Brink of Revolution

Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.
Stay inside then. You don't seem to mind. You gonna be first in line when the government demands you to have a covid vaccination made by Bill Gates OR ELSE? Probably.

I come from a time when the Polio Vaccination was first administrated. It wasn't an option, it was mandantory. EVERYONE received it. At that time, there were two vacs given at the same time. One for Polio and the other for smallpox. Everyone made it as a day of fun and visiting with the community. My Parents (equal to your Grand Parents) were one hell of a lot smarter than you are.
Hey dumbass....I remember that time too. As a child, I had no choice to be poked. But I damn sure do now.

Then you are still dumber than your parents by a long shot. Polio was all but wiped out world wide and completely wiped out in the US in less than a year. Before the cure for Polio, Polio costs fewer lives than Covid 19 is right now. You don't want to be vaccinated, fine. We just lock you up in a ward where they shove your food through a long tube for you to eat. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be just fine. Before the Polio Cure, they isolated Polio infected people with or without their permission to keep it from spreading. Do you volunteer to be isolated? I know the answer. We just can't fix stupid.
And thats the plan, isn't it? To lock up old people, people with immune disorders, people handicapped. Yer an old fogey yourself. You gonna go quietly when they come for you? From reading your posts...yes. You would.
Covid is not polio try another strawman argument cuz this one doesn't float. Yer a coward and a wuss.

No, I would take the Cure no matter who puts it out as long as it works. YOU, on the other hand, will refuse it. You will get locked up with all those that definitely have Covid 19. Just how long will you last then? If you are as old as you say you are then I won't give you more than 3 weeks. We just can't fix stupid.

Nobody is sticking a needle in me without my permission, and they damn sure aren't gonna lock me up over it either.

Try me.

Oh, I won't be the one but I am sure that the Public Health Officials will. We just can't fix stupid but we can isolate it.

What part of "Nobody is sticking a needle in me without my permission, and they damn sure aren't gonna lock me up over it either." did you not understand?

I will not be stuck and I will not be isolated. Anyone who tries will get a dose of lead poisoning delivered at high speed. I decide what goes into my body, NOT the state.

It's your choice to not get the shot. It's Societies choice to isolate you where you can't spread your stupidity to anyone else. We can't fix stupid but we can isolate it.
Whio is this "we" you keep mentioning?

If you can't figure that out then you need to be at least isolated when you do something stupid. Like I said, we can't fix stupid but we can isolate the stupid.
I think you seriously overestimate how much support there is for your views.
Speaking of wolves...a lady in Venice Beach today walked past the police barrier with her USA flag. Cops went after her to arrest her. Meanwhile, the other wolves behind that same barrier marched out to the beach too, which made it extremely difficult for the cops to arrest them ALL. beach. :D

You just can't fix stupid.
Which is why you will be forever broken.

WE have a nice comfortable shelter waiting on you in the near future. We can't fix stupid but we can certainly isolate it.
You and that mouse in your pocket ain't shaking ary a leaf this way, fucktardo.

The sad part of all this is, you mouth pieces won't do anything yourselves but you will egg on others to do it for you. When I was in High School, there were a few that got others to "Beat Up" on people that they didn't like. I used to get the information from the proxy fighter and then look up the background person and beat the Holy Hell out of them. That fun and games stopped very quickly. But we are not in school anymore and you are still playing the same BS game. If you keep it up, one of these days a few cops will visit you and I hope the tazer the shit out of you.
That's a door that swings both ways.

We know where the cops live.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.
Stay inside then. You don't seem to mind. You gonna be first in line when the government demands you to have a covid vaccination made by Bill Gates OR ELSE? Probably.

I come from a time when the Polio Vaccination was first administrated. It wasn't an option, it was mandantory. EVERYONE received it. At that time, there were two vacs given at the same time. One for Polio and the other for smallpox. Everyone made it as a day of fun and visiting with the community. My Parents (equal to your Grand Parents) were one hell of a lot smarter than you are.
Hey dumbass....I remember that time too. As a child, I had no choice to be poked. But I damn sure do now.

Then you are still dumber than your parents by a long shot. Polio was all but wiped out world wide and completely wiped out in the US in less than a year. Before the cure for Polio, Polio costs fewer lives than Covid 19 is right now. You don't want to be vaccinated, fine. We just lock you up in a ward where they shove your food through a long tube for you to eat. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be just fine. Before the Polio Cure, they isolated Polio infected people with or without their permission to keep it from spreading. Do you volunteer to be isolated? I know the answer. We just can't fix stupid.
And thats the plan, isn't it? To lock up old people, people with immune disorders, people handicapped. Yer an old fogey yourself. You gonna go quietly when they come for you? From reading your posts...yes. You would.
Covid is not polio try another strawman argument cuz this one doesn't float. Yer a coward and a wuss.

No, I would take the Cure no matter who puts it out as long as it works. YOU, on the other hand, will refuse it. You will get locked up with all those that definitely have Covid 19. Just how long will you last then? If you are as old as you say you are then I won't give you more than 3 weeks. We just can't fix stupid.

Nobody is sticking a needle in me without my permission, and they damn sure aren't gonna lock me up over it either.

Try me.

Oh, I won't be the one but I am sure that the Public Health Officials will. We just can't fix stupid but we can isolate it.

What part of "Nobody is sticking a needle in me without my permission, and they damn sure aren't gonna lock me up over it either." did you not understand?

I will not be stuck and I will not be isolated. Anyone who tries will get a dose of lead poisoning delivered at high speed. I decide what goes into my body, NOT the state.

It's your choice to not get the shot. It's Societies choice to isolate you where you can't spread your stupidity to anyone else. We can't fix stupid but we can isolate it.
Whio is this "we" you keep mentioning?

If you can't figure that out then you need to be at least isolated when you do something stupid. Like I said, we can't fix stupid but we can isolate the stupid.

Come and isolate me, tough guy.

I don't have to do a thing. LOL. And I doubt if you want people of my group to come and isolate you. Better to have the cops tazer the crap out of you and drag you off.

Spoken like a true keyboard warrior.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.

2nd Amendment. Deal with it, snowflake.

They were asked to leave by the duly authorized authorities and refused. This wasn't any form or 2nd amendment issue. It was trespassing plain and simple by an armed mob. There is more than an even chance that the Michigan State Government is going to pass a law to prevent that from happening again. Bank on it and YOU deal with it. They will just adopt what we have in Colorado where they start arresting the ones with firearms and carting them off, convicting them of a felony which removes their right to possess firearms of any sort for the rest of the lives. With that law in place, just how many would have shown up on the Govenors Lawn armed like that?

The police have no right to ask me to leave public property when I'm engaging in perfectly legal conduct. Fail 1.
The Michigan state legislature is Republican controlled in both chambers. Good luck passing your phantom law. Fail 2.
They weren't on the "Governor's Lawn". They were in a PUBLIC BUILDING. Fail 3.

You should just stop talking, you're continuously making an ass of yourself.

That public Building was a State owned Building. Yes, the Public Owns it but it's a Government Controlled Property. Look for a change in the laws in Michigan. You can't get that stupid without expecting some kind of fallout.
You get awful strident when the peons won't do as you tell them, don't you?

There is a right way and many wrong ways. And you are one stray shot away from doing the worst wrong thing you have ever done in your life.
Why are you telling me?
Why aren't you telling these authoritarian public officials who are power-tripping, to knock it off before they get themselves and more than a few cops killed?

That's who is starting shit, go and tell them.

Tell them what? That an armed mob invaded? Sure. But the Cops handled it very well and defused the situation without firing a shot. Kudos to the Men in Blue.
You don't seem to have any problems with armed men forcing their will on others as long as they are on a government payroll.

I don't fear it. I am a law abiding Citizen and don't fear it. You, on the other hand, advocate Revolution and should fear it if you ever showed the nerve to act out your fantasies. Almost every American advocates following the law and works to change it through voting when it's a bad law. It's worked pretty damned good. Criminals advocate taking other avenues. If you fear that some Cop is going to break down your door then there is probably a good reason why he might. Meanwhile, if he shows up at my door, I invite him in for coffee and cookies.
I never put up with bullying at all in school. I never did any, but I never put up with it or seeing it.
This tall black guy stuck his fork in my green beans 1 time in the cafeteria. I stood up and slapped the taste out his mouth. POW! And the whole cafeteria got silent.
He didn't do a damn thing, either. Lucky for him he didn't try.
He just kinda slinked off like the weasel he was.
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Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

Because never in history has the Constitution been ignored, right?
Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?
Because I know from personal experience how wrong you are.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.

2nd Amendment. Deal with it, snowflake.

They were asked to leave by the duly authorized authorities and refused. This wasn't any form or 2nd amendment issue. It was trespassing plain and simple by an armed mob. There is more than an even chance that the Michigan State Government is going to pass a law to prevent that from happening again. Bank on it and YOU deal with it. They will just adopt what we have in Colorado where they start arresting the ones with firearms and carting them off, convicting them of a felony which removes their right to possess firearms of any sort for the rest of the lives. With that law in place, just how many would have shown up on the Govenors Lawn armed like that?

The police have no right to ask me to leave public property when I'm engaging in perfectly legal conduct. Fail 1.
The Michigan state legislature is Republican controlled in both chambers. Good luck passing your phantom law. Fail 2.
They weren't on the "Governor's Lawn". They were in a PUBLIC BUILDING. Fail 3.

You should just stop talking, you're continuously making an ass of yourself.

That public Building was a State owned Building. Yes, the Public Owns it but it's a Government Controlled Property. Look for a change in the laws in Michigan. You can't get that stupid without expecting some kind of fallout.
You get awful strident when the peons won't do as you tell them, don't you?

There is a right way and many wrong ways. And you are one stray shot away from doing the worst wrong thing you have ever done in your life.
Why are you telling me?
Why aren't you telling these authoritarian public officials who are power-tripping, to knock it off before they get themselves and more than a few cops killed?

That's who is starting shit, go and tell them.

Tell them what? That an armed mob invaded? Sure. But the Cops handled it very well and defused the situation without firing a shot. Kudos to the Men in Blue.
You don't seem to have any problems with armed men forcing their will on others as long as they are on a government payroll.

I don't fear it. I am a law abiding Citizen and don't fear it. You, on the other hand, advocate Revolution and should fear it if you ever showed the nerve to act out your fantasies. Almost every American advocates following the law and works to change it through voting when it's a bad law. It's worked pretty damned good. Criminals advocate taking other avenues. If you fear that some Cop is going to break down your door then there is probably a good reason why he might. Meanwhile, if he shows up at my door, I invite him in for coffee and cookies.
And a blowjob I suspect.
It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND.
You mean like this guy? Hahahaha, you kidder! We know you don't really mean that.

Those gut-heavy boys pretending to look tough is ridiculous. They LOOK like they are ready to overthrow the government and start killing people, but in reality they are too cowardly use those big-penis-people-mowing guns for their intended purpose. Too scary I guess.

Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

Because never in history has the Constitution been ignored, right?

Then I suggest you stop ignoring it. It would make things much simpler in this discussion.
Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?
Because I know from personal experience how wrong you are.

Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

Because never in history has the Constitution been ignored, right?

Then I suggest you stop ignoring it. It would make things much simpler in this discussion.

How about the government stop ignoring it first?
Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

Because never in history has the Constitution been ignored, right?

Then I suggest you stop ignoring it. It would make things much simpler in this discussion.

How about the government stop ignoring it first?

Do you mean the way it's written or the way you fantasize about how it should be written? Make sure you quadruple lock your doors, put new bars over all the windows, install the state of the art security system and check all the loads in all those guns you have stashed in every nook and crany in your home. And don't forget to service the arsenal in your Car or Truck. Use the isolation to feed your phobias.
Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

Because never in history has the Constitution been ignored, right?

Then I suggest you stop ignoring it. It would make things much simpler in this discussion.

How about the government stop ignoring it first?

Do you mean the way it's written or the way you fantasize about how it should be written? Make sure you quadruple lock your doors, put new bars over all the windows, install the state of the art security system and check all the loads in all those guns you have stashed in every nook and crany in your home. And don't forget to service the arsenal in your Car or Truck. Use the isolation to feed your phobias.

The way it's written, dingus. It's government that always seems to magically find things in it that aren't there, or ignore things that are.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't say "the right of the people to keep and bear arms... except on public property", it says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." Period.
Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

Because never in history has the Constitution been ignored, right?

Then I suggest you stop ignoring it. It would make things much simpler in this discussion.

How about the government stop ignoring it first?

Do you mean the way it's written or the way you fantasize about how it should be written? Make sure you quadruple lock your doors, put new bars over all the windows, install the state of the art security system and check all the loads in all those guns you have stashed in every nook and crany in your home. And don't forget to service the arsenal in your Car or Truck. Use the isolation to feed your phobias.

The way it's written, dingus. It's government that always seems to magically find things in it that aren't there, or ignore things that are.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't say "the right of the people to keep and bear arms... except on public property", it says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." Period.

The 2nd doesn't say what Arms and where. You want it to read the way you want, get it changed to read that way. Oh, and good friggin luck with that.
Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

Because never in history has the Constitution been ignored, right?

Then I suggest you stop ignoring it. It would make things much simpler in this discussion.

How about the government stop ignoring it first?

Do you mean the way it's written or the way you fantasize about how it should be written? Make sure you quadruple lock your doors, put new bars over all the windows, install the state of the art security system and check all the loads in all those guns you have stashed in every nook and crany in your home. And don't forget to service the arsenal in your Car or Truck. Use the isolation to feed your phobias.

The way it's written, dingus. It's government that always seems to magically find things in it that aren't there, or ignore things that are.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't say "the right of the people to keep and bear arms... except on public property", it says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." Period.

The 2nd doesn't say what Arms and where. You want it to read the way you want, get it changed to read that way. Oh, and good friggin luck with that.
You're right, it doesn't say..... so that means any arms we want.

People owned warships when it was written, you dumbass.
Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

Because never in history has the Constitution been ignored, right?

Then I suggest you stop ignoring it. It would make things much simpler in this discussion.

How about the government stop ignoring it first?

Do you mean the way it's written or the way you fantasize about how it should be written? Make sure you quadruple lock your doors, put new bars over all the windows, install the state of the art security system and check all the loads in all those guns you have stashed in every nook and crany in your home. And don't forget to service the arsenal in your Car or Truck. Use the isolation to feed your phobias.

The way it's written, dingus. It's government that always seems to magically find things in it that aren't there, or ignore things that are.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't say "the right of the people to keep and bear arms... except on public property", it says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." Period.

The 2nd doesn't say what Arms and where. You want it to read the way you want, get it changed to read that way. Oh, and good friggin luck with that.
You're right, it doesn't say..... so that means any arms we want.

People owned warships when it was written, you dumbass.

Common Man owned muskets. Rich People owned the higher end stuff. Those Warships you are referring to were owned by Shipping Companies not the sailors that sailed it. Those same Warships were also used for shipment of goods. They were armed to discourage pirates and such. When a sailor left the ship, I doubt if he took a 6lber with him nor did he have one at home.

If you want the 2nd to read the way you claim it does, get it in writing. Good luck with that cupcake.
Like I are a cowardly sheep.

When you are doing your "Revolution" through firearms and force, you are betting your life on it.
When you piss away freedom by empowering authoritarians, you are betting everyone's life on it.
And it's a bad bet, historically speaking; it has never ended well yet.

At least we would be alive to correct it later. Dead People don't have that luxury.
Would we, though?
Not if history is any guide.

You keep going with places that don't have the United States Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You keep dreaming up conspiracies based on other countries history. How the hell do you sleep at night with such a heavy burden on your soul?

Because never in history has the Constitution been ignored, right?

Then I suggest you stop ignoring it. It would make things much simpler in this discussion.

How about the government stop ignoring it first?

Do you mean the way it's written or the way you fantasize about how it should be written? Make sure you quadruple lock your doors, put new bars over all the windows, install the state of the art security system and check all the loads in all those guns you have stashed in every nook and crany in your home. And don't forget to service the arsenal in your Car or Truck. Use the isolation to feed your phobias.

The way it's written, dingus. It's government that always seems to magically find things in it that aren't there, or ignore things that are.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't say "the right of the people to keep and bear arms... except on public property", it says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." Period.

The 2nd doesn't say what Arms and where. You want it to read the way you want, get it changed to read that way. Oh, and good friggin luck with that.
You're right, it doesn't say..... so that means any arms we want.

People owned warships when it was written, you dumbass.

Common Man owned muskets. Rich People owned the higher end stuff. Those Warships you are referring to were owned by Shipping Companies not the sailors that sailed it. Those same Warships were also used for shipment of goods. They were armed to discourage pirates and such. When a sailor left the ship, I doubt if he took a 6lber with him nor did he have one at home.

If you want the 2nd to read the way you claim it does, get it in writing. Good luck with that cupcake.
It is in writing.

I can't help you understand what you don't want to understand.

The world is not the way you wish it was, and people like me will never let it be. Deal with it.

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