Brianna Taylor grand jury in

That is what the witnesses stated
Only lies are from the Goebbels Media and the street trash causing mayhem
The police were fired at and acted in self defense

So if you were in the same situation you would have waited to see who was kicking in your door. Unbelievable.

According to Grand Jury testimony, the Police did knock and announce themsleves, that is why Jamarcus Glover began shooting and as a result of his shooting first police returned fire and it resulted in her death....
"interviews with neighbors that the officers did announce themselves before busting down the door of the apartment occupied by Taylor and her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker. Cameron said Mattingly and Cosgrove were justified under Kentucky law in their use of force after being fired upon by Walker and his office will not pursue criminal charges against them".
The question is when will the Louisville police arrest Walker for his shooting at police and the resulting death of Breonna Taylor
That grand jury testimony was fake.
You’re an idiot...Were you there?
The police were fired at and acted in self defense

So if you were in the same situation you would have waited to see who was kicking in your door. Unbelievable.

According to Grand Jury testimony, the Police did knock and announce themsleves, that is why Jamarcus Glover began shooting and as a result of his shooting first police returned fire and it resulted in her death....
"interviews with neighbors that the officers did announce themselves before busting down the door of the apartment occupied by Taylor and her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker. Cameron said Mattingly and Cosgrove were justified under Kentucky law in their use of force after being fired upon by Walker and his office will not pursue criminal charges against them".
The question is when will the Louisville police arrest Walker for his shooting at police and the resulting death of Breonna Taylor
That grand jury testimony was fake.
You’re an idiot...Were you there?
This is based on eye witnesses !!
Imbecile !!
Here you go neocon nimrods

1) The boyfriend disputes that they yelled police.
2) He was allowed to carry
3) The police were after an old boyfriend who was subsequently arrested in August

What I find so ironic about this from the neocon loons is they are all about 'protecting' themselves and not allowing the 'state' to ride roughshod over them. If this had been some good old boy hayseed who had been protecting his property you'd be all over the 'liberally run' Louisville police dept (via the Mayor et al). You guys are nimrods.

No-knock warrants are just tragedies waiting to happen.
Yeah, the thing is, the warrant was changed to “knock and announce”, which is what they did....

And look what happened. Bad outcome for everyone involved.
This is a Deep state op. There are some police shootings that are justifiable. But there are some police that are shootings to create chaos. But they are mixing the good with the bad, Some of the justifiable incidents will be put in the category with the unjust. Causing the the just officers to serve jail time, while they will pardon the unjust officers.
The police in this incident claims she was not a threat but barged into her home unannounced. If they were worried that she will dump the drugs down the toilet if they would have announced who they were. They should have cut off the water supply before they had announced who they were.
But the No-knock policy are for harden criminals that has violent records, that are known to shoot back when their home is being raided by officers.
And another thing is. Her boyfriend who was a licensed gun owner shot once. But they didn't have any drugs on them to shoot at the officers. And so it showed that he didn't knew who was at the door. So he shot in self defense. If they would have drugs on them. Then that would have been the reason why he shot at the officers. But he didn't have anything on him or anything else that will give him jail time.
But he didn't shot at the officer so that he can pick up a case while he is a free man.
The Deep state is trying their best to keep the great continental divide going.

Proverbs 17:15
Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the Lord detests them both.
The police were fired at and acted in self defense

There is no such thing as self defense while committing a crime.
He Justifiably shot at Breonna Taylor he’s in trouble for shooting at another apartment
Yep, none of the cops are indicted for putting 5 bullets in Breonna Taylor.
None should have been-----

Stupid woman shouldn't be dating felon drug dealer who is armed or being some sort of relation to the other drug dealer

So will the city now burn?

More than likely they will... No matter the decision by the Grand Jury, BLM planned to riot.
Breonna Taylor chose her boy friend (a convicted drug dealer poorly) and died because her boy friend shot at the police and was caught in the firefight. The Grand Jury found that the Police involved did in fact follow procedure knock and announce themselves before the shooting.
Kenneth Walker is and was involved in the drug trade and is basically responsible for her death. He should be charged with her death.

Her boyfriend wasn't a convicted drug dealer, that is a lie. Neither Taylor nor Kenneth Walker has any drug offenses on their records. What neighbor claimed they heard them announce themselves again? Her ex boyfriend was already in custody, so why were they are her apartment again? Why weren't any of these officers wearing body cameras? Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is a disgrace.
Oh stop with the are annoying me. Her families attorneys have been doing what all these police shooting lawsuit attorney's due---lie their fricking azzes off about the facts to the media hoping to sway public opinion and cause riots.

The only liar is fools like you, who make excuses when cops kill black folks.

The Warrant had her address-----and her name on it. The warrant 3 peoples name on it and her ADDRESS. She was one of three people named on the warrant and she certainly was buddies with the primary drug dealer that they were searching for.
The 3 cops work in the narcotics division and as such are not issued police cameras----------------so there would never be a video of their arrests hun.
They knocked and introduced themselves-----tired of the lies that they didn't. If it comes down to 3 cops words verses 3 criminals and their known associates, I'll take the cops words for it.
Hence such 3 white people likely with those cool police vests trying to break down a door of a drug dealer and his buddies----the assumption from the occupants is that they are COPS for which boyfriend tried to killed them.

There are so many lies in that statement it's a disgrace. How the fuck do you know they annouced themselves? Your stupid ass wasn't there. The neighbors say they didn't, they found one fool who was interrogated 3 times before he finally claimed he heard them announce themselves. Breonna and her boyfriend were not criminals, they had no criminal records. You are just a lying hag.

As I said there were 3 names on that warrant including hers---------but there was also not just the drug dealer that she was associating with but a THird person----whose last name is the same last name as her boyfriend (WALKER) that tried to kill the cops. What a coincidence.............

You are a lying piece of garbage.
You're just too uninformed and stupid to bother with. Welcome to ignore.

You're too much of a racist POS to see an injustice when it comes to black folks, good riddance.
The police were fired at and acted in self defense

There is no such thing as self defense while committing a crime.
He Justifiably shot at Breonna Taylor he’s in trouble for shooting at another apartment
Yep, none of the cops are indicted for putting 5 bullets in Breonna Taylor.
None should have been-----

Stupid woman shouldn't be dating felon drug dealer who is armed or being some sort of relation to the other drug dealer

So will the city now burn?

More than likely they will... No matter the decision by the Grand Jury, BLM planned to riot.
Breonna Taylor chose her boy friend (a convicted drug dealer poorly) and died because her boy friend shot at the police and was caught in the firefight. The Grand Jury found that the Police involved did in fact follow procedure knock and announce themselves before the shooting.
Kenneth Walker is and was involved in the drug trade and is basically responsible for her death. He should be charged with her death.

Her boyfriend wasn't a convicted drug dealer, that is a lie. Neither Taylor nor Kenneth Walker has any drug offenses on their records. What neighbor claimed they heard them announce themselves again? Her ex boyfriend was already in custody, so why were they are her apartment again? Why weren't any of these officers wearing body cameras? Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is a disgrace.
Oh stop with the are annoying me. Her families attorneys have been doing what all these police shooting lawsuit attorney's due---lie their fricking azzes off about the facts to the media hoping to sway public opinion and cause riots.

The only liar is fools like you, who make excuses when cops kill black folks.

The Warrant had her address-----and her name on it. The warrant 3 peoples name on it and her ADDRESS. She was one of three people named on the warrant and she certainly was buddies with the primary drug dealer that they were searching for.
The 3 cops work in the narcotics division and as such are not issued police cameras----------------so there would never be a video of their arrests hun.
They knocked and introduced themselves-----tired of the lies that they didn't. If it comes down to 3 cops words verses 3 criminals and their known associates, I'll take the cops words for it.
Hence such 3 white people likely with those cool police vests trying to break down a door of a drug dealer and his buddies----the assumption from the occupants is that they are COPS for which boyfriend tried to killed them.

There are so many lies in that statement it's a disgrace. How the fuck do you know they annouced themselves? Your stupid ass wasn't there. The neighbors say they didn't, they found one fool who was interrogated 3 times before he finally claimed he heard them announce themselves. Breonna and her boyfriend were not criminals, they had no criminal records. You are just a lying hag.

As I said there were 3 names on that warrant including hers---------but there was also not just the drug dealer that she was associating with but a THird person----whose last name is the same last name as her boyfriend (WALKER) that tried to kill the cops. What a coincidence.............

You are a lying piece of garbage.
You're just too uninformed and stupid to bother with. Welcome to ignore.

You're too much of a racist POS to see an injustice when it comes to black folks, good riddance.
You mean that 95 percent of all black deaths are from blacks ??
There is a reason that blacks have never risen from the bottom
and yet you are the ones who have been unjustly murdering us for over 400yrs.
That does not apply to the recent deaths of criminal black people who were resisting arrest

Black men should marry the mother of their children and teach them not to resist arrest

You ignorant POS neither one of these folks were criminals and she didn't have any damn children.
Far more black on white killings
Do you see a 100 million whites burning down every city ??
The police were fired at and acted in self defense

So if you were in the same situation you would have waited to see who was kicking in your door. So if you were in the same situation you would have waited to see who was kicking in your door. Unbelievable.

So if you were in the same situation you would have waited to see who was kicking in your door. Unbelievable.

Independent witness claimed they identified themselves and knocked. They thought they were at the right place and then one of the cops was shot in the leg.

The first time he was interviewed he claimed he didn't hear them and then AFTER he was interoggated 2 more times OH HE HEARD THEM IDENTIFY THEMSELVES. Now I guess ALL the other residents who didn't hear them are lying.

They don't know if Walker shot the cop or one of the other cops firing shot him.
if your one of those cops, tell me your not going to shoot back when you have an active shooter.

If your in your home and you think someone is breaking in are you telling me you are not going to fire.

it was a bad situation but not every bad situation is racism. Sometimes you can chalk it up to shit happens.

Sorry, I can't chalk an innocent woman being murdered to shit happens.
I dont have a problem with the guy firing on the cops if he thought they were breaking in... yes, that is called shit happens and it was a mistake. By the same token, the Cops didnt MURDER Breona. They only fired their weapons because they were shot at first. How about a little honesty instead of calling every cop shooting murder because you just dont like cops? Breona died because of a tragic mistake and being caught between two other parties at hand who each thought the other was the aggessor. The cops didnt fire first.

What is the maximum effective rate of an excuse?
and yet you are the ones who have been unjustly murdering us for over 400yrs.
That does not apply to the recent deaths of criminal black people who were resisting arrest

Black men should marry the mother of their children and teach them not to resist arrest

You ignorant POS neither one of these folks were criminals and she didn't have any damn children.
He was a known drug dealer and she was probably in on it
She died because of the actions of her thug boyfriend

So a black man protecting his home is a thug, but a white kid who crosses states lines with an illegal weapon and murders 3 people is a hero. Smfh.
Cops had a warrant . The thug was a known drug dealer .
The kid acted in self defense and killed 2 white scum bags

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