
Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
The UK (thank goodness) will leave the EU Dictatorship at the end of the year. Any chance of having a UK section and renaming the Europe section to European Dictatorship?
The UK (thank goodness) will leave the EU Dictatorship at the end of the year. Any chance of having a UK section and renaming the Europe section to European Dictatorship?

It should be called The Freezer since that is where Boris Johnson likes to hide.
The UK (thank goodness) will leave the EU Dictatorship at the end of the year. Any chance of having a UK section and renaming the Europe section to European Dictatorship?

The EU is not the Continent, so no need to rename the section. You are leaving the EU, you are geographically still forever on the Continent. See my Sig Line below: Fuck the EU....Long live Europa.
The EU is not the Continent, so no need to rename the section. You are leaving the EU, you are geographically still forever on the Continent. See my Sig Line below: Fuck the EU....Long live Europa.

Geographically, the English Channel is between the UK and Europe.
The EU is not the Continent, so no need to rename the section. You are leaving the EU, you are geographically still forever on the Continent. See my Sig Line below: Fuck the EU....Long live Europa.

Geographically, the English Channel is between the UK and Europe.

Yes I agree but you will forever be part of this Continent the same way that Norway and Iceland who have NEVER been in the EU have always been European and always part of Europa and always will be.

It's not like the UK can move itself ANYWHERE else on the planet is it?
The UK (thank goodness) will leave the EU Dictatorship at the end of the year. Any chance of having a UK section and renaming the Europe section to European Dictatorship?

Not sure Brexit even matters now considering you have got the Poison within your gates who are now DEMANDING that you demolish all your Monuments to British Culture and Heritage etc. Yes you are leaving the EU but can you SAVE yourself when you have the Traitors who are DEVOTED to DESTROYING Britain already inside your Citadel?
Yes I agree but you will forever be part of this Continent the same way that Norway and Iceland who have NEVER been in the EU have always been European and always part of Europa and always will be.

It's not like the UK can move itself ANYWHERE else on the planet is it?

There's no flies on you, you've done geology at school !!

Some consider themselves European, some don't, and I don't. I've never been European. Norway and Iceland can do what they want, but if they had a referendum, it could change.

Are you European?
Not sure Brexit even matters now considering you have got the Poison within your gates who are now DEMANDING that you demolish all your Monuments to British Culture and Heritage etc. Yes you are leaving the EU but can you SAVE yourself when you have the Traitors who are DEVOTED to DESTROYING Britain already inside your Citadel?

Yes, they are a lot of uneducated people on the planet destroying and defacing monuments.

Are you for or against such actions?
Yes I agree but you will forever be part of this Continent the same way that Norway and Iceland who have NEVER been in the EU have always been European and always part of Europa and always will be.

It's not like the UK can move itself ANYWHERE else on the planet is it?

There's no flies on you, you've done geology at school !!

Some consider themselves European, some don't, and I don't. I've never been European. Norway and Iceland can do what they want, but if they had a referendum, it could change.

Are you European?

Yes you should know by that answer I am a member of Mensa International!

You are British but your history is European, the Romans, Britannia, The Vikings, The Normans, The Saxons etc you can not remove that, it has been absorbed many many Centuries ago.

I am Austrian from Salzburg but of course our history is also European. I am Anti-EU but Pro-European Continent, I support the British with the Brexit I consider the British our European brothers and sisters like I do the Lithuanians and Denmark and all between.
Not sure Brexit even matters now considering you have got the Poison within your gates who are now DEMANDING that you demolish all your Monuments to British Culture and Heritage etc. Yes you are leaving the EU but can you SAVE yourself when you have the Traitors who are DEVOTED to DESTROYING Britain already inside your Citadel?

Yes, they are a lot of uneducated people on the planet destroying and defacing monuments.

Are you for or against such actions?

I am 100% against such actions and yes they are uneducated and should be in dungeons.
Not sure Brexit even matters now considering you have got the Poison within your gates who are now DEMANDING that you demolish all your Monuments to British Culture and Heritage etc. Yes you are leaving the EU but can you SAVE yourself when you have the Traitors who are DEVOTED to DESTROYING Britain already inside your Citadel?

Yes, they are a lot of uneducated people on the planet destroying and defacing monuments.

Are you for or against such actions?

I add Welcome to this Forum. We have British here also but the ones we have are Anti-British Culture and Heritage and hate their nation and want it destroyed from within and are supporting the crowd who want to destroy British Culture and Heritage because of The Slave Trade that end more than 200 years ago.

You should never be a Traitor and hate your nation and your Culture and Heritage and want it destroyed and replaced with Inferior Culture. ALL nations have done good and not good there is not one nation on this planet that has not done something that was not good BUT this is no reason to want the Culture and Heritage destroyed. Your nation give the world William Shakespeare, America give the world Barbara Stanwyck and Bette Davis, Italy give the world Michelangelo, we give the world W.A. Mozart and this is all we ever need to know to ALL be proud of our Culture and Heritage.
Not sure Brexit even matters now considering you have got the Poison within your gates who are now DEMANDING that you demolish all your Monuments to British Culture and Heritage etc. Yes you are leaving the EU but can you SAVE yourself when you have the Traitors who are DEVOTED to DESTROYING Britain already inside your Citadel?

Yes, they are a lot of uneducated people on the planet destroying and defacing monuments.

Are you for or against such actions?

I add Welcome to this Forum. We have British here also but the ones we have are Anti-British Culture and Heritage and hate their nation and want it destroyed from within and are supporting the crowd who want to destroy British Culture and Heritage because of The Slave Trade that end more than 200 years ago.

You should never be a Traitor and hate your nation and your Culture and Heritage and want it destroyed and replaced with Inferior Culture. ALL nations have done good and not good there is not one nation on this planet that has not done something that was not good BUT this is no reason to want the Culture and Heritage destroyed. Your nation give the world William Shakespeare, America give the world Barbara Stanwyck and Bette Davis, Italy give the world Michelangelo, we give the world W.A. Mozart and this is all we ever need to know to ALL be proud of our Culture and Heritage.
You can actually fuck them all. You are smart? So if people want to destroy their nation, what´s your problem? Fuck them and their nation. Not my pigeon. I don´t know what the shits have done for me that justifies devoting my energy to their well-being, all the more as they want it just like it is.
The UK (thank goodness) will leave the EU Dictatorship at the end of the year. Any chance of having a UK section and renaming the Europe section to European Dictatorship?
The EU was set up by Churchill and others to ensure European nations would never go to war again and It has been successful in that for 75 years. Member states send elected representatives so the notion that its an un-elected bureaucracy is bollocks. Who elected Dominic Cummings who is the real leader of the Tory's?
50% of our trade is with the EU and as a deal now looks remote we are going to be in the shit with rocketing unemployment made that much worse with Corona.
I add Welcome to this Forum. We have British here also but the ones we have are Anti-British Culture and Heritage and hate their nation and want it destroyed from within and are supporting the crowd who want to destroy British Culture and Heritage because of The Slave Trade that end more than 200 years ago.

You should never be a Traitor and hate your nation and your Culture and Heritage and want it destroyed and replaced with Inferior Culture. ALL nations have done good and not good there is not one nation on this planet that has not done something that was not good BUT this is no reason to want the Culture and Heritage destroyed. Your nation give the world William Shakespeare, America give the world Barbara Stanwyck and Bette Davis, Italy give the world Michelangelo, we give the world W.A. Mozart and this is all we ever need to know to ALL be proud of our Culture and Heritage.

As you know, we can't just go around defacing and wrecking things in society just because all of a sudden we don't like them. Anyone who's upset, it's called debate and vote, vote for the person that would implement your agenda and if that person is not elected, you abide with the majority. Otherwise, as we all too often witness, anarchy breaks out.

Now, America had a mixed race (black) president for 8 years and what happened? The race divide grew even wider. Obama was the least qualified person to deal with such issues, in fact, not one ancestor of his suffered slavery.

I'm the type of guy that would do two things. Firstly, I would round up the vandals, or as many as possible whether by using the police or army. Secondly, rather than locking them up here, I would strike a deal with Putin and send them to a lovely hard labour prison in Siberia.

In order to do this, I would scrap the Human Rights Act. You have a right to live responsibly in society and anyone who can't deliver that can reflect on that for 5 to 10 years as they pound rocks, sleep on hay and eat porridge. This spare the rod spoil the child has been going on for too long.
The EU was set up by Churchill and others to ensure European nations would never go to war again and It has been successful in that for 75 years. Member states send elected representatives so the notion that its an un-elected bureaucracy is bollocks. Who elected Dominic Cummings who is the real leader of the Tory's?
50% of our trade is with the EU and as a deal now looks remote we are going to be in the shit with rocketing unemployment made that much worse with Corona.

As you know, there was nothing wrong with the common market with a commission, that's what the public voted on in the 70's. The problem arose when it morphed into the dictatorship that it is today with a parliament.

Just like yourself, many get this un-elected part wrong. We're not bothered about MEPs. Look at it this way, who votes for the American president? Is it the Senators and the people? Who votes for the EU president? How many voters are there in Europe and how many vote for the EU president? Answer on a postcard please.

As for trade, trading with the world is vastly greater then the EU. We import a significant amount more than we export to Europe. They need our business, not the other way round. And those that are proud British should welcome manufacturing as opposed to selling their country off down the swany. We need the kids of today to learn skills, not arts and media shite and would you like to choose an alternative gender when aged 6.

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