbled nervous speach pattern while blatantly lying is a man who knows his part in it is about to be exposed and jail is inevitable. The CIA should use that footage to teach how to recognize when someone is not telling the truth and is hiding something, because he revealed all clear cut facial and speach pattern signs they teach investigators to look for.

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