Brilliant Georgetown students decide to pay reparations

With a conscience or out of guilt, or perhaps to promote guilt?

What a fine lesson this college teaches. Charge people who are not guilty of anything to give to those that were never affected by anything. Talk about the epitome of liberalism.
It's ignorant to say the descendants of slaves haven't been "affected by anything" in this country. If a private university wants to do something about it for the small number of slaves they owned way back in the day, that is no skin off my nose and I don't see why it is so hard for you to accept.

Would you like to name the small amount of slaves they owned?

I am quite certain those slaves died about 100 years ago, but please go on.
That's got nothing to do with the price of eggs, Norman. I'm guessing Georgetown has researched who they were, though, since they are going to give their descendants some reparations for selling their ancestors like prize hogs.

Will I get a reperation too, my relative were killed in the civil war fighting over to end slavery.

Oh, of course not. Fuck those people, they weren't black (enough).

With this kind of logic everything is possible. That's why we don't use retard logic.
Your relative wasn't kidnapped and taken to a foreign country, forced into slavery, his descendants sold like so many pedigreed puppies, his daughters raped by their owner. No semblance of family was allowed to survive, no education was allowed, no pride or self confidence was permitted. Then after official "freedom," they were treated like societal pariahs, segregated, bullied into quiet submission by the Klan. It was SICK.

And folks wonder how after generations of that, there are still a lot of black folks who are kinda fucked up. Do I think we need to pay reparations as a country? No, not $$ reparations. The legislation and the Affirmative Action policies and keeping an eagle eye on civil rights--that's the way we pay reparations and I think we are already doing it. We can always do better (like the justice system) but we're already doing it, I think.

No, they were shot and killed like pigs.

Affirmative action, a other racist program. You will never get enough of getting pummeled in the ass.

There is only one way to pay back. Make you a slave, that's how. Thought money was enough? No... some serious repentment is necessary here. Some cotton is waiting over here, do tell when ready.
It's ignorant to say the descendants of slaves haven't been "affected by anything" in this country. If a private university wants to do something about it for the small number of slaves they owned way back in the day, that is no skin off my nose and I don't see why it is so hard for you to accept.

Would you like to name the small amount of slaves they owned?

I am quite certain those slaves died about 100 years ago, but please go on.
That's got nothing to do with the price of eggs, Norman. I'm guessing Georgetown has researched who they were, though, since they are going to give their descendants some reparations for selling their ancestors like prize hogs.

Will I get a reperation too, my relative were killed in the civil war fighting over to end slavery.

Oh, of course not. Fuck those people, they weren't black (enough).

With this kind of logic everything is possible. That's why we don't use retard logic.
Your relative wasn't kidnapped and taken to a foreign country, forced into slavery, his descendants sold like so many pedigreed puppies, his daughters raped by their owner. No semblance of family was allowed to survive, no education was allowed, no pride or self confidence was permitted. Then after official "freedom," they were treated like societal pariahs, segregated, bullied into quiet submission by the Klan. It was SICK.

And folks wonder how after generations of that, there are still a lot of black folks who are kinda fucked up. Do I think we need to pay reparations as a country? No, not $$ reparations. The legislation and the Affirmative Action policies and keeping an eagle eye on civil rights--that's the way we pay reparations and I think we are already doing it. We can always do better (like the justice system) but we're already doing it, I think.

No, they were shot and killed like pigs.

Affirmative action, a other racist program. You will never get enough of getting pummeled in the ass.

There is only one way to pay back. Make you a slave, that's how. Thought money was enough? No... some serious repentment is necessary here.
yeah, okay. whatever
No, it's a private college with a conscience.

With a conscience or out of guilt, or perhaps to promote guilt?

What a fine lesson this college teaches. Charge people who are not guilty of anything to give to those that were never affected by anything. Talk about the epitome of liberalism.
It's ignorant to say the descendants of slaves haven't been "affected by anything" in this country. If a private university wants to do something about it for the small number of slaves they owned way back in the day, that is no skin off my nose and I don't see why it is so hard for you to accept.

Would you like to name the small amount of slaves they owned?

I am quite certain those slaves died about 100 years ago, but please go on.
That's got nothing to do with the price of eggs, Norman. I'm guessing Georgetown has researched who they were, though, since they are going to give their descendants some reparations for selling their ancestors like prize hogs.

Will I get a reperation too, my relative were killed in the civil war fighting to end slavery.

Oh, of course not. Fuck those people, they weren't black (enough).

With this kind of logic everything is possible. That's why we don't use retard logic.

Correct, and how many billions of dollars have whites lost because blacks moved into their neighborhood and destroyed it? Lost property value, dead citizens, closed down stores and shops...... And it wasn't people of generations ago that did it, it's people of modern times and it still continues today.
Georgetown is EVIL. Always has been.
The School of the Americas is where they learn tactics., for CRCs, it's EVIL for students to decide on their own to pay for a past evil by the college.
Give people benefits based on their skin color.

Sure sounds like the racist democrat party.
No, it's a private college with a conscience.

With a conscience or out of guilt, or perhaps to promote guilt?

What a fine lesson this college teaches. Charge people who are not guilty of anything to give to those that were never affected by anything. Talk about the epitome of liberalism.
It's ignorant to say the descendants of slaves haven't been "affected by anything" in this country. If a private university wants to do something about it for the small number of slaves they owned way back in the day, that is no skin off my nose and I don't see why it is so hard for you to accept.

Why would it be hard for me to accept? Here is the very first thing I contributed to this topic:

That's fine as long as they want to pay for it themselves.

How is it "ignorant" to say people of today haven't been affected by slavery? Please give us an example.
"Georgetown University could become the first college in the nation to mandate a fee to benefit descendants of slaves sold by the university nearly 200 years ago – a debate, as first reported by ABC News, that takes place against the backdrop of a broader political conversation unfolding on the 2020 presidential campaign trail about reparations.

By almost a 2-to-1 margin, students approved the measure, which still must be approved by the university to go into effect.

If the university does approve the plan, it would be one of the first major American institutions to provide financial restitution for its role in slavery.

The school’s undergraduates voted Thursday, April 11, on the referendum, which would increase tuition by $27.20 per semester to create a fund benefiting descendants of the 272 slaves sold to pay off the Georgetown Jesuits’ debt – a move that saved the university financially."

Georgetown Students Approve Reparations Measure - Los Angeles Sentinel

Who copied whose retarded idea?
OK, I was about to mock this idea, but after re-reading this, I don't have a problem with it. As long as this isn't coming out of the taxpayers pocket, then these chaps can give free tuition to anyone they choose. But it does seem like entitling some people on racial grounds above others. Is that a precedent they want to set?
Give people benefits based on their skin color.

Sure sounds like the racist democrat party.
No, it's a private college with a conscience.

With a conscience or out of guilt, or perhaps to promote guilt?

What a fine lesson this college teaches. Charge people who are not guilty of anything to give to those that were never affected by anything. Talk about the epitome of liberalism.
It's ignorant to say the descendants of slaves haven't been "affected by anything" in this country. If a private university wants to do something about it for the small number of slaves they owned way back in the day, that is no skin off my nose and I don't see why it is so hard for you to accept.

Why would it be hard for me to accept? Here is the very first thing I contributed to this topic:

That's fine as long as they want to pay for it themselves.

How is it "ignorant" to say people of today haven't been affected by slavery? Please give us an example.

The black family was destroyed by welfare. I didn't vote for that... Is old lady ready to pay the tax for voting left?
"Georgetown University could become the first college in the nation to mandate a fee to benefit descendants of slaves sold by the university nearly 200 years ago – a debate, as first reported by ABC News, that takes place against the backdrop of a broader political conversation unfolding on the 2020 presidential campaign trail about reparations.

By almost a 2-to-1 margin, students approved the measure, which still must be approved by the university to go into effect.

If the university does approve the plan, it would be one of the first major American institutions to provide financial restitution for its role in slavery.

The school’s undergraduates voted Thursday, April 11, on the referendum, which would increase tuition by $27.20 per semester to create a fund benefiting descendants of the 272 slaves sold to pay off the Georgetown Jesuits’ debt – a move that saved the university financially."

Georgetown Students Approve Reparations Measure - Los Angeles Sentinel

Who copied whose retarded idea?
OK, I was about to mock this idea, but after re-reading this, I don't have a problem with it. As long as this isn't coming out of the taxpayers pocket, then these chaps can give free tuition to anyone they choose. But it does seem like entitling some people on racial grounds above others. Is that a precedent they want to set?

As far as I understand every pupil will have to pay the tax, if the measure passses. At this point it's worth questioning who even attends this sort of BS university, but then, there are stupid people who want degrees as well.
Give people benefits based on their skin color.

Sure sounds like the racist democrat party.
No, it's a private college with a conscience.

With a conscience or out of guilt, or perhaps to promote guilt?

What a fine lesson this college teaches. Charge people who are not guilty of anything to give to those that were never affected by anything. Talk about the epitome of liberalism.
It's ignorant to say the descendants of slaves haven't been "affected by anything" in this country. If a private university wants to do something about it for the small number of slaves they owned way back in the day, that is no skin off my nose and I don't see why it is so hard for you to accept.

Why would it be hard for me to accept? Here is the very first thing I contributed to this topic:

That's fine as long as they want to pay for it themselves.

How is it "ignorant" to say people of today haven't been affected by slavery? Please give us an example.

The black family was destroyed by welfare. I didn't vote for that... Is old lady ready to pay the tax for voting left?

Correct, and Professor Walter E Williams wrote an article on that. He's not only a successful elderly black man, but his statistics are never challenged.

If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn't develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let's look at it.

First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today's weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, he went on to say, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check.

It's a very short read, but you can view the rest at:

Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage
Give people benefits based on their skin color.

Sure sounds like the racist democrat party.
No, it's a private college with a conscience.

Leftists know nothing about conscience.

Calling it conscience to pay people benefits based on skin color... laughable. That's racism.
It's not actually based on skin color, although I'm assuming those 272 slaves were black. Don't you?
The descendants of those slaves are probably black, too, but if they can prove the connection, their color won't matter either.
You lose.
So, they have to prove they're descended from the slaves the school sold.

In other words, without their ancestors having been slaves, the students wouldn't exist at all.

So the school's position is:

"We're sorry you're alive now. Have some money."
Give people benefits based on their skin color.

Sure sounds like the racist democrat party.
No, it's a private college with a conscience.

Leftists know nothing about conscience.

Calling it conscience to pay people benefits based on skin color... laughable. That's racism.
It's not actually based on skin color, although I'm assuming those 272 slaves were black. Don't you?
The descendants of those slaves are probably black, too, but if they can prove the connection, their color won't matter either.
You lose.

Even more pathetic... pretend it's not a skin color tax all you want, I am not buying.

You are a racist and that's the end of this story. Now go brag about it somewhere else, I am trying to have an intelligent discussion.
Norman, people who say I'm racist for not having problems with Georgetown giving reparations are not intelligent.

Intelligence is not required to conclude that you are a racist and a traitor. Pair of eyes is enough to conclude that.
Give people benefits based on their skin color.

Sure sounds like the racist democrat party.
No, it's a private college with a conscience.

Leftists know nothing about conscience.

Calling it conscience to pay people benefits based on skin color... laughable. That's racism.
It's not actually based on skin color, although I'm assuming those 272 slaves were black. Don't you?
The descendants of those slaves are probably black, too, but if they can prove the connection, their color won't matter either.
You lose.
So, they have to prove they're descended from the slaves the school sold.

In other words, without their ancestors having been slaves, the students wouldn't exist at all.

So the school's position is:

"We're sorry you're alive now. Have some money."

The black kids who voted for the measure are incredibly privileged to be able to reside in America instead of Africa. But if they think otherwise, the closest airport is quite nearby in America.
Give people benefits based on their skin color.

Sure sounds like the racist democrat party.
No, it's a private college with a conscience.

Leftists know nothing about conscience.

Calling it conscience to pay people benefits based on skin color... laughable. That's racism.
It's not actually based on skin color, although I'm assuming those 272 slaves were black. Don't you?
The descendants of those slaves are probably black, too, but if they can prove the connection, their color won't matter either.
You lose.
So, they have to prove they're descended from the slaves the school sold.

In other words, without their ancestors having been slaves, the students wouldn't exist at all.

So the school's position is:

"We're sorry you're alive now. Have some money."

The black kids who voted for the measure are incredibly privileged to be able to reside in America instead of Africa. But if they think otherwise, the closest airport is quite nearby in America.
It's not even that.

It's that if it wasn't for the Atlantic slave trade, the descendants of slaves brought to America would not ever have existed.

Before the resident lefties pee their pants in incoherent rage, I'm not saying they should be thankful Africans sold their fellow Africans. But they should acknowledge the reality those sales played in their existence.

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