Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Yes Abortion is now a ballot issue

Before it was settled law not subject to local authority. Now it is decided at the local level.
Those unknown Statehouse Representatives will now have to answer for their votes on Abortion laws
It was settled law because when the liberals lacked the votes to make it legal through the democratic process, THEY took it to the courts to circumvent democracy.
Actually, Dodd contained no reasons to overturn Roe v Wade
Are you still here?

Back for more punishment?

Your Democrat lies have been crushed one by one, and you still dare to show your face in this thread?

You must be a masochist.
Well now they all have the ability to have public votes on the matter and the will of the majority in each state will prevail.

there is no other will to be considered than the pregnant female.

otherwise -

& if she has complications - the the will of the people get to cut her open to take that forced to term baby?
Precisely deceptive, and intentionally so. He knew that game he was playing, and he knew he was deceiving congress and the american people.

And so did you. Stop embarrassing yourself.
No, he did no such thing. Has your new “justice” figure out what a woman is yet?
The results of the harassment are going to be that the justices are going to be inclined to take the side AGAINST the liberal protestors in every decision. Harassment and intimidation of court personnel are illegal for a reason, they interfere with objective justice.

The democrat Brown Shirts are trying to obstruct justice through coercive intimidation.
He can expect that to be his life from now on

Kavanaugh will be treated like OJ…….not welcome in public
He may have gotten away with lying to repeal Roe v Wade, but the public will not forget

Anyone spots Kavanaugh in public and the word will get out
Then expect to be arrested and tossed in jail for stalking and harassment.
That's a fucking lie.

3 states - which is far from half - have banned abortion.


soooooooooooooo............... b4 6 weeks is what yer argument? when there is NO HEART - just electrical impulses AND b4 it may not actually be known one is preggers? then going after ANYBODY OUT OF STATE OR ASSISTS IN ANY WAY to get the pregger female outa state is SUBJECT TO CIVIL LITIGATION?

fuck you.
Calm yourself. "secreted away" my ass. He chose to duck out the back. He never heard or saw them by the article posted and it does not say he had to be "secreted away" anywhere in the article. It sounds like you are being overtaken by hysteria. Get a hold of yourself, man! Your in public.
^^^ This from a goof who didn’t watch a video, then claimed (wrongly of course) that a truck driver “ran over” people. Maybe take your own advice.
Actually, no where in America is it illegal to protest on a public street.

But this isnt about a judges home. Its about being in a restaurant.

And if these protesters scare him, he can always stay at home, locked behind closed doors, with security surrounding him for the rest of his life.

And guess what? Thats exactly what he and the other 5 liars are going to have to do.

View attachment 668098

Forever is a long time frat boy.
Federal Statute Bans Picketing Judges' Residences "With The Intent of Influencing [the] Judge" Here is a link to a story about the legality. The law is 18 USC subsection 1507. Here's a copy of the law for those who won't bother to look it up for themselves:
§1507. Picketing or parading
Section TextWhoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
Nothing in this section shall interfere with or prevent the exercise by any court of the United States of its power to punish for contempt.
^^^ This from a goof who didn’t watch a video, then claimed (wrongly of course) that a truck driver “ran over” people. Maybe take your own advice.
I read the article in the link and saw the posted picture in the link of the OP Thread Start and nowhere, did it mention a truck running over anybody outside that restaurant. Get real.

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