Bring masculinity back

This is one of the best examples of how both ends of the spectrum can't help themselves, and just go too fucking far.

Yes, the Left has been on this inexplicable crusade to attack, dilute and diminish the value of masculinity. It's been pretty fucking hard to miss, and there has be no shortage of discussions in the media about how young men are fucked up because they have to control their natural (and legal and decent) impulses, and they're demonized for them. I suspect this whole ridiculous "53 genders" bullshit has its roots in this. I'd sure love to know the genesis of this truly dumb approach.

So now, like clockwork, we're seeing the OTHER end of the spectrum mindlessly going too far in reaction, speeding far past traditional masculinity and seeming to celebrate and enable the aggressive, anti-social, pugilistic caveman behaviors of many well-known figures in the GQP. Instead of instigating a reasoned, logical, adult conversation on this, they're just doing what appears to be the only thing they're capable of, and that's the bull-in-the-china-shop, beat-it-with-a-stick routine.

Back and forth, back and forth. Counter-productive. Stupid.
Bullshit! I have not seen the left do jack squat. The natural instinct of a man is not to force himself on a woman, but to use tact and romance. That's mostly what I see being done on the left. If you're interested in a woman at work, leave her a note and if she says no, then move on. Commenting on a womans body while you're doing a work project don't make sense. But if you see her after work and lay a few lines on her, so be it. If she rejects you move on. The only thing the so called left has done is say to men that if a woman says no, then make it her loss and move on to another one instead of trying over and over.

The problem is people who call themselves in the middle with no solutions but who think they are better than everybody and think they have the right to criticize everyone.
The problem is people who call themselves in the middle with no solutions but who think they are better than everybody and think they have the right to criticize everyone.
I think the best solutions come from communication, collaboration and their resulting innovation. New ideas, where we all have skin in the game.

Like our Constitution.

So, pretty much the opposite of thinking I have all the answers.

I have to say the same thing to the Trumpsters here. Not coincidentally.
Bullshit! I have not seen the left do jack squat. The natural instinct of a man is not to force himself on a woman, but to use tact and romance. That's mostly what I see being done on the left. If you're interested in a woman at work, leave her a note and if she says no, then move on. Commenting on a womans body while you're doing a work project don't make sense. But if you see her after work and lay a few lines on her, so be it. If she rejects you move on. The only thing the so called left has done is say to men that if a woman says no, then make it her loss and move on to another one instead of trying over and over.

The problem is people who call themselves in the middle with no solutions but who think they are better than everybody and think they have the right to criticize everyone.
Men are scared of rejection, women are scared of violence
Men are scared of rejection, women are scared of violence
Generally it had been the man who has had to make the first move, so men put their feelings out there and that's not easy. And women can be more violent than men. We have socialized ourselves poorly in America. For example who was the guy who decided that if a woman hits a man, he just has to take it?
Generally it had been the man who has had to make the first move, so men put their feelings out there and that's not easy. And women can be more violent than men. We have socialized ourselves poorly in America. For example who was the guy who decided that if a woman hits a man, he just has to take it?
The most dangerous time for a woman is the time she wants to end an intimate relationship.
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I think the best solutions come from communication, collaboration and their resulting innovation. New ideas, where we all have skin in the game.

Like our Constitution.

So, pretty much the opposite of thinking I have all the answers.

I have to say the same thing to the Trumpsters here. Not coincidentally.
You are just as stupid as a trumper. I mean what you call extreme coming from the left is not even close and the constitution had nothing to do with collaboration or or even communication. There were no women present, no representatives from Indigenous nations, and the slaves were there serving tea.

You have to collaborate with reasonable people. You think that people who refuse to try collaborating with a bunch of right wing white nationalist fascists are just as bad as the fascist . And they are fascists mac, I'm not calling these people that for the fun of it.

Booker T. Washington tried appeasement and he watched Atlanta burn. It doesn't work. We are not talking to people who want to collaborate or communicate. They want to destroy. If 1-6 didn't show you that, if what you see happening in congress doesn't show you that, if the state by state republican voter suppressions legislation doesn't show you that, or if what the right wing SCOTUS is doing doesn't show you that, may the lord have mercy on you.
The most dangerous time for a woman is the time she wants to end an intimate relationship.
That is a sad fact. I don't understand that and I've felt the pain sometimes, but I've never wanted or thought about stalking or hurting a woman who broke up with me. Including divorce. I just always figured it was her loss, not mine.
If we need to bring back masculinity, you need to be able to define what you mean by masculinity.

I consider myself reasonably masculine. But I am not in favor of the toxic masculinity we have seen in the past.
masculine: having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with men or boys.
Look white....., you can stop thinking you get to define me. You don't know ---- about Africa, and I'm more of a man now at 62 than you were on your best day.

Black lives matter is not the only group. The number 1 most respected and honored organization besides the church in the Black Community is the NAACP and I'm a prouf black man card carrying member.

How Many Slaves Did Blacks Own?

So what do the actual numbers of black slave owners and their slaves tell us? In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States, so the numbers of slaves owned by black people over all was quite small by comparison with the number owned by white people. In his essay, " 'The Known World' of Free Black Slaveholders," Thomas J. Pressly, using Woodson's statistics, calculated that 54 (or about 1 percent) of these black slave owners in 1830 owned between 20 and 84 slaves; 172 (about 4 percent) owned between 10 to 19 slaves; and 3,550 (about 94 percent) each owned between 1 and 9 slaves. Crucially, 42 percent owned just one slave.

Pressly also shows that the percentage of free black slave owners as the total number of free black heads of families was quite high in several states, namely 43 percent in South Carolina, 40 percent in Louisiana, 26 percent in Mississippi, 25 percent in Alabama and 20 percent in Georgia. So why did these free black people own these slaves?

As Woodson put it in 1924's Free Negro Owners of Slaves in the United States in 1830, "The census records show that the majority of the Negro owners of slaves were such from the point of view of philanthropy. In many instances the husband purchased the wife or vice versa … Slaves of Negroes were in some cases the children of a free father who had purchased his wife. If he did not thereafter emancipate the mother, as so many such husbands failed to do, his own children were born his slaves and were thus reported to the numerators."

Moreover, Woodson explains, "Benevolent Negroes often purchased slaves to make their lot easier by granting them their freedom for a nominal sum, or by permitting them to work it out on liberal terms." In other words, these black slave-owners, the clear majority, cleverly used the system of slavery to protect their loved ones.

It's real simple for white racists to say blacks and whites owned slaves. It's not so simple for white racists to do the research to find out why that was the case. The excuse of slavery was worldwide is bs. Terrorism has been here since Cain killed Abel, but nobody makes excuses for it and the white racist excuse used here has no merit.

Keep my name out of your mouth FDR.
You're an arrogant dill. No one gives a damn about your tickets on yourself, damfule!!

Why? What's wrong with not going around bullying people and banging heads on walls for no good reason?
You mean like BLM and Antifa??

But you do know that thuggish behaviour is NOT masculine; it is cowardly scumbaggery!!!

The most dangerous time for a woman is the time she wants to end an intimate relationship.
What humans are does not change. What humans are programmed from society does. The laws of spousal and gender abuse are based on laws from the early 1970's and President Joe had a hand in them. Extreme feminism has 50 years of affect, and these laws need to change to reflect it. Women are more violent now. Women are arrested for increase violence also. However, women can still accuse and get the sympathy. How do we separate the differences mother nature made men and women? Men protect women from that.
Horsehockey; why is either scared of ANYTHING??

You really ARE stupid!!

I see you have exhausted your limited vocabulary already.
Horsehockey? Is that a word? Maybe something from the last century I'm not familiar with? Or is it two words and you are too uneducated to run a spell check, you useless eater.
Interesting that 6 pages in and nobody has been able to define masculinty.

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