Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

No, he didn't. He said the court needed "strong reason" to overturn previous decisions. The court had that in spades. As far as I know no justice candidate has ever stated how he or she would vote on any pending case.
Actually, Dodd contained no reasons to overturn Roe v Wade

It was a case about abortion after 15 weeks
Americans have the right to PETITION THE GOVERNMENT for redress of grievances, not to harass people in their homes and personal lives.

Read the First Amendment.

You know, it is the one before the second amendment
Americans have the right to PETITION THE GOVERNMENT for redress of grievances, not to harass people in their homes and personal lives.
That is crap. You are the land of the free. I get told on here every day. Isnt public protest the root of the anti abortion wierdo movement ?
Americans have the right to PETITION THE GOVERNMENT for redress of grievances, not to harass people in their homes and personal lives.

The TRUMPCourt has ruled Americans have no right to privacy
Read the First Amendment.

You know, it is the one before the second amendment

First Amendment​

First Amendment Explained

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." There it is in black and white, the people have the right to petition the GOVERNMENT for redress, not to harass private citizens or government officials in their private lives,
None of these protesters were on private property

Oh, did you think Mortons was owned by the state, or the Reich?

and I don't think anyone should be allowed to protest on private property, it's actually cucks on the right who do. Every white wing cuck who cries about getting canceled off a private social media site is basically crying about getting kicked off private property.

In fact this insurrection was entirely on private property. The Brown Shirts had no right to protest in private place of business.

Talking about apples and hand grenades, why do you clowns always try to make the Civil War about party as if Republicans or Democrats have any resemblance to the parties and people today?

Oh the big lie - how cool.

Are you going to tell us how Antebellum democrats who used the power of the state to subdue and enslave people were advocates of individual liberty? That democrat vermin who promoted the fugitive slave law - imposing on other states the demand that they knuckle under to democrat demands were advocates of states rights? Are you claiming that those who used eminent domain to steal land from those with less 100 acres under the "Small Holders Act" on behalf of the Mark Zuckerberg type Oligarchs who owned plantations were proponents of property rights?

The fucking shit fascists try to pass off..

democrats today are no different than democrats in 1830 - complete scum. Oh, and vermin like Lebron James still own slaves - even that hasn't changed.

Abraham Lincoln had no intention of ending slavery in The United States when he took office and only hoped to curb its expansion westward. He would of been more than happy to pass off dealing with slavery in the States it already existed to the next poor sonofabitch to be President and whoever that would turned out to be would of been happier to do the same.

Of course not a word of that is true.

While Lincoln did oppose the adoption of new slaves states, like ALL Republicans - then and now - he was a fierce opponent to slavery - an abolitionist.

The moron and mutant population of the South hastened the end of the very thing they were trying to preserve but Northern whites turned out to be pretty awful as well. White riots in Chicago and New York as more and more blacks migrated out of the Jim Crow South followed by white flight and redlining.

You're as ignorant of history as you are of the parties.

Learn when the Jim Crow era was/

This is of course just blatantly ignorant of American history. Connecticut was the first State to outlaw abortion in 1821 and only then after the baby started moving, typically 15-20 weeks. It wasn't until the late 1800s early 1900s until all States had eventually made most abortions a felony.

You have no fucking clue about history - or you're just lying.

There has never been a time when all states made abortions a felony.

You just make shit up to slander enemies of the Reich.
You missed out on all that Civil Rights stuff didn’t you?

Permit….. :laughing0301:
Did the TRUMPmob have a permit on Jan 6?
Actually, there were permits for the January Sixth demonstrations. If there hadn't been, the D.C. and Park Police would have broken them up like they did with the Anti-War protests in the '70s in D.C. that didn't have permits. D.C. is very tightly controlled by the Feds.
Looks like Schumer was right

Kavanaugh is paying. The public is outraged and Kavanaugh is paying the price every time he shows his face in public

frat boy has a sad because his privacy was violated.

<pffft> where is it written in the constitution that one has a right to go out to dinner?
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Only Kavanaugh didn’t say that did he?

He stated repeatedly how Roe v Wade was settled law and that he would respect it


You can't prove that. At all.

And besides,

So what?

You fuckers are just getting some of your own medicine. How does it feel?
You never do actually contribute to a thread, do you?
The Conservative Justices just want to declare victory and move on

But they have opened up the Hornets Nest and now must deal with the consequences
The results of the harassment are going to be that the justices are going to be inclined to take the side AGAINST the liberal protestors in every decision. Harassment and intimidation of court personnel are illegal for a reason, they interfere with objective justice.
How is that breaking federal law?
Are you so stupid (yeah you are) that you have ignored the multiple times this has been shown? It is against federal law to protest at a justice’s home for intimidation purposes. Harassing Kavanaugh in a restaurant. Par for the course for you ignorant savages.

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