Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade


Why are they even protesting the Justices to start with?

Supreme Court Justices are not there to represent the will of the people, don't write laws, and they have already decided the Dobbs case..
If they have an issue or a problem, they need to take it up with their elected Representatives.

Supreme Court justices are there to ensure laws passed by the legislature are compatible with the US Constitution. That all. .
Supreme Court justices are there to ensure laws passed by the legislature are compatible with the US Constitution. That all. .
Where in the constitution does it mention interracial marriage?

Or is that now a state issue?
And you so want to be taken seriously. Have you looked at texas judges lately with conservative judge shopping them.
State judges doing what they are supposed to do.

What is it about federalism and states rights liberals don’t understand?
Where in the constitution does it mention interracial marriage?

Or is that now a state issue?
Yes, it’s not addressed in the US constitution. Neither is marriage in general. What’s your point?
What’s your point). Oh…. Sorry, You don’t have one.
The right to marry whom you choice is an unenumerated right granted by the constitution.

You position is that it has to be stated in document to be a constitutional right.

That would make laws regarding marriage not a right, but subject to state legislation.

You love what they did. You love that they intentionally deceived congress and the public.

Yet you embarrass yourself and lie to defend them against an accusation of doing something you love them for.

So bizarre. Trump has turned you guys' brains to tapioca.

You are insane.

You lie because you demand that all bow to your Reich. Despite repeatedly reminding you of the facts, you lie - because your Reich demands your mind and you have surrendered it.

You are quite simply - insane.

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