Brennan Notes

that it was ever ordered ya fuck.
Are you referring to the FBI investigation? As we know from the IG report, it was founded on credible intelligence that had nothing to do with the Clinton campaign.

You talking about credible intelligence regarding Carter Page? You know that has been long since debunked, right? Why did they omit things on the FISA application that would have likely given the FISA court reason for pause? I think you know exactly why.
The FBI investigation did not hinge on Carter Page. There was intelligence on Manafort, Papadopolous and furthermore the FBI and Mueller uncovered many attempts for the Russians to contact and work with the Trump campaign as detailed in the Mueller report and Senate intelligence reports and none of them have anything to do with Page (whose actions in Russia are still not well known).

You act as though the FBI investigation was somehow synonymous with Page’s FISA warrant. It wasn’t and this is either disingenuous of you or rather ignorant.
I posted no meme.

you are just full of your nonsense and in a panic excuse mode.
The carton of cigarettes was you meme-ing, not being serious. What am I supposed to be panicked about now? It's been 4 years of you telling me that Clinton's going to be going to jail but THIS time you mean it. How are you not fed up with your right wing media for making you believe this nonsense that never comes out to be true?

Here's a meme for you.
View attachment 398237
that was not a meme, that was me posting something i said. rarely do you see me "meme" - except for "well, bye" - which should be happening to your hero hillary soon enough.

till then, you are nothing but nonsense that needs a hug. admit it guy, you are in spew the shit panic mode.

panic mode, dude. that's you. and a lot of others on the left. given we have documented lies from the left to support their bullshit, you in short, are just being a vocal team player which is 100% void of honesty.

look, another meme!
that it was ever ordered ya fuck.
Are you referring to the FBI investigation? As we know from the IG report, it was founded on credible intelligence that had nothing to do with the Clinton campaign.

You talking about credible intelligence regarding Carter Page? You know that has been long since debunked, right? Why did they omit things on the FISA application that would have likely given the FISA court reason for pause? I think you know exactly why.
The FBI investigation did not hinge on Carter Page. There was intelligence on Manafort, Papadopolous and furthermore the FBI and Mueller uncovered many attempts for the Russians to contact and work with the Trump campaign as detailed in the Mueller report and Senate intelligence reports and none of them have anything to do with Page (whose actions in Russia are still not well known).

You act as though the FBI investigation was somehow synonymous with Page’s FISA warrant. It wasn’t and this is either disingenuous of you or rather ignorant.

Why do you ignore the facts? Why would the FISA application be altered by the FBI? Why do you ignore the fact that the known fake dossier played an “essential role” in FBI’s decision to seek the warrant in the first place? If the evidence on Manafort and Papadopolus was so compelling, what was the need for the dossier or the altering of the information submitted to the FISA court? Obviously they weren’t certain they had enough so they felt it necessary to embellish the warrant in order to ensure it was issued. Given what we know now for certain regarding the CIA and Obama’s knowledge of Hillary’s plan, it all kind of comes together a bit...or at least it should for a reasonable minded person.
that it was ever ordered ya fuck.
Are you referring to the FBI investigation? As we know from the IG report, it was founded on credible intelligence that had nothing to do with the Clinton campaign.

You talking about credible intelligence regarding Carter Page? You know that has been long since debunked, right? Why did they omit things on the FISA application that would have likely given the FISA court reason for pause? I think you know exactly why.
The FBI investigation did not hinge on Carter Page. There was intelligence on Manafort, Papadopolous and furthermore the FBI and Mueller uncovered many attempts for the Russians to contact and work with the Trump campaign as detailed in the Mueller report and Senate intelligence reports and none of them have anything to do with Page (whose actions in Russia are still not well known).

You act as though the FBI investigation was somehow synonymous with Page’s FISA warrant. It wasn’t and this is either disingenuous of you or rather ignorant.

Why do you ignore the facts? Why would the FISA application be altered by the FBI? Why do you ignore the fact that the known fake dossier played an “essential role” in FBI’s decision to seek the warrant in the first place? If the evidence on Manafort and Papadopolus was so compelling, what was the need for the dossier or the altering of the information submitted to the FISA court? Obviously they weren’t certain they had enough so they felt it necessary to embellish the warrant in order to ensure it was issued. Given what we know now for certain regarding the CIA and Obama’s knowledge of Hillary’s plan, it all kind of comes together a bit...or at least it should for a reasonable minded person.

He is in a bubble that shields him from reason.
Democrats are total scum. They knew from the start that the russia hoax was a Hillary ploy and they went along with it hoping it would work.

Democrat leaders need to be rounded up, tried for treason, and publicly executed. They can't imagine that happening, but it could.
that it was ever ordered ya fuck.
Are you referring to the FBI investigation? As we know from the IG report, it was founded on credible intelligence that had nothing to do with the Clinton campaign.

You talking about credible intelligence regarding Carter Page? You know that has been long since debunked, right? Why did they omit things on the FISA application that would have likely given the FISA court reason for pause? I think you know exactly why.
The FBI investigation did not hinge on Carter Page. There was intelligence on Manafort, Papadopolous and furthermore the FBI and Mueller uncovered many attempts for the Russians to contact and work with the Trump campaign as detailed in the Mueller report and Senate intelligence reports and none of them have anything to do with Page (whose actions in Russia are still not well known).

You act as though the FBI investigation was somehow synonymous with Page’s FISA warrant. It wasn’t and this is either disingenuous of you or rather ignorant.

Why do you ignore the facts? Why would the FISA application be altered by the FBI? Why do you ignore the fact that the known fake dossier played an “essential role” in FBI’s decision to seek the warrant in the first place? If the evidence on Manafort and Papadopolus was so compelling, what was the need for the dossier or the altering of the information submitted to the FISA court? Obviously they weren’t certain they had enough so they felt it necessary to embellish the warrant in order to ensure it was issued. Given what we know now for certain regarding the CIA and Obama’s knowledge of Hillary’s plan, it all kind of comes together a bit...or at least it should for a reasonable minded person.

He is in a bubble that shields him from reason.
everyone he likes commits no crime.
everyone he doesn't, does.

fuck him.
Why do you ignore the facts? Why would the FISA application be altered by the FBI? Why do you ignore the fact that the known fake dossier played an “essential role” in FBI’s decision to seek the warrant in the first place? If the evidence on Manafort and Papadopolus was so compelling, what was the need for the dossier or the altering of the information submitted to the FISA court? Obviously they weren’t certain they had enough so they felt it necessary to embellish the warrant in order to ensure it was issued. Given what we know now for certain regarding the CIA and Obama’s knowledge of Hillary’s plan, it all kind of comes together a bit...or at least it should for a reasonable minded person.
I'm not ignoring facts, I've been pretty clearly stating that they're facts but that they're irrelevant.

Yes, the dossier was essential to the FISA warrant on Carter Page. However, the investigation into the Trump campaign was not contingent on the FISA warrant into Carter Page. Had the Steele dossier not existed, the investigation would have gone on regardless.

Your point, at least as far as I can nail you down on it, was that the Clinton campaign somehow forced an investigation into the Trump campaign and you feel these notes corroborate that.

Let's introduce a few facts that you shouldn't ignore.
1. Although Clinton paid for opposition research, they did not specifically hire Fusion GPS and did not specifically instruct Fusion GPS to hire Steele, nor did they instruct anyone to specifically investigate Trump's connections to Russia.
2. No one in the Clinton campaign instructed Steele or Fusion GPS to give their information to the FBI.
3. No one in the Clinton campaign had any leverage in the FBI to make anyone do anything with the dossier.
4. The investigation into Trump was not made public during the campaign, which they would have if this had been an attempt to harm his campaign.
that was not a meme, that was me posting something i said. rarely do you see me "meme" - except for "well, bye" - which should be happening to your hero hillary soon enough.

till then, you are nothing but nonsense that needs a hug. admit it guy, you are in spew the shit panic mode.

panic mode, dude. that's you. and a lot of others on the left. given we have documented lies from the left to support their bullshit, you in short, are just being a vocal team player which is 100% void of honesty.

look, another meme!
I think this story is interesting because there is so little to go on here but the right is trying really hard to make it stick. It's just interesting that it's hard for you guys to come up with a coherent reason why anyone should care.
that was not a meme, that was me posting something i said. rarely do you see me "meme" - except for "well, bye" - which should be happening to your hero hillary soon enough.

till then, you are nothing but nonsense that needs a hug. admit it guy, you are in spew the shit panic mode.

panic mode, dude. that's you. and a lot of others on the left. given we have documented lies from the left to support their bullshit, you in short, are just being a vocal team player which is 100% void of honesty.

look, another meme!
I think this story is interesting because there is so little to go on here but the right is trying really hard to make it stick. It's just interesting that it's hard for you guys to come up with a coherent reason why anyone should care.
you simply can't say anything like "so little to go on here" but these are gov notes.

yet with the dossier, it was even less, known bullshit, and they ran with it.

ergo - fuck you. hell is coming your way. don't answer the door if you want but it's never stopped it before.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?

Um...ok. I guess you didn't read the notes.

Read it. Says Clinton’s campaign was trying to tie Trump to Russians. I thought we already knew that.


Stirring up a scandal...LOL, yeah, that isn't damning at all. Are you not a native English speaker? We all know what stirring up means. It doesn't imply obtaining actual facts to investigate, it implies creating facts that produce a scandal. What do you know, that is EXACTLY what they did with the fake dossier. You guys are sad and a bit dumb.

So what? Trump attempted to stir up lots of scandals. Remember when he tried to stir up a scandal by tying Cruz's dad to the assassination of JFK?

So you are cool with the CIA director and the President being on board with a plan to "stir up a scandal" about an opposing parties candidate? Wow, nothing more needs to be said. Corruption a-ok for you guys as long as it supports your point of view.

Let me know when you have evidence of the CIA director and Obama being on board with the "plan". Now you're just grasping at straws.

You gotta luv trolls like Coleytroll

4 years of it never happened .
No way
Then -

Okay it happened but it wasn't these 2 guys -
Search as you may , you cant find even one honest democrat . All the proof is out thete . They should lock them all up . Why have an election when biden is a known criminal .
everyone he likes commits no crime.
everyone he doesn't, does.

fuck him.
Your side has made unproven crimes committed by Democratic politicians a foundation of your political argument. It's gotten so malignant that it spawned the Q movement. I just want y'all to come back to reality.
you simply can't say anything like "so little to go on here" but these are gov notes.

yet with the dossier, it was even less, known bullshit, and they ran with it.

ergo - fuck you. hell is coming your way. don't answer the door if you want but it's never stopped it before.
There is very little to go on. The notes, as you say, are picking out a couple of sentences from an otherwise almost entirely redacted document.

This is so obviously a political game, releasing this without context, so close to the election. Ratcliffe is a hack.
you simply can't say anything like "so little to go on here" but these are gov notes.

yet with the dossier, it was even less, known bullshit, and they ran with it.

ergo - fuck you. hell is coming your way. don't answer the door if you want but it's never stopped it before.
There is very little to go on. The notes, as you say, are picking out a couple of sentences from an otherwise almost entirely redacted document.

This is so obviously a political game, releasing this without context, so close to the election. Ratcliffe is a hack.
releasing without context. you have tried to hide behind that shit when the left has DEPENDED ON NO CONTEXT for their bullshit. you are using a bulletpoint from your last LEFTIST ASSHOLE meeting that doesn't fit anymore.

trump said drink bleach! give me the context in which he said this is true
good white supremacist's - give me context which makes this true
trump is racist - again, give me the context that makes this true

you are hilarious at this point in your "whatever i can throw up defense" you're engaged in. you do NOT apply these standard to your list of "Crimes" but demand and hide behind them when there's nothing you can hide behind.

her own notes are out. since the dems have established we can go on our own "here's what we FEELZ" then that is fair game and that tactic is coming home.

spoon up, johnny. here a huge shit sammich.
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The average democrat is such scum they give this whole thing a total pass.
You can accuse the left of giving this a pass when the right actually does something about all these bullshit accusations they've been making.

Call me when there's an indictment.
Brennan just ran to his 'safe space' to cry 'foul' for his notes and his briefing Obama on Hillary's hoax being declassified and released...

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan Runs to Jake Tapper
– Slams DNI Ratcliffe for Releasing Documents Proving
He Briefed Obama on Hillary’s Russia Hoax Plans

"On Tuesday night John Brennan ran to Jake Tapper on CNN and attacked DNI John Ratcliffe for releasing the damning and incriminating documents.

John Brennan told Jake Tapper the Intelligence Community slammed DNI John Ratcliffe for the release. The former CIA Director then admitted the briefings took place. He suggested that there are more documents that explain his actions."

1st he cries about his the documents being released....then suggests there are other documents that justify his actions and their treason that should be released...

Bwuhahahahaha :p

releasing without context. you have tried to hide behind that shit when the left has DEPENDED ON NO CONTEXT for their bullshit. you are using a bulletpoint from your last LEFTIST ASSHOLE meeting that doesn't fit anymore.

trump said drink bleach! give me the context in which he said this is true
good white supremacist's - give me context which makes this true
trump is racist - again, give me the context that makes this true

you are hilarious at this point in your "whatever i can throw up defense" you're engaged in. you do NOT apply these standard to your list of "Crimes" but demand and hide behind them when there's nothing you can hide behind.

her own notes are out. since the dems have established we can go on our own "here's what we FEELZ" then that is fair game and that tactic is coming home.

spoon up, johnny. here some a huge shit sammich.
It's just so hard to be polite to you.

Here's the difference. This is the US intelligence agencies releasing notes, not some politician, not some commentator. This is the DNI.

The DNI is not supposed to be a political hack. They're not supposed to be playing partisan bullshit games. They're supposed to be acting on the best interests in the country. So yeah, if you want to compare the DNI to someone who made fun of Trump by saying "drink bleach" when he said "inject disinfectant", be my guest but just remember that you're only proving how fucked up Trump has made our country because he's dragged our national security apparatus into his bullshit political games.
The average democrat is such scum they give this whole thing a total pass.
You can accuse the left of giving this a pass when the right actually does something about all these bullshit accusations they've been making.

Call me when there's an indictment.
There might be indictments. Democrats better hope so because the angry mobs declaring open season on Democrats will be much worse if their aren't indictments.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.

We get something so heavily redacted we can't see any context... I thought Trump said no redactions...

sorry, no proof here... this is another could be proof, we don't have proof this didn't happen...

Lets be clear the GOP Senate read this and didn't see it fit for there report... So the redacted parts must have something in them..

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