Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade


Where is the time and place that Kavanaugh allows people to protest him?

They can do it outside of the SCOTUS building all day long and into the next one if they like.

Bothering other people that are there just to have some dinner is not the right thing to do.
Wow. Big whoop. According to your article, he never saw or heard the protestors, but left before dessert. How horrible! Of course, I rarely eat deserts when going out to dinner, as often stuffed by the time I finish salad or soup and main course. This is hysterical nonsense.

People are still denying that we're in the midst of a cultural civil war.
We aren't in any civil war. Yet. We'll know when we are, because thousands will be dead and troops will be involved. Got to have troops for a civil war. Definitions, people.

But we are definitely in a situation like during the 1850s. Serious division, hatred, political crime in "Kansas, Bleeding Kansas." Even Harper's Ferry was not yet a Civil War (but close!). Even the seven states seceding after Lincoln's election wasn't a Civil War. When the troops came out, however, there it was.

We'll know when it happens.
You don't see the distinction between protesting in front of a government building and finding out where a specific individual is going to be during his private time and harassing him there?

I sure do.
Would it be okay to get into his bedroom with a bunch of black-masked protestors with bullhorns and protest there?
There are no non-zealots on the left. They've become the party of extremism, violence, and terror.

If I can't leave a restaurant WITH MY FAMILY without running a gauntlet of hostile lefties, that is TERRORISM plain and simple

Lefties are fucking TERRORISTS.

And any such leftard will be treated accordingly
Whenever someone asks you to be more civil in your protest, they're asking you to do it in a manner that's easier for them to ignore.
You get in my face and I won't ignore you

I guarantee it.

Try it, leftie terrorist scum
Whenever someone asks you to be more civil in your protest, they're asking you to do it in a manner that's easier for them to ignore.

and? If all your protest do is piss people off what is the point?

It is like blocking traffic and causing people to lose their jobs, what gives anyone that fucking right?
There is an old saying that "just because you can do something, does not mean that you should"

and yes, the protestors were probably in their legal rights, but that does not mean it is the right thing to do.

In this case….yes, it was the right thing to do

Kavanaugh created this shit storm when he lied about Roe v Wade being settled law and then reversed himself first chance he got.

He knew there would be public outrage and now whines when the public mocks him.

You reap what you sow

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