Brilliant Tweet by Ted Cruz


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004

Brilliant Tweet By Ted Cruz | The Last Refuge
Why would the President want a debate over attacking Syria? There's too much precedent where the President gets to do whatever he wants regarding war, so why bother?
Infrastructure, science and technology instead of war with Syria.

No more worthless middle eastern war!!! Let's build America!!!

I can join in on that. question. Then there is no red line in the sand over chemical weapon use?

Empty words from an empty suit poster doesn't want anything done unless Congress debates it....and another poster thinks the President is only issuing empty words.

Meme-confusion on the Right!

I AM curious as to why Congress isn't debating it. Isn't the House a majority of Republicans? Can't the Speaker get this going?

Or...................................are they on vacation?

Is Congress the ones talking about striking Syria?

Did Congress open their big, fat, ignorant, stupid suck-hole and draw a red line?

Is Congress asking the United States Military to prepare to strike somebody who isn't bothering us in the least, tiny little bit?

Yer a fucking genius.....

But one thing about mental defectives, you do tend to think alike and we can count on this line of thinking from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM if the Stuttering Clusterfukk does hit Syria without running it by Congress first.

Which, if the Stuttering Clusterfukk does, he will almost certainly lose that vote.

He is one stupid motherfucker, but he has GOT to know that.

So one scenario is..... He orders the Military to hit Syria before Congress gets back and gets the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to run cover for him by saying, "Well, he couldn't ask Congress because they weren't in session."

And then all the little commie boys and girls all over the Cuntry will start parroting that talking point.

Just a prediction, just a guess. But it has the gutlessness and the dishonesty of the dimocrap party written all over it.
I AM curious as to why Congress isn't debating it. Isn't the House a majority of Republicans? Can't the Speaker get this going?

Or...................................are they on vacation?

Apparently you are unaware that the Senate which consists of a majority of Democrats is part of CONGRESS and they're also in recess, any other blatant hypocrisy you'd like to share?
Congress is on vacation and only the president has the power to recall them. The Speaker cannot recall them.
I can join in on that. question. Then there is no red line in the sand over chemical weapon use?

Empty words from an empty suit poster doesn't want anything done unless Congress debates it....and another poster thinks the President is only issuing empty words.

Meme-confusion on the Right!

Personally, I don't believe the scumbag-in-chief HAS to consult Congress first.

It's just that, if the piece of fucking shit doesn't, it will make him out to be a hypocrite and a liar. Along with the overwhelmingly vast majority of his cult-worshiping followers.

I, and most other Republicans, don't believe the Commander in Chief (in this case, the scumbag-in-chief) have to consult Congress for a Military Strike.

But dimocraps do.

It just shows what scum dimocraps are.

Like we didn't know already. :lmao:

I wonder if Joe Biden will introduce Article of Impeachment against the Stuttering Clusterfukk?

Both of them have let their alligator mouths overload their canary asses.

And I'm enjoying the shit out of this.

The British PM has already been HUMILIATED by this shit. First time in 225 YEARS the British Parliament has turned down a War Vote..... :lmao:

First time.

Bush had a coalition of 48 other other Nations against Iraq. the Stuttering Clusterfukk has.....??

I think even France is wavering now..... :lmao:

What a disgrace this scumbag is. Unbelievable. The whole world is laughing at us for electing such a weak, limp-wristed fairy
Infrastructure, science and technology instead of war with Syria.

No more worthless middle eastern war!!! Let's build America!!!

I can join in on that. question. Then there is no red line in the sand over chemical weapon use?

When Obama talked about "red Line" he simply displayed his futile desire to be a strong leader like Benjamin Netanyahu.

I wonder when he is going to wake up and face the fact that he never will be.

Or maybe he is waiting for Israel to do what he is hesitant to do. Or may be he is hoping that the world will forget his empty bluster about "red lines".
He imagines that he will lob a few Tomahawk or Cruise missiles into Syria dust off his hands and say "so there". He does not believe there will be any repercussions. Those in the middle east are masters of propaganda. There will be films of all the women and children we killed with missile strikes playing all over the world. obama will say that can't be true, his missiles landed in empty land, just to go boom.

And no one will do anything.
He imagines that he will lob a few Tomahawk or Cruise missiles into Syria dust off his hands and say "so there". He does not believe there will be any repercussions. Those in the middle east are masters of propaganda. There will be films of all the women and children we killed with missile strikes playing all over the world. obama will say that can't be true, his missiles landed in empty land, just to go boom.

And no one will do anything.

yea....right now he's desperately looking for an empty aspirin factory....
I can join in on that. question. Then there is no red line in the sand over chemical weapon use?

Empty words from an empty suit poster doesn't want anything done unless Congress debates it....and another poster thinks the President is only issuing empty words.

Meme-confusion on the Right!

You know, Obama started this shit. He spouted off with his "red line" commentary, now he is regretting his naivete. Nobody wishes to help him and even his own party is backing away. By the way the Senate is in recess too.

If you want empty words from empty suits, look no further than what Obama said regarding Syria on August 20, 2012.

""We have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region, that that's a red line for us, and that there would be enormous consequences if we start seeing movement on the chemical weapons front, or the use of chemical weapons. That would change my calculations significantly."

-President Barack Obama
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