Out of 30,000 "palestinian"-terrorists Hamas/PIJ: how many were eliminated?

  • 10,000

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 15,000

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 70% of whatever Jihad regime provides

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Most of them - eliminated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most killed are non-combatants human shields used by Hamas

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
Look how this liar twists around about Uighur.

Ali Abunimah Claims Uyghur Genocide is a Hoax Invented by Zionist

David Lange |
Mar 19, 2021

Antisemite “Abumination” Ali Abunimah constantly finds himself on the wrong side of history and morality. Besides his antisemitism and dissemination of absolute falsehoods regarding Israel, he and his Electronic Intifada have defended the brutual Assad regime in Syria.

He’s back at it again, this time declaring...

Look how this liar twists around about Uighur.

Ali Abunimah Claims Uyghur Genocide is a Hoax Invented by Zionist

David Lange |
Mar 19, 2021

Antisemite “Abumination” Ali Abunimah constantly finds himself on the wrong side of history and morality. Besides his antisemitism and dissemination of absolute falsehoods regarding Israel, he and his Electronic Intifada have defended the brutual Assad regime in Syria.

He’s back at it again, this time declaring...

Sure he blames everything on joooz.
Koen Metsu (Belgian MP): Why Did the Hamas Murderers Shout "Allahu Akbar" - "God Is Great"?

In 1980, Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini began planting the seeds of a genocidal movement to destroy Israel. Iran's goal is to bring the entire Middle East under Islamist control, and Hamas is only one part of this strategy. Iran is helped by the fact that Hamas and the people of Gaza have never supported a "two-state solution." They believe that Muslims must control all the land "from the river to the sea." It must be purged of Jews and any semblance of democratic governance.

On my trip to Israel in November, I made myself watch a 46-minute film of the horrors of Hamas' Oct. 7 massacre. I would rather not have seen it, but I felt it was my duty to do so. I will never be able to erase the images from my mind. I sincerely did not think any human could commit such atrocities. Most hideous of all, perhaps, was that throughout those 46 minutes, terrorists were shouting "Allahu Akbar" - "God is great" - again and again. What God, one wonders, would condone such violence?

During my visit to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, I met Yula and her son. Yula survived by hiding with her children in a drawer under the bed while Hamas terrorists entered her home and set it on fire. Yula's family tried to flee the fire, only to be met with terrorists outside their home, so they instinctively ran back into the inferno to escape via a back room. For seven hours they hid in a warehouse until the IDF rescued them.

I am in the peace camp. I support democracy and coexistence. But anyone who disparages Israel after Oct. 7 opens the door for another Oct. 7 anywhere in the world.
How Terror Organizations Weaponize 'human Rights' NGOs

In-Depth Special with Prof. Gerald Steinberg:
As has become abundantly clear on American campuses, and recently in the testimony of three university presidents in congress, anti-Semitism is being relegitimzed among Western elites. Its new disguise is a double standard masquerading under the banner of human rights and bent on delegitimizing the Jewish nation-state . Our guest in this special in-depth episode, Professor Gerald Steinberg, founder and president of NGO Monitor, an organization that tracks how NGOs with benign sounding names operate in the service of terror organizations and anti-Semitic agendas.

7 October Hamas Pogrom and War

On October 7, 2023 (which was the Sabbath and a Jewish holiday), hundreds of Palestinian terrorists poured across the border from Gaza into Israel, slaughtering hundreds of Jews, and torturing, maiming, and kidnapping others. Gaza Palestinians also engaged in public desecration of victims’ bodies. In parallel, thousands of rockets were fired at Israeli population centers, sending millions rushing to shelters.

How Terror Organizations Weaponize 'human Rights' NGOs

In-Depth Special with Prof. Gerald Steinberg:
As has become abundantly clear on American campuses, and recently in the testimony of three university presidents in congress, anti-Semitism is being relegitimzed among Western elites. Its new disguise is a double standard masquerading under the banner of human rights and bent on delegitimizing the Jewish nation-state . Our guest in this special in-depth episode, Professor Gerald Steinberg, founder and president of NGO Monitor, an organization that tracks how NGOs with benign sounding names operate in the service of terror organizations and anti-Semitic agendas.

7 October Hamas Pogrom and War

On October 7, 2023 (which was the Sabbath and a Jewish holiday), hundreds of Palestinian terrorists poured across the border from Gaza into Israel, slaughtering hundreds of Jews, and torturing, maiming, and kidnapping others. Gaza Palestinians also engaged in public desecration of victims’ bodies. In parallel, thousands of rockets were fired at Israeli population centers, sending millions rushing to shelters.

At least since 2001 Durban.
How Terror Organizations Weaponize 'human Rights' NGOs

In-Depth Special with Prof. Gerald Steinberg:
As has become abundantly clear on American campuses, and recently in the testimony of three university presidents in congress, anti-Semitism is being relegitimzed among Western elites. Its new disguise is a double standard masquerading under the banner of human rights and bent on delegitimizing the Jewish nation-state . Our guest in this special in-depth episode, Professor Gerald Steinberg, founder and president of NGO Monitor, an organization that tracks how NGOs with benign sounding names operate in the service of terror organizations and anti-Semitic agendas.

7 October Hamas Pogrom and War

On October 7, 2023 (which was the Sabbath and a Jewish holiday), hundreds of Palestinian terrorists poured across the border from Gaza into Israel, slaughtering hundreds of Jews, and torturing, maiming, and kidnapping others. Gaza Palestinians also engaged in public desecration of victims’ bodies. In parallel, thousands of rockets were fired at Israeli population centers, sending millions rushing to shelters.

He is so right.
Who is the boss of:

  • Hamas,
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad
  • Hezbollah
  • Houthis?

It is working on nukes and has expressed its desire to wipe out Israel since 1991.

And it has no border or land disputes with Israel..
There has been no evidence to show their nuclear program has been weaponized.
download (12).jpeg
Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Iran including in 1991, in 2001, 2002, 2005, May 2012, Sep 2012, 2014, 2019, 2020.

Promoting genocide online at Guardian of Walls, including via Hitler, his genocide praising hashtags:

Iranian state actors are intensifying their disinformation campaign on social media to spread discord and anti-Semitic tropes inside the U.S., two U.S. intelligence officials say.
But within days of the conflict beginning last month in Israel and Gaza Twitter accounts linked to Iran were amplifying anti-Semitic messages in English, including the phrases “hitler was [sic] right” and “kill all jews” at a rate of 175 times per minute, according to analysis by Network Contagion Research Institute.
In Nov 2021, Iranian Brig.-Gen. urges destruction of Israel prior to nuke talks.

In March 2022, Iran (via mouthpiece): "Israel's nuclear weapons will not prevent its destruction (sic)."

On Apr 29, 2022, what the Islamic Republic calls "Jerusalem Day", during which masses took to the streets and there were a series of demonstrations of rage and aggressive speeches, the head of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), Hossein Salami, said: "Israel is creating the conditions for its destruction..."


Ir just see various "iran" tumor israel - Google Search
Last edited:
So let's recap what they are celebrating

Watchdog: Schools run by PA celebrated Oct. 7 Hamas massacres
Report reveals school in Jenin closed after onslaught to honor 'martyrs' and decry 'Nazi occupation'; students at a Nablus school drew infamous Hamas paragliders
By TOI Staff
23 November 2023.


OCT 7, 2023

That onslaught, atrocities of:

- massacring youths,

- suffocating shelters with people in them,

- burning children alive,

- decapitaing and mutilation of bodies,

- torturing en masse,

- mass raping girls some before killing some post mortem - all while laughing,

- gouging out the eyes,

- cutting off the genitalia of men and slicing off the breasts of women,

- murdering children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children,

- played with decapitated heads...

- kidnapping men women and children,

- parading with half naked hostages to be abused by many ordinary Gazans cheering...

All the above under cries of Allah Akbar!




Asides from that i24 News [62] who made it public, there is also:


(Margot Haddad is a multimedia journalist, a field producer and on air reporter for French, U.S. and U.K. media. She most recently served as an international news field producer for CNN. She is a graduate of the Columbia University Journalism School.)

✦Margot Haddad ✦ @margothaddad That’s it, the information is out. It’s so macabre that no one wanted to give it away before having 100% confirmation.

Infants and children under 2 years old were beheaded by Hamas in the Kibbutz of Kfar Aza. It is a horror, a massacre.

For those asking for the source. They are multiple: Israeli army, internal intelligence service and atrocious images which reached me and which I was able to cross-check. But the best source remains this: courageous journalists from the foreign press who were able to see / agreed to see with their own eyes the bodies in Kfar Aza.[63] [64]


Inside Kfar Aza where Hamas militants killed families in their homes By Jeremy Bowen International editor, in southern Israel 10 October 2023 Updated 11 October 2023 Soldiers told the BBC’s International Editor Jeremy Bowen that Hamas stormed in, burning homes and killing families. An Israeli officer said some of the dead had been beheaded.[65]


4:54 AM / OCTOBER 11, 2023 Israelis find “a massacre,” with children and adults beheaded, in Hamas-raided kibbutz

Yossi Landau, the head of operations for the southern region of Zaka, Israel’s volunteer civilian emergency response organization, told CBS News on Wednesday that he personally saw adults and children, including babies, who had been beheaded.[66]


Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal: 🚨CNN: “The Israeli Prime Ministers spokesman just confirmed babies and toddlers were found, with their heads decapitated. The Israeli Prime Ministers spokesman just confirmed babies and toddlers were found, with their heads decapitated. Oct 11, 2023. X

Babies and toddlers were found with “heads decapitated” in Kfar Aza, Netanyahu spokesperson says

From CNN’s Lauren Izso and Mostafa Salem. Oct 11, 2023

Babies and toddlers were found with their “heads decapitated” in Kfar Aza in southern Israel after Hamas’ attacks in the kibbutz over the weekend, Tal Heinrich, a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said on Wednesday.

Heinrich's comments come after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told CNN Tuesday that Hamas militants carried out a “massacre” in Kfar Aza, in which women, children, toddlers and elderly people were "brutally butchered in an ISIS way of action.” CNN


Photos of babies being burnt, decapitated confirmed. By Tzvi Joffre Published: October 12, 2023 16:37 Updated: October 12, 2023 19:46

The Jerusalem Post can now confirm based on verified photos of the bodies that the reports of babies being burnt and decapitated in Hamas's assault on Kfar Aza are correct. May their memory be a blessing.

The photos were shown to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his visit to Israel on Thursday by the Public Diplomacy Directorate in the Prime Minister's Office. Later in the day, the photos were published by the Prime Minister's Office on Twitter. The photos are graphic and have a content warning covering them until a button reading "show" is pressed.

Hamas attempts to deny murdering, abusing civilians In the past two days, the Hamas terrorist movement has launched a campaign denying that it kidnapped, murdered, and abused civilians during its attack on southern Israel.[67].

[Personal belongings including a child's pram are seen on the road next to a car days after a mass infiltration by Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip, near Kibbutz Kfar Aza, in southern Israel, October 10, 2023 (credit: RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS)] [...] Footage from the area captured on Saturday showed individuals in the uniform of the al-Qassam Brigades and of other terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip taking part in the massacre and mass kidnapping in southern Israel. Jerusalem Post



Hamas terrorists had ‘a thing with sexual organs’ and targeted genitalia of Israeli victims: UN testimony

By Yaron Steinbuch
Published Dec. 5, 2023, 11:50 a.m. ET

Oct 7: sexual violence


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That Rashida meme..

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