Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Is there any despicable behavior a liberal won’t condone?
It’s no wonder the divisions in the country are getting wider by the day

They are making this place unlivable and then cry down the moon when we talk secession. Keep going idiots. We want YOU to live in your own rot where no one can go to dinner in peace
Perhaps its your nature.... nothing remotely like human nature.

Lotsa fun.

I think protesting on a public roadway or sidewalk is a right.... Then again...I'm not a fascist

You excel at amusing us. Nothing more.

You're here to provide comedic relief. At least that is what I hope...because that is all you provide.

You're "intolerant"? Gee, throw another tantrum. They're quite amusing.

I hope at this moment the Proud Boys are planning to hound the crap out of the three lib women Justices. For the simple fact that watching you chomp your tongue trying not to cry about it would be so much fun.
Pretty much fascism...congratulations.

You said you were "good at this"?
Fascism is what you Nazi democrats bring

Fascism is not restoring the enumerated rights of the 2nd - fascism was infringing those rights

Fascism is not restoring the enumerated rights of the 1st - fascism was infringing those rights

Fascism is not repealing law unconstitutionally crafted by the court and returning power to the people - fascism was taking that power for the central rulers in the first place.

You Nazi democrats melt down that the federal abortion law crafted by the court was repealed. How dare the people have a say in such matters? Don't they know who their betters are? Allowing people to have a voice in government and vote on critical issues destroys democracy - according to democrats.

Heil Soros - Uber Alles Democrats
Why would the Justice leave the restaurant if he could not see or hear the Brown Shirts? They were there to threaten his life and that of his family in order to extort decisions on cases.

Which is stupid, since the case is already settled. But violence is the way of democrats and the only way they can express themselves.
Uh, maybe his waiter told his detail, protesters were out front? I've had waiters or waitresses, tip me off of a rain deluge going on outside, that I could not see or hear from inside, in case I wanted to wait it out with another cup of coffee or cocktail. Good help is where you find it, but I always remember when I do find it.
A right of privacy is in the 14th. And thanks for acknowledging that the document isn't dead like conservatives believe.
Not any more. Now the government can make you do all kinds of thing, like take experimental drugs and vaccines!
democrats are above the law.

Again, the Reich is free to threaten the lives of SCOTUS justices in order to further the agenda of the Reich.
They are above the law? Wow! Usable perks for membership! Who knew? Like being a Gold Supporting member here, instead of somebody that just drops by, using the facilities from time to time?
Is there any despicable behavior a liberal won’t condone?
It’s no wonder the divisions in the country are getting wider by the day
Don't be such a reactionary. I am sure he enjoyed the meal, and the service was great, if they tipped him off to protestors out front.
You are insane.

You lie because you demand that all bow to your Reich. Despite repeatedly reminding you of the facts, you lie - because your Reich demands your mind and you have surrendered it.

You are quite simply - insane.
The reich?

Of course Indiana is quite correct in his assessment of you sycophants.
Why would the Justice leave the restaurant if he could not see or hear the Brown Shirts? They were there to threaten his life and that of his family in order to extort decisions on cases.

Which is stupid, since the case is already settled. But violence is the way of democrats and the only way they can express themselves.
Like the trump humper shooters in Buffalo and Highland Park?
cool…but this thread is about demafasict and their brownshirts threatening to murder judges
Which political party was screaming the "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville? Or something about blood and soil?

Which party had a president say that was fine with him?
Which political party was screaming the "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville? Or something about blood and soil?

Which party had a president say that was fine with him?
i don’t recal. that being. any polical party

i don’t recall any president saying that was fine…maybe Woodrow Wilson thought that way…
cool…but this thread is about demafasict and their brownshirts threatening to murder judges
No, it is not. This is the thread about Kavanaugh going to a restaurant, and while inside peacefully dining and unknown to him or people in the dining room he was in, some non-violent protestors assembled out front, so during or after the main course, he or his detail were told the protestors were there, and he dicided to take an alternate exit to avoid dealing with them on his way out.
If you had read the OP's link in the Thread Opening Post, you would know this.

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