Brilliant: D'Souza Skewers Hillary / Liberals With Factual Historical Account / Film

"D’Souza said he was locked up for 8 months in a “federal confinement center” for a “relatively minor campaign finance infraction” following the release of his film, 2016, about President Obama."

Minor? Making multiple illegal $10,000 contributions? Yeah, not minor. Aren't ethics what he dislikes about Clinton?
Charlie Rangel, Al Sharpton, Timmy Geithner - Liberals who have hidden, avoided, and defrauded tax payers out of MILLIONS, and you squeal about D'Souza being such a criminal. remember Hillary taking all kinds of donations from criminals and then refusing to give the money back?!

Bribes Disguised As Charitable Gifts: Hillary Clinton's Legal Trouble

FEC Flags Thousands of Illegal Donations to Sanders' Campaign

Many examples.....Libs seek to ignore the truth based on 'illegal contributions'.... LOL!
Here are some present day Democratic Kluxxers.

I'm sure they would be happy to tell you how much they support ObamaCare, Affirmative Action, amnesty for illegals, gun control, a weak national defense, higher taxes, gay rights, and how we need more negroes to be given free college.

And I am sure they would tell you the Confederate flag is racist.

Oh, wait...


I always find it easier this way.

KKK of old: Southern Democrats (hated Lincoln).
KKK of today: Southern Republicans (hate Lincoln).

Now, it seems there's at least one common element (if I could only figure that out)...
I always find it easier this way.

KKK of old: Southern Democrats (hated Lincoln).
KKK of today: Southern Republicans (hate Lincoln).

Now, it seems there's at least one common element (if I could only figure that out)...
How's that crack smoking problem coming? Liberals are so deathly ashamed of their heritage that they are willing to lie their asses off to get away from it....

2 Ex-KKK Grand Wizards as members...and now the KK is supporting Hillary. Nice....keeping making those laughable opinions, PMH / NYC...
The tards prefer half truths. "Duh KKK wuz Democrats a very long time ago."

The Klan was, and still is, right wing. And Christian. They were Democrats a long time ago because the South was Democratic a long time ago. Today, the South is Republican, and so is the Klan. And they loooooooove Trump.

But you can't tell the tards the WHOLE truth. They don't like it. Which is why they watch propaganda films like D'ouche's.
Someone claiming the modern Democratic Party is no different than the Southern Democrats of decades ago is profoundly retarded.
Says the guy whose party included 2 ex-KKK Grand Wizards....


The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

According to Liberals that means Hillary is 'all in' for the KKK...

I'm neither a Democrat nor am I a 1950's Democrat.

What the positions of Hillary Clinton that agree with the Dixiecrats circa 1950?
I always find it easier this way.

KKK of old: Southern Democrats (hated Lincoln).
KKK of today: Southern Republicans (hate Lincoln).

Now, it seems there's at least one common element (if I could only figure that out)...
How's that crack smoking problem coming? Liberals are so deathly ashamed of their heritage that they are willing to lie their asses off to get away from it....

2 Ex-KKK Grand Wizards as members...and now the KK is supporting Hillary. Nice....keeping making those laughable opinions, PMH / NYC...
Do tell, do you admire Lincoln? Was it his winning of the Civil War? Suppression of State's Rights? Freeing the slaves and granting them rights?
D'Souza: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’

“The Democrats want us to believe they're the party of equal rights and human rights and civil rights. The truth is the Democrats are the party of slavery, and Indian removal, of broken treaties and the Trail of Tears, they're the party of segregation and Jim Crow and lynching and the Ku Klux Klan, they're the party of Japanese internment, and opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968,” he said. “This is their actual history so what they do is they try to cover it up.”

D’Souza said Democratic politicians attempt to hide their party’s past connections to segregation by “blaming America” as a whole.

“The reality is America didn’t do it, the Democrats did. Now, another story from the Democrats is they changed, that somehow recently they became enlightened and they became the good guys and the bad guys all became the Republicans. This is the story of the so-called switch,” he said. “But the truth of it is there never was a switch. The Democrats now are the same as they always were.”

...meanwhile, unable to defeat the opposition's message, Liberals are attempting to shut down / silence the opposition's message and inciting violence against opposing candidates that have resulted in a failed attempt to physical attack an opposing candidate....while declaring they are all for 1st Amendment Rights / Freedom of Speech....while engaging in theft, vandalism, and terrorism against supporters of the opposing party.

D'Souza.... the guy who said 9/11 terrorists were courageous??

That guy is a joke.
I always find it easier this way.

KKK of old: Southern Democrats (hated Lincoln).
KKK of today: Southern Republicans (hate Lincoln).

Now, it seems there's at least one common element (if I could only figure that out)...
How's that crack smoking problem coming? Liberals are so deathly ashamed of their heritage that they are willing to lie their asses off to get away from it....

2 Ex-KKK Grand Wizards as members...and now the KK is supporting Hillary. Nice....keeping making those laughable opinions, PMH / NYC...
Do tell, do you admire Lincoln? Was it his winning of the Civil War? Suppression of State's Rights? Freeing the slaves and granting them rights?
Are you 'faulting' / attacking Lincoln for granting blacks freedom? Shame on you....some things never change.
D'Souza: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’

“The Democrats want us to believe they're the party of equal rights and human rights and civil rights. The truth is the Democrats are the party of slavery, and Indian removal, of broken treaties and the Trail of Tears, they're the party of segregation and Jim Crow and lynching and the Ku Klux Klan, they're the party of Japanese internment, and opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968,” he said. “This is their actual history so what they do is they try to cover it up.”

D’Souza said Democratic politicians attempt to hide their party’s past connections to segregation by “blaming America” as a whole.

“The reality is America didn’t do it, the Democrats did. Now, another story from the Democrats is they changed, that somehow recently they became enlightened and they became the good guys and the bad guys all became the Republicans. This is the story of the so-called switch,” he said. “But the truth of it is there never was a switch. The Democrats now are the same as they always were.”

...meanwhile, unable to defeat the opposition's message, Liberals are attempting to shut down / silence the opposition's message and inciting violence against opposing candidates that have resulted in a failed attempt to physical attack an opposing candidate....while declaring they are all for 1st Amendment Rights / Freedom of Speech....while engaging in theft, vandalism, and terrorism against supporters of the opposing party.
D'Souza is far from brilliant.

He's just telling righties what they want to hear, however implaussible
LBJ opposed Civil Rights that was forced upon him. Seeing the KKK was a failure in controlling blacks, he came up with the plan of 'Economic Slavery' the liberals still use today:

"These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I will have those ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 300 years."
-- LBJ

Thus the Liberals practice of handing out 'free shite' in exchange for votes was born. Last year Obama, visiting / speaking at the LBJ Library opening ceremony, declared LBJ to be 'the best friend blacks ever had'. Yeah, for get the man who freed slaves or the Republicans who forced a veto-proof civil Rights bill through into law against the will of LBJ....Obama praises the man who invented 'Economic Slavery', who put blacks right back into 'chains', as their 'bestest buddy'.
I always find it easier this way.

KKK of old: Southern Democrats (hated Lincoln).
KKK of today: Southern Republicans (hate Lincoln).

Now, it seems there's at least one common element (if I could only figure that out)...
How's that crack smoking problem coming? Liberals are so deathly ashamed of their heritage that they are willing to lie their asses off to get away from it....

2 Ex-KKK Grand Wizards as members...and now the KK is supporting Hillary. Nice....keeping making those laughable opinions, PMH / NYC...
Do tell, do you admire Lincoln? Was it his winning of the Civil War? Suppression of State's Rights? Freeing the slaves and granting them rights?
Are you 'faulting' / attacking Lincoln for granting blacks freedom? Shame on you....some things never change.
You didn't answer. What are the things you admire about Lincoln? You are the Party of Lincoln, correct?

I'm thinking these might not be big Hillary supporters after all eh?
Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."
D'Souza is far from brilliant. He's just telling righties what they want to hear, however implaussible

The man is smarter than liberals as he is reciting history, whereas Liberals believe they can re-write history with their opinions and lies....which libs like Bill Ayers and others have managed to do thanks to their control of public schools and higher education and low information voters who keep their hands out for 'free shite' in exchange for votes. Many of these will believe it is is raining if you tell them it is while you pi$$ on their heads - as long as they are getting free shite they will believe anything you tell them.
LBJ opposed Civil Rights that was forced upon him. Seeing the KKK was a failure in controlling blacks, he came up with the plan of 'Economic Slavery' the liberals still use today:

"These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I will have those ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 300 years."
-- LBJ

Thus the Liberals practice of handing out 'free shite' in exchange for votes was born. Last year Obama, visiting / speaking at the LBJ Library opening ceremony, declared LBJ to be 'the best friend blacks ever had'. Yeah, for get the man who freed slaves or the Republicans who forced a veto-proof civil Rights bill through into law against the will of LBJ....Obama praises the man who invented 'Economic Slavery', who put blacks right back into 'chains', as their 'bestest buddy'.
Okay, then if things are as you say, why this? Are blacks just dumb?
D'Souza is far from brilliant. He's just telling righties what they want to hear, however implaussible

The man is smarter than liberals as he is reciting history, whereas Liberals believe they can re-write history with their opinions and lies....which libs like Bill Ayers and others have managed to do thanks to their control of public schools and higher education and low information voters who keep their hands out for 'free shite' in exchange for votes.

Modern day:

It seems as though the sides might have switched eh?

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