Brilliant ad !

then you better start wanting Trump to squat and crap a magic wand so he can keep his promises.

Liberals are programmed to think that things that are simple, ordinary, government procedure, would need a magic wand. Poor detached liberals.
Given that progressives (even the closeted ones) think of Obama as "a decent human being, indeed, a God", then mayhap it IS time for someone not quite so "decent".
Stop being an idiot. Who thinks he is a messiah other than Rush? Decency is part of the American creed as you well know.

O second comine.jpeg
Fixate much?

Trump tells it like it is. In, perhaps, inglorious terms. But he has it nailed and hate it though progressives do, there is no way for them to 'run tell the teacher' and have him silenced.

Trump tells it like it is.



Donnie said he didn't know the handicapped reporter that had been interviewing him for 20 years ..... apparently it just came to him to act like he did out of the clear blue sky...

or it was an uncontrollable idiot fit ... yeah, thats it, an uncontrollable idiot fit. :lmao:

I suppose you had similar reaction when Joe Biden asked a person in wheel chair to stand up and take a bow?
I suppose you had similar reaction when Joe Biden asked a person in wheel chair to stand up and take a bow?
He did, but he never met the guy, didn't know who he was... he read his name off a card and asked him to be recognized. Once he saw the situation, he immediately apologized and recovered.

Trump was deliberately insensitive and offensive. No class.
I suppose you had similar reaction when Joe Biden asked a person in wheel chair to stand up and take a bow?
He did, but he never met the guy, didn't know who he was... he read his name off a card and asked him to be recognized. Once he saw the situation, he immediately apologized and recovered.

Trump was deliberately insensitive and offensive. No class.

And to think that an idiot who speaks of and praises somebody he never met sits a heart beat away from the presidency!

Give me a knowledgeable, albeit offensive and insensitive person to deal with people who have shown time and again that they deserve no tact or sensitivity over an accommodating bleeding heart who has been unqualified and and incompetent at all the posts he ever held.
You praise Trump and you have never met him. FJO your argument crumbles from its own internal inconsistency, the same as does Fang's.

Trump does not have it emotionally and temperamentally to be our leader.
Stop being an idiot. Who thinks he is a messiah other than Rush? Decency is part of the American creed as you well know.

It started with Louis B. Farrakahn and grew from there. Kept growing and expressions of desire for Him (New Messiah Obama) grew and grew, as you have seen, touching the lives of many close to some of us:

He did, but he never met the guy, didn't know who he was... he read his name off a card and asked him to be recognized. Once he saw the situation, he immediately apologized and recovered.

Trump was deliberately insensitive and offensive. No class.
Nah! He could have easily forgotten who the guy was. Trump meets a really large number of people all over te country (and the world), and this guy wasn't interviewing him for 20 years EVERY DAY. He might have interviewed Trump one time 20 years ago. Nobody would remember that.

These are all red herrings though. The stuff to be thinking about is Mexican imperialism on the US, ISIS nuclear bomb threat in American cities, restoring US gun rights of self-defense, et al IMPORTANT issues.
He did, but he never met the guy, didn't know who he was... he read his name off a card and asked him to be recognized. Once he saw the situation, he immediately apologized and recovered.

Trump was deliberately insensitive and offensive. No class.
Nah! He could have easily forgotten who the guy was. Trump meets a really large number of people all over te country (and the world), and this guy wasn't interviewing him for 20 years EVERY DAY. He might have interviewed Trump one time 20 years ago. Nobody would remember that.

These are all red herrings though. The stuff to be thinking about is Mexican imperialism on the US, ISIS nuclear bomb threat in American cities, restoring US gun rights of self-defense, et al IMPORTANT issues.
Nope, your defense is weak.

Trump made fun of a disabled reporter in front of millions. By the end of the campaign season, hundreds of millions will have seen it.
Nope, your defense is weak.

Trump made fun of a disabled reporter in front of millions. By the end of the campaign season, hundreds of millions will have seen it.
Is that all you have ? Not going to be much when Trump starts disassembling Hillary over her women PROBLEM, immigration, and national security.
Nope, your defense is weak.

Trump made fun of a disabled reporter in front of millions. By the end of the campaign season, hundreds of millions will have seen it.
Is that all you have ? Not going to be much when Trump starts disassembling Hillary over her women PROBLEM, immigration, and national security.
He loses the female vote, he loses the minority vote, he will lose the white vote, and the campaign is not about national security.
look peeps, it's a known fact Donnie could crap green running goo and his fans would lick his butt clean, like it, and thank him for it. There's little doubt he will get the nomination because there's enough idiots to vote for him and get him there. But that's where his Republi-thug political life ends along with his impossible promises.
He loses the female vote, he loses the minority vote, he will lose the white vote, and the campaign is not about national security.

"the campaign is not about national security" You hear that, folks ? Pheeeeww! (high-pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head) Wow. Nothing ever amazes me more than the incredible things I hear out of the mouth of liberals.

EARTH TO JOKE STARKEY: National Security is ALWAYS the # 1 issue in America, during political campaigns, and any other time (as well as state and local security). That is govt's #1 responsibility >> PROTECTION of the American people. And it never has been a bigger issue than right now in this campaign, when the US is under its worst threat to natioqanl security in all of our 240 year history.

Even during World War II we were not as threatened as we are now. The Japs and Nazis were big threats, but they were not a NUCLEAR threat. And with knuckleheads like Obama and Kerry giving a green light to ISIS to come prancing in here (neatly tucked in with 185,000 Syrian refugees), we are almost assured of being nuked in our large cities, as well as biological bombed. We'll be lucky if we even make it to the November election.

As for the women vote, that is Hillary's massive burden to bear, with a lot of big questions for HER to answer, not Trump. See >> Open Question for Hillary Supporters
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