Brilliant ad !

look peeps, it's a known fact Donnie could crap green running goo and his fans would lick his butt clean, like it, and thank him for it. There's little doubt he will get the nomination because there's enough idiots to vote for him and get him there. But that's where his Republi-thug political life ends along with his impossible promises.
Hillary supporters are the ones who LACK KNOWLEDGE. When quizzed on the most important issues (ISIS nuclear threat, Islam & women's rights, Mexican imperialism, gun rights & self-defense, etc. they are clueless. Just a bunch of airhead robots walking around programmed by liberal omission media.
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assuming Clinton barking like a dog is brilliant, this is pure Genius .......

what are three years old?

post #38

you idiot.

I did not feel the need to read through to post 38. I saw your original post and responded to it.
By the way....the difference between Trumps ad (albeit a childish one) and the one you posted is Trump took an actual clip of Clinton whereas your piece of work had to use graphic and audio splicing.

As for your "idiot" comment to me....

I ask again....what are you, like three years old?
RCP Average 2/11 - 3/6 -- -- 47.3 41.0 Clinton +6.3
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 3/3 - 3/6 1200 RV 2.8 51 38 Clinton +13
ABC News/Wash Post 3/3 - 3/6 864 RV 4.0 50 41 Clinton +9
Rasmussen Reports 2/29 - 3/1 1000 LV 3.0 41 36 Clinton +5
CNN/ORC 2/24 - 2/27 920 RV 3.0 52 44 Clinton +8
FOX News 2/15 - 2/17 1031 RV 3.0 47 42 Clinton +5
HA HA HA. That might be NOW. Just wait until Trump gets her in the debates and starts nailing her on the women issue, national security, jobs, and Mexican imperialism pillaging our economy and tax treasuries, not to mention all the illegal things she is under fire with the FBI for. She's had it easy up to now, with brother Bernie. She is about to really go under fire, very soon.
look peeps, it's a known fact Donnie could crap green running goo and his fans would lick his butt clean, like it, and thank him for it. There's little doubt he will get the nomination because there's enough idiots to vote for him and get him there. But that's where his Republi-thug political life ends along with his impossible promises.
Hillary supporters are the ones who LACK KNOWLEDGE. When quizzed on the most important issues (ISIS nuclear threat, Islam, Mexican imperialism, gun rights & self-defense, etc. they are clueless. Just a bunch of airhead robots walking around programmed by liberal omission media.
well, in all honesty....most voters don't know about those things unless they directly affect their lives.
protectionist thinks he is clever, clever, when he keeps writing,, in fact, dumb dumb tripe. :lol:

HRC will pull his guts out his ass if he gets as far as the general.
well, in all honesty....most voters don't know about those things unless they directly affect their lives.
Of course they directly affect their lives.

ISIS nuclear threat makes you become a dead body. Is that enough of an effect ?

Mexican imperialism (et al countries) is extracting $123 Billion/year out of the US economy. That's a lot of sales$$ for US businesses to lose, and a lot of jobs lost as a result. It's also extracting a lot of $$ out of US tax treasuries to pay off Mexicans via anchor baby racket.

Gun free zones endanger you by taking away your capability to defend yourself. You got an assurance that Muslim loonies won't show up shooting in some gun-free zone (ex VA hospital) that you go to ? I don't.

If the voters don't know about these things, I suspect they are going to find out about them real quick when the general election debates get going.
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give it up jake, the green goo crap is flowing and the retards are licking it up ... they'll see the difference between a popular MAJORITY, and their emotional MINORITY in a few months.
Sure, to people in 7th grade.

Trump liked it and so did his supporters ..

They always like stuff taken out of context so they can lie about it.

Obama has been in office for more than seven years and quite literally pulled the world make back from the (Repub caused) financial collapse, cut the deficit by three quarters, our unemployment in half and made the US the strongest economy in the world and the worst they can come up was his saying 57 states. That works but only because it's out of context.

Future president Clinton asked "... What difference does it make ..." - a brilliant question, in context, but they don't have the integrity or honesty to admit that.

And there are dozens more examples of RW traitor' lies by omission.

That's all they've got.

I mean besides gerrymandering, voter suppression, vote theft and constant obstruction of every single thing that could help working and poor classes, children, elderly and most of all, our veterans.

Frankly, I don't know how they can look,at themselves in the mirror.

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assuming Clinton barking like a dog is brilliant, this is pure Genius .......

I'm not a Trump fan, but got great laugh out of that ad. About sums things up.

Only if you're willing to take everything at face value, black and white, no nuance. But that's not true or real or accurate.

It's quick and dirty,messy, cheap seats pap. Context really does make all the difference.

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They always like stuff taken out of context so they can lie about it.

Obama has been in office for more than seven years and quite literally pulled the world make back from the (Repub caused) financial collapse, cut the deficit by three quarters, our unemployment in half and made the US the strongest economy in the world and the worst they can come up was his saying 57 states. That works but only because it's out of context.

Future president Clinton asked "... What difference does it make ..." - a brilliant question, in context, but they don't have the integrity or honesty to admit that.

And there are dozens more examples of RW traitor' lies by omission.

That's all they've got.

I mean besides gerrymandering, voter suppression, vote theft and constant obstruction of every single thing that could help working and poor classes, children, elderly and most of all, our veterans.

Frankly, I don't know how they can look,at themselves in the mirror.
Except for voter suppression (liberals engage in stacking voters - whether legal or not) what you said is true of liberals. It is liberals who have decimated the US working class, by supporting massive immigration (including illegal), massive discrimination against men and whites (which also damages the female relatives of the white males), and monstrous harm to women when they support Islam and all its massive misogyny. They are also endangering us all by obstruction of Trump's proposal to ban Muslim immigration (and the ISIS trojan horse). This is just a brief list of all the damaging things being perpetrated by liberals.

Frankly, I don't know how they can look,at themselves in the mirror.

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