Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

When it comes to defining a woman, there’s no nuance.

This is why things are so screwed up now. Too many people can no longer recognize or accept basic truths and facts. We have more than 100 different genders and biological gender is now fluid. A man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. One can be a man man one day and a woman the next. Then the next day you can be both simultaneously, or you can be neither a male or a female. You can even be a “them” and a “they:”. We now have to accept the idiotic idea that men can menstruate and get pregnant.

And to some it’s a mystery why we are so effed up today.
I agree there is no nuance. A woman or female if you prefer has internal plumbing designed to receive sperm. A man or male has exterior plumbing designed to deliver sperm. A woman is designed to generate eggs, a man is designed to generate sperm. A man has XY chromosomes a woman has XX chromosomes.
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I read the article in the link and saw the posted picture in the link of the OP Thread Start and nowhere, did it mention a truck running over anybody outside that restaurant. Get real.
Wait till they try this in Small Town USA. They don't dare, cause they know what will happen. They only get away with this crap in the population centers like NYC, where the cops have been cuckified by the libtard mayors. Every one of those "protesters" should have been arrested on the spot, and THEN a judge can figure out if they have any constitutional rights or not.
Who gives a fuck what they charge? if you think it is too much, don't go. Who even gives a fuck if they cater to the "elite "?

There are places in my town that my wife and I eat at that people think cater to the "well off"...and guess what....THEY DO. And their food is fucking amazing and that is why we go
There are also places that cater to the "well off" where the food sucks, but people go there to be seen with movers and shakers. Price has nothing to do with food quality. One of the best places for burgers that I ever ate at was called Red's in downtown Los Angeles. It was literally a shack in a parking lot, but the food was so good people lined up in almost block-long lines at lunchtime for their burgers. Great food at very reasonable prices.
I agree there is no nuance. A woman or female if you prefer has internal plumbing designed to receive sperm. A man or male has exterior plumbing designed to deliver sperm. A woman is designed to generate eggs, a man is designed to generate sperm. A man has XY chromosomes a woman has XX chromosomes.
And we were all designed to be worthless and to die young after passing on our genes.

Evolution and scientific observations are not a moral or ethical guide. And pretendingyou are a slave to evolution to bolster your personal fetishes is intellectual fraud and cowardice on your part.
Schumer also can't tell the truth. If he had protesters it would be on the news.
Well according to the articles I found, the protestors were all liberal pro-abortion people advocating for Schumer to end the filibuster. So they were friendly protestors.
Oh, did you think Mortons was owned by the state, or the Reich?

In fact this insurrection was entirely on private property. The Brown Shirts had no right to protest in private place of business.
As far as I know, none of the protesters were inside the Mortons, they were protesting in front of the Mortons.
Oh the big lie - how cool.

Are you going to tell us how Antebellum democrats who used the power of the state to subdue and enslave people were advocates of individual liberty? That democrat vermin who promoted the fugitive slave law - imposing on other states the demand that they knuckle under to democrat demands were advocates of states rights? Are you claiming that those who used eminent domain to steal land from those with less 100 acres under the "Small Holders Act" on behalf of the Mark Zuckerberg type Oligarchs who owned plantations were proponents of property rights?

The fucking shit fascists try to pass off..
It's white Southerners who do that shit, I'm not a southern white, Robert E Lee wasn't my ancestor and I'm not the ones trying to pretend he was a Southern gentlemen, States Rights warrior. Those are typically the people who are more likely, demographically speaking, to be Republican voters.
democrats today are no different than democrats in 1830 - complete scum. Oh, and vermin like Lebron James still own slaves - even that hasn't changed.
There is one obvious way it's changed, the party is a lot browner and blacker than in Robert E Lee's time and calling Lebron James a slave owner is ridiculous. It's fair to criticize him for not being more diligent about how products with his name on them get produced but he's no Robert E Lee out here whipping anybody to work harder. Also the only way practices at Nike change are through methods the white right is always lambasting, social pressure and regulation. It's adherence to free market capitalism that has seen businesses benefit financially from moving production over seas and playing to the lowest common denominator.
Of course not a word of that is true.

While Lincoln did oppose the adoption of new slaves states, like ALL Republicans - then and now - he was a fierce opponent to slavery - an abolitionist.
Plenty of white abolitionists were against slavery but not so much so that they were willing to go to war to end it.
You're as ignorant of history as you are of the parties.

Learn when the Jim Crow era was/

You have no fucking clue about history - or you're just lying.
There has never been a time when all states made abortions a felony.

You just make shit up to slander enemies of the Reich.

First you argued that abortion was never a right in this country now you're arguing its always been an unfettered right in some places, you managed to be wrong while taking both sides of the issue, you are one dumb mother fucker. 😄
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Well according to the articles I found, the protestors were all liberal pro-abortion people advocating for Schumer to end the filibuster. So they were friendly protestors.
Protestors at a senator's house, trying to influence his decisions.

You must be outraged!

Or... fake outraged!
And we were all designed to be worthless and to die young after passing on our genes.

Evolution and scientific observations are not a moral or ethical guide. And pretendingyou are a slave to evolution to bolster your personal fetishes is intellectual fraud and cowardice on your part.
And what has any of that to do with determining the sex of a person? Please at least try to refute the actual FACTS I posted.
I just checked

Nowhere in the US Constitution does it include the right to dine at Morton’s without interruption

Perhaps being too ignorant to be able to define something as simple as a woman? Or her decisions as a lower court judge?
I already tried to explain the nuance in defining a woman to morons on the right early in this post, if you can manage more than a picture as response, I'd be impressed.
The results of the harassment are going to be that the justices are going to be inclined to take the side AGAINST the liberal protestors in every decision. Harassment and intimidation of court personnel are illegal for a reason, they interfere with objective justice.
Like they aren’t already?
Better be nice to the Justices or you don’t know what they will do to you next

Sorry, but Justices are not immune from criticism or protest
Kavanaugh knew what he was doing when he lied about his intentions regarding Roe

So now he must deal with the consequences
Like they aren’t already?
Better be nice to the Justices or you don’t know what they will do to you next

Sorry, but Justices are not immune from criticism or protest
Kavanaugh knew what he was doing when he lied about his intentions regarding Roe

So now he must deal with the consequences
3 judges that deceived congress and the American people under oath.

Aligns well with the rest of Trump's legacy.
3 judges that deceived congress and the American people under oath.

Aligns well with the rest of Trump's legacy.

What do you think they told Trump about their intentions regarding Roe v Wade?

That they considered it settled law?

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