Brilliant: D'Souza Skewers Hillary / Liberals With Factual Historical Account / Film

D'Souza: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’

“The Democrats want us to believe they're the party of equal rights and human rights and civil rights. The truth is the Democrats are the party of slavery, and Indian removal, of broken treaties and the Trail of Tears, they're the party of segregation and Jim Crow and lynching and the Ku Klux Klan, they're the party of Japanese internment, and opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968,” he said. “This is their actual history so what they do is they try to cover it up.”

D’Souza said Democratic politicians attempt to hide their party’s past connections to segregation by “blaming America” as a whole.

“The reality is America didn’t do it, the Democrats did. Now, another story from the Democrats is they changed, that somehow recently they became enlightened and they became the good guys and the bad guys all became the Republicans. This is the story of the so-called switch,” he said. “But the truth of it is there never was a switch. The Democrats now are the same as they always were.”

...meanwhile, unable to defeat the opposition's message, Liberals are attempting to shut down / silence the opposition's message and inciting violence against opposing candidates that have resulted in a failed attempt to physical attack an opposing candidate....while declaring they are all for 1st Amendment Rights / Freedom of Speech....while engaging in theft, vandalism, and terrorism against supporters of the opposing party.

LIes by omission ^^^

Would you like to explain how you came to his conclusion and why you might think no one would check your credibility?

H.R. 7152. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964. ADOPTION OF A ... -- House Vote #182 -- Jul 2, 1964

ERA: In the States

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten
"These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I will have those ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 300 years."
-- LBJ
That is not an exact quote, and it was said by LBJ in 1957, long before he had a change of heart. The context of that quote is that LBJ was attempting to support a filibuster against some civil rights legislation. As an elected official of Texas, he was carrying out the will of his constituents.

But once he was President, he became a great civil rights leader after the violent attacks on blacks in the South. When he was later asked why as President he did these great things for civil rights after opposing civil rights as a Senator, he responded, "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, I am free at last". Echoing the words of Martin Luther King.
Funny thing is that the democrat slavery was stopped by white Republican Christian males/females and yet they are now the only ones blamed for the democrat slavery. Quite a feat to twist that bit of history around. I am guessing that what happened is, that Mrs. Tulza Clinton brought the super predators to heel and that is the story line she fed them to do so.

For that matter, America ended slavery that the rest of the world still practiced.
James Farmer, Civil Rights Activist, CORE: I remember that when I was in the White House talking with him, I asked him how he got to be the way he was. He said, "What do you mean?" I said, "Well, here you are, calling senators, twisting their arms, threatening them, cajoling them, trying to line up votes for the Civil Rights Bill when your own record on civil rights was not a good one before you became Vice President. So what accounted for the change?"

Johnson thought for a moment and wrinkled his brow and then said, "Well, I'll answer that by quoting a good friend of yours and you will recognize the quote instantly. 'Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last.'"

WGBH American Experience . LBJ | PBS
Funny thing is that the democrat slavery was stopped by white Republican Christian males/females and yet they are now the only ones blamed for the democrat slavery. Quite a feat to twist that bit of history around. I am guessing that what happened is, that Mrs. Tulza Clinton brought the super predators to heel and that is the story line she fed them to do so.

For that matter, America ended slavery that the rest of the world still practiced.
Slavery was abolished in Europe long before it was abolished in the US. We were behind the times.
"True, the road ahead is still more or less rising in her direction. Clinton leads her likely opponent, Trump, by a significant margin. He—or indeed any GOP nominee—will come out of the convention with his party bitterly, perhaps hopelessly, divided. A Washington Post-ABC News poll reports that nearly two-thirds of Americans say she has the kind of experience necessary to be president. No wonder betting markets make her a nearly 2-to-1 favorite in November."

Read more: What’s Wrong With Hillary?
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Ah, yeppers. Nuff said actually...
LIes by omission ^^^

Would you like to explain how you came to his conclusion and why you might think no one would check your credibility?

H.R. 7152. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964. ADOPTION OF A ... -- House Vote #182 -- Jul 2, 1964

ERA: In the States

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten
Although self-explanatory, D'Souza accurately points out facts from history, while liberal anti-Trump supporters continue to demonstrate their actual beliefs / ideology. Liberals continue to use 'free stuff' as an 'economic slavery' tool - giving people just enough to survive and keep hanging on yet never attempt to liberate, make people more independent - not addicted . dependent on government. being independent, self-supporting does not ensure votes, keep people dependent on politicians who hand the free stuff out.

Obama is a great example - the 1st black President has done NOTHING to improve the status and plight of blacks - NOTHING. Instead he praised the father of 'economic slavery', LBJ, and black unemployment today is twice as high as that of whites. He and those who thrive on racism as an industry - like Obama, Sharpton, the NAACP, etc make the multi-billion dollar a year industry of racism continuously profitable. And Obama and Hillary's 'mentor' Saul Alysnki preached on keeping people racially divided so they can't see they are getting F*ed by the people stoking the division.

Many of the people on this board are the biggest examples of Alysnki's / Obama's / both parties' success in following Alynski's teachings -- politicians keep them so partisanly divided that they spend all their time attacking each other, arguing over whose politicians are LESS criminal / corrupt than judging them and holding them all equally accountable to the law / for their actions. It makes them all look like mentally weak clowns, getting played by the puppeteers who are becoming millionaires pulling the strings.

Wake the hell up, America.
LIes by omission ^^^

Would you like to explain how you came to his conclusion and why you might think no one would check your credibility?

H.R. 7152. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964. ADOPTION OF A ... -- House Vote #182 -- Jul 2, 1964

ERA: In the States

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten
Although self-explanatory, D'Souza accurately points out facts from history, while liberal anti-Trump supporters continue to demonstrate their actual beliefs / ideology. Liberals continue to use 'free stuff' as an 'economic slavery' tool - giving people just enough to survive and keep hanging on yet never attempt to liberate, make people more independent - not addicted . dependent on government. being independent, self-supporting does not ensure votes, keep people dependent on politicians who hand the free stuff out.

Obama is a great example - the 1st black President has done NOTHING to improve the status and plight of blacks - NOTHING. Instead he praised the father of 'economic slavery', LBJ, and black unemployment today is twice as high as that of whites. He and those who thrive on racism as an industry - like Obama, Sharpton, the NAACP, etc make the multi-billion dollar a year industry of racism continuously profitable. And Obama and Hillary's 'mentor' Saul Alysnki preached on keeping people racially divided so they can't see they are getting F*ed by the people stoking the division.

Many of the people on this board are the biggest examples of Alysnki's / Obama's / both parties' success in following Alynski's teachings -- politicians keep them so partisanly divided that they spend all their time attacking each other, arguing over whose politicians are LESS criminal / corrupt than judging them and holding them all equally accountable to the law / for their actions. It makes them all look like mentally weak clowns, getting played by the puppeteers who are becoming millionaires pulling the strings.

Wake the hell up, America.
If he, and the Dems are so bad, why this? Are ******* just stupid? They must be, right?
LIes by omission ^^^

Would you like to explain how you came to his conclusion and why you might think no one would check your credibility?

H.R. 7152. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964. ADOPTION OF A ... -- House Vote #182 -- Jul 2, 1964

ERA: In the States

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten
Although self-explanatory, D'Souza accurately points out facts from history, while liberal anti-Trump supporters continue to demonstrate their actual beliefs / ideology. Liberals continue to use 'free stuff' as an 'economic slavery' tool - giving people just enough to survive and keep hanging on yet never attempt to liberate, make people more independent - not addicted . dependent on government. being independent, self-supporting does not ensure votes, keep people dependent on politicians who hand the free stuff out.

Obama is a great example - the 1st black President has done NOTHING to improve the status and plight of blacks - NOTHING. Instead he praised the father of 'economic slavery', LBJ, and black unemployment today is twice as high as that of whites. He and those who thrive on racism as an industry - like Obama, Sharpton, the NAACP, etc make the multi-billion dollar a year industry of racism continuously profitable. And Obama and Hillary's 'mentor' Saul Alysnki preached on keeping people racially divided so they can't see they are getting F*ed by the people stoking the division.

Many of the people on this board are the biggest examples of Alysnki's / Obama's / both parties' success in following Alynski's teachings -- politicians keep them so partisanly divided that they spend all their time attacking each other, arguing over whose politicians are LESS criminal / corrupt than judging them and holding them all equally accountable to the law / for their actions. It makes them all look like mentally weak clowns, getting played by the puppeteers who are becoming millionaires pulling the strings.

Wake the hell up, America.

Just FYI, RW - couldn't see what you posted. Doesn't open up for me, so it means nothing....
LIes by omission ^^^

Would you like to explain how you came to his conclusion and why you might think no one would check your credibility?

H.R. 7152. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964. ADOPTION OF A ... -- House Vote #182 -- Jul 2, 1964

ERA: In the States

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten
Although self-explanatory, D'Souza accurately points out facts from history, while liberal anti-Trump supporters continue to demonstrate their actual beliefs / ideology. Liberals continue to use 'free stuff' as an 'economic slavery' tool - giving people just enough to survive and keep hanging on yet never attempt to liberate, make people more independent - not addicted . dependent on government. being independent, self-supporting does not ensure votes, keep people dependent on politicians who hand the free stuff out.

Obama is a great example - the 1st black President has done NOTHING to improve the status and plight of blacks - NOTHING. Instead he praised the father of 'economic slavery', LBJ, and black unemployment today is twice as high as that of whites. He and those who thrive on racism as an industry - like Obama, Sharpton, the NAACP, etc make the multi-billion dollar a year industry of racism continuously profitable. And Obama and Hillary's 'mentor' Saul Alysnki preached on keeping people racially divided so they can't see they are getting F*ed by the people stoking the division.

Many of the people on this board are the biggest examples of Alysnki's / Obama's / both parties' success in following Alynski's teachings -- politicians keep them so partisanly divided that they spend all their time attacking each other, arguing over whose politicians are LESS criminal / corrupt than judging them and holding them all equally accountable to the law / for their actions. It makes them all look like mentally weak clowns, getting played by the puppeteers who are becoming millionaires pulling the strings.

Wake the hell up, America.

American voters are awake and responding to years of Republican incompetence and conservative propaganda which includes Lies, half-truths, rumors, echoes, innuendos, logical fallacies, false pathos, broken promises plus hate and fear rhetoric.

All of which is echoed by members of the crazy right wing which includes easyt65 and the other members of the echo chamber, not one whom has ever posted anything sagacious, adroit or panoptic.

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