Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

What do you think they told Trump about their intentions regarding Roe v Wade?

That they considered it settled law?
Ha, Of course not.

Trump and McConnell both publicly and explicitly said the desire to overturn Roe V Wade was a necessary condition of being nominated to the court.

All 3 judges knew exactly what they were doing.
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I am OK with protestors protesting a government institution, peacefully assembling for redress of grievances, as you are. After all, both of us support the constitution of the United States, right?
yes ... but intimidation of Justices and Jurors is and should be illegal for obvious reasons .
I agree there is no nuance. A woman or female if you prefer has internal plumbing designed to receive sperm. A man or male has exterior plumbing designed to deliver sperm. A woman is designed to generate eggs, a man is designed to generate sperm. A man has XY chromosomes a woman has XX chromosomes.
Unfortunately there are many here who will disagree. Those are the people who claim to follow the science too.
3 judges that deceived congress and the American people under oath.

Aligns well with the rest of Trump's legacy.
They didn’t deceive anyone. Claiming you can’t define what a woman is because you’re not a biologist is being deceptive.
They didn’t deceive anyone.

You love what they did. You love that they intentionally deceived congress and the public.

Yet you embarrass yourself and lie to defend them against an accusation of doing something you love them for.

So bizarre. Trump has turned you guys' brains to tapioca.
If that was what it's about, you might have a point. Too bad you're totally ignoring the real point. That's because you're a failure at this.
No, you degenerates just have zero principles or values. You hate elitists, until elitists do something you like. You hate liberals like Bill Maher until he says something you agree with. You hate corporations like Disney until a politician you like wants to give them massive tax cuts. You hate abortions until your daughter or wife is raped by a Black man. You hate Gays until your son comes out as queen. You hate Hollywood culture until they give you a Donald Trump. You're all phonies.

You live what they did. You love that they intentionally deceived congress and the public.

Yet you embarrass yourself and lie to defend them against an accusation of doing something you love them for.

Trump has turned you guys' brains to tapioca.
They deceived no one. As they all do, they said that they could not tell you how they’d rule without hearing the facts of the case.

I have no problem with the issue being put in the hands of each state. And I live in one which will allow unrestricted abortion until the moment of birth.

Don’t call me a liar you POS.
yes ... but intimidation of Justices and Jurors is and should be illegal for obvious reasons .
Can't be intimidation if you do not see them or hear them (which was what was reported in OP thread link for this thread, and it is not intimidate to protest outside a business, with no reports of violence or even business disruption or interference inside the business.
someone was just arrested for planning the assassination of Kavanaugh .
Were they arrested at the restaurant? It did not say so. I am against protests outside of these guys houses, but it is not possible to stop all protests and that includes protests that they can actually see, as long as the new protest is peaceful and complies with laws already in place.

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