Bring Impeachment on Already!


Dec 6, 2018
The Republicans are delusional hypocrites. The Democrats are gutless cry babies. Time to step up and do what's right for the United States of America. Impeach Trump. Send it to the Senate for a faux trial. CALL WITNESSES! If the Democrats want Bolton and the rest, then give the Republicans Hunter Biden. Then call Ivanka, Don Jr. and Erik. Ask them about their personal finances and business ventures currently underway. Ask about the deal already in place to build Trump hotels in Moscow and at least 3 other major cities in Russia. Ask about the deals the Kushner/Trump clan currently have in the pipeline with Saudi Arabia. If anyone wants to "influence the election," then ask Putin to release the infamous Donald Trump "golden showers" sex tape. I still can't believe Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blow job in the oval office but it's perfectly acceptable for Donald to kneel before Putin and do God knows what on a daily basis. Can you say "Traitor"? The Republicans have a problem named Donald John Trump that needs to be treated like the cancer he is. Wake up, smell the coffee, impeach him, and let Pence finish out Donald's term. If DJT is re-elected in 2020, he will be right for the first time in his life....the election will have been rigged! The "haves" better get higher walls and stronger gates because the "have nots" are coming to storm the gates of your gated communities. God have mercy on all of us!
Don't forget that the GOP witness list would include: Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chalupa, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rosenstein, and the rest of deep state coup plotters that Durham uncovers. It would prove that the Obama admin's "break-in" to the Trump campaign was the worst scandal in US history by far. Even Nixon's "plumbers" were petty crooks by comparison. Using the might and power of the Federal government's agencies to setup and illegally spy on an opponent's presidential campaign will be documented in the history books.

Defeating an illegal impeachment will be icing on the cake.
The Republicans are delusional hypocrites. The Democrats are gutless cry babies. Time to step up and do what's right for the United States of America. Impeach Trump. Send it to the Senate for a faux trial. CALL WITNESSES! If the Democrats want Bolton and the rest, then give the Republicans Hunter Biden. Then call Ivanka, Don Jr. and Erik. Ask them about their personal finances and business ventures currently underway. Ask about the deal already in place to build Trump hotels in Moscow and at least 3 other major cities in Russia. Ask about the deals the Kushner/Trump clan currently have in the pipeline with Saudi Arabia. If anyone wants to "influence the election," then ask Putin to release the infamous Donald Trump "golden showers" sex tape. I still can't believe Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blow job in the oval office but it's perfectly acceptable for Donald to kneel before Putin and do God knows what on a daily basis. Can you say "Traitor"? The Republicans have a problem named Donald John Trump that needs to be treated like the cancer he is. Wake up, smell the coffee, impeach him, and let Pence finish out Donald's term. If DJT is re-elected in 2020, he will be right for the first time in his life....the election will have been rigged! The "haves" better get higher walls and stronger gates because the "have nots" are coming to storm the gates of your gated communities. God have mercy on all of us!

Paragraphs are your friend.
The Republicans are delusional hypocrites. The Democrats are gutless cry babies. Time to step up and do what's right for the United States of America. Impeach Trump. Send it to the Senate for a faux trial. CALL WITNESSES! If the Democrats want Bolton and the rest, then give the Republicans Hunter Biden. Then call Ivanka, Don Jr. and Erik. Ask them about their personal finances and business ventures currently underway. Ask about the deal already in place to build Trump hotels in Moscow and at least 3 other major cities in Russia. Ask about the deals the Kushner/Trump clan currently have in the pipeline with Saudi Arabia. If anyone wants to "influence the election," then ask Putin to release the infamous Donald Trump "golden showers" sex tape. I still can't believe Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blow job in the oval office but it's perfectly acceptable for Donald to kneel before Putin and do God knows what on a daily basis. Can you say "Traitor"? The Republicans have a problem named Donald John Trump that needs to be treated like the cancer he is. Wake up, smell the coffee, impeach him, and let Pence finish out Donald's term. If DJT is re-elected in 2020, he will be right for the first time in his life....the election will have been rigged! The "haves" better get higher walls and stronger gates because the "have nots" are coming to storm the gates of your gated communities. God have mercy on all of us!

Paragraphs are your friend.
They may be your friend but they aren't mine.
The Republicans are delusional hypocrites. The Democrats are gutless cry babies. Time to step up and do what's right for the United States of America. Impeach Trump. Send it to the Senate for a faux trial. CALL WITNESSES! If the Democrats want Bolton and the rest, then give the Republicans Hunter Biden. Then call Ivanka, Don Jr. and Erik. Ask them about their personal finances and business ventures currently underway. Ask about the deal already in place to build Trump hotels in Moscow and at least 3 other major cities in Russia. Ask about the deals the Kushner/Trump clan currently have in the pipeline with Saudi Arabia. If anyone wants to "influence the election," then ask Putin to release the infamous Donald Trump "golden showers" sex tape. I still can't believe Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blow job in the oval office but it's perfectly acceptable for Donald to kneel before Putin and do God knows what on a daily basis. Can you say "Traitor"? The Republicans have a problem named Donald John Trump that needs to be treated like the cancer he is. Wake up, smell the coffee, impeach him, and let Pence finish out Donald's term. If DJT is re-elected in 2020, he will be right for the first time in his life....the election will have been rigged! The "haves" better get higher walls and stronger gates because the "have nots" are coming to storm the gates of your gated communities. God have mercy on all of us!

Paragraphs are your friend.
They may be your friend but they aren't mine.
We noticed; we yawned.
Don't forget that the GOP witness list would include: Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chalupa, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rosenstein, and the rest of deep state coup plotters that Durham uncovers. It would prove that the Obama admin's "break-in" to the Trump campaign was the worst scandal in US history by far. Even Nixon's "plumbers" were petty crooks by comparison. Using the might and power of the Federal government's agencies to setup and illegally spy on an opponent's presidential campaign will be documented in the history books.

Defeating an illegal impeachment will be icing on the cake.

So you are saying that the impeachment is illegal? That's ridiculous! Bring on the witnesses from both sides. Does it matter how the whistleblower complaint got to the House? I don't care if Schiff's staff wrote the damn thing. The phone call happened. The hold on the aid happened. We are suppose to "get over it." I guarantee you this...if DJT were a Democrat, the Republicans would have impeached him so fast he would have lost his hair piece!

I have news for you...unfortunately, all politicians are crooks. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to spend millions of dollars to get elected to a job that pays $100k a year for 2 or 4 years. The Democrats should have impeached him for being an unindicted co-conspirator with Michael Cohen. If he wasn't President his orange tang colored ass would be in Federal prison. Actually, I can't wait until he's out of office and all his bank fraud, tax fraud, and illegal foreign contributions come to light. He isn't going to like Club golf courses there. LOL
Don't forget that the GOP witness list would include: Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chalupa, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rosenstein, and the rest of deep state coup plotters that Durham uncovers. It would prove that the Obama admin's "break-in" to the Trump campaign was the worst scandal in US history by far. Even Nixon's "plumbers" were petty crooks by comparison. Using the might and power of the Federal government's agencies to setup and illegally spy on an opponent's presidential campaign will be documented in the history books.

Defeating an illegal impeachment will be icing on the cake.

So you are saying that the impeachment is illegal? That's ridiculous! Bring on the witnesses from both sides. Does it matter how the whistleblower complaint got to the House? I don't care if Schiff's staff wrote the damn thing. The phone call happened. The hold on the aid happened. We are suppose to "get over it." I guarantee you this...if DJT were a Democrat, the Republicans would have impeached him so fast he would have lost his hair piece!

I have news for you...unfortunately, all politicians are crooks. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to spend millions of dollars to get elected to a job that pays $100k a year for 2 or 4 years. The Democrats should have impeached him for being an unindicted co-conspirator with Michael Cohen. If he wasn't President his orange tang colored ass would be in Federal prison. Actually, I can't wait until he's out of office and all his bank fraud, tax fraud, and illegal foreign contributions come to light. He isn't going to like Club golf courses there. LOL

1. When the USSC just took the case of Trump vs House of Representatives regarding the House's subpoena of Trump's tax records, that voided the House's impeachment Article-2, "Obstruction of Congress". Trump is right, the House is wrong. Trump does in-fact have the right to appeal to the courts for a decision. Nancy said that Trump's appeals to the courts amounted to illegal "obstruction of congress".

2. This article says BOTH Articles are bullshit:
Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards

3. I'm hoping that Justice Roberts just throws both articles out and send a letter to the House explaining the Constitutional requirements for an impeachment trial.
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Call a vote, dismiss the charges and move on. No need to extend this charade. There is no chance 67 Senators would vote to remove and no evidence to argue they should. Trump wants a trial, and I don't blame him. But, enough is enough.

The Dems know this is going nowhere. And, we all know they are planning Hillary's big return. So, let's end the charade and bring Hillary out.
The Republicans are delusional hypocrites. The Democrats are gutless cry babies. Time to step up and do what's right for the United States of America. Impeach Trump. Send it to the Senate for a faux trial. CALL WITNESSES! If the Democrats want Bolton and the rest, then give the Republicans Hunter Biden. Then call Ivanka, Don Jr. and Erik. Ask them about their personal finances and business ventures currently underway. Ask about the deal already in place to build Trump hotels in Moscow and at least 3 other major cities in Russia. Ask about the deals the Kushner/Trump clan currently have in the pipeline with Saudi Arabia. If anyone wants to "influence the election," then ask Putin to release the infamous Donald Trump "golden showers" sex tape. I still can't believe Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blow job in the oval office but it's perfectly acceptable for Donald to kneel before Putin and do God knows what on a daily basis. Can you say "Traitor"? The Republicans have a problem named Donald John Trump that needs to be treated like the cancer he is. Wake up, smell the coffee, impeach him, and let Pence finish out Donald's term. If DJT is re-elected in 2020, he will be right for the first time in his life....the election will have been rigged! The "haves" better get higher walls and stronger gates because the "have nots" are coming to storm the gates of your gated communities. God have mercy on all of us!

You may want to go ahead and off yourself now
Save yourself some misery.
Don't forget that the GOP witness list would include: Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chalupa, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rosenstein, and the rest of deep state coup plotters that Durham uncovers. It would prove that the Obama admin's "break-in" to the Trump campaign was the worst scandal in US history by far. Even Nixon's "plumbers" were petty crooks by comparison. Using the might and power of the Federal government's agencies to setup and illegally spy on an opponent's presidential campaign will be documented in the history books.

Defeating an illegal impeachment will be icing on the cake.

There should be 2 different things.

Stop the fake impeachment

Then go after the treason within the Democratic Party.
The Republicans are delusional hypocrites. The Democrats are gutless cry babies. Time to step up and do what's right for the United States of America. Impeach Trump. Send it to the Senate for a faux trial. CALL WITNESSES! If the Democrats want Bolton and the rest, then give the Republicans Hunter Biden. Then call Ivanka, Don Jr. and Erik. Ask them about their personal finances and business ventures currently underway. Ask about the deal already in place to build Trump hotels in Moscow and at least 3 other major cities in Russia. Ask about the deals the Kushner/Trump clan currently have in the pipeline with Saudi Arabia. If anyone wants to "influence the election," then ask Putin to release the infamous Donald Trump "golden showers" sex tape. I still can't believe Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blow job in the oval office but it's perfectly acceptable for Donald to kneel before Putin and do God knows what on a daily basis. Can you say "Traitor"? The Republicans have a problem named Donald John Trump that needs to be treated like the cancer he is. Wake up, smell the coffee, impeach him, and let Pence finish out Donald's term. If DJT is re-elected in 2020, he will be right for the first time in his life....the election will have been rigged! The "haves" better get higher walls and stronger gates because the "have nots" are coming to storm the gates of your gated communities. God have mercy on all of us!

Paragraphs are your friend.

When the words make no sense, does spacing really matter?
Call a vote, dismiss the charges and move on. No need to extend this charade. There is no chance 67 Senators would vote to remove and no evidence to argue they should. Trum

p wants a trial, and I don't blame him. But, enough is enough.

The Dems know this is going nowhere. And, we all know they are planning Hillary's big return. So, let's end the charade and bring Hillary out.

The only goal for dems is to try try to taint Trump's next victory.
The Republicans are delusional hypocrites. The Democrats are gutless cry babies. Time to step up and do what's right for the United States of America. Impeach Trump. Send it to the Senate for a faux trial. CALL WITNESSES! If the Democrats want Bolton and the rest, then give the Republicans Hunter Biden. Then call Ivanka, Don Jr. and Erik. Ask them about their personal finances and business ventures currently underway. Ask about the deal already in place to build Trump hotels in Moscow and at least 3 other major cities in Russia. Ask about the deals the Kushner/Trump clan currently have in the pipeline with Saudi Arabia. If anyone wants to "influence the election," then ask Putin to release the infamous Donald Trump "golden showers" sex tape. I still can't believe Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blow job in the oval office but it's perfectly acceptable for Donald to kneel before Putin and do God knows what on a daily basis. Can you say "Traitor"? The Republicans have a problem named Donald John Trump that needs to be treated like the cancer he is. Wake up, smell the coffee, impeach him, and let Pence finish out Donald's term. If DJT is re-elected in 2020, he will be right for the first time in his life....the election will have been rigged! The "haves" better get higher walls and stronger gates because the "have nots" are coming to storm the gates of your gated communities. God have mercy on all of us!

Paragraphs are your friend.
They may be your friend but they aren't mine.

Neither is truth.
Don't forget that the GOP witness list would include: Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chalupa, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rosenstein, and the rest of deep state coup plotters that Durham uncovers. It would prove that the Obama admin's "break-in" to the Trump campaign was the worst scandal in US history by far. Even Nixon's "plumbers" were petty crooks by comparison. Using the might and power of the Federal government's agencies to setup and illegally spy on an opponent's presidential campaign will be documented in the history books.

Defeating an illegal impeachment will be icing on the cake.

So you are saying that the impeachment is illegal? That's ridiculous! Bring on the witnesses from both sides. Does it matter how the whistleblower complaint got to the House? I don't care if Schiff's staff wrote the damn thing. The phone call happened. The hold on the aid happened. We are suppose to "get over it." I guarantee you this...if DJT were a Democrat, the Republicans would have impeached him so fast he would have lost his hair piece!

I have news for you...unfortunately, all politicians are crooks. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to spend millions of dollars to get elected to a job that pays $100k a year for 2 or 4 years. The Democrats should have impeached him for being an unindicted co-conspirator with Michael Cohen. If he wasn't President his orange tang colored ass would be in Federal prison. Actually, I can't wait until he's out of office and all his bank fraud, tax fraud, and illegal foreign contributions come to light. He isn't going to like Club golf courses there. LOL

Grade "A" delusion.
Don't forget that the GOP witness list would include: Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chalupa, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rosenstein, and the rest of deep state coup plotters that Durham uncovers. It would prove that the Obama admin's "break-in" to the Trump campaign was the worst scandal in US history by far. Even Nixon's "plumbers" were petty crooks by comparison. Using the might and power of the Federal government's agencies to setup and illegally spy on an opponent's presidential campaign will be documented in the history books.

Defeating an illegal impeachment will be icing on the cake.

So you are saying that the impeachment is illegal? That's ridiculous! Bring on the witnesses from both sides. Does it matter how the whistleblower complaint got to the House? I don't care if Schiff's staff wrote the damn thing. The phone call happened. The hold on the aid happened. We are suppose to "get over it." I guarantee you this...if DJT were a Democrat, the Republicans would have impeached him so fast he would have lost his hair piece!

I have news for you...unfortunately, all politicians are crooks. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to spend millions of dollars to get elected to a job that pays $100k a year for 2 or 4 years. The Democrats should have impeached him for being an unindicted co-conspirator with Michael Cohen. If he wasn't President his orange tang colored ass would be in Federal prison. Actually, I can't wait until he's out of office and all his bank fraud, tax fraud, and illegal foreign contributions come to light. He isn't going to like Club golf courses there. LOL

1. When the USSC just took the case of Trump vs House of Representatives regarding the House's subpoena of Trump's tax records, that voided the House's impeachment Article-2, "Obstruction of Congress". Trump is right, the House is wrong. Trump does in-fact have the right to appeal to the courts for a decision. Nancy said that Trump's appeals to the courts amounted to illegal "obstruction of congress".

2. This article says BOTH Articles are bullshit:
Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards

3. I'm hoping that Justice Roberts just throws both articles out and send a letter to the House explaining the Constitutional requirements for an impeachment trial.

(1) yep
(2) impeachment is a political remedy and not a legal one.
(3) doubtful
The Republicans are delusional hypocrites. The Democrats are gutless cry babies. Time to step up and do what's right for the United States of America. Impeach Trump. Send it to the Senate for a faux trial. CALL WITNESSES! If the Democrats want Bolton and the rest, then give the Republicans Hunter Biden. Then call Ivanka, Don Jr. and Erik. Ask them about their personal finances and business ventures currently underway. Ask about the deal already in place to build Trump hotels in Moscow and at least 3 other major cities in Russia. Ask about the deals the Kushner/Trump clan currently have in the pipeline with Saudi Arabia. If anyone wants to "influence the election," then ask Putin to release the infamous Donald Trump "golden showers" sex tape. I still can't believe Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blow job in the oval office but it's perfectly acceptable for Donald to kneel before Putin and do God knows what on a daily basis. Can you say "Traitor"? The Republicans have a problem named Donald John Trump that needs to be treated like the cancer he is. Wake up, smell the coffee, impeach him, and let Pence finish out Donald's term. If DJT is re-elected in 2020, he will be right for the first time in his life....the election will have been rigged! The "haves" better get higher walls and stronger gates because the "have nots" are coming to storm the gates of your gated communities. God have mercy on all of us!

Orange man will leave on Jan 2025. You'll be able to quit howling at uranus then.
Don't forget that the GOP witness list would include: Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chalupa, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rosenstein, and the rest of deep state coup plotters that Durham uncovers. It would prove that the Obama admin's "break-in" to the Trump campaign was the worst scandal in US history by far. Even Nixon's "plumbers" were petty crooks by comparison. Using the might and power of the Federal government's agencies to setup and illegally spy on an opponent's presidential campaign will be documented in the history books.

Defeating an illegal impeachment will be icing on the cake.

So you are saying that the impeachment is illegal? That's ridiculous! Bring on the witnesses from both sides. Does it matter how the whistleblower complaint got to the House? I don't care if Schiff's staff wrote the damn thing. The phone call happened. The hold on the aid happened. We are suppose to "get over it." I guarantee you this...if DJT were a Democrat, the Republicans would have impeached him so fast he would have lost his hair piece!

I have news for you...unfortunately, all politicians are crooks. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to spend millions of dollars to get elected to a job that pays $100k a year for 2 or 4 years. The Democrats should have impeached him for being an unindicted co-conspirator with Michael Cohen. If he wasn't President his orange tang colored ass would be in Federal prison. Actually, I can't wait until he's out of office and all his bank fraud, tax fraud, and illegal foreign contributions come to light. He isn't going to like Club golf courses there. LOL

1. When the USSC just took the case of Trump vs House of Representatives regarding the House's subpoena of Trump's tax records, that voided the House's impeachment Article-2, "Obstruction of Congress". Trump is right, the House is wrong. Trump does in-fact have the right to appeal to the courts for a decision. Nancy said that Trump's appeals to the courts amounted to illegal "obstruction of congress".

2. This article says BOTH Articles are bullshit:
Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards

3. I'm hoping that Justice Roberts just throws both articles out and send a letter to the House explaining the Constitutional requirements for an impeachment trial.

(1) yep
(2) impeachment is a political remedy and not a legal one.
(3) doubtful

1. Agreed that Justice Roberts could throw out Article-2 if he wanted to
2. The Constitution does require "high crimes and high misdemeanors" for impeachment, and it should NOT be a political remedy
3. I'll take a 50-50 shot that Roberts throws both Articles out.
Don't forget that the GOP witness list would include: Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chalupa, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rosenstein, and the rest of deep state coup plotters that Durham uncovers. It would prove that the Obama admin's "break-in" to the Trump campaign was the worst scandal in US history by far. Even Nixon's "plumbers" were petty crooks by comparison. Using the might and power of the Federal government's agencies to setup and illegally spy on an opponent's presidential campaign will be documented in the history books.

Defeating an illegal impeachment will be icing on the cake.

So you are saying that the impeachment is illegal? That's ridiculous! Bring on the witnesses from both sides. Does it matter how the whistleblower complaint got to the House? I don't care if Schiff's staff wrote the damn thing. The phone call happened. The hold on the aid happened. We are suppose to "get over it." I guarantee you this...if DJT were a Democrat, the Republicans would have impeached him so fast he would have lost his hair piece!

I have news for you...unfortunately, all politicians are crooks. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to spend millions of dollars to get elected to a job that pays $100k a year for 2 or 4 years. The Democrats should have impeached him for being an unindicted co-conspirator with Michael Cohen. If he wasn't President his orange tang colored ass would be in Federal prison. Actually, I can't wait until he's out of office and all his bank fraud, tax fraud, and illegal foreign contributions come to light. He isn't going to like Club golf courses there. LOL

1. When the USSC just took the case of Trump vs House of Representatives regarding the House's subpoena of Trump's tax records, that voided the House's impeachment Article-2, "Obstruction of Congress". Trump is right, the House is wrong. Trump does in-fact have the right to appeal to the courts for a decision. Nancy said that Trump's appeals to the courts amounted to illegal "obstruction of congress".

2. This article says BOTH Articles are bullshit:
Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards

3. I'm hoping that Justice Roberts just throws both articles out and send a letter to the House explaining the Constitutional requirements for an impeachment trial.

(1) yep
(2) impeachment is a political remedy and not a legal one.
(3) doubtful

1. Agreed that Justice Roberts could throw out Article-2 if he wanted to
2. The Constitution does require "high crimes and high misdemeanors" for impeachment, and it should NOT be a political remedy
3. I'll take a 50-50 shot that Roberts throws both Articles out.

No articles will be thrown out by Roberts.
Should be, or not, - it's political
The remedy for partisan impeachment, is extreme political retribution.

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