Bret Baier on FOX mentioned that one of the Texas shooting victims was a pregnant woman...

A fetus is not a human being according to the laws of California, but it is still murder to kill it, unless you're an abortionist acting under the direction of its mother.

It makes no damn sense.
If I throw a rock through my own window, I won’t be charged with a crime. If you throw a rock through my window, you will. Understand now?
Replace "window" with "child' and see how that works

It works the same. If I have an abortion, there is no crime. If you cause me to have an abortion or kill my fetus through your actions, you can be charged with a crime. Understand?
Yes, I understand that the baby is not considered a person five minutes before birth and it's life is not protected......but the moment it is born it is considered the most precious of people and has legal protection. People are outraged at the mistreatment of a newborn baby. Yep.. understand perfectly, that doesn't mean I agree.

That is not true. You can be charged with a crime if you harm someone else’s fetus, just like if you break someone else’s window. Abortion or breaking your own window is not a crime.

I can’t make it any simpler for you to comprehend.
A window is not a fetus. A fetus is not a window, A window is not considered a person if broken by someone who doesn't own it such that the person is charged with a homicide. Your comparison fails in that regard.

Having the law such that some people can be charged with a homicide for killing a fetus but the fetus is not considered a person when aborted is an inconsistency with the law, Either the fetus is a person who can be murdered, or the fetus is not a person so murder does not apply. The Law seems to have it both ways depending on who is doing the killing.
I can remember when a fetal homicide law was being considered in my state. Pro-life people tended to be in favor of the law being passed. Pro-life/Pro-abortion people tended to be against the law being passed because they saw it as a foot in the door for someday overturning abortion. This was many years ago.
depends on how far along…

Week 5 -- pull that grain of sand out and see if it sits up in the crib…

That being said...

Murdering a pregnant woman is horrible.

But single issue gun nut voters don't give a shit… to them, it's the price of "freedom"...

Yet, killing them in the womb is peachy keen for a libtard. Fuck your crocodile tears. Y’all only do it for attention.

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