Brief synopsis of last night's debate

I don't think Hill can win any of NC, VA and Fla. And that leaves a very narrow path for the dems to get to 270

Clinton WILL carry VA....keep your eye on WI and CO
I don't think she carries Co.

If the Clown Car rides again .... she's got a shot.

The clown car may be riding, but it's going to pass the senior citizen bus. You know, the bus that's driving down the road with the turn signal blinking the last mile or so.
Last night four democrats officially conceded to Hillary today many on the left continue to over estimate Hillary's appeal beyond the Democratic Party.

It's hilarious how easily duped these lefties are. One such idiot started a thread saying Hillary hit it out of the park. Yeah, in a friendly atmosphere where she knew she wouldn't be attacked, or asked tough questions, she hit it out of the park. She must have been playing T-Ball.
At least they are younger and willing to take on the problems of big government spending.

Did you ever wonder that we DID try "trickle down economics" under Reagan.....and got NOTHING; and we also tried tax-cuts for the rich under Bush......and got NOTHING......finally we tried a GOP-led congress who promised, " jobs. jobs. jobs"........and.....................????

Trickle down economics worked very well for President Kennedy. Under Kennedy job growth was 2.64%
Job growth happened when the R's took over the House & Senate.
From 2009- 2013 .25%
From 2013 - 2015 2.00%

You did not address the actual problem of big gov. spending which I was talking about.

Such as Republican wars, Corporate Subsidies and Tax Write Offs when companies leave the US?
Both parties are guilty.

Except the only write-offs a company gets to use are those that involve moving expenses.
O'Malley looked good last night. Definitely wasnt a loss for that guy
Like almost crying when that family couldn't sue a gun manufacturer?
Whoa, slow down. The family sued an online ammo dealer, not a gun manufacturer. The online ammo dealer sold the Aurora shooter 4,000 rounds of ammo, no questions asked.

During the period Holmes was stockpiling ammo and body armor and tear gas, he was exhibiting such bizarre behaviors that a local gun range banned him from their property. The lawsuit sought to show that by selling 4,000 rounds of ammo online, they have no reasonable way of determining if the buyer is a whackjob. Buying 4,000 rounds of ammo, body armor, and tear gas should have been a red flag.

5 of those rounds ended up in the body of their murdered daughter. I'd be pretty fucking pissed, too.

The purpose of the lawsuit was to stop this practice.

O'Malley looked good last night. Definitely wasnt a loss for that guy
Like almost crying when that family couldn't sue a gun manufacturer?
Whoa, slow down. The family sued an online ammo dealer, not a gun manufacturer. The online ammo dealer sold the Aurora shooter 4,000 rounds of ammo, no questions asked.

During the period Holmes was stockpiling ammo and body armor and tear gas, he was exhibiting such bizarre behaviors that a local gun range banned him from their property. The lawsuit sought to show that by selling 4,000 rounds of ammo online, they have no reasonable way of determining if the buyer is a whackjob. Buying 4,000 rounds of ammo, body armor, and tear gas should have been a red flag.

The purpose of the lawsuit was to stop this practice.

So it should be up to an ammo supplier to determine mental instability? Did he buy his supplies all from one company or did he buy them from several who should have discussed the situation?
O'Malley looked good last night. Definitely wasnt a loss for that guy
Like almost crying when that family couldn't sue a gun manufacturer?
Whoa, slow down. The family sued an online ammo dealer, not a gun manufacturer. The online ammo dealer sold the Aurora shooter 4,000 rounds of ammo, no questions asked.

During the period Holmes was stockpiling ammo and body armor and tear gas, he was exhibiting such bizarre behaviors that a local gun range banned him from their property. The lawsuit sought to show that by selling 4,000 rounds of ammo online, they have no reasonable way of determining if the buyer is a whackjob. Buying 4,000 rounds of ammo, body armor, and tear gas should have been a red flag.

The purpose of the lawsuit was to stop this practice.

So it should be up to an ammo supplier to determine mental instability? Did he buy his supplies all from one company or did he buy them from several who should have discussed the situation?
He bought from three suppliers. The 4,000 rounds were bought from one online supplier.

I added a link to my previous post so you can read the complaint.
From the complaint:

In fact, in the months leading up to the attack, James Holmes engaged in a pattern of bizarre behavior. He acted, looked, and expressed himself in a way that raised grave suspicions about his dangerousness and mental stability, so much so that during the same time period that the Defendants sold Holmes thousands of rounds of ammunition and other combat supplies, a local shooting club did not admit Holmes because his behavior was so disturbing and suspicious.

Defendants established and operated businesses which attracted — and catered to — dangerous persons such as Holmes, and yet they failed to implement any reasonable safeguards to prevent dangerous people from obtaining high-capacity ammunition magazines, thousands of rounds of ammunition, body armor, and tear gas, and by which Holmes, and dangerous people like him, could buy such materiel online, without any human interaction or screening.
Chafee, O'Malley and Webb are out
(perhaps Webb would make an excellent Sec. of Defense)
O'Malley......Looks presidential but has no wiggle room between Sanders and Clinton (perhaps an excellent candidate for the Dept. of Energy.)
Chafee's best line (paraphrased): "I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me"......
(Very, very true thanks to the Tea Partiers.)

Sanders (feisty Brooklynite and a favorite of the young.....but like Ron Paul perhaps off the mainstream voter bloc who simply does NOT understand the meaning of social democrat)

Clinton (not my favorite candidate) is UNBEATABLE, not only within the Democratic Party's nomination but certainly can beat the daylights out of any of the GOP clown posse.)

Sure, there will be right wingers still desperately calling for her incarceration, but the smarter ones well know that is just wishful thinking. Bottom line: No GOP'er in the WH for another decade.

Yes last nights clown softball game was nothing more than a 2+ hour commercial for the DNC..

As you can see by the far left drones here..

Once again those that bashed Clinton are now pulling for her again, as I predicted. They will vote for her no matter what..
Clinton was fake and annoying as always.

Sanders channeled Lyndon LaRouche.

O'Malley was ... hell, who know WHAT O'Malley is? Moonbeam 2.0.

Chaffee was Jed Clampitt with a tie.

Webb was the sole individual exhibiting any sanity.
Webb is the sole democrat able to garner any support from Republicans disenchanted with their nominee. Naturally, he has no chance at the nomination.

Webb is an old-school Democrat. I thought they were all long dead.

How he can stay in the Communist Party is Gawd's own private mystery. I guess he's just kidding himself.
Chafee, O'Malley and Webb are out
(perhaps Webb would make an excellent Sec. of Defense)
O'Malley......Looks presidential but has no wiggle room between Sanders and Clinton (perhaps an excellent candidate for the Dept. of Energy.)
Chafee's best line (paraphrased): "I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me"......
(Very, very true thanks to the Tea Partiers.)

Sanders (feisty Brooklynite and a favorite of the young.....but like Ron Paul perhaps off the mainstream voter bloc who simply does NOT understand the meaning of social democrat)

Clinton (not my favorite candidate) is UNBEATABLE, not only within the Democratic Party's nomination but certainly can beat the daylights out of any of the GOP clown posse.)

Sure, there will be right wingers still desperately calling for her incarceration, but the smarter ones well know that is just wishful thinking. Bottom line: No GOP'er in the WH for another decade.

This analysis was so good, I printed it off and wiped my ass with it.

1. Clinton is question there.
2. Sanders feels more like Obama did eight years ago (only Sanders knows what he is talking about and is honest).
Yes last nights clown softball game was nothing more than a 2+ hour commercial for the DNC..

NEWSFLASH: Every debate is an ad for the candidates, Republican or Democratic.
O'Malley looked good last night. Definitely wasnt a loss for that guy
Like almost crying when that family couldn't sue a gun manufacturer?
Whoa, slow down. The family sued an online ammo dealer, not a gun manufacturer. The online ammo dealer sold the Aurora shooter 4,000 rounds of ammo, no questions asked.

During the period Holmes was stockpiling ammo and body armor and tear gas, he was exhibiting such bizarre behaviors that a local gun range banned him from their property. The lawsuit sought to show that by selling 4,000 rounds of ammo online, they have no reasonable way of determining if the buyer is a whackjob. Buying 4,000 rounds of ammo, body armor, and tear gas should have been a red flag.

The purpose of the lawsuit was to stop this practice.

So it should be up to an ammo supplier to determine mental instability? Did he buy his supplies all from one company or did he buy them from several who should have discussed the situation?
He bought from three suppliers. The 4,000 rounds were bought from one online supplier.

I added a link to my previous post so you can read the complaint.

Okay, so how were these dealers supposed to collectively have this information to determine that there was a problem? 4,000 rounds of ammo is not all that much I'm afraid. Not to mention there are no laws against it.

When you go to a gun range to shoot, one person can easily pop off 500 rounds in less than an hour. I know people that have much more than 4,000 rounds in their homes right now.
Yes last nights clown softball game was nothing more than a 2+ hour commercial for the DNC..

NEWSFLASH: Every debate is an ad for the candidates, Republican or Democratic.

Says the far left drone!

Show how this CNN softball clown game debate was equal to the Republican debate?

It was quite a good debate for Democrat voters. Most all of the candidates explained how they would expand the welfare state and give free stuff away. That's a liberals utopia.
Yes last nights clown softball game was nothing more than a 2+ hour commercial for the DNC..

NEWSFLASH: Every debate is an ad for the candidates, Republican or Democratic.

Says the far left drone!

Show how this CNN softball clown game debate was equal to the Republican debate?
You're right. The Democrats didn't spend three hours responding to every little thing Trump says. They suck.
Yes last nights clown softball game was nothing more than a 2+ hour commercial for the DNC..

NEWSFLASH: Every debate is an ad for the candidates, Republican or Democratic.

Says the far left drone!

Show how this CNN softball clown game debate was equal to the Republican debate?

It was quite a good debate for Democrat voters. Most all of the candidates explained how they would expand the welfare state and give free stuff away. That's a liberals utopia.

I do not expect that far left drone to explain anything, I am sure they will do the same thing they always do post a bunch of links that does not support their comments. It is what it does..
Yes last nights clown softball game was nothing more than a 2+ hour commercial for the DNC..

NEWSFLASH: Every debate is an ad for the candidates, Republican or Democratic.

Says the far left drone!

Show how this CNN softball clown game debate was equal to the Republican debate?
You're right. The Democrats didn't spend three hours responding to every little thing Trump says. They suck.

And the far left drone continues to show why they are a far left drone..

No Clinton had to respond to just about everything and everyone on the stage..
They will vote for her no matter what..

...and that would mean yet another major loss to your right wing posse......

As much as I'd like to see someone else hold the WH for the next 8 years, your GOP clown posse is a disaster.

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