Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Can't be intimidation if you do not see them or hear them (which was what was reported in OP thread link for this thread, and it is not intimidate to protest outside a business, with no reports of violence or even business disruption or interference inside the business.

Why would the Justice leave the restaurant if he could not see or hear the Brown Shirts? They were there to threaten his life and that of his family in order to extort decisions on cases.

Which is stupid, since the case is already settled. But violence is the way of democrats and the only way they can express themselves.
Were they arrested at the restaurant?

democrats are above the law.

It did not say so. I am against protests outside of these guys houses, but it is not possible to stop all protests and that includes protests that they can actually see, as long as the new protest is peaceful and complies with laws already in place.

Again, the Reich is free to threaten the lives of SCOTUS justices in order to further the agenda of the Reich.
The right to marry whom you choice is an unenumerated right granted by the constitution.

You position is that it has to be stated in document to be a constitutional right.

That would make laws regarding marriage not a right, but subject to state legislation.
Double fucking duh!

You really are retarded.

Why don't you just shut up and stop making a fool of yourself.
Can't be intimidation if you do not see them or hear them (which was what was reported in OP thread link for this thread, and it is not intimidate to protest outside a business, with no reports of violence or even business disruption or interference inside the business.

How do you think the restaurant owner feels about that?
Can't be intimidation if you do not see them or hear them (which was what was reported in OP thread link for this thread, and it is not intimidate to protest outside a business, with no reports of violence or even business disruption or interference inside the business.
Is there any despicable behavior a liberal won’t condone?
It’s no wonder the divisions in the country are getting wider by the day

It's specifically TERROR FROM THE LEFT.

The lefties think they're going to intimidate this country into going along with their priorities.

And the more that happens, the more they're going to find their rights being restricted.
They are seeing some pushback and they don't like it, so they ramp up the violent rhetoric and intimidation. If they think that's gonna work in the long run. They're dumber than dog shit.
Pretty much fascism...congratulations.

It isn't fascism, you dumb fucking retarded asshole.

It's called HUMAN NATURE.

And I don't care what system you're in, at the end of the day you only have those political rights that other people choose to give you.

If you think intimidation is a right you have another thing coming.

You said you were "good at this"?

I excel at it.

I'm not here to unify the electorate. Maybe you have me mistaken for one of those tolerant lefties.
It isn't fascism, you dumb fucking retarded asshole.

It's called HUMAN NATURE.
Perhaps its your nature.... nothing remotely like human nature.
And I don't care what system you're in, at the end of the day you only have those political rights that other people choose to give you.
Lotsa fun.
If you think intimidation is a right you have another thing coming.
I think protesting on a public roadway or sidewalk is a right.... Then again...I'm not a fascist
I excel at it.
You excel at amusing us. Nothing more.
I'm not here to unify the electorate. Maybe you have me mistaken for one of those tolerant lefties.
You're here to provide comedic relief. At least that is what I hope...because that is all you provide.

You're "intolerant"? Gee, throw another tantrum. They're quite amusing.
Perhaps its your nature.... nothing remotely like human nature.

You fucking leftist morons wouldn't know human nature if it came right up and kicked you in the ass. Which it will. Cause you're a stupid retarded ignoramus and you have the mental capacity of a lemming.

Lotsa fun.

I think protesting on a public roadway or sidewalk is a right.... Then again...I'm not a fascist

Harassment is not protesting, shit for brains

Stalking is not protesting, you retarded leftist cornhole.

You excel at amusing us. Nothing more.

You're here to provide comedic relief. At least that is what I hope...because that is all you provide.

I can't help it if you laugh all the time. The doctors call that Tourette's. Maybe you should consult one. It would certainly explain your propensity to emit random lies at inopportune moments

You're "intolerant"? Gee, throw another tantrum. They're quite amusing.

Fuck you. You're trampling on peoples' boundaries. Fuck yeah. We're going to be very intolerant about it.

You lefties are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. I hope you choke on your own bullshit
Wow. Big whoop. According to your article, he never saw or heard the protestors, but left before dessert. How horrible! Of course, I rarely eat deserts when going out to dinner, as often stuffed by the time I finish salad or soup and main course. This is hysterical nonsense.
Every day it seems we are closer to the edge.

  • Protestors chased Brett Kavanaugh out of a Washington DC restaurant.
  • The restaurant said "unruly" protestors "harassed" Kavanaugh and other patrons.
  • Protestors have demonstrated outside the homes of justices after the Roe v. Wade ruling.

Show us in the Constitution where it specifically says you have the right to eat at a posh restaurant, without being protested frat boy?
Show us in the Constitution where it specifically says you have the right to eat at a posh restaurant, without being protested frat boy?

Why does the nature of the restaurant matter?

Your jealously of those better off than you clouds your judgement

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