Brennan Notes

yea, i'm calling his bluff. he will whine like a bitch some more and tell me they're right we're wrong cause... well that part they make up as they go. seems a rule only lives as long as it's needed by them.
The only conservative in this thread who has even attempted to provide a rational discussion based on facts was DBA, and good for that poster. I respect them for it. You've done nothing but have an emotional outburst and constantly deflect, talking about Portland and bleach and lord knows what else. Now you're commiserating with someone who is basically making terroristic threats.

Seriously, something's broken inside you.
yea, i'm calling his bluff. he will whine like a bitch some more and tell me they're right we're wrong cause... well that part they make up as they go. seems a rule only lives as long as it's needed by them.
The only conservative in this thread who has even attempted to provide a rational discussion based on facts was DBA, and good for that poster. I respect them for it. You've done nothing but have an emotional outburst and constantly deflect, talking about Portland and bleach and lord knows what else. Now you're commiserating with someone who is basically making terroristic threats.

Seriously, something's broken inside you.
You will never see a Democrat call out Democrat terrorist. You are the baddies. Your terrorist have killed 30 people and done billions in damage.

The Americans wants justice or revenge. You pick
yea, i'm calling his bluff. he will whine like a bitch some more and tell me they're right we're wrong cause... well that part they make up as they go. seems a rule only lives as long as it's needed by them.
The only conservative in this thread who has even attempted to provide a rational discussion based on facts was DBA, and good for that poster. I respect them for it. You've done nothing but have an emotional outburst and constantly deflect, talking about Portland and bleach and lord knows what else. Now you're commiserating with someone who is basically making terroristic threats.

Seriously, something's broken inside you.
heh - ok.

what's broken in me is why i keep replying to you. you cry foul at the right doing things that are far less than what the left does and hide anywhere you can what the left in fact does far worse to cause the divide.

you can't fix what you don't deem to be a problem.

and i've learned that with you, slade and others, a rational conversation is a complete waste of time cause "rational" to you is "agree with me or i attack you".

i gave up. you win. i'll attack back. if you don't like my method of attack, i simply don't care cause i didn't care for yours. passive aggressive is crap.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
when you say "stir up" dont you mean "lie" to create a scandal?

By the way whats the fucking crime...
Treason, abuse of power, collusion, conspiracy, and pergery for a start.

It's technically not Treason
Treason is very specific
We have to get away from saying Treason.
I think planning and partaking in a coup is treason, Punishable by death. If they are above the law, the system is broke and will be replaced.

I might think so too -
We didn't get to write the defintion though.
I just ordered Brennan's book. Thanks for the reminder!

Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, At Home and Abroad: Brennan, John O.: 9781250241771: Books

PS: RATcliffe is an political hack with NO national intel background. This BS will continue.

Newly declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director John Brennan show that the U.S. intelligence community knew in 2016 that Russian intelligence was actively monitoring, and potentially injecting disinformation into, Clinton’s anti-Trump collusion narrative. The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016. The handwritten notes from Brennan were declassified by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe and provided to Congress on Tuesday afternoon.

Hey Doctor -

Hand written Brennan notes, there Doctor.

In 2016 the intelligence community were in a knee deep fight against Cozy Bear (Russian SVR) and Fancy Bear (Russian GRU). They attacked Pentagon and they both had major attacks on the Democrats. They made no attacks on the Republican systems.
There plans were to sow chaos in US... Trump was there preferred candidate (they have never explained why?)

Now there are people here on the Russian side and against America... Anyone continually refusing to see the evidence of this is on the Russian side and against America. There is plenty of evidence that Democrats were attacked by the Russians, to help Trump. We also know that the Trump Campaign manager shared information with the Russians...

This has all been proven... If you want to refute it please show proof...

Somehow Trump cultists don't believe two Republican led reports, the findings of our best and brightest intelligence agencies, or the Mueller report which indicted 25 Russians of hacking to help Trump along with money laundering and identity theft.

They won't acknowledge Roger Stone acting as a middleman between the White House, Assange, Cozy and Fancy when it's plain as day. Neither do they care about Manafort sharing internal polling with a Russian spy so that they might better target their fake news and propaganda campaign . And they completely disregard over 140 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia in advance of the election, ALL of which were lied about under oath. AGAIN, to help Donald Trump.

Why did the Russians want Trump? A combination of things. Putin hated Hillary but more importantly they had (have obviously) kompromat on Donald, so they knew they could count on him as a useful idiot and a puppet.

Now you have Bill Barr, Ron Johnson, RATcliffe and others marching right in step and doing Russia's job for them.

They did not heed Fiona Hill's dire warning. Sad

Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.
I just ordered Brennan's book. Thanks for the reminder!

Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, At Home and Abroad: Brennan, John O.: 9781250241771: Books

PS: RATcliffe is an political hack with NO national intel background. This BS will continue.

Newly declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director John Brennan show that the U.S. intelligence community knew in 2016 that Russian intelligence was actively monitoring, and potentially injecting disinformation into, Clinton’s anti-Trump collusion narrative. The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016. The handwritten notes from Brennan were declassified by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe and provided to Congress on Tuesday afternoon.

Hey Doctor -

Hand written Brennan notes, there Doctor.

In 2016 the intelligence community were in a knee deep fight against Cozy Bear (Russian SVR) and Fancy Bear (Russian GRU). They attacked Pentagon and they both had major attacks on the Democrats. They made no attacks on the Republican systems.
There plans were to sow chaos in US... Trump was there preferred candidate (they have never explained why?)

Now there are people here on the Russian side and against America... Anyone continually refusing to see the evidence of this is on the Russian side and against America. There is plenty of evidence that Democrats were attacked by the Russians, to help Trump. We also know that the Trump Campaign manager shared information with the Russians...

This has all been proven... If you want to refute it please show proof...

Somehow Trump cultists don't believe two Republican led reports, the findings of our best and brightest intelligence agencies, or the Mueller report which indicted 25 Russians of hacking to help Trump along with money laundering and identity theft.

They won't acknowledge Roger Stone acting as a middleman between the White House, Assange, Cozy and Fancy when it's plain as day. Neither do they care about Manafort sharing internal polling with a Russian spy so that they might better target their fake news and propaganda campaign . And they completely disregard over 140 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia in advance of the election, ALL of which were lied about under oath. AGAIN, to help Donald Trump.

Why did the Russians want Trump? A combination of things. Putin hated Hillary but more importantly they had (have obviously) kompromat on Donald, so they knew they could count on him as a useful idiot and a puppet.

Now you have Bill Barr, Ron Johnson, RATcliffe and others marching right in step and doing Russia's job for them.

They did not heed Fiona Hill's dire warning. Sad

Doctor - heal thyself.
I just ordered Brennan's book. Thanks for the reminder!

Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, At Home and Abroad: Brennan, John O.: 9781250241771: Books

PS: RATcliffe is an political hack with NO national intel background. This BS will continue.

Newly declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director John Brennan show that the U.S. intelligence community knew in 2016 that Russian intelligence was actively monitoring, and potentially injecting disinformation into, Clinton’s anti-Trump collusion narrative. The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016. The handwritten notes from Brennan were declassified by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe and provided to Congress on Tuesday afternoon.

Hey Doctor -

Hand written Brennan notes, there Doctor.

In 2016 the intelligence community were in a knee deep fight against Cozy Bear (Russian SVR) and Fancy Bear (Russian GRU). They attacked Pentagon and they both had major attacks on the Democrats. They made no attacks on the Republican systems.
There plans were to sow chaos in US... Trump was there preferred candidate (they have never explained why?)

Now there are people here on the Russian side and against America... Anyone continually refusing to see the evidence of this is on the Russian side and against America. There is plenty of evidence that Democrats were attacked by the Russians, to help Trump. We also know that the Trump Campaign manager shared information with the Russians...

This has all been proven... If you want to refute it please show proof...

Somehow Trump cultists don't believe two Republican led reports, the findings of our best and brightest intelligence agencies, or the Mueller report which indicted 25 Russians of hacking to help Trump along with money laundering and identity theft.

They won't acknowledge Roger Stone acting as a middleman between the White House, Assange, Cozy and Fancy when it's plain as day. Neither do they care about Manafort sharing internal polling with a Russian spy so that they might better target their fake news and propaganda campaign . And they completely disregard over 140 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia in advance of the election, ALL of which were lied about under oath. AGAIN, to help Donald Trump.

Why did the Russians want Trump? A combination of things. Putin hated Hillary but more importantly they had (have obviously) kompromat on Donald, so they knew they could count on him as a useful idiot and a puppet.

Now you have Bill Barr, Ron Johnson, RATcliffe and others marching right in step and doing Russia's job for them.

They did not heed Fiona Hill's dire warning. Sad

Doctor - heal thyself.

You too are a useful idiot. Vlado says thanks BillieJeens!
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.

It is stupidity or are they just power mad evil bastards that still stop at nothing and tell any lie to achieve power?
I just ordered Brennan's book. Thanks for the reminder!

Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, At Home and Abroad: Brennan, John O.: 9781250241771: Books

PS: RATcliffe is an political hack with NO national intel background. This BS will continue.

Newly declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director John Brennan show that the U.S. intelligence community knew in 2016 that Russian intelligence was actively monitoring, and potentially injecting disinformation into, Clinton’s anti-Trump collusion narrative. The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016. The handwritten notes from Brennan were declassified by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe and provided to Congress on Tuesday afternoon.

Hey Doctor -

Hand written Brennan notes, there Doctor.

In 2016 the intelligence community were in a knee deep fight against Cozy Bear (Russian SVR) and Fancy Bear (Russian GRU). They attacked Pentagon and they both had major attacks on the Democrats. They made no attacks on the Republican systems.
There plans were to sow chaos in US... Trump was there preferred candidate (they have never explained why?)

Now there are people here on the Russian side and against America... Anyone continually refusing to see the evidence of this is on the Russian side and against America. There is plenty of evidence that Democrats were attacked by the Russians, to help Trump. We also know that the Trump Campaign manager shared information with the Russians...

This has all been proven... If you want to refute it please show proof...

Somehow Trump cultists don't believe two Republican led reports, the findings of our best and brightest intelligence agencies, or the Mueller report which indicted 25 Russians of hacking to help Trump along with money laundering and identity theft.

They won't acknowledge Roger Stone acting as a middleman between the White House, Assange, Cozy and Fancy when it's plain as day. Neither do they care about Manafort sharing internal polling with a Russian spy so that they might better target their fake news and propaganda campaign . And they completely disregard over 140 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia in advance of the election, ALL of which were lied about under oath. AGAIN, to help Donald Trump.

Why did the Russians want Trump? A combination of things. Putin hated Hillary but more importantly they had (have obviously) kompromat on Donald, so they knew they could count on him as a useful idiot and a puppet.

Now you have Bill Barr, Ron Johnson, RATcliffe and others marching right in step and doing Russia's job for them.

They did not heed Fiona Hill's dire warning. Sad

Doctor - heal thyself.

You too are a useful idiot. Vlado says thanks BillieJeens!

Did that heal you?
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.

Trump colluded with Russia, he admitted it. His DOJ is covering it up.

I just ordered Brennan's book. Thanks for the reminder!

Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, At Home and Abroad: Brennan, John O.: 9781250241771: Books

PS: RATcliffe is an political hack with NO national intel background. This BS will continue.

Newly declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director John Brennan show that the U.S. intelligence community knew in 2016 that Russian intelligence was actively monitoring, and potentially injecting disinformation into, Clinton’s anti-Trump collusion narrative. The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016. The handwritten notes from Brennan were declassified by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe and provided to Congress on Tuesday afternoon.

Hey Doctor -

Hand written Brennan notes, there Doctor.

In 2016 the intelligence community were in a knee deep fight against Cozy Bear (Russian SVR) and Fancy Bear (Russian GRU). They attacked Pentagon and they both had major attacks on the Democrats. They made no attacks on the Republican systems.
There plans were to sow chaos in US... Trump was there preferred candidate (they have never explained why?)

Now there are people here on the Russian side and against America... Anyone continually refusing to see the evidence of this is on the Russian side and against America. There is plenty of evidence that Democrats were attacked by the Russians, to help Trump. We also know that the Trump Campaign manager shared information with the Russians...

This has all been proven... If you want to refute it please show proof...

Somehow Trump cultists don't believe two Republican led reports, the findings of our best and brightest intelligence agencies, or the Mueller report which indicted 25 Russians of hacking to help Trump along with money laundering and identity theft.

They won't acknowledge Roger Stone acting as a middleman between the White House, Assange, Cozy and Fancy when it's plain as day. Neither do they care about Manafort sharing internal polling with a Russian spy so that they might better target their fake news and propaganda campaign . And they completely disregard over 140 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia in advance of the election, ALL of which were lied about under oath. AGAIN, to help Donald Trump.

Why did the Russians want Trump? A combination of things. Putin hated Hillary but more importantly they had (have obviously) kompromat on Donald, so they knew they could count on him as a useful idiot and a puppet.

Now you have Bill Barr, Ron Johnson, RATcliffe and others marching right in step and doing Russia's job for them.

They did not heed Fiona Hill's dire warning. Sad

Not one sentence of that is anything but fantasy.
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.

Trump colluded with Russia, he admitted it. His DOJ is covering it up.


Factually False
Per Robert Mueller ( among others)

This is why the consensus is growing that you are simply a propagandist troll, Coleytroll.
heh - ok.

what's broken in me is why i keep replying to you. you cry foul at the right doing things that are far less than what the left does and hide anywhere you can what the left in fact does far worse to cause the divide.

you can't fix what you don't deem to be a problem.

and i've learned that with you, slade and others, a rational conversation is a complete waste of time cause "rational" to you is "agree with me or i attack you".

i gave up. you win. i'll attack back. if you don't like my method of attack, i simply don't care cause i didn't care for yours. passive aggressive is crap.
Blaming others for your own trolling, pretty pathetic.

I miss the days when you could have a rational conversation with someone on the right. Seems harder and harder to find one of you who hasn't gone nuts with crazy conspiracy theories.
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.

Trump colluded with Russia, he admitted it. His DOJ is covering it up.


Factually False
Per Robert Mueller ( among others)

This is why the consensus is growing that you are simply a propagandist troll, Coleytroll.

Robert Mueller is a lifelong buddy of Rod Rosenstein who is a Trump loyalist. Of course they colluded to make sure that the investigation would appear complete but would hide Trump's crimes.

I just ordered Brennan's book. Thanks for the reminder!

Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, At Home and Abroad: Brennan, John O.: 9781250241771: Books

PS: RATcliffe is an political hack with NO national intel background. This BS will continue.

Newly declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director John Brennan show that the U.S. intelligence community knew in 2016 that Russian intelligence was actively monitoring, and potentially injecting disinformation into, Clinton’s anti-Trump collusion narrative. The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016. The handwritten notes from Brennan were declassified by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe and provided to Congress on Tuesday afternoon.

Hey Doctor -

Hand written Brennan notes, there Doctor.

In 2016 the intelligence community were in a knee deep fight against Cozy Bear (Russian SVR) and Fancy Bear (Russian GRU). They attacked Pentagon and they both had major attacks on the Democrats. They made no attacks on the Republican systems.
There plans were to sow chaos in US... Trump was there preferred candidate (they have never explained why?)

Now there are people here on the Russian side and against America... Anyone continually refusing to see the evidence of this is on the Russian side and against America. There is plenty of evidence that Democrats were attacked by the Russians, to help Trump. We also know that the Trump Campaign manager shared information with the Russians...

This has all been proven... If you want to refute it please show proof...

Somehow Trump cultists don't believe two Republican led reports, the findings of our best and brightest intelligence agencies, or the Mueller report which indicted 25 Russians of hacking to help Trump along with money laundering and identity theft.

They won't acknowledge Roger Stone acting as a middleman between the White House, Assange, Cozy and Fancy when it's plain as day. Neither do they care about Manafort sharing internal polling with a Russian spy so that they might better target their fake news and propaganda campaign . And they completely disregard over 140 contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia in advance of the election, ALL of which were lied about under oath. AGAIN, to help Donald Trump.

Why did the Russians want Trump? A combination of things. Putin hated Hillary but more importantly they had (have obviously) kompromat on Donald, so they knew they could count on him as a useful idiot and a puppet.

Now you have Bill Barr, Ron Johnson, RATcliffe and others marching right in step and doing Russia's job for them.

They did not heed Fiona Hill's dire warning. Sad

Doctor - heal thyself.

You too are a useful idiot. Vlado says thanks BillieJeens!

Did that heal you?

I don't need to be healed. Russia deniers do.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.
When was Hillary colluding with Russians???

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