Brennan Notes

CIA Director Gina Haspel is blocking the release of classified documents to protect the agency's reputation like Christopher Wray is doing for the FBI. "It's a continuation of the slow walk that she and [FBI] Director Wray and other deep state bureaucrats in the State Department have done over the last two years. They have tried to stop this Russia case from unraveling, the Ukraine case from unraveling, the carefully-crafted false story they gave the American people."
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.
When was Hillary colluding with Russians???

So uninformed
You literally should be utterly embarrassed.
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.

Trump colluded with Russia, he admitted it. His DOJ is covering it up.


Factually False
Per Robert Mueller ( among others)

This is why the consensus is growing that you are simply a propagandist troll, Coleytroll.

Robert Mueller is a lifelong buddy of Rod Rosenstein who is a Trump loyalist. Of course they colluded to make sure that the investigation would appear complete but would hide Trump's crimes.


Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.

It is stupidity or are they just power mad evil bastards that still stop at nothing and tell any lie to achieve power?
What's the lie?
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.
When was Hillary colluding with Russians???

So uninformed
You literally should be utterly embarrassed.
then tell me, if you are so knowledgeable on the facts....
Trump's crimes are documented and proven. The DoJ will never indict and the Republicans in Congress are help covering it up. He's protected by his establishment who is too scared to oppose him.

Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
when you say "stir up" dont you mean "lie" to create a scandal?

Nope. The memo allegedly says Hillary gave the okay for her campaign to try to tie Trump to the Russians...

How is that illegal for a campaign to do? If illegal, there isn't a campaign around, that would not all be in jail.

Do you actually believe the Trump campaign wasn't working day and night to smear and accuse Hillary of crap?
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
when you say "stir up" dont you mean "lie" to create a scandal?

Nope. The memo allegedly says Hillary gave the okay for her campaign to try to tie Trump to the Russians...

How is that illegal for a campaign to do? If illegal, there isn't a campaign around, that would not all be in jail.

Do you actually believe the Trump campaign wasn't working day and night to smear and accuse Hillary of crap?
the point is they never made stuff up (lie) to smear her,,
they didnt need to since she is so corrupt,,,
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?

Um...ok. I guess you didn't read the notes.

Read it. Says Clinton’s campaign was trying to tie Trump to Russians. I thought we already knew that.


Stirring up a scandal...LOL, yeah, that isn't damning at all. Are you not a native English speaker? We all know what stirring up means. It doesn't imply obtaining actual facts to investigate, it implies creating facts that produce a scandal. What do you know, that is EXACTLY what they did with the fake dossier. You guys are sad and a bit dumb.

So what? Trump attempted to stir up lots of scandals. Remember when he tried to stir up a scandal by tying Cruz's dad to the assassination of JFK?
For the love of God, STFU, you're really looking stupid trying to prop up a sinking ship scandal like you are.
You have resorted to deflection. :rolleyes-41:
It was the truths about Hillary that defeated Hillary
Truths that the left had never heard before.
Some still have their fingers in their ears.
Give me a break.

You idiots are still trying to tell us that Clinton routinely has people murdered for getting in her way.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?

Um...ok. I guess you didn't read the notes.

If there WAS a real scandal - DoJ would have acted on it. Republicans would have acted on it. We'd see indictments. It's not for lack of trying the last four years. This is just a last minute pre-campaign blitz to see if anything sticks.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.

It is stupidity or are they just power mad evil bastards that still stop at nothing and tell any lie to achieve power?
Because since the Rules for Radicals, the ends justify the means. No honor, No morals, No Integrity, and most of all, No Honesty. That is the way of Progs these days. That is why the majority of US citizens despise them.
Ouch...I know the libs will have an excuse, but this is pretty damning to say the least. I don't expect liberals to admit it, but they know, deep down, that this was an unfounded witch hunt. Brennan's notes on a meeting with Obama...
What is the scandal here?
Of course, there is no scandal to you, because idiots like you have no clue what the law is all about.....

"...stirring up a scandal..." You can't get much clearer than that.
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?

Was it illegal for Comey to update Obama, when Intelligence found out that Hillary gave that ok, to her campaign team to do this...?

What is the issue here?
Is Hillary trying to stir up a scandal on her political opponent illegal?
why was Nancy Pelosi and the other dimwitocraps so hell bent on telling US that President Trump was colluding with Russia and needs to be impeached, but he did nothing wrong, and then Hitlery was colluding with Russia and nothing is supposed to be done about that? Fuck you idiots are more stupid than a box of rocks.
When was Hillary colluding with Russians???

Now for you idiots to claim it is just Fake News....Fuck you guys are stupid.

At one time, the left was all about being against Big Government because it infringed on their freedoms, but as we see today, the toads of the Left just love big government. That is the real "Big Switch".

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