Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

The Left is a sick fucking mindset. They cry and whine over a riot and vandalism 18 months ago yet condone bounty payments for the locations of Justices who decided an outcome they do not like.

Don't be such a reactionary. I am sure he enjoyed the meal, and the service was great, if they tipped him off to protestors out front.

You create a fantasy and run with it. Most likely there were secret service outside who saw the Brown Shirts converge.

Did you know they have radios? Fancy, right?

Oh, and how DID the Nazi troops know the Justice was going to eat there? Did someone tip them off so they could come intimidate him?
The Left is a sick fucking mindset. They cry and whine over a riot and vandalism 18 months ago yet condone bounty payments for the locations of Justices who decided an outcome they do not like.

Highland Park was last week
Funny. The article made no mention of that, and that was in a right wing pub to attract right wing readers. You would have thought they would have jumped all over it, other than the provocative title. Probably the editor did not want to have to post a retraction and possible face legal action. Who knows? Still does not change the article not supporting the title or the title of this thread.
the article completely supoosrts it
Hang mike pence...

You really are the dumbest person on this board.
The boorish behavior of those protesters immediately reminded me of the classy (and civilized) behavior of diners one day in the 1960s.

Richard Nixon, who had just (reputedly!!!) lost to John Kennedy, and his family entered a restaurant to dine.

I assume some diners were pro-Nixon while others were pro-Kennedy.

What happened? All the diners stood up and applauded the Nixons.

I guess there is no chance of returning to those days of good manners.
I really should upgrade to gold.
I did it a year or so ago. I really liked the longer edit of my own post ability (amazing what kind of dumbass errors in typing, spelling, left out words, etc. I'm prone to), and some like the advantages in signatures, though I'm still not using that personalization. I had held off from near the beginning, cause they used to have some kind of exclusive thing with PayPal and I find no advantage there, and I was not going to send a person check (I think to some place in Texas), sharing my account numbers and routing numbers, and certainly was not going to share my debit card. You gotta be somebody or someplace I see eye to eye daily or weekly to get that, as I have lost (temporarily) many thousands on that, and not intending to deal with TBI, FBI or Department of Treasury again, anytime soon. Visa works for me, as I get to review before paying the card, and they have never failed to look out for me, no matter what country I was in or whatever business in whatever country I was dealing with.
To all other users and members I apologize for this off topic. You've all seen me kill off topic before, and I know it is wrong, and will not be responding on this one again here. If any would like to report. Some Mod, (maybe even me) will come clean this crap up and remind me, I'm supposed know better and set a better example.
Yes, you Nazi vermin were assaulting Sanders there, as I recall. And terrorist gang leader Maxine Waters called for widespread violence,

Yes, you Nazi fucks do have a habit of assaulting people you view as enemies.
They just don't want anyone interfering. If there is a right to protest there is a right to protest the protesters.
You are insane.

You lie because you demand that all bow to your Reich. Despite repeatedly reminding you of the facts, you lie - because your Reich demands your mind and you have surrendered it.

You are quite simply - insane.
Cute tantrum.

But still bizarre, considering you love that they lied. You are glad they did.

So your behavior is just really fucking weird.
Were they arrested at the restaurant? It did not say so. I am against protests outside of these guys houses, but it is not possible to stop all protests and that includes protests that they can actually see, as long as the new protest is peaceful and complies with laws already in place.
it is against the law to intimidate justices of the court ! you know this .. the man left out the back door because he feared harm to himself and his family ! a man was just arrested a few days ago for planning his assassination ! after that incident of course he feels threatened by leftist protesters ! this is a dangerous precedent taking place in America ! and the fact that you refuse to condemn what the left is promoting proves beyond a shadow of doubt that you are no moderate independent !
Can't be intimidation if you do not see them or hear them (which was what was reported in OP thread link for this thread, and it is not intimidate to protest outside a business, with no reports of violence or even business disruption or interference inside the business.
he didnt see or hear the guy that planned his assassination either ...

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