Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

"Right wing extremist court"? Do you mean one that actually applies the Constitution to its decisions? SCOTUS didn't take any rights away; all it did was return the matter to the state legislatures where THE CONSTITUTION says it belongs. The liberals back in '63 took Abortion to the courts because they lacked the popular support to pass legislation. I fully expect most states to legalize some form of abortion because of the current public support for it.

Yeah, but democracy destroys our democracy...
It keeps the issue in the public eye

Conservatives want to just declare victory and move on
It will not be that easy

It is how democracy works

So what you're saying is letting the people have a voice in decisions destroys democracy?

democracy can only be preserved if rulers in Washington make all the decisions - it's the democrat way - Seig Heil.
A solid majority. Americans as a majority support both the 1st Amendment and a woman's right to choose.
The only danger to the 1st is the Nazi democrats. Notice how you Nazis melted down when freedom of religion was restored? A Christain allowed to PRAY?


But I get it, returning the question of abortion to the states is democracy, and democrats hate democracy because letting people decide issues destroys democracy...
Wow. Big whoop. According to your article, he never saw or heard the protestors, but left before dessert. How horrible! Of course, I rarely eat deserts when going out to dinner, as often stuffed by the time I finish salad or soup and main course. This is hysterical nonsense.
Bullshit, the protesters should leave them alone. How about a mob follow you around, threatening your life 24/7. Just because you're a liberal asshole? I bet your mind would change then.
The only danger to the 1st is the Nazi democrats. Notice how you Nazis melted down when freedom of religion was restored? A Christain allowed to PRAY?

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But I get it, returning the question of abortion to the states is democracy, and democrats hate democracy because letting people decide issues destroys democracy...
1. I actually didn't have any problem with that ruling. I think the 1st Amendment should be used to protect the rights of the individual against the power of the State. I thought arguments that his prayers (which weren't mandatory) could lead to non religious players feeling left out or pressured to join in were specious and that it was up to their parents to teach them not to give into pressure and do things they don't want to. Learning how to navigate that is part of growing up. If it could be proven he was punishing the kids that didn't participate that would be a different story but just the fear that he could is not enough for me to think the State should have a right to deny him the ability to pray and to pray with others of his faith.

2. States Rights and even democracy itself arent some inherent good. It depends on what you use them for. If you're using States Rights as an argument for say, slavery, or taking away the bodily autonomy of women then no, they aren't being used for good just because a majority voted for it.
Bullshit, the protesters should leave them alone. How about a mob follow you around, threatening your life 24/7. Just because you're a liberal asshole? I bet your mind would change then.

The Conservative Justices just want to declare victory and move on

But they have opened up the Hornets Nest and now must deal with the consequences
The right to protest is right there in the first amendment, is it our fault Brett is a pussy? 😄

Protesting on private property has never been allowed - until the Nazis started this Kristallnacht you've engaged in for two years.
1. I actually didn't have any problem with that ruling. I think the 1st Amendment should be used to protect the rights of the individual against the power of the State. I thought arguments that his prayers (which weren't mandatory) could lead to non religious players feeling left out or pressured to join in were specious and that it was up to their parents to teach them not to give into pressure and do things they don't want to. Learning how to navigate that is part of growing up. If it could be proven he was punishing the kids that didn't participate that would be a different story but just the fear that he could is not enough for me to think the State should have a right to deny him the ability to pray and to pray with others of his faith.

2. States Rights and even democracy itself arent some inherent good. It depends on what you use them for. If you're using States Rights as an argument for say, slavery, or taking away the bodily autonomy of women then no, they aren't being used for good just because a majority voted for it.

You're trying to mix apples and hand grenades.

We American recognize that there are fundamental rights and those are enumerated in our Constitution due to their import. Some, such as slavery were enumerated later than others, speech and religion. Republicans had to go to war and defeat democrats before the right to be free from involuntary servitude - unless you are a Ugar making shoes for massah Lebron - was enumerated.

Abortion however is not a right and never was. It is a complex issue that pits the life of a child against generally the convenience of the mother. It is properly a question to be answered by the people.

But as noted, the Nazi democrats HATE democracy.
It keeps the issue in the public eye

Conservatives want to just declare victory and move on
It will not be that easy

It is how democracy works

Children having temper tantrums are also in the public eye. Doesn't mean the public approves.
The Conservative Justices just want to declare victory and move on

But they have opened up the Hornets Nest and now must deal with the consequences

Democracy - letting people in the states decide the issue of abortion - endangers our democracy.

Democracy can only survive if the Reich stamps out democracy. Uber Alles Democrat - Heil Soros.
A solid majority. Americans as a majority support both the 1st Amendment and a woman's right to choose.

Not past 15 weeks they don't

Also not the hate campaigns you folks launch. That's not protest. Or is it okay for us to hound Soyomayor at home and in restaurants? Yes?
Don't really want what to be ok? Can you be more specific? Because I don't have any problem with peaceful protests. Why would I?

Americans going into a public building - "insurrection"

Americans hounding justices in their homes and while they eat - democracy

We can see what a joke you are.
You will deal with it at the ballot box and you're too stone cold stupid to see it

Yes Abortion is now a ballot issue

Before it was settled law not subject to local authority. Now it is decided at the local level.
Those unknown Statehouse Representatives will now have to answer for their votes on Abortion laws

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