Bring back General Pershing!


Aug 28, 2003
** Clipped from a board that is not linkable, but there are plenty of renditions of this article available. Not necessarily my beliefs, but it appears to have been effective! **

An example of such a defense against Islamic terror can be found in the pre World War I actions of General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing. In the early years of the 20th century, there were a number of Islamic terrorist attacks against American forces in the Philippines. General Pershing, acting in his capacity as the Military Governor of Moro Province, responded to the terrorism by capturing 50 terrorists and having them tied to posts for execution.

General Pershing had his soldier's slaughter two pigs in the presence of the captured terrorists who believed that upon their deaths, their souls would immediately be whisked up to an Islamic paradise where they would be rewarded for their murderous deeds with eternal debauchery. Traditional Islamic texts describe this paradise as one in which alcohol always flows freely and the soul is eternally indulged with the best of every kind of food and luxury. The Islamic martyr is taught, as an example of one variation of the theme, that his eternal reward in Paradise will be a permanent erection and the endless sexual pleasures of young virginal girls and beautiful boys dressed in silk clothes.

By the same token, the traditional texts indicate that by eating the flesh of a pig, or even by touching a pig, the Muslim is condemned to eternal damnation which is why the captured terrorists were horrified at the sight of the slaughtered pigs. Pershing's soldiers proceeded to dip their bullets into the blood of the pigs, in full view of the terrorists, and then to execute 49 out of 50 who found themselves in front of a firing squad. These men had already been involved in cowardly crimes of terror against Americans. The soldiers then dug a large pit, threw the corpses into the pit, and then threw the pig's carcasses on top of the corpses making sure that their bodies were covered with pig's blood and entrails. The surviving 50th man was then let go as an eyewitness.

For the next several decades there was not a single recorded Islamic terrorist attack against an American anywhere in the world.
Some of the ignorance on posted on* this board is truly staggering and sickening. As normal, we have a neo-con view that attempts to con us out of any historical context as to why terrorism was occuring, and any truth when evaluating who the real cowards in the Philipines were. Please take a look at this before posting comments* on the Philipines as a stellar example:

WASHINGTON -- "America is proud of its part in the great story of the Filipino people," said President Bush (news - web sites) to a joint session of the Congress of the Philippines last week. "Together our soldiers liberated the Philippines from colonial rule."

Unfortunately, we then killed more than 200,000 Filipinos. Almost all of the dead were civilians, killed in the two years after we liberated them from the Spanish in 1898. One of our generals there, a cranky Civil War veteran named Jacob Smith, told his men: "I wish you to kill and burn ... I want all persons killed who are capable of bearing arms in actual hostilities against the United States."

"How young?" asked Maj. Waller Tazewell Waller (cq) of the U.S. Marines. "Ten years and up," said Gen. Smith.

None of this was secret at the time. American soldiers -- we sent 70,000 there after the Spanish colonial authority surrendered when Commodore George Dewey's fleet sailed into Manila Harbor -- wrote of the details in letters to hometown newspapers. Here are samples quoted in a new book, "Flyboys," by James Bradley:

"We bombarded a place called Malabon, and then went in and killed every native we met, men, women and children" ... "This shooting human beings is a 'hot game' and beats rabbit hunting all to pieces" ... "Picking off ******* in the water is more fun than a turkey shoot" ... "I am probably growing hard-hearted, for I am in my glory when I can sight my gun on some dark skin and pull the trigger. Tell all my inquiring friends that I am doing everything I can for Old Glory and for America I love so well."

Back in Washington, President Theodore Roosevelt was calling that "the most glorious war in our nation's history." The Filipino victims he dismissed as "a syndicate of Chinese half-breeds."

George W. Bush knows all this. At Yale, he got a B in History 35, a study of that era, taught by John Morton Blum, a biographer of Theodore Roosevelt. And if he has forgotten, he could look up some of it in Bradley's book. This president's father, Lt. George H.W. Bush, U.S. Navy (news - web sites), is a hero of "Flyboys" (and of a CNN documentary with the same title), which includes a frightening section on American anti-Asian attitudes and Japanese anti-American and anti-Christian attitudes that fed slaughter, massacre and even cannibalism in World War II.

We are, more often than not, relatively decent people in war and occupation. The Spanish rulers of the 7,000 islands of the Philippines were worse than the Americans, and there was a significant anti-war movement at home between 1899 and 1902. On July Fourth of that year, Roosevelt declared victory, after 4,234 Americans were killed in guerrilla attacks during the first three years of occupation. Mark Twain proposed that the stripes of Old Glory should be black and red. Gen. Smith was court-martialed and Maj. Waller tried (and acquitted) on murder charges. During Smith's court-martial, one of his aides said, "If people know what a thieving, treacherous, worthless bunch of scoundrels these Filipinos are, they would think differently."

That quote, in Stanley Karnow's 1989 book, "In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines," illustrates one of the more important historical lessons of occupation: Not only do the occupied inevitably come to hate the occupiers, the occupiers come to hate the occupied. Last Wednesday, a New York Times story by John Tierney -- the headline began "Baffled Occupiers ..." -- quoted a GI watching over a Baghdad market as saying: "If you really want to know, I'm sick of being in a country where lying is the national pastime."

A second important lesson is this: The occupied always prevail in the end, because they are there forever and the occupier one day will go home. It may take 50 years, which is how long we stayed in the Philippines, but that is not much time in history.

History can be revised or downplayed for a time -- in Manila last week, everyone talked about new public schools and the 550 teachers sent from San Francisco in 1901 rather than the 70,000 occupiers -- but reality emerges at embarrassing times because history is forever. As another American president, Harry S. Truman, once said: "The only thing new in this world is the history you don't know."

* My appologies to Jim: I've edited my initial introduction to make it clear my remarks are directed to the author of the above article, though I still don't think too highly of posting it given our utterly sordid history in the Philipines.
Some of the ignorance on this board is truly staggering and sickening.

As is your ability to COMPREHEND! Where did I suggest it was my view? In fact, I CLEARLY stated it WASN'T my beliefs!!

Please read properly next time before starting in with your namecalling.
Originally posted by jimnyc
As is your ability to COMPREHEND! Where did I suggest it was my view? In fact, I CLEARLY stated it WASN'T my beliefs!!

Please read properly next time before starting in with your namecalling.

Sorry, my remarks should have been aimed more clearly at the author of the article, not you. But I still don't see what's the point of posting this when it comes so widely out of context, without at least trying to provide some educated explanation of the background. It makes it sounds like Muslims are just simply prone to terrorize Americans unless they are properly humiliated.
Originally posted by SLClemens
It makes it sounds like Muslims are just simply prone to terrorize Americans unless they are properly humiliated.

Not Muslims in general, but those actively involved in terrorism.
Well, sorry, I think that if Pershing did a thing like that, and it was effective in stopping some of the terrorist acts, then BRING IT ON!!! Terrorists, are exactly just that, terrorize and kill - so if letting pigs blood pour on them, and put them in a hole, let it be and let them BURN IN HELL!!!!

I applaud Pershing!!!!!!! sorry if those of you disagree, just an opinion!
burning in hell for eternity... not a very christian thing to wish on someone eh?

But maybe letting it be known that all bullets have pig parts on em would be a good idea if it makes insurgents think twice. It wouldn't be condemning them to hell in our mostly christian eyes since judgement is left to the lord, but would seem like being condemned to hell to those that believe that pigs blood will take you there...
then maybe I will burn in hell! I don't wish bad on anyone, in fact, I think I am a person who would do anything for anyone, but I don't like certain situations, and that includes a Terrorist that use people to KILL, or strap bombs to themselves and blow up others thinking this will bring them closer to the pearly gates. Yeah, not Christian like I suppose, but can't help the way I feel.
I understand Janeeng. I often find myself wishing I had powers like that kid from an old twilight zone episode and could just think out of existence anyone who raised a hand to do violence. Sending them to the cornfield they called it. Everyone was well behaved in that town except for the kid...
Originally posted by jimnyc
Not Muslims in general, but those actively involved in terrorism.

But wouldn't you care to know why they're involved in terrorism, if they have legitimate grievances, and better ways to resolve such grievances so as to *prevent* terrorism, or better yet not cause it in the first place?
Originally posted by SLClemens
But wouldn't you care to know why they're involved in terrorism, if they have legitimate grievances, and better ways to resolve such grievances so as to *prevent* terrorism, or better yet not cause it in the first place?

Terrorists are usually pretty clear in what their grievances are and usually their respective groups readily accept credit for attacks.

Other than that, no negotiations or discussion should be held. There is no value in dealing with people like that. There is value in their deaths though.
I wouldn't want to know why they are terrorists! should someone sit with a terrorist and ask them, why do you want to kill people??? I sure as hell wouldn't want to. They know what they are doing and believe in why they are doing it, no need to have to know why...I think most of the agenda's that come from a Terrorist on why? are pretty much cowardly and stupid!!!!!!

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