Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade


If I can't leave a restaurant WITH MY FAMILY without running a gauntlet of hostile lefties, that is TERRORISM plain and simple

Lefties are fucking TERRORISTS.

And any such leftard will be treated accordingly
Ooooo an internets tough boi.
No. He is a politician and a public figure. I would defend the protesters if they were doing this to the Pope. Hear that protest? Thats Freedom Tunes Baby.
There are laws against protesting outside private homes in both Maryland and Virginia. Why are they not enforcing this? I've been watching for articles about this and there have been some, but vague, vague, vague excuses: both governors seem to want to kick it over to the feds, who disavow jurisdiction, and the local cops simply won't enforce it. Does ANYONE know what is going on? What they are doing is plainly illegal. The laws are quite specific and they are not obeying them. Is it simply because all the police (local and federal) are controlled by Democrats?

In this case….yes, it was the right thing to do

Kavanaugh created this shit storm when he lied about Roe v Wade being settled law and then reversed himself first chance he got.

He knew there would be public outrage and now whines when the public mocks him.

You reap what you sow

It is not the right thing to do as Kavanaugh was not the only person in the restaurant as well as the fact the morons outside of it without a doubt cost them business
It is not the right thing to do as Kavanaugh was not the only person in the restaurant as well as the fact the morons outside of it without a doubt cost them business

That’s too bad
Maybe the restaurant should ask Kavanaugh not to patronize their establishment because his presence is disruptive. I encourage patrons to boycott Mortons

Kavanaugh created this situation and he knew there would be personal consequences.
Man up and face your public
Is voicing displeasure harassment?

Are Supreme Court Justices immune from public discourse?
No, I think the problem is the bullhorns outside their homes.

And organized protests intended to drive them out of restaurants.

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