Brett Kavanaugh has proven he's faithful to the constitution


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Kavanaugh has always ruled by what the constitution says and not by what he personally thinks. That is the opposite of what liberal judges tend to do, which is why leftists are so opposed to him.

There will be no legislating from the bench. The left will scream about any of Trump's nominees because they hoped that Hillary would be the one to stock the Supreme Court with leftist activists. Instead, we will have new judges that still care about our constitution and laws. That is a danger to the left's agenda.

The leftists aren't even pretending to care about our laws any more. They are open about destroying our country and constitution and replacing it with a socialist country ruled by an elitist global government. The left seems to worship the hypocritical U.N.

They hate capitalism, though push socialism as if it will finally work if tried for the 1,000th time. They fail to recognize that without capitalism, there will be nothing for the socialists to redistribute. That's why the money dries up with socialist countries. They still haven't figured this out. Socialism is actually the worst kind of slavery. Wealthy leaders get wealthier while the people all get poorer. And more is expected from the workers to keep things going. Tough thing to do when the tyrants remove all incentive to work hard. More people want to jump in the wagon instead of being the ones to help pull it. Always ends in disaster and it only appeals to those who have been conditioned to make demands of government and to those in government who stand to get richer and more powerful.

I cringe every time I hear some indoctrinated pin head say they support socialism. And I want to slap the politicians who push it. They are the most greedy, power-hungry scumbags on the earth. They wouldn't want it if they had to be one of the masses who would suffer through it. The left has a nasty habit of forcing people to do things they are exempt from doing. The left wanted to be exempt from Obamacare, despite saying it was good for the people. They are exempt from the laws they impose on us.

Unless they are willing to cede their wealth, their mansions, their armed guards, and their ability to run their own lives, you are a fool to believe a damn thing they promise you.

When anyone proves that they stand up for the constitution, leftists will viciously attack and make false claims. They cannot abide by anyone who refuses to allow them to destroy this country.

Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Has Proven that He’s Faithful to the Constitution
I hope Trump wins a second term and get to appoint another judge. Liberals can continue their meltdown.

We need more judges that follow the law. And we needed a president who would make decisions that benefited the economy, jobs and security. How are leftists opposed to low unemployment, improved economy, and more security for citizens? Either they hate America even worse than I thought or they are really suffering from a severe mental illness.

The Dems are in Washington to serve their own interests. Trump is actually there for the people whether they respect that or not.

tRump is a loser with un American ideals. He needs to go and anyway that happens is fine with me.
I really hope this article is correct. What bothers me is I believe there is considerable evidence he has sided with big government one time too many making him appear as a pawn to the elitist and globalists.

Kavanaugh White House Counsel: PATRIOT Act, "measured, careful, responsible, and constitutional approach"
On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee released the first production of records for Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh from his time as associate counsel for George W. Bush. Roughly 5,700 pages of documents were made available to the public. The documents show that Kavanaugh assisted in the effort to pass the Patriot Act and drafted a statement that President Bush incorporated in the bill signing. Kavanaugh wrote that the PATRIOT Act will “update laws authorizing government surveillance,” which he claimed, and President Bush then restated, were from an era of “rotary phones.” In fact, the PATRIOT Act weakened numerous U.S. privacy laws, including the subscriber privacy provisions in the Cable Act and the email safeguards in the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Both laws were enacted after the era of rotary phones. Congress amended the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after it was revealed that the White House had authorized warrantless wiretapping of Americans beginning in 2002. In an email exchange, Kavanaugh wrote that the PATRIOT Act was a "measured, careful, responsible, and constitutional approach . . . .” EPIC recently submitted two urgent Freedom of Information Act requests for Judge Kavanaugh’s records during his time serving as Staff Secretary for President Bush.

August 11, 2018

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