Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

i don’t recal. that being. any polical party

i don’t recall any president saying that was fine…maybe Woodrow Wilson thought that way…
Their were fine people on both sides...

If you believe racism is okay.
No, it is not. This is the thread about Kavanaugh going to a restaurant, and while inside peacefully dining and unknown to him or people in the dining room he was in, some non-violent protestors assembled out front, so during or after the main course, he or his detail were told the protestors were there, and he dicided to take an alternate exit to avoid dealing with them on his way out.
If you had read the OP's link in the Thread Opening Post, you would know this.
i read the OP and once again violent demafasict brownshirts were stalking a judge and his family
i read the OP and once again violent demafasict brownshirts were stalking a judge and his family
Not the OP, but the link supporting (or in this case, not supporting) the OP. There were no brownshirts mentioned, or demafascists (whatever that is), the article being much ado about nothing, but with a provocative title.
Not the OP, but the link supporting (or in this case, not supporting) the OP. There were no brownshirts mentioned, or demafascists (whatever that is), the article being much ado about nothing, but with a provocative title.
of course demafasict brownshirts we’re mentioned…stalking and threatening a judge
of course demafasict brownshirts we’re mentioned…stalking and threatening a judge
The former 1-term president rates your posts using NAZIs as fine.

He wishes you would use more of the them like...

"of course demafacistbrownshirts we're NAZI mentioned...Ayran stalking and SS threatening a scum jewish judge is NAZIrific...
The former 1-term president rates your posts using NAZIs as fine.

He wishes you would use more of the them like...

"of course demafacistbrownshirts we're NAZI mentioned...Ayran stalking and SS threatening a scum jewish judge is NAZIrific...
yes, the demafacist brownshirts hated trump and not just because he had many jews working in his cabinet…but because he opposed their fascist ideological views
Uh, maybe his waiter told his detail, protesters were out front? I've had waiters or waitresses, tip me off of a rain deluge going on outside, that I could not see or hear from inside, in case I wanted to wait it out with another cup of coffee or cocktail. Good help is where you find it, but I always remember when I do find it.

The goons were blocking the door and pounding on the windows.

If Americans had done that to RGB, they'd spend the rest of their lives in the Gulag with no charges nor a day in court.
Hang mike pence...

Did three people really say that Herr Himmler?

How could they not be civil they way you Nazis are?


Oh, but that's different - Heil Soros
yes, the demafacist brownshirts hated trump and not just because he had many jews working in his cabinet…but because he opposed their fascist ideological views
Funny. The article made no mention of that, and that was in a right wing pub to attract right wing readers. You would have thought they would have jumped all over it, other than the provocative title. Probably the editor did not want to have to post a retraction and possible face legal action. Who knows? Still does not change the article not supporting the title or the title of this thread.
They are above the law? Wow!


Right, hadn't noticed that democrats are not subject to laws.

Usable perks for membership! Who knew? Like being a Gold Supporting member here, instead of somebody that just drops by, using the facilities from time to time?

You know I'm a supporting member - so zip it.
not a good idea. People that threatened him are being prosecuted. Garland on the other hand us protecting these demafasict brownshirts that want to over through the judical branch
Hang mike pence...

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